livelikeyouneverdid · 2 years
Nu mai suport să simt că trebuie să fiu tare pentru ceilalți. Vreau să pot arăta cuiva cât sufăr cu adevărat.
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livelikeyouneverdid · 2 years
In the mood to delete everything and go missing .
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livelikeyouneverdid · 3 years
“There will always be a person who looks like a poem the earth wrote to keep you alive.”
— Juansen Dizon
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livelikeyouneverdid · 3 years
i had my own town once
i was a God
and those who displeased me
i winked their souls out of existence
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livelikeyouneverdid · 3 years
can we start to earn forgives now?
how can we come back
from the tearing and the scratching
our body’s ripped apart
laid out in front of us
we tried to tell the truth
distrust scars our tongues
and i hope
you remember a time
before the war
before the bloodshed
i hope
we aren’t too late
the doctors are on their way
is healing on its way too?
i am scared of you now
afraid to look you in the eye
maybe i don’t want to see the truth either
maybe it is beter if i leave this house for good
but even tho today my brain aches in fear
when you step into my room
i am still willing to forgive you in time
i am just wondering if you are too
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livelikeyouneverdid · 3 years
The sun has risen but there is no dawn.
Grey smoke lies over the city.
Far from here the fires rage on.
And smoke lies over the city.
21 July, 2021
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livelikeyouneverdid · 3 years
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I just stood there.
Maybe a minute,
maybe ten.
A swell of emotions compounded and suppressed
A year prior, you walked into my life.
Unapologetically independent,
unabashedly kind,
undoubtedly beautiful.
A year after, I still think of you daily.
Constantly scared,
never certain,
always in fear.
The moment I saw your smile I knew,
I knew this was someone who would give me joy
for a moment.
I knew you were the one;
to distract me.
I knew you would be there;
to hurt me.
Months prior to the night that I would stand in the cold, I compressed.
I pulled everything positive I had learned over two years and vomited it out.
I put aside my faith and virtue for all that made me depressed.
Trying to learn what we were about.
Mutual friends warned,
"she isn't in a good space"
"In the end, you will be scorned"
But I knew your face.
The same that smiled as the car rolled forward.
The one that watched for the entire trip,
as feet turned to miles,
and minutes into hours.
But you cut the brakes,
leaving me going 100 miles per hour with no control,
no power to change the course or avoid anything.
not even able to turn the wheels because if I did, the car would roll.
I would be crushed beyond recognition.
Or, am I the deer?
Standing on the concrete.
Just waiting to have my eyes illuminated before,
all in one moment
everything is lost.
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livelikeyouneverdid · 3 years
She knows
She can fly
Her scars are
Gems in the crown
The new moon
Is coming
Darkness reached
its peak
The stars of hope
Is twinkling
The whole world
Is waiting
For the new moon
To shine.
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livelikeyouneverdid · 3 years
Strange Feelings
No one can understand Wonder if even I can It was all unplanned Now I’m drowning in the river Don’t wanna save myself Just want to let it be Remember those fairytale elves I’ve tried to set me free Will it be alright? Guess nothing’s even wrong right now Maybe it was all over my might Would be useless to ask you, how? Feeling confused Don’t know what to do Accepting it all Makes me dive in the…
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livelikeyouneverdid · 4 years
Daily Teachings of the Masters, August 23, 2020
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You are making it happen. Every time you say yes to love. Every time you stop and breathe and choose the light, rather than the darkness, rather than an old familiar pattern. You make it happen.
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livelikeyouneverdid · 4 years
Pe foi nescrise
Mă scurg
Din forțe neînvins.
În patimi nezise,
În ale mele vise.
De pe scaun
Pe o foaie albă-neagră
Într-o mare de luceferi
Pe-o pajiște albastră
Printr-un cânt
Ce-n vise nu-i
Într-un somn sihastru
Prin foi de nuferi
Mă scufund.
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livelikeyouneverdid · 4 years
Petrecere sinucigașă în mintea mea se-așterne
În cadrul unei vieți ce s-a rezumat la două cisterne
De miez despletit din negura luminii
Închis în case de cei ce l-au crezut primii.
Roșu de noapte se-așterne-n piele
Mănâncă-n liniște arbuști de cremene
Se-mping necontenit în oase și în vene
Și fac din ei niște flămânde hiene.
Când ei apoi se scoală din a lor stază
Revin în centru privind la a lumii oază
Însetați până peste cap nu reușesc
Să mai sustragă cunoaștere din albastrul ceresc.
Se zbat zbierând în zbor zăcând
Prin carne cântând al lumii gând
Sperând la speranța ce-o simțeau scriind
Din când în când sperând și dispărând.
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livelikeyouneverdid · 5 years
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livelikeyouneverdid · 5 years
Când ceilalți se pierdeau, ei se găseau sub clar de lună.
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livelikeyouneverdid · 5 years
“Man has it all in his hands, and it all slips through his fingers from sheer cowardice.” - Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment
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livelikeyouneverdid · 5 years
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livelikeyouneverdid · 5 years
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