Olivia Cross. Twenty-something. Bartender @ White Lies.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Raziel’s interest piqued significantly at that admission. Had Noah been sick when Maria had reached out to him, or was this a recent development? Dozens of other questions followed, but none of them were relevant in that moment. The only thing of relevance was the fact that Raziel now could see a way to get what he wanted the cure from his brother. He wondered, briefly, if Shibah would have rejected Lucifer’s offer had she known that some of her own kin was sick and dying. He still wondered why she hadn’t bothered to accept it in the first place, knowing that bringing a cure would benefit her and make her look slightly competent. Cassiel probably pondered the same.
Raziel shifted in his seat, sitting up and straightening in one fluid motion. “I can get my hands on the cure for your friend, but I need you to bring Pest Kiara here. We cannot produce a cure without her because it, essentially, comes from her. If you bring her to me, I can bring you the cure.”
The response certainly hadn’t been what Olivia was expecting. She had figured he would either have it, or he wouldn’t, and that would be the end of it. It was better than the alternative she supposed, but even so she hadn’t been expecting to have to betray Kiara like that. Regardless, it was for Noah, and like it or not her former best friend had been the one to infect him in the first place; perhaps karma was due.
Despite the entire thought process that seemed to be an automatic reaction, she still thought the whole thing was a pretty lax plan. Even if she did manage to get the horseman to this angel, how was he planning on taking her blood without getting infected as soon as she noticed what was happening? “You do realise she could kill you just by looking at you, right? What exactly are you going to do if I get her here, ask nicely?”
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“ – Daniel Craig? Isn’t he a bit too old? Then again, if you’re into that kind of thing, no judgement from me,” Grace teased, laughing. It would’ve been hilarious – or funny disaster – if they did team up to create a movie.
Grace grabbed the cable, plugging in her phone, sorting through her ipod. “I hope you don’t mind generic pop songs.” At least they wouldn’t have to deal with commercial breaks or celebrity gossip. The last thing she needed was to be reminded of tabloids.
"I'm trying to think of ones that play spies okay? Other than him and the guy from Kingsman i'm coming up blank here." Olivia chuckled, shaking her head slightly in response.
"Fine by me, just no Justin Bieber please, it’s like the one place I draw the line.” The blonde added with a smile, looking at Grace briefly before her gaze fell back on the road. “Something against the radio?”
#Grace Lowery#/That awkward moment when you're from the UK and can't think of any actors from the UK xD
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A small smirk came to rest on Isadora’s lips at the comment, nodding in affirmation. “I’ll take that as a compliment.” It was all she cared to add, not feeling the need to go any further with it right now. There were certain times she would have used it as a tool to propel the conversation forward into Sinner territory, but this wasn’t one of them. “Well, i’m glad it’s not me. Though it might be a little more interesting for you than this right now.” She replied, a brief nod to the relaxed atmosphere of the place. “Olivia.” She echoed in the same manor, trying the name out on her tongue. “Thanks, though I can’t exactly take credit. It’s not something you always get to pick.”
"Good, it was meant to be." Olivia replied genuinely, glad it hadn’t been taken wrong as much as anything else. Smiling faintly at the next comment, she nodded in response. “It’s really not usually like this, but yeah, I guess this shift isn't the best for keeping busy." The blonde added with a slight shrug. It wasn’t as bad to be left with her own thoughts as it used to be, but even so there was more than enough problems for her to welcome any kind of distraction right now. “No, well, if someone was actually called Envy from birth that��d just be weird.”
Groundwork | Open.
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Txt: Olivia - Adele.
Adele: Later today? I was at the Smooth Moves earlier and was thinking about stopping by the Church of Saints later but other than that, I'm free.
Olivia: Do you want to maybe do something? I just need to get out of the apartment for a while. There doesn't have to be any alcohol involved this time I swear ;)
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@ sinners
Ethan: Idk but sin for the win kinda has a ring to it
Ethan: could always just be #SFTW
Ethan: or has that one already been done?
