lixsmiles · 3 months
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#It's between them and only them
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lixsmiles · 3 months
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She couldn't burn him. You cursed her into the darkness. You chose Lestat over her, time and time again.
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lixsmiles · 5 months
The ‘you’re mature for your age’ to sleeping with a bed full of plushies in your mid twenties pipeline is real
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lixsmiles · 5 months
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lixsmiles · 5 months
there's something to be said about the way jeremy refused to believe the worst of jean because he trusted that kevin would not have sent him to usc if he was as bad as the rest of the ravens. and at the same time jean trusting jeremy as his partner because again kevin would not have sent him there if jeremy was not a good person that could look after jean. something poetic about the unwavering trust that they both have in kevin !! kevin day !! the man that you are !!
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lixsmiles · 5 months
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the kevneil arguing dynamic is deeply important to me theyre like 2 chihuahuas yapping at each other. like 2 flies buzzing at each other and then hitting the windows
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lixsmiles · 5 months
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run boy run
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lixsmiles · 5 months
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Neil & Matt art 🫶
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lixsmiles · 5 months
Andrew: *buys Neil some clothes*
Neil, still looking like a homeless person:
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lixsmiles · 5 months
Andrew is the favorite uncle. Not just for Aaron and Nicky’s kids but all the foxes kids are just obsessed with uncle Andrew.
None of the foxes understand why except for Neil. But that only because Neil is there when Andrew gets up at three am to answer a phone call from their sobbing niece, who admits for the first time out loud that maybe she isn’t a boy and “is that okay uncle Andrew”. Or when Kevin’s kid shows up at there house after getting in an argument with her dad and Andrew lets her rage and rant until it doesn’t seem like the end of the world anymore, then walks her home (hc: they live pretty close for a while cause their on the same team). Or when nobody can get Aaron’s twins to stop crying but as soon as Andrew is given a turn at trying to calm the babies they stop immediately.
The kids all love Andrew he’s the first one they go to with their issues, he’s the first one they run too when all the foxes are together, he’s the first one that they come out too if they’re queer(Nicky is so mad when his kid comes out to Andrew before him)
He’s just a really good uncle.
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lixsmiles · 5 months
All the kevineil content. Short fics. Long fics. Complete fics. Just kevineil.
Hopefully we’ve dug up things you’ve not read yet or will enjoy reading again. - A
Find most of our previous kevin/neil recs in even more kevineil
Neil & Kevin as bffs/brothers + Kev/Neil here
‘Sunset Season’ here
‘Twenty Something: Frat Boy Remix’ is andreil but references a KN hookup, plus there’s a kevineil section in fuckboys Neil & Kevin
‘The Melancholy of Neil Josten’ here
‘Death Wish’ here
Kevin is Neil’s ex in ‘We Used To Be Friends’ (andreil, now complete) here
Kevin is Neil’s ex in ‘3 Cups Of Coffee’ (kandreil) here
5 things by ihaveacleverfandomurl [Rated M, 1945 Words, Incomplete, Updated Oct 2020]
Sometimes, Neil Josten counting Kevin through a panic attack stitches him back together.
tw: panic attacks, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: alcohol abuse, tw: non consensual drug use
you're in a car with a beautiful boy by amechanias [Rated G, 642 Words, Complete, 2020]
kevin is in his car, neil besides him and feelings are overflowing without either of them truly knowing why.
tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: ptsd
Drabble City by alex_glasses [Rated T, Collection, Incomplete, Updated Oct 2020]
Chapter 7: Kevin/Neil [762 Words]
This started out at feels but is actually crack. Kevneil with a hint of kandreil.
Kevin Pouting Kevineil hcs by @cressworthkiss [Tumblr, 2018]
Looooook Kevin pouting because he didn’t get his way when he wanted the team to practice for an extra hour. 
“go on and cry” for Kevin +Neil prompt fill by @cressworthkiss [Tumblr Fic, 2018]
“Kevin it’s okay. Just. Let it go.” Neils voice whispered to him in the dark. Their faces close, Neil’s breath fanning over his face. He hated it. Waking up with a snap not knowing where he was until Neil’s hands ran through his hair gently. 
tw: nightmares
kevin learns to knit when he gets sober, and he's such a perfectionist he wants to throw out the first few things prompt fill/hcs by @cressworthkiss [Tumblr, 2018]
Neil wearing socks that are two different lengths and a beanie that’s a little lop sided beanie. 
im thinking about neil just. poking kevin. prompt fill/hcs by @cressworthkiss [Tumblr, 2018]
Slow poke? Like pushing into kevins cheek as far as he can? Or fast swift poke that he can act like it didn’t happen?
kevin and neil… art by @notants 
Just trying something here… art by @p0tatonoah
“you should be court” edit by @helenspiralgf
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lixsmiles · 5 months
kevneil headcanons:
these are all platonic btw, but u can choose to interpret them differently if u want.
