livrebelle · 6 years
After Gaston’s first photography gig had finished, he became short on job opportunities again, and, of course, that discouraged the brunet. He had been riding his high for however long, getting a few things here and there in the meantime, but they were small. And Gaston didn’t do small jobs. He wanted bigger, better; something more extravanagent. He clearly wasn’t finding those opportunities on his own, so today he made an appointment to meet with a potential manager. An ‘agent’ in the words of many Californians that the man had come across and had conversations with. As he was walking down the street, he tried to keep a smile on his face, despite how he was feeling inside, but when a woman crashed into him, he made an ‘oof’ noise and looked down at the strange brunette. “Hey, look where you’re going, s'il vous plait!” His language was not as harsh as it could be, but the man was still angry; letting the person they were in the wrong was necessary. But when the woman looked up at him and he saw exactly who it was, Gaston’s eyes glowed brighter than they had in the last few months. “Belle! How are you, my dear?! What are you doing here in the States?!”
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Belle was very much aware of Gaston's presence at Astra ( it was hard not to know, the entire town practically mourned his departing to america as if they would never see him again ). She wasn't exactly looking forward to seeing him again, if she was being completely honest, but she knew there wasn't really any plausible way to avoid him altogether while she was here. The man had been everything that infuriated Belle perfectly compressed into one individual that seemed to go out of his way to be around her, after all. Nonetheless, her parents had taught her to be polite and kind, even to those who inadvertedly weren't kind nor polite back to her, so she'd try her best to at least be pleasant. " I'm well. Sorry. " she was quick to shake her head, her shoulders stiffer than ever. " I came through the initiative, the same as you. I got here not too long ago. "
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livrebelle · 6 years
The dream for Ella would be to quickly scurry out this situation without bringing attention to her, but that didn’t happen, as it never does. She, really, shouldn’t be surprised. And the woman wasn’t, but she was definitely regretting being here right now. “Yes, I’m sorry, I’m alright. No need to worry about me.” The woman pulls a tissue out of her purse, leaning her head back to dab her tear ducts and blow her nose gently, walking a few paces away to throw it away in a trash bin. As the blonde woman returns to continue her conversation with the stranger, she sees the stares of other people in line now, and that fact makes her blush bright red. “I’m sorry again. I’m really not like this on typical occurrences.” A lie, but Ella didn’t like to admit that to herself; as much as she knew she was emotional, it was better to lie to yourself to avoid facing the reality of the situation. She preached such ideology to others, saying things like ‘it’s okay, don’t hold your feelings in!’ but did the exact opposite when it came to her own self. “What’s your name?” she asks, trying to change the subject now. “I’m Ella Tremaine. It’s nice to meet you.” She holds out a few hand, strategically picking the one that hold the tissue just a few moments before, and tries to pull out a smile from her metaphorical backpocket, but, visually, it only comes out as very small.
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Belle hadn't even stopped to consider maybe the stranger wanted to be left alone, her initial protective instinct ruling over her common sense. She watched patiently, a deep frow settled onto her cherub face, as the blonde walked back and forth, wondering to herself what could have happened. Despite her initial ease at comforting the girl, Belle refuses to pry into her life, so she decides it's for the best if she doesn't ask too many questions. " You don't have to apologize to me, you did nothing wrong. " Belle is quick to point out, her head shaking softly in dismissal of any and all apologies. There was no shame in crying if you felt the need to do so, in Belle's head. Overall, she wasn't one open to judge others. "It's nice to meet you too, Ella. My name's Belle. Belle Livre. " the brunette responds, her hand reaching up to shake Ella's. " Do you come here often? Or is this the first time? " she asked, hoping it would clear the air between them and make Ella more at ease.
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livrebelle · 6 years
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After a couple of days, Belle was finally feeling like she was settling into the dorms and Los Angeles in general. There were times when she still felt like a small town girl lost in the big city, but thankfully she had met a handful of extremely kind people who did everything they could to make her feel welcomed and at home. She was adjusting much better than she ever believed to be possible, plus a couple of phone calls here and there to her father made everything nearly perfect for Belle. He seemed to be doing well and she didn't feel as guilty as before for leaving him, even if it was still nagging at her again here and there.