Olivia: Why thank you, but like i said i’m pretty sure it’s been done
Olivia: And possibly, #SFTW could stand for anything though. We wouldn’t want people getting the wrong idea lol
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Raziel liked having the advantage, even if it was over a human and easily achievable in that regard. But he doubted that there was much he had in advantage over her. After all, she had something that he needed, and he had little to offer her. Especially if she was seeking a cure, but… something could be negotiated. “Forgive me, but I was under the impression that you had already taken the cure?” He straightened in his seat, blue eyes focused intently on the young blonde. “At least that’s what we heard from your friend, Noah. Or did Kiara’s cure not work?”
“I did, and it does.” She replied, certainly far less chatty that she usually was right now. All she could think about was Noah, about the blood he had coughed up that night and how far along in the stages of the disease that meant he was. She had to do something soon, anything that wasn’t related to her doing just that, she didn’t particular care about right now. This man was a means to an end in that respect, even if he likely had his own ulterior motives in the pipeline for whatever he was doing. “It’s not for me, it’s for Noah. Look, I just need to know if you’ve got a cure that works, or not, okay? That’s all.”
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“Ah, Adele,” she said simply, before waving a hand. “She’s free to talk about whatever she likes, I simply wanted to know. There are others who know who’d be less… kind about what is something I can’t change.” ( Though she could revel in it less ). Still, there was some interest to this situation. “But, do tell, how on Earth did you manage to get her drunk?” she asked, brows knitting together with some confusion, commingled with curiosity, “She sits at the bar, drinks lemonade and proves herself a distraction to Eli while she waits for him to be off-shift whenever she comes by. She doesn’t drink.”
It was remarkable really, how well Olivia continuously handled the bits of information. Never once had the girl completely lost it, never once had she accused Renee of lying or reacted by attacking her for providing information that didn’t jive with any pre-existing notions. Here, the initial response was a faint nod and a stupid question, by Renee’s view, though she would answer it all the same. “Depending on which version of that kind of creature you’re looking at… sort of. Some representations are more accurate than others. I’ve always been fondest of Carmilla, for whatever that’s worth.”
“It’s not really about survival per se, it’s about what form of existence.” She sighed then, trying to figure out how to most easily explain. “Look, I told you, didn’t I, Olivia? There are costs to being what I am. Immortality doesn’t come for free, not when you get it by making a deal with a demon. What it comes to is either I drink human blood or there’s consequence. Honestly, I’m naturally inclined to want it, there’s a physiologically drive to keep myself as I am in a self-preservation type way. A transition to something… inhuman in appearance isn’t beneficial and there’s a need embedded in me to try and prevent that. I go long enough and it starts to become very… unpleasant.”
"Like who?" She asked first of all. “Aside from Belial and Adele I mean.” Olivia doubted it was something she went around broadcasting to the world. Then again, a Saint did already know, perhaps the woman didn’t care. If anything, the blonde was just more relieved she hadn’t caused something to stir up when it shouldn’t and Adele was in the clear. She smiled faintly at the comment about getting her drunk, not caring how it probably made Olivia sound. The girl had needed some fun after the disaster that had been that Potluck of hers, her moping around the bar had been testament enough. "It's a really long story, but basically it comes down to her maybe thinking a Gold Rush was just some type of lemonade. She loved them enough that she just kept ordering them anyway and I'm pretty she gave up caring after a certain point."
“The… lesbian vampire that pre-dates Dracula?” She questioned with a slight frown, trying to relay off what she could remember. Olivia could recall doing something about it at school, but that was all that seemed to have stuck with her up to this point. ”So not like twilight then? And here I was thinking they might have actually named the mom after you.” She had no clue why she was joking really, the idea of Renee drinking people’s blood was definitely anything but. It was simply like a defence mechanism, a default setting while she processed things that sounded too bizarre to be true in her opinion.
Olivia simply listened as the woman tried to explain herself, not feeling the need to comment until she had finished. “It’s… kind of like an addiction then? Just one you can’t get help for.” She mused aloud, more a confirmation or sorts for herself that something she needed Renee to actually acknowledge if she chose not to. A silence fell over them for a few moments before she spoke again. “Have you ever seen what you’d turn into?” Was the question even relevant? Probably not. She didn’t know why she’d said it the second it left her lips, but she simply seemed to be coasting right now; trying to fill up some of the empty space it took her to actually come to terms with what this all meant. Renee drank human blood. The very same blood running through her veins right now. She was curious as to how the woman managed to keep that from affect her at all. “How do you control it?”
