lizziechasehq · 4 months
The last voice Elizabeth was expecting to be directed her way was Billie's, but it properly snapped the brunette out of her own head. Glass of red wine hugged to her chest, the actress looked at her ex with an awkwardly polite smile. "Very," Lizzie agreed, looking Billie up and down for a moment and biting her tongue for the compliment that threatened to follow. That part she failed at. "You look nice. I like your hair."
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“They’re a sweet couple, huh?” Billie asked hesitantly, heading over to the bar where she spotted Lizzie grabbing a glass of something. It felt painfully awkward but she knew she had to be amicable for the sake of their newly-wedded, mutual friends. It might have helped if the other woman didn’t look the way she did and it felt like risky behavior as she reached for her own drink and took a sip. @lizziechasehq
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lizziechasehq · 4 months
“My blood suddenly knows you are gone It is shouting your name It runs down to the ends of my fingers looking for you”
— From This Is a Love Poem by Mary Fell 
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lizziechasehq · 4 months
That's what happens when you're successful the way that you are. But that also makes sense, I'm sure the Uber Eats folks are always happy to deliver whatever "Andrew G." is craving. Unless you use a pseudonym, which might be smart. I'd prefer to leave the baristas without me flirting back in fear of embarrassing myself. Putting myself back on the market seems like an idea that'll make me nauseous. Enjoying life in the in-between sounds like what we all wish to achiever. I just touched down in Vancouver to start shooting a film, glad to get my mind off of the dumpster fire that is my personal life. And the second I hear about the fate of our film, I'll let you know.
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Private chef vibes are not something I ever saw for myself, so I'm intrigued by the observation. I wouldn't say it's wrong so much as I'm the kind of guy who wants to cook more than he actually does. Lots of takeaway and eggs on toast in my household. Small talk is my nemesis, too, I can't say I blame you although I'm sure the flirtation is a good boost to the ego. And I'm also sure that the questioning is on the tip of their tongues, you've just got to give them a chance. I'm ready to make the internet explode with you, Lizzie, it would be possibly my greatest if not favourite achievement so far. I'm glad it was the success it deserved to be... television is a fickle thing, isn't it? As for me, I'm in post and pre production on a couple of things so just enjoying life in between. What about you? Besides pitching our film to all the studios, I assume.
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lizziechasehq · 4 months
You could if you wanted to. I'd say you give me private chef vibes, but you more so give me the vibes of a guy who likes to cook. Tell me if I'm wrong. I'll be sure to let you know, I'm almost positive there's one or two that flirt with me every single time I go in there, but I can barely make the small talk happen without wanting to run out the door. Maybe that's why they've avoided the Wanda questioning. I'll have my agent tie yours into this, we'll make something happen and then explode the internet with it. It's true, though! It was the MCU's first TV thing, we didn't know if it would flop or not. So glad it didn't. What have you been up to these days? Filming new stuff?
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My baker. The person I buy bread from on a weekly basis - do I seem the type to have a live-in situation going on? Let me how it goes with the baristas, you never know when somebody's going to want to ask you when Wanda is coming back as they pass you your oat milk latte. I'm all for what you're suggesting, consider all of my team in the loop as we gear toward something Scarlet Spider-adjacent. I'm sure someone more creative than me can come up with a proper title, but I'm a big fan of the idea. I can't imagine it not being received well, Lizzie, and I'm awfully flattered at that. I would have loved to take part in any capacity.
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lizziechasehq · 4 months
Nice Freudian slip. I'll text before I come over, if that's okay. Just tying up some loose ends.
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I'm confident it's the last thing I have left of you – of yours.
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lizziechasehq · 4 months
Your baker? Are we talking, like, a live-in baker, or just from a place you frequent so often that it's a first-name type basis arrangement? Either way, I need to get on that level with the baristas at the cafe near my house. I'm gonna be talking to my agent about it as soon as possible, I have Feige and Shakman in my back pocket too. I just know the two of them would be an unstoppable duo - if Scarlet Spider weren't already an MCU character, I'd say it would make for an excellent title. Thank you, friend, it was a labor of love that I'm so grateful was received well. We thought it was going to be in no-man's land while filming it but I'd go back and do it all again. Preferably with you.
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Constantly. It's the #1 most asked question. My baker even asks me, it's giving me a complex, but I might be more into the idea of donning the suit again if you and I were to team up. Maybe we should start talking to our agents and pop the idea into their collective heads. It would be something else to get to work with you. WandaVision was truly terrific.
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lizziechasehq · 4 months
Do you get asked as often as I do about getting back into the suit, @theothergarfield? There's only so many ways I can say 'I haven't heard anything from my agent yet' to every guy with a microphone in his hand before I feel like a broken record. But I like to think there's a universe where my Wanda and your Peter are a crime-fighting duo and wouldn't hate a movie or two following it.
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lizziechasehq · 4 months
Maybe no flinging, it's a Balmain and I have butterfingers, but we can just do a quick exchange on your doorstep and be done with it. Make sure if there's anything else of mine, you just have it all ready, k?
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A drive-by jacketing? I fling it out my window and you catch it mid-air? Sure, sounds fun.
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lizziechasehq · 4 months
...Look, if you want me to come get it, I can. We can make it a drive-by thing.
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Yeah, I know. Because I made it awkward.
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lizziechasehq · 4 months
do you ever miss a voice
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lizziechasehq · 4 months
Just want to avoid any unnecessary time in the same room, you know? It's awkward enough as-is.
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Sure, I'll overnight it.
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lizziechasehq · 4 months
Or you can mail it.
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Seems like a lot of work for one jacket.
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lizziechasehq · 4 months
Wouldn't be surprised if you went so far as to sage the place. Yes or no to my assistant, Billie?
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I wasn't using it to perform voodoo rituals, I'm decluttering (feel free to laugh) and it was in a box of laundry.
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lizziechasehq · 4 months
You've had that this whole time? I thought I had left it at a bar or something. Don't lose sight of it, I'll just send my assistant over if that makes your life easier.
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Is that maroon leather jacket something you want to keep or something I should donate? I don't know what it's still doing here, sorry. @lizziechasehq
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lizziechasehq · 4 months
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lizziechasehq · 4 months
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WANDAVISION S01E07 – Breaking The Fourth Wall
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