lizheartz · 2 days
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ANASTASIA (1997) ❥ "Dimitri, do you really think I'm royalty? Then stop bossing me around!"
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lizheartz · 2 days
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For a true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart.
HERCULES (1997) dir. John Musker, Ron Clements
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lizheartz · 9 days
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I woke up in a cold sweat thinking about a dipcifica frog prince au
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lizheartz · 9 days
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(they accidentally made eye contact)
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lizheartz · 18 days
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Gravity falls doodles
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lizheartz · 18 days
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We back at the falls
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lizheartz · 18 days
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Cringe but free
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lizheartz · 26 days
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Modern version of The Swan Princess
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lizheartz · 28 days
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💐💖 It's a Snowston wedding day! 💖💐
Please don't be mad at me Disney fandom; I promise, he treats her good. She's changed him for the better~
(They're going to have 7 babies) 😳👉👈
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lizheartz · 29 days
Why I ship Gaston and Snow White?
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Okay, before we get into this, I will state that I am aware of Snow White's canon age, so I have her aged up to 18 in my headcanon.
When I was imagining Gaston and Snow White in a romantic relationship, I found them to be quite an interesting couple, and I became attracted to their chemistry and emotional connection. Plus, my friend @rapunzelcrossoverqueen joked that Snow White took one look at Gaston and said, "I can fix him~" ✨
To which I totally agree because the “I can fix him” trope, also known as “I can change my beloved,” involves a character believing they can transform their romantic partner’s flaws or negative behaviors through the power of their love and support. This trope often appears in stories where one partner is seen as troubled, flawed, or even dangerous, and the other partner is convinced that they can help them become a better person. And I am here for it! I love the idea of Gaston changing for the better and becoming an absolute simp for this tiny, soft-spoken woman!
Snow White would have the patience and the will to put up with Gaston's behavior, which is very similar to how Belle put up with Beast's, but interestingly, Gaston might respond differently to Snow White compared to Belle. Given Snow White’s gentle and soft-spoken nature, Gaston might initially find her more agreeable and easier to impress with his bravado and charm.
He might enjoy the admiration and lack of resistance to his behavior, which contrasts with Belle’s independence and outspokenness. However, over time, Snow White’s gentle nature might slowly influence Gaston, encouraging him to soften his rough edges and reconsider his actions. This could create a unique redemption arc where Gaston learns to appreciate qualities like kindness and humility. Snow White’s kindness and patience might also highlight Gaston’s flaws more starkly, potentially leading to moments of self-reflection or conflict.
Snow White is no pushover, and she has experience putting up with "vain people." If she can soften the "grumpiest" of the dwarves, then she can surely soften the pure paragon~
As you can see below, I'm a sucker for height differences, so in my headcanon, Gaston is 6'3" and Snow White is 5'1". 
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Anyway, here are a few things that I wrote about how Snow White and Gaston could complement each other.
1. Strength and Gentleness: Gaston is known for his physical strength and bravado, while Snow White embodies gentleness and kindness. Gaston's protective nature could make Snow White feel safe, while her gentle demeanor might soften Gaston's rough edges.
2. Confidence and Humility: Gaston's confidence and assertiveness could help Snow White become more assertive and stand up for herself. Conversely, Snow White's humility and grace could teach Gaston the value of modesty and compassion.
3. Adventure and Nurturing: Gaston's love for adventure and hunting could introduce Snow White to new experiences and excitement. Meanwhile, Snow White's nurturing and caring nature could provide Gaston with a sense of home and belonging that he might not have experienced before.
4. Complementary Skills: Gaston's practical skills in hunting and survival could be useful in protecting and providing for Snow White. On the other hand, Snow White's domestic skills and ability to create a warm, loving environment could balance Gaston's more rugged lifestyle.
5. Growth and Redemption: Snow White's pure heart and forgiving nature could inspire Gaston to become a better person, seeking redemption for his past actions. Gaston's determination and drive could help Snow White achieve her dreams and protect her from harm.
While they might seem like an unconventional pairing, their differences could create a dynamic and balanced relationship where both can grow and learn from each other. 
Emotional Dynamics
Gaston’s Charisma and Snow White’s Charm: Gaston’s larger-than-life personality and charisma could be balanced by Snow White’s gentle charm and kindness. Together, they could create a dynamic where Gaston’s boldness is softened by Snow White’s warmth, making them a captivating couple.
Snow White’s Empathy and Gaston’s Passion: Snow White’s empathetic nature could help her understand and soothe Gaston’s fiery passion. Her ability to see the good in people might help Gaston channel his energy into more positive pursuits.
Social Interactions
Gaston’s Leadership and Snow White’s Diplomacy: Gaston’s natural leadership skills could be complemented by Snow White’s diplomatic approach. While Gaston takes charge in challenging situations, Snow White could mediate and ensure harmony within their social circle.