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Kiara let out an exaggerated scoff, jutting her hip to the side and raising an eyebrow. “Girl, please. They will wait for me, because I’m more than worth it,” she said bemusedly, taking on a playful tone – she liked to poke fun at her vanity sometimes, exaggerating it to ridiculous degrees. Olivia tended to see this side of Kiara – the playful teasing side – more often than not, though she liked to think it was because they hardly ever went a day without seeing each other in some capacity (Facetime and Skype totally counted). She thought of their relationship as a blessing and it was perhaps the most powerful one in her life, not to lessen the love she felt for her father.
“You joke, but we’re distantly related to the Tageon-Tallanos which… is a long story for another day,” Kiara said with an almost dismissive wave, lightbulb memories flashing into mind of her as a child listening to her maternal grandmother’s stories about their country’s history. Thinking of her grandmother meant being reminded for what felt like the millionth time that she had outlived her own daughter (Kiara’s mother) and there were no words to describe the grief she saw on her face. Focusing on the present, Kiara picked up her purse off a nightstand, fingers rummaging through its contents. “Oh yeah, I have everything.” Once the door was closed behind them, Kiara interlocked her fingers with her best friend’s and just about leaned on her while walking. “Oh, by the way, we’re gonna ride in style because I booked us a limo. It has a bar.”
Olivia couldn’t seemed to help but laugh at the over-exaggeration of her response, shaking her head faintly. “Oh I know that, and you clearly know that.” She added teasingly. “But i’d still rather not take my chances.” The blonde chuckled. “I never thought i’d find anything scarier than you before your morning coffee and yet..” Olivia trailed off, letting the last of the sentence dangle in the air for Kiara to take what she would from it. This, right here, was exactly why they were best friends. Everything was just so uncomplicated with the brunette. She could be herself, completely, and knew the girl well enough not to worry about feelings getting hurt or boundaries being crossed - Not that there seemed to be any between them anyway. Olivia didn’t have that kind of ease with anyone else in her life, even her own parents. It was something she cherished, and something that made her realise just how lucky she was to have the other girl in her life. They hadn’t always been this close, but she couldn’t even imagine going a day without her any more.
“Wait… what? What does that mean?” She frowned faintly, before raising a brow. Olivia certainly heard the girl’s words, but how could she just brush over something like that? “Kiara are you honestly telling me you’re actually freaking royalty?! Because if so how the hell am I only just hearing about this now?” Olivia added with a small smile, putting on her heels as she waited for the other to check through her purse. “See, this type of thing is why i’m glad I brought you along.” She laughed lightly once they were out the door and walking down the corridor, swaying their interlocked fingers slightly as she spoke. “I didn’t even know you could get that type of limo in Rio.”
Rio de Janeiro | May 2013.
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“Maybe you should write a script, and then I’ll audition for this spy role of yours,” Grace teased, putting on her baseball cap. “Which one? There’s too many hot British actors.”
Grace opened the car door, sliding into the car seat. Her fingers fumbled with the seat belt, putting in on before they started the drive. “ – let’s see what you’ve been listening to lately,” Grace wondered, leaning forward to turn on the radio.
"I think it might be a good idea to keep the writing to the professionals, for both our sakes. I don't want to be the reason this acting gig of yours goes sideways." She chuckled, knowing full well how bad it'd be. "I don't know, that James Bond actor maybe?"
Olivia got into the drivers side, slotting the keys into the ignition before pulling off from the sidewalk as Grace started up the radio. "It's just one of the stations, sorry to disappoint. But the cable’s over there if you want to plug in your phone."
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“Photography? Yeah. Since the invention of the camera, actually,” she answered, blushing slightly. Back then the idea of an instant process camera would have sounded utterly ridiculous. Perhaps that was why she liked it so much, even though one could get better quality with a higher end digital. She grinned at Olivia, glad to see that she was able to joke about the event now. It had seemed like the kind of thing a person would need time to get over, but their lives had been so full of those kinds of things lately it they were all forced to take them in stride. “Pretty sure the aesthetic would have been ruined very quickly anyway. When…you know….boom.”