Belle was on her way back to her room, a handful of books clutched tight to her chest. It had been another successful trip to the public library; she was as fast of a reader as ever, devouring book after book in a couple of days. She was already befriending the librarian and she couldn't be more pleased, since her recomendations never seemed to fail Belle. She was happily perusing the cover of one of the books she rented when she felt herself bump into someone, making her clutch even tighter to the books to make sure no harm came their way. Thankfully, none of them fell to the floor, though Belle's body did wobble slightly, but there was not enough force to send her to the ground. " I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. " Belle apologized sincerily, finally looking up from her books to come eye to eye with what she had assumed to be a stranger. " Gaston? "
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livrebelle · 6 years
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the bibliophile
“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”  ― C.S. Lewis
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livrebelle · 6 years
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Belle was patiently waiting for the elevator, wondering how far she was willing to travel around for the day. She didn't have much money to her name, the little her father had saved up for her to take along with her didn't even amount for any luxuries, but Belle was pleased nonetheless, giddy with the thought of checking out some bookstores on the way to the public library. She already had a small list of books she wanted to rent, plus some she was willing to spend money on if it meant she could call them her own. She was shaken out of her plans when someone approached her, the stranger's smile bringing about one of her own. "No, never. This is my first time travelling outside of France. My first time travelling in general, actually. What about you?"
If there was any place in America Cornelius could call home, it was Los Angeles. His family had even bought a house thirty minutes away because of how frequently they visited, whether it be because of his mother’s TV show or if his father had any appearances for book tours. The city felt like a second home to him, so coming back with Astra felt pretty special. He’d taken the time to unpack his things and make sure his hotel room was fixed properly before slipping out, the midday sun shining through the window next to the elevator. He greeted his fellow Astranaut when he saw them waiting for the elevator too, a small grin on his face. “So, you ever been here before? LA, I mean?”
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livrebelle · 6 years
The Zeiss Telescope, located at the Griffith Observatory, was the first place that Ella knew she wanted to set foot at before she went anywhere else in Los Angeles. Of course, she probably would want a chance at the pier and acting like a typical tourist, but this was first if the woman had anything to say about it. The first night she was spending here she took the opportunity to bring just herself to the location and get a chance the big, daunting piece of metal. Ella thought of her father, and mother, the entire wait in the line. Each day she’d look up at the sky, thinking, hoping, they, specifically he, was watching down on her. Were they proud of what she was doing? Leaving the family and coming to this initiative. Or would they have prefered her to stay home in France? Of course, she’d never know the answers to these questions, but soon enough it was her turn to peer up at the starry sky. The last person to use the telescope had left it positioned at the moon and the sight of the thing was something that Ella didn’t want to move away from. For whatever reason, it moved her to the point of tearing up and having to back away as to not get liquid on the lenses. “Sorry, sorry, you can take your turn now if you’d like. Don’t mind me, I’ll step out of line, I just… I got carried away for a second,” she said to the person her.
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The observatory had been quite high on Belle's list of places she wanted to visit once in Los Angeles. She had spent the whole week before the trip making it, adding place after place like a child writing up their first ever letter to Santa. Her father, ever so helpful and quite giddy himself, helped her along with it, encouraging her to see more that the world had to offer besides her beloved books, even if it seemed out of her comfort zone - hence why some more popular (and crowded) tourist attractions made their way onto the list as well. As the queue moved along, Belle was making a mental note of all her surroundings, hoping to capture everyting neatly in her head so she could tell her father all about it on the phone as soon as she had the chance. If only he could be here with her to experience everything as well. Faintly shaking her head, Belle had to remind herself she was almost thirty now, she really needed to stop craving her father's company as much as she did, didn't she? That's what you get when you don't have many friends to begin with, she supposed. Belle had been so lost in thought that she didn't notice it was her turn until the woman in front of her pointed it out to her. Rather than being mesmerized by the telescope, Belle was more worried by the teary eyed look on the woman's face, her brow furrowing as she decided to step aside in line and allow other to bypass her as she moved closer to the stranger. "Is everything alright?"
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livrebelle · 6 years
It had been foolish of Toulouse to think that inspiration would suddenly come to him just because of a change of scenery. Despite being in Sacramento, thousands of miles away from his home in Paris, his art continued to suffer. He sat on the front steps of the compound, a sketchpad resting on his knees, his charcoal pencil poised and at the ready, but all the ideas that came to him seemed asinine and cliche. He’d start a drawing, working on it for a minute or less and then scrap it altogether. A small mountain of crumpled paper was starting to rise up beside him and the longer he sat there without a finishing a single piece the more frustrated, and uninspired, he became. It was a vicious cycle and one that he desperately needed to break out of. He was almost grateful when he heard the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs behind him, for even the briefest of distractions could bring him back from the brink of complete and utter madness. Toulouse made room on the step so that whoever it was could simply pass by. “Watch out for that right there,” he says sarcastically, motioning to the pile of discarded drawings, “It’s going to be in an art museum someday.” 