Balancing Public and Private Life: Gaston enjoys being the center of attention, while Snow White is more comfortable in intimate, nurturing settings. This balance could help them maintain a healthy social life while also cherishing private moments together.
Personal Growth
Gaston’s Ambition and Snow White’s Contentment: Gaston’s ambitious nature could inspire Snow White to pursue her own dreams and aspirations. Meanwhile, Snow White’s contentment with simple joys could teach Gaston to appreciate the smaller, meaningful moments in life.
Learning from Each Other: Snow White’s patience and understanding could help Gaston become more introspective and considerate. In turn, Gaston’s determination and courage could encourage Snow White to be more adventurous and confident.
Practical Aspects
Complementary Skills in Daily Life: Gaston’s physical prowess and survival skills could be invaluable in protecting and providing for Snow White. On the other hand, Snow White’s domestic skills and ability to create a loving home environment could offer Gaston a sense of stability and comfort.
Shared Responsibilities: They could share responsibilities in a way that plays to their strengths. Gaston could handle outdoor tasks and challenges, while Snow White could manage the home and ensure a nurturing atmosphere.
Mutual Respect and Growth
Respecting Differences: Their relationship could thrive on mutual respect for each other’s differences. Gaston could learn to value Snow White’s gentle strength, while Snow White could appreciate Gaston’s boldness and protectiveness.
Encouraging Positive Change: Snow White’s influence could encourage Gaston to become more compassionate and self-aware. Gaston’s support could help Snow White become more assertive and confident in her decisions.
Disney Mirrorverse:
Oh, yeah, it's time to talk about Disney Mirrorverse Gaston and Snow White because I'm freaking obsessed with Disney Mirrorverse, and it's the reason why I started shipping them in the first place.
In the Disney Mirrorverse, Gaston and Snow White have unique characteristics and abilities that could add interesting dynamics to their relationship:
Disney Mirrorverse Gaston
Disney Mirrorverse Gaston is reimagined as a Merciless Beast Hunter. This version of Gaston retains his vanity and bravado, but his skills and physical prowess are significantly enhanced. I've collected some notes on key aspects of his character~
Role and Abilities: Gaston is a Ranged character, known for his expert marksmanship and tracking abilities. His attacks become more vicious as his target's health decreases, making him a formidable opponent from a distance.
Personality: True to his original character, Gaston is vain and loves nothing more than admiring his own reflection. However, in the Mirrorverse, his second love is beast-hunting, and he is relentless in his pursuit of grand trophies.
Appearance and Equipment: Gaston wields a wicked crossbow fashioned from bones collected from his hunts. His broad shoulders and single-minded determination make him a fearsome presence in the savage and dangerous wilderness of the Mirrorverse.
This version of Gaston adds a darker, more intense twist to the character we know from Beauty and the Beast.
Disney Mirrorverse Snow White
Disney Mirrorverse Snow White is reimagined as a Stalwart Friend of the Forest. Here are some key aspects of her character that I've collected:
Role and Abilities: Snow White is a Melee Guardian with Leader and Royalty traits. She wields the Thornhammer, a powerful pickaxe made of metal and living wood, which can break through even the thickest armor. Her abilities allow her to call on the forest and its inhabitants for aid, making her a versatile and resilient fighter.
Personality: Snow White remains curious and resourceful, embodying resilience and inspiring optimism. She is dedicated to protecting the forest and its creatures, using her enhanced abilities to root out evil.
Appearance and Equipment: Snow White is protected by living rosewood armor inlaid with mined gems. The thorns and brambles of the forest wrap around her, ensuring that any attack against her comes at a price. Her connection to the forest allows her to adapt to any battle, making her immune to poisons and able to snare enemies in spiderwebs.
This version of Snow White adds a powerful and protective twist to the classic character, making her a formidable force in the Mirrorverse.
Complementary Dynamics
Strength and Strategy: Gaston’s long-range marksmanship and Snow White’s close-range melee prowess create a formidable team. Gaston can handle enemies from a distance with his expert crossbow skills, while Snow White engages in close combat, using her Thornhammer to root enemies and provide buffs through her connection to the forest.
Leadership and Support: Snow White’s leadership qualities guide Gaston’s raw power in a more focused and effective manner. Her resilience and optimism can help channel Gaston’s relentless pursuit into strategic victories. Meanwhile, Gaston’s protective nature ensures Snow White remains safe as she executes her strategies, calling on the forest for aid.
Balancing Aggression and Compassion: Gaston’s aggressive combat style is balanced by Snow White’s compassionate approach to protecting the forest and its creatures. This dynamic allows them to learn from each other, appreciating different methods of achieving their goals. Gaston’s ferocity complements Snow White’s nurturing tactics, creating a balanced and effective partnership.
