livingshad0w · 18 hours
My top three rules for world building:
How are these bitches eating?
How do these bitches stay warm at night?
Who is paying for all of this bullshit?
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livingshad0w · 19 hours
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livingshad0w · 19 hours
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livingshad0w · 20 hours
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Micron and no.2 pencil
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livingshad0w · 20 hours
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livingshad0w · 20 hours
YOU! Are granted the power to suddenly own ONE video game franchise, and to hire the best people who have ever worked on it (and/or anyone else you want in on it).
What video game franchise are you rescuing--er, acquiring?
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livingshad0w · 20 hours
Please do not ignore our suffering and leave us alone My name is Salman Helles, from the stricken Gaza Strip. We were displaced from the north of the Gaza Strip to the south of the Strip, and the family was dispersed in tents and displacement shelters. Our situation is very miserable. We do not have any of the necessities of life. We would not have asked for support and donations except because of our dire circumstances. Please donate to me as much as you can and make sure that your donation, no matter how small, contributes to saving us. If you cannot donate, share my campaign on your blog
My campaign has already been verified by 90-ghost
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livingshad0w · 20 hours
mutuals would you bind my soul to a magical sword in an abhorrent defiance to god only to prevent my death and never lose me but ultimately making me so different from myself that you no longer recognize me? 👉👈 be honest
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livingshad0w · 21 hours
Not to be a killjoy (though it is what I do best) but the unsafe and rough handling of a baby Pygmy hippo in a pretty substandard Thai zoo being meme-ed into something funny and cute really shows just how much groupthink plays into public perception of animal welfare.
Moo Deng shows avoidance, threat displays and stress around her keepers that are constantly man-handling her, blasting her with a hose and harassing her. The enclosure is mostly concrete, which is horrible for her soft feet. There looks to be some substrate but there doesn’t seem to be any areas for wallowing or deep water wading.
There’s also very easy access of this hippo to the public with no places to hide. I’d love if someone could shed more light on the enclosures but from what I’ve seen it’s not great.
Also the free contact and forcing into tubs that the keepers do is only going to create an avoidant and potentially aggressive and dangerous Pygmy hippo.
But the public happily overlook that because she’s cute. It’s a similar attitude with seals too.
Stop rewarding bad husbandry with clout. Baby animals deserve agency and respect and to grow up without getting harassed and feeling the need to defend themselves constantly.
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livingshad0w · 21 hours
A data error in Arizona may have purged nearly 100,000 voters… in an election that is less than 2 months away. This article says, “The error will not restrict voters from voting the 2024 presidential election, or for federal elections to Congress. It applies solely to state-level elections, such as state senator races or state referendums.” But those are still extremely important!
Your daily reminder to PLEASE (!)
Check. Your. Voter. Registration.
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livingshad0w · 21 hours
Can you tell this dub was recorded in South Carolina, and in 1995?
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livingshad0w · 21 hours
they should put disclaimers on all the “let’s go mean lesbians” type shit that they only mean cis lesbians and those too embarrassed to still call themselves cis because it is kind of funny how fast having a backbone as a trans woman makes everyone else want to strangle you
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livingshad0w · 23 hours
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livingshad0w · 23 hours
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livingshad0w · 23 hours
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Hey, let's talk about anons like this, because I know some people haven't been in a position to see the patterns these play out in on broader scale and may indeed not spot the trap.
And it is a trap.
An ask like this has several purposes.
First, it uses social justice language in passive aggressive and manipulative ways to try to coerce a behavior. In this case, the desired behavior is usually for the recipent to participate in community shunning and/or harrassment. The language above is intended to put the recipient on the defensive where, in the haste to disassociate themself from the Bad Thing, they quickly disassociate themself from the bad person, often with no particular fact checking or evidence.
The message is also intended to create a sense of being surveilled and judged by an unknown amount of people with unknown amount of social power and an unknown amount of relevance to your life.
Notice that these asks are usually framed as if they are coming from a follower or potential follower, someone who is addressing you personally and who cares about your opinion and who your blog has an effect on. However this is usually.... very much not the case. If you've ever had the misfortune to watch a gossip campaign from like this from the outside, you will very quickly notice that messages like this get sent in mass batches to dozens and dozens of strangers. (You can often turn these up with a tumblr search, if you look.)
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The sender does not know you and probably does not follow you. They have a person they don't like (possibly for their stated reason and possibly not), and they are going through the reblogs of a post from that blog and mass messaging *everyone* with a form letter. They will not see your response and they will probably never even see your blog again.
Which brings us to the second goal of whisper campaigns like this:
Notice that I blacked out the names above? That's because when the recipient answers anonymous asks like this, they provide a platform for the opinion on their blog. An anonymous message like this that gets posted doesn't just spread gossip and apply pressure to the recipient, it is spread to the recipient's entire community.
The *goal* is to get access to your community. The *goal* is to use you as a soapbox.
Is the information accurate? Did anyone check? Does the anon have an ulterior social motive? BIG SHRUG
If you go into the comments on one of these whisper campaigns you will see that *most people never bother to check.*
They assume good faith from a follower, they're off balance defending themselves, and they jump straight to conciliation.
It's a really, really effective form of social manipulation, and really really commonly misused.
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livingshad0w · 23 hours
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Inuits in the Arctic can survive perfectly on a plant based diet 😤
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livingshad0w · 24 hours
I said it in the last post but I’m going to say it again because it’s important so LISTEN UP!!!!!
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