"Wait...what?" She replied after a slight pause, not certain if it had been meant as a joke. "How old are you exactly?" Olivia always felt like she'd learnt a ridiculous amount over the past few months, and yet she was still always somehow still one step behind. There was something about Maria that didn't exactly scream Ligatus, but then Renee was her only point of reference. It could even be something else, perhaps the angel equivalent, but she couldn't be certain. "Yeah, pretty sure a lot more than that would have been ruined too."
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Txt: Olivia - Adele.
Olivia: Do you have any plans for today?
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“What’s that supposed to mean?” She queried, her head cocking to one side as she waited for an answer. It was obvious it hadn’t been meant as a dig. She knew what that looked like from the teenage years she wasted still trying to fit in, but even so, she wanted to know what this girl thought she saw in Isadora. “Clearly.” She pointed out, smirking in response to the faux appearance before nodding slightly. “Ah, the mundane nine to five job that plagues most people’s existence. How droll.” The Sinner added, the smirk unmoving from her features before she realised she still didn’t know the blonde’s name. “I’m Isadora by the way.”
“Nothing really, i didn’t mean anything by it i just..” Olivia paused briefly, trying to thinking on how to word the response without making it sound like an insult when it hadn’t been meant as such. “You don’t exactly strike me as a rule follower type, if that makes sense?” Was the best she seemed able to come up with right now, just hoping it would’t be taken the wrong way “Hey, someone has to do it.” She chuckled faintly, thankful she had her job at White Lies over that any day. “Isadora.” She relayed back, nodding once. After all using her actual name was far better than Envy. “That’s nice, can’t say i’ve heard it before… I’m Olivia.”
Groundwork | Open.
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Donato could tell he had surprised her, but that wasn’t a reaction he was entirely unfamiliar with. He was plain spoken about certain things that didn’t align with what might have been traditionally expected. He sent her a sympathetic smile and offered sentiment that agreed, “You and me both. Honestly my usual days don’t hold immense amount of personal interaction regarding religion so, that contributes.” Then he nodded, leaving it alone at her though, seeing no reason to further elaborate. At her teasing, he simply shrugged. “You get a reputation after a while, for what sort of being you are. I’m not generally known for my effusive temper. So that plus Renee’s note and here we are.” He suppose he agreed with her and to that end, he simply glanced around for a moment. “Perhaps. Either way, I suppose it would be prudent to see what else there is to see…”
Olivia wasn't exactly sure what to make of the comment. It was a welcome change to know they weren't all like she expected. She knew Cassiel was different, but she'd just sort of assumed they was a one off. Still, there was one aspect of it that didn't fully add up. “But…You’re an angel, right? Surely a certain amount of religion comes with the territory.” Perhaps she had misread his meaning, but she was pretty certain that he was, by very definition, a being of religion. "I guess we could use more like you if that's the case." She added, thinking just how much easier everything would be if that were the case. "Oh i'm sure it'll be something."
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Surprise passed across Renee’s face at the blunt query, especially with the windup that preceded it, a thing that had left her absolutely and utterly expectant that she’d be confronted with some wild story about herself. After all, she’d been fairly frank with Olivia about what she was was, who she was, what could Olivia have heard that needed query if not something that seemed more fantastic. She’d heard plenty over the years.
Still, in a fashion, she’d come to expect nothing less from Olivia when it came to questions - she didn’t like to dance around curiosity or its satisfaction and Renee appreciated that. But this wasn’t a question she was expecting. Perhaps she should have. With more saints and angels and demons around than perhaps usual people talked and she was something to talk about.
“Where exactly did you hear that?” she asked, curious rather than upset - she didn’t overtly broadcast her need, but she didn’t hide it either. Nor was she ashamed of this cost to being what she was, even as she understood that practically speaking it was best not to make a show of it - people asked questions and she killed for blood, which legally was a no-no that could land her plenty of trouble. With all that in mind, she wasn’t entirely surprised that Olivia had heard talk. Really, she just wanted an answer as to who Olivia was discussing her with - it seemed prudent to know whether it was Adele or Belial, Raziel or Zoe. After all, that would change the framing. “I mean, that’s not idle talk, that’s true, but I’d still like to know.”
The surprised look on Renee’s features had Olivia almost second guessing what had been said, if only fleetingly, before that logical side of her mind caught up. The woman’s reaction would have surely been far worse if it wasn’t the case, disregarding the concept with either annoyance or amusement but certainly not a mere look of mild surprise.