Potential Storyline
In a Mirrorverse storyline, Gaston and Snow White might find themselves working together to protect their realm from a common threat. Gaston’s initial advances might be met with resistance from Snow White, who is focused on their mission. However, as they spend more time together, Gaston could start to admire Snow White’s strength and determination, while Snow White might see the potential for good in Gaston beyond his bravado.
Their journey could involve Gaston learning to temper his aggression with Snow White’s guidance, while Snow White becomes more assertive and confident with Gaston’s support. This partnership could lead to mutual growth and a deeper understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
Ties to Nature:
Yes, both Disney Mirrorverse Gaston and Snow White have strong ties to nature and forests, but in different ways:
Gaston and The Wilds
Master Hunter: Gaston is depicted as a master hunter who prowls the savage and dangerous forests of the Mirrorverse. His skills as a tracker and marksman are unparalleled, and he thrives in the wilderness, hunting beasts to prove his prowess.
Savage Wilderness: The Mirrorverse version of Gaston is deeply connected to the wild, using his enhanced senses and physical strength to navigate and dominate the forest environment.
Snow White and The Forest
Friend of the Forest: Snow White is portrayed as a stalwart protector of the forest. She has a deep connection with the forest and its creatures, using her abilities to call on them for aid in battle.
Forest Magic: Snow White’s powers are amplified by the forest’s magic, allowing her to summon thorns, snare enemies, and adapt to various battle conditions. Her armor and weapon, the Thornhammer, are also tied to the forest, made from living wood and enchanted with nature’s magic.
Complementary Nature Ties
Gaston’s Dominance and Snow White’s Harmony: Gaston’s relationship with the forest is one of dominance and control, as he hunts and tracks his prey. In contrast, Snow White’s connection is harmonious and nurturing, as she protects and collaborates with the forest and its inhabitants.
Balancing Forces: Together, their differing approaches to nature could create a balanced dynamic. Gaston’s strength and survival skills could complement Snow White’s nurturing and protective abilities, making them a formidable team in the Mirrorverse.
Their shared ties to nature and the forest environment could lead to interesting interactions and a deeper understanding of each other’s strengths and perspectives. This also led me to call their Disney Mirrorverse ship name, Nurturing Wilderness~
Closing argument/Final Notes:
If anyone remembers my Hades x Snow White posts saying that their relationship dynamic is like Fluttershy x Discord (Fluttercord), well, going off of King Sombra's personality from The Beginning of the End - Part 1 and Part 2, where King Sombra is depicted as being pompous, self-centered, and arrogant (like Gaston), I base Gaston and Snow White's relationship on Sombra x Fluttershy (Sombrashy). I also based them on Katrina Van Tassel and Brom Bones from The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad. What can I say? I love sweet and shy characters with big meanies.
I also wrote a fic for them in case anyone is interested 😳👉👈
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lizheartz · 1 month
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lizheartz · 1 month
I just lurk on this fandom so I feel like I need to use my inside voice about this but….
*whispers* If you’re going to excuse Apple’s actions due to her traumatic moment, than you are also excusing Milton Grimm and his actions
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lizheartz · 1 month
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I spent so long in the darkness, I’d almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is. (insp)
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lizheartz · 1 month
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Character designs for The Princess and the Frog by Lorelay Bove
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lizheartz · 1 month
some doodles!
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lizheartz · 1 month
Art request: Just Dipper and Pacifica stargazing on the Shack roof
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this took much longer than it should have, but I am very happy with it!!
I love these two so much. I feel like the fandom either loves or low-key hates this ship because of some of the ways people interpret it, but honestly I don’t look too hard into fandom affairs anyway
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lizheartz · 1 month
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dipcifica for the soul
short talks about hcs below:
i think during this time and just her age, she would be even more rebellious to her parents. obviously they have less money now ( i think even less then "just having one pony" in the finale ). and i like the hc? kinda canon? thing about her working at the diner. she would have a aunty relationship with lazy Susan while she's working there and would actively want to stay there instead of going home to her shit parents. she kept in contact with dipper and mabel and his "fuck your parents!" stuff rubbed off on her more. so she would just start wearing more "casual" and "lazy" outfits. during any time the pine twins would visit gravity falls again she'd actively go with dipper and mabel to adventures to "get away from her parents" (but also just wanted to hang out :3)
i think to me she is deffo going through a "phase" (its more like shes actually having a moment to express herself so she does it by contrasting her parents). she still likes pretty outfits and when she's a bit older she'd go back to the more casual but still "pasifica" outfits me thinks.
also yeah her roots showing/muted dyed hair lol
dipper is non binary he/they bisexual, Pacifica is cis she/her bisexual
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