matt introduces neil to a video game at some point (i dont know any video games insert your own) and neil introduces it to kevin. at first they just play for fun but nicky wonders out loud who would be better at the game which is. a terrible decision really. suddenly neither of them can sleep bcs neil really wants to beat kevin just to see the look on his face and kevin just wants to beat neil because. hes kevin!! the two of them dont sleep for 2 days and only get up for practices they have a best out of three thing going on and it only ends because andrew flings the controllers out the window.
each of them have an allotted amount of time set aside in their schedules just to watch exy games together. they literally have an entire set up neil brings snacks and kevin downloads games and then they sit and BINGE old exy games that they stream on the tv. for hours. it's not healthy at all but they have SO MUCH FUN.
on mandatory fox movie nights both of them really love making unnecessary comments about every little thing they see. everyone will be watching in silence and kevin will just go: "hey that dog is cute" and neil WILL NOT REST until the rewind and he finds what dog kevin is talking about. it pisses everyone off so much but they sigh and do it anyway.
they get into such big arguments on the court ohmygod these two are so annoying. neil will tell kevin to work on his form and kevin's all: "SAY IT TO MY FACE, JOSTEN" and neil goes: "FINE I WILL" then leaves his position for the sole purpose of standing on his tiptoes and yelling at kevin. then they start ruthlessly insulting each other nd everyone expects them to start beating each other up, but then andrew walks over and pokes neil in the shoulder, once. this shuts him up and he walks away
throughout the whole week they continue arguing again but in french and then game night rolls around and both of them are doing post-game press and a reporter makes a comment about kevin + the ravens and neil + his whole backstory thing. both of them go quiet until neil just fucking. RIPS into the reporter and after a few seconds kevin does too. she gets verbally eviscerated and wymack is watching on the sidelines and begging for a quick death.
(their arguing stops after that)
the night practices still continue, but some nights the two of them just sit in the middle of the court, cross legged with their racquets in their laps. they talk about exy, they talk about classes, it's like an update session on each other's lives because no matter how much it might not seem like it, they do care about each other and want to know what's going on in their lives.
none of them know how to live functional lives. kevin over compensates on everything he does and micromanages everything and neil does the bare minimum to make sure he keeps living and passes his classes. it's a terrible combination and somehow they make it work??! they'll go for team dinners and kevin will deposit vegetables into neil's plate and neil eats it without complaint. neil sees kevin cutting down his diet and stressing too much over food and neil sits him down, drops a tub of ice cream in his lap and tells them they'll do extra practice that night.
they go for runs, in the mornings. they don't talk on these runs, but they use them to think and just be in each other's company. neil will get up at 5 every morning and andrew will just glare at him, but kevin will roll out of bed to go make coffee. they have a routine and it's very relaxing, especially for people like them.
the nights are hard sometimes. the nightmares come, and kevin wakes up with a silent scream in the back of his throat, and neil wakes up with his face on fire. kevin will wake up and go to the kitchen, pour himself some water and go to the couch. neil will get up, see kevin's empty bed and decide to get out of bed.
he'll join kevin in the living room, and kevin will start talking about whatever, and neil will join in. neither of them really want to talk about their nightmares, but eventually kevin starts whispering about riko, and neil quiets down. he does nothing except listen, he doesn't move, he doesn't talk, he doesn't offer any words of advice until it's over, and kevin is done talking. then, all he says is one thing.
"you're better than him, you know that. queen, remember?"
and kevin doesn't say anything. neil gets up to leave, after a bit, and then kevin talks.
"you're not him. you'll never be him, neil."
kevin has a knack for pulling all nighters, especially when exam time comes around. it's the ravens mindset that leaks into his brain and doesnt leave, and kevin doesnt know how to escape it. neil, on the other hand, does. he strolls into the room while kevin is studying, sets a cup of coffee down on the table and takes away kevin's textbook. he pulls out a laptop prepped with exy games and doesn't say anything. they have a staredown until kevin finally caves and leaves his revising for another night.
they only ever hug twice, because they don't like hugging all that much and have other ways of showing they care. the first time is at neil's graduation, kevin is the first from the foxes to reach neil when the ceremony is over. he just scoops neil into his arms and neither of them let go, and all he says is "i knew you would make it." and neil goes, "i know you did." and that's it.
the second time is at the olympics, when they win gold. this time neil is the one who hugs him, and both of them are laughing and they've really never been happier.
these two are best friends, they are brothers and anyone who says differently can kiss my ass.
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lixsmiles · 5 months
i need to do the task > i need to do the task
^ v
i need to do the task < i need to do the task
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lixsmiles · 5 months
How come no one talks about those days where your mental health just crashes down randomly and you start feeling ashamed of yourself because you were doing so good and now you feel like a complete failure because you can’t figure out where you went wrong.
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lixsmiles · 5 months
when kevin told andrew "you're worth it" .... i feel sick 2 my stomach
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lixsmiles · 5 months
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lixsmiles · 5 months
y’all ever just exist then remember the line “One: the number of drafts in which Jean does not commit suicide” and bawl your eyes out
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