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Settling in hadn't taken nearly as long as Belle had feared. For one, she didn't exactly pack much with her, she didn't own that many clothes to begin with, neither did she feel the need to buy more. Books weren't a problem either, she always rented books from the local library back home, so she had very few to call her own to bring along - mostly children's books and some of her mother's - but she made sure to store them all neatly in her new room. It was perfect, really. Better than her room back home, but still familiar enough in its design to remind her of home. Belle could already feel the ache in her chest just thinking about her father back home, all alone, but she couldn't let it get to her. He had been the one to encourage her to join the Astranauts, after all. They both knew this was her chance at doing good in this world, just like her mother had. She didn't regret coming here, but she was starting to miss him dearly. Instead of staying in her room moping, Belle decided it was time to finally look around and hopefully find her way into the closest library. She couldn't wait to find out what kind of books they held, considering they had to be at least two times bigger than her small town library back home. With an excited bounce to her step, Belle left her dorm, only coming to a halt when she came across a pile of crumpled paper. " I don't see why not. Did you know there's a sheet of paper crumpled into a ball that was once showcased at the Museum of Modern Art in New York? I read all about it in a book once. "
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livrebelle · 6 years
hey hey ! i just wanted to make a little intro so everyone can know a little bit about me and my lovely buttercup belle before i start replying to starters.
to keep it very simple, my name’s sara (she/her), i’m 23 and i’m from gmt (i’m from lisbon, portugal, if that helps?) and i’ve been on this mess of a website for way longer than i’d care to admit, really ! i’ve been rping since 2013 ? 2014 ? tbh i’ve lost count, but i’ve been here way back when we used 500px wide gifs on threads, so yes, i’m ancient. i’m the least intimidating person ever though, so feel free to hmu so we can plot things !!
as for my cute little rosebud, belle, here’s some key points i’ve got set already, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask and i’ll do my best to answer ! (also a brief mention of belle’s mother death, so just in case i’m placing a trigger warning)
belle lost her mother when she was 7 years old, leaving her and her father to look after one another. though her father always tried his best to be the greatest role model little belle could have, he was naturally distracted and very naive, so belle always ended up being more responsible and ended up looking after her father more than he supervisioned her
belle has always hated all of the attention she got for her looks for as long as she could remember, especially because it always meant people around her either downplayed her intelligence and always tried to fit her into other stereotypical roles she wasn’t interested in being placed into.
her mother was a huge inspiration for belle. her mother was smart, always eager to learn more about everything the world had to offer, everything belle hoped to become when she grew up. she was the one who encouraged belle’s love for reading and, after she passed away, reading was one of the few ways for belle to deal with her grief in a healthy way, still hoping to become someone like her mother rather than someone’s pretty wife.
belle has joined astra in the hope of getting involved in charity work to help others the way her mother helped her, to make sure no girl’s voice was left unheard by either her social status or where they came from. to start off, she really wants to work in charity work related to orphanages and encouraging more young ones to read more.
overall, belle’s definitely an introvert, rather reserved at first but with enough trust she will let her hair down and become more spontaneous. however, she can be quite stubborn and inadvertedly rude for the sake of defending her beliefs, though she refuses to shove them down anyone else’s throats. she can be a bit hot-headed though, borderline childish when someone really goes out of their way to tease her. she isn’t stubborn enough not to admit her mistakes, though lol
and that’s it, for now ! i hope you guys love my little bean as much as i already do xD
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livrebelle · 6 years
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livrebelle · 6 years
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livrebelle · 6 years
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ya lit meme: [7/9] quotes — Clockwork Prince, Cassandra Clare
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livrebelle · 6 years
She read books as one would breathe air, to fill up and live.
The Living, Annie Dillard (b. 30 April 1945)
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livrebelle · 6 years
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1000 Picspams Challenge | #17
Modern Disney | Belle
“Well, some people use their imagination.”
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livrebelle · 6 years
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Emma Watson and the Beauty and the Beast cast plays Disney Trivia
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livrebelle · 6 years
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Emma Watson discusses new anti-bullying and harassment principles
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livrebelle · 6 years
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