She did, briefly, contemplate skirting around the subject entirely when asked about where she’d heard it from, but if Renee was being honest with her about something like this, it only felt right to grant her the same courtesy. Besides, she wasn’t even certain Adele would remember telling her if asked, she could always plead ignorance. “I… kind of ended up getting Adele drunk. I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t have said anything sober given everything else she talked about.” Olivia replied, still feeling the need to justify the Saint’s actions in some way. It really hadn’t been her fault and Olivia didn’t want Renee giving her shit for it unnecessarily. It was hardly like Olivia planned to tell anyone anyway, and she doubted many would believe her if she did.
That’s true. They were words she should have expected, ones she even felt she already knew, but hearing it outright like that was still something else. She nodded faintly, giving her mind time to think up a response. “So… does that mean a Ligatus is kind of like a vampire then?” She questioned, knowing it wasn’t exactly the most articulate question, but she was still kind of getting to grips with the concept. “As in, you need blood to survive? Or is it something else?” It was questioned that flooded her mind rather than shock. Perhaps that was why she didn’t give off the same reaction she had when she first found out. She’d had time to process a little, to prepare herself for it. Or at least that’s what she told herself.
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Isadora quirked a black brow at the girl’s comment, earning a smile in response for the quickness her reply. Well wasn’t she something. Then again, she supposed working at the bar alongside demons like Belial and Abaddon meant a sense of dry humour was essential. “Go fucking figure. It seems like everything worth doing is looked down on these days.” The Sinner played along, the only notion it was a joke evident in the ghost of a smile lingering around the very corners of her lips. Thanking the blonde as the drink was place in front of her, she gave a brief tilt of her head. “Why, are you trying to get rid of me so you can close early something?” There was a lightness to her words, paying homage to how good she felt about what she’d just managed to accomplish in the space of a few hours. Still, Isadora was fully aware how empty the place was compared to it’s normal buzz; not dead, but certainly not packed either. “Where the hell is everyone? I feel like celebrating.”
“Right, because you obviously care about that kind of thing.” She added with a small smile in response to the first comment, the woman not exactly seeming like the type that cared too much what other people thought. Olivia could well be wrong of course, after all it was only an assumption, but it seemed like the case. “I would never.” She replied after being accused of trying to get rid of her, placing a hand to her chest with a faux appalled expression. It wouldn’t hurt if she could get away early given it wasn’t her turn to close up at the bar, but still, paying customers were paying customers. “Well, it is 2am on a Friday morning. Aside from a few managing to snag a long weekend, most people still have to be up for work in like, five hours.”
Groundwork | Open.
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“ – who has time for a wig and fake nose?” she laughed, shaking her head. Her apparent disguise wasn’t much, mostly accessories, but they provided her enough coverage ( unless someone had been staring too hard ). Grace shrugged, responding, “don’t know, can’t say that I’ve ever had to go incognito for a character. Maybe I should do a spy film next.”
“All I’m saying is that you’d be able to handle them better. In fact, distract them all you want,” Grace teased.
“Um, every spy to ever exist ever thank you very much.” She smiled, acting as though it was a well know fact Grace should know despite it probably being anything but in real life. “You totally should! You could kill two birds with one stone and maybe find a hot British actor while your at it.”
“Then it’s settled, i’ll make sure to bring my A-game.” The blonde chuckled, pushing off from the car bonnet as she fished out her keys once more. “Get In.”
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Though she’d been speaking to the room as a whole, intending to get as wide a shot as the little instamatic camera could manage, Olivia was not wrong in assuming she’d have been in the foreground. Maria smiled at her, shrugging her shoulders. “I like pictures. They make memories feel more real,” she answered. “And I clearly didn’t have time to take any during said bomb defusal, so now seems as good a time as any.”
“That makes sense. Have you been into this kind of thing for long?” She questioned. It was an interesting take on it, but true nonetheless. After particularly bad moments with Pestilence she’d often find her look through old pictures of her and Kiara, even while knowing how idiotic it was, just to remind herself why she was trying to understand the perspective at all. “Yeah, i guess stopping it was a little more important than the aesthetic value.” She replied jokingly, despite having been anything but at the time.
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