llama879 · 1 year
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kiss kiss fall in love
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llama879 · 1 year
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I was devastated when they put Luka on a bus in Migration! It wasn't fair 😭! That it became a bit of an open secret that he knows both identities is crazy to me, and I just couldn't help but think what Adrien could be thinking. A lot of people know about Marinette, but what about Adrien? I imagine it would do so much health to his psyche if he could talk about it with someone and Luka would have been perfect. Maybe there's a chance in later seasons!
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llama879 · 1 year
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adrien has always been a very supportive wingman
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llama879 · 1 year
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reblog this cat immediately  
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llama879 · 3 years
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llama879 · 3 years
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llama879 · 3 years
anyway here’s some predictions (based on the translations from @crizztelcb​) etc.
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The reporter asks, “Where’s chat noir? You guys have saved Paris without him a couple of times recently, did you two get into a fight?” Then Adrien hears Ladybug say Chat Noir is “just a partner like any other” and that hurts him because he misunderstands it to mean he’s no different to her than all the other temporary holders. It’s the final nail in the coffin of insecurities that’d been building up in the past few eps.
Ladybug is facing a very difficult Akuma/Sentimonster and Chat Noir either shows up late or accidentally makes something worse etc. Chat Noir says, “I can lend you a paw and buy you some time.” Under high stress, Ladybug snaps, “You want to help? How about you stop making me lose time!”
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Ladybug’s annoyance might have rolled off his back at any other time but Ladybug had no way of knowing that he was in a vulnerable spot in regards to their relationship at that moment. So instead, it gets to him. Bad things happen and he gives up his ring.
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Ladybug “choosing another Cat Miraculous holder” is coming from stubbornness and hurt over him leaving. She doesn’t want another Cat holder, but it’s sort of a “fine!!! be that way!!!!” reaction. And she thinks the problem was that Chat Noir loves her too much (a very funny way of refusing to reflect on her own feelings on that front). That’s why he recklessly sacrifices himself and nearly gives her heart attacks. That’s why he gets distracted in battle. That’s why his feelings were so hurt. Ladybug decides that her relationship with her partner needs to be purely professional, so her solution is: “I will need to choose another. One who isn’t in love with me!”
The thing is, she made it very clear in the episode just before this that she can’t know the Cat Miraculous holder’s identity. So one possibility is that she lets Plagg choose a new holder, and he just goes straight back to Adrien. (That, or maybe she lets Viperion do it, seeing as she trusted him in Ephemeral, and he thinks he’s being very clever by giving it back to Adrien while pretending he didn’t know he was Chat Noir all along. But that’s a theory that doesn’t actually have any basis and is just coming from me waiting for the Wishmaker reveals to play a crucial role somewhere other than Ephemeral)
Enter Cat Walker:
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( “meow?” lmaoo she’s so cute here) Maybe Ladybug said “meow” because she was in the middle of ranting by herself about Chat Noir because she’s still sad and upset with him for leaving, only to be caught off guard when Cat Walker shows up. E.g.
Ladybug: ooooh check meowt I’m Chat Noir I’m so COOL, I’m just gonna GIVE UP MY RING and LEAVE even though I said I LOVE LADYBUG and we were the PURRFECT duo, me-
Catwalker: Hello Ladybug
Ladybug: …. meow?
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If we know one thing about Adrien it’s that he’s good at playing roles to please others. The princely outfit as Cat Walker, the punny hero name, and the adorable little paw print buttons all just feel very “Adrien” – especially paired with the fact that Ladybug was blushing over him, cause they already showed us she’s not one to easily fall for Felix’s fake Adrien charms. That’s why I’m pretty convinced it’s Adrien. Maybe he takes back the ring from Plagg, but instead of becoming Chat Noir again, he chooses to play a different Cat Miraculous holder. One who is ideal and “perfect” and chivalrous and doesn’t joke around or “annoy” Ladybug etc. He thinks maybe it’ll show him once and for all if Chat Noir really was a hinderance to Ladybug all along and if their partnership/friendship was never as special to her as it was to him. He needs the closure.
Now for some very hopeful predictions for the end of the ep that are totally pulled from thin air bc the trailer only shows the first half of the ep:
Ladybug and Cat Walker’s mission together goes perfectly. Not a single distraction. Not a single ill-timed joke or flirtation. Cat Walker is charming and professional and perfect and gets the job done. And it’s all wrong.
Ladybug misses Chat Noir so much. She finally accepts that underneath all the stubbornness she’s just sad because he left and she wants him back because she can’t accept anyone else as her Cat other than Chat Noir. And that admission basically heals the wound from the beginning of the ep wherein Adrien was led to believe Chat Noir was “a partner like any other,” and the doubts that’d been building up over the past few eps leading him to think that their partnership didn’t mean the same thing to her as it did to him. In rejecting Cat Walker, Ladybug didn’t just tell him that he’s irreplaceable to make him feel better, she showed him, without even knowing its him, that she truly believes he’s irreplaceable.
They haven’t resolved everything by the end of the ep and there’s still talking that needs to happen between them over the next few eps, but the hurt is out of the way.
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llama879 · 3 years
i love it when knights have that gay little ponytail thing on their helmets. no function only style. sir arthur just felt like looking a little fancy today.
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llama879 · 3 years
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llama879 · 3 years
Not a fun fact: there is a term for how Adrien acts around his father and in turn other toxic people in his life. It’s called The Fawn Response and it’s a coping / survival mechanism caused by childhood trauma. 
Psychotherapist and complex trauma (C-PTSD) expert Pete Walker coined the term ‘fawn’ response to describe a specific type of instinctive response resulting from childhood abuse and complex trauma. In his discussion on ‘fawning’, Walker asserts that trauma-based codependency is learned very early in life when a child gives up protesting abuse to avoid parental retaliation, thereby relinquishing the ability to say “no” and behave assertively. This also results in the repression of the trauma-associated ‘fight’ response (2003).
So, again, some of y’all’s takes about Adrien and his home life are just straight up uneducated victim blaming.
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llama879 · 3 years
Now I'm going to sob because he's not angry at all
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He's just a lonely boy who wants to make his lady proud. Who wants to feel like he belongs and is important and is loved
And she's not angry at all
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She's just a scared girl terrified of losing her partner, going to extreme lengths to protect him. But lose him anyway.
Just two sad afraid little kids going through so much, thinking the other hates them or doesn't believe in them or that they've hurt them
Just two two, sad, afraid little kids who've been through so much together, faced with the idea that now they will have to do it on their own, without their partner
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llama879 · 3 years
Chat: I'm Adrien Agreste
Luka, over the call:
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llama879 · 3 years
Marinette processing Chat Noir being Adrien
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llama879 · 3 years
More memes bc my brain is screaming
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llama879 · 3 years
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llama879 · 3 years
Whenever someone is deperessed
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llama879 · 3 years
The entire fandom class when Adrien and Marinette fell asleep together on a train in Startrain:
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