llife-is-brutall · 3 months
To wszystko nie ma sensu
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llife-is-brutall · 3 months
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llife-is-brutall · 3 months
Niektórzy z nas tyle przeszli już w życiu że nawet coś dobrego wydaje się być ustawione.
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llife-is-brutall · 9 months
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llife-is-brutall · 9 months
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We made it to a new year and yet I am so confused on what to do with myself. I’m confused because I am now in my 30s and feel like life has gone by so quickly that I had more time to fuck up than to fix it.
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llife-is-brutall · 9 months
Jest źle. Poprostu jest źle ze mną...
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llife-is-brutall · 9 months
Bycie opcją zapasową, to chyba najgorsze uczucie jakie poznałam.
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llife-is-brutall · 1 year
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Home doesn’t Feel like Home
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llife-is-brutall · 1 year
I’m terrified that I’m never going to get better. Terrified that I’m going to ruin my relationships because people can’t handle me anymore or if they decide that I’m not worth it. I fight with myself every minute of every single day to stay alive, to keep going in hopes that one day things will get better. But what if it never gets better? Am I just destined to feel like I’m losing my mind for the rest of my life? I’m only 22 and I’m tired of fighting. How am I supposed to live with this for the rest of my life?
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llife-is-brutall · 1 year
i need life to stop for five fckin minutes
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llife-is-brutall · 1 year
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llife-is-brutall · 1 year
I'm just a useless piece of shit
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llife-is-brutall · 1 year
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llife-is-brutall · 1 year
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llife-is-brutall · 1 year
“some days i don’t feel well it starts off inconspicuous until i can’t get out of bed after i said i would only lie down for a few minutes until i can’t text people back and i can’t talk on the phone until the bad feelings and the memories and the beliefs stir something in me that make me want to die until i feel as if i could rot away and that would be okay some days i truly do feel sick but maybe that’s the way it’ll always be at least the next day i can usually count on it going away”
— n.c // i dont think of myself as sick, but maybe i am. maybe that would explain it.
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llife-is-brutall · 1 year
I know I’m hard to love.
I’ll always be.
I’m complicated. I overthink things too much, I have trust issues and sometimes I have a bad attitude but, trust me, trust me when I say that I didn’t mean to be like this.
People won’t love a mess like me… maybe I don’t deserve to be loved by nobody as I break everything I touch.
But I will love, because if there’s only one thing I’m sure about is that I will love… and I will do it purely, unconditionally.
I know I’m broken, but honey…
… I will profoundly love you with all my pieces.
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llife-is-brutall · 1 year
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