lizhasablog · 9 months
I just thought I'd take a moment to list the various things I've though about doing/talking about on this account.
My personal life
My life is a mess of a thousand problems. Everything makes me miserable anymore. You've been warned.
I kinda don't want to talk about certain subjects both directly and publicly, but it seems there's nothing like "followers-only posts". That would be a good feature.
My current programming project(codenamed Escape)
Sort of a game to provide a happy place for me to mess around in, although it's yet to reach a playable state. I'll detail work that's previously gone into it, the current state of it, and future plans for it. It's sadly also the only thing in this list that could make for decent picture material.
Reviewing various shows and movies I've watched over the last 5 years
I'll have to do a separate post listing all the things I've watched, assuming I manage to remember them all. Things will likely be grouped with other similar stuff or things in the same series if I don't have enough to say about a single item. I figure I'll try to review stuff immediately after watching them going forward to properly establish my sentiments while they're fresh in my mind.
Pokemon stuff
Mainly Go as that's the one I play the most currently. I also do a bit of Unite playing but my interest has really waned in it. Violet I only really touch for a day every time they do a new promotion.
Computer stuff
Largely programming or software stuff, but also occasionally hardware related things. I guess game systems could be thrown in this category too.
3D modelling software and model/texture hosting sites?
This was an idea I had sort of born out of my inability to find an instance either of these things that I liked. Everything seems to have some major issue. I have a soft spot for sort of medium-poly models; particularly landscapes, home furnishings, and simplistic architecture. While I haven't messed around much in this department, it seems like something fun to review. The modelling software might be better fit for a youtube series though to really convey the thought process using a program and any interface issues.
Reviewing games I play?
Honestly I don't do that much playing of games outside a few comfort games and games I've worked into my daily routine. I have played slightly more games in the last half a year, although nothing that's left a lasting impression.
"Art"/Artists I like?
I mean, yes, it is art even if it's NSFW. Stuff that's just cute/funny images I come across or stuff that's not even remotely sexual I'll just reblog regardless, but I don't know if I wan't to incorporate other stuff into this blog.
Feel free to request specific things to be talked about.
I'll try to tag everything appropriately so people can filter out my various ramblings. No promises though.
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