liu--qing · 1 year
closed starter for @monarhrh​
It was a standard activity, inviting other countries to tea with her leaders. Her household sending her out to invite others to tea. It must be the only way to diplomat in this world. Least for them. She arrives at the Portuguese quarters a kind but humble smile on her face. Intent on giving them an open invitation to tea. Did it felt different now to be doing this when her whole world view was changed by a outsider on being an obedient servant? No but certainly she was starting to question things more.
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liu--qing · 1 year
Liu had come here with simple solid missions in place. Serve the family she was with and keep her head down. The greater matters of this place were not her concern. Then she had a met a man that had challenged the place she so cooly reserved for herself. It really did not terrify her these new possibilities. The world seemed wife open but not as scary as she once thought.
She had been busying herself with fetching something for her empress when she came across a man taking the same path as to that of the non poisoness berries she had found last week. “I greatly apologize you just happen to be on t he same way to the berries I am looking for happen to be.” She hoped that honesty answer was enough for that was all she had. She really should get to know faces better and she would be able to refer to him by proper title.
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OPEN STARTER | no cap ( @1642hqzstarters )
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try as he might not to, maxim cannot help but think of when this entire summit had began. he detested the idea of marriage and wanted to maintain what little ounce of autonomy over his own life that he might have possessed, what little room he had for irresponsibility, he took it and ran. and now -- he could do no such thing. now, prince maxim windsor had a family. if you'd told him when he'd arrived here that this is where he'd end up -- married with a child -- he would have laughed in your face. full on, he would have laughed you out of the room. the marriage part was not so crazy, but having a baby.... no, he hadn't accounted for that.
and yet -- with all the freedoms that came with being an unmarried man who could do whatever he pleased within reason, maxim was shocked at how quickly he didn't want any of it. the marriage had been secret, not at all how he'd expected the event to go -- not a celebration, but a solemn day for both he and amara -- but it had nothing to do with the parties involved. he loved amara, loved the daughter they'd brought into the world. and the more he sat with his child, the stronger he knew that he had no desire to go back to how he'd lived before. this was purpose. this was everything.
he insisted amara get some sleep, that he'd watch over aurelia for as long as he could before needing to hand her off, just as enthralled with their daughter as she was. he'd made a promise to himself the day she was born -- he would be as involved in this girl's life as he could possibly manage to be. so here he sits with aurelia in her sling (after taking entirely too long to learn just how to do it by his wife). there's a spot he'd grown fond of during his time here, a spot where when the sun sat at its highest, it illuminated a certain spot by the trees near the gates. the sound of footsteps approaching this far out that aren't the guards nearby put maxim on high alert, already looking over to the guards in case something was wrong. although his daughter was one good thing to come out of this summit, there had been too many bad ones as well. "can i help you?" he asks loudly.
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liu--qing · 1 year
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍  looked at Liu but remained with a certain sympathy despite all feelings hidden behind her smile. She thought she was masked well her sentiments but she was wrong. The words from the maid caught her off guard, however, she did not take it as… Prying. ❛ It’s pain. I birthed a little girl and the same day my husband sent me away to here. I arrived today, and got the news there is this mourning ball. I’m physically in pain. Exhausted. ❜ Mentally as well but she did not say it out loud.
Liu listened without interrupting in look or even breathe. She instantly felt for this woman. Her very aura spoke of just what her words with. “I am so sorry your Majesty” She honestly wished she knew a way beyond words to help this woman. But was it even her place. “I mean whenever something like this happens there has to be sunshine after at some point” She shared freely
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liu--qing · 1 year
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍looked at the maid, offering a friendly smile to disguised the exhaustion she felt. She HAD TO be there. Little people know there was so much pain behind her smile, and a baby who needs her. She wanted to be present with her daughter’s life. ❛ Hardly believe in that but thank you. I do hope you enjoy the night. It is a sad celebration.❜ A mourning ball, something she would not do it. ❛ I took the liberty to eat some candies and my personal recommendation, try to taste the one in pink, and yellow. They’re marvelous. I’m not drinking, so I can’t say about the wine.❜ | @liu–qing​
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The words they were like piano strikes they felt just a little bit off key as the queen spoke. Of course her words conflicted Liu’s internal being. If it was a mourning ball should people really be happy? Should they not be in careful consideration of the  loss? “No your recommendations are wonderful.” trying to find the courage in her to say the next words. “I just wonder where the sadness comes from in your voice..” carefully weighting her words
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liu--qing · 1 year
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𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐀 𝐖𝐀𝐒 tired of staying in her own chambers, it was hard arrival to the summit especially since she just had a baby. She wouldn’t stay longer because she knew her baby girl needed her. The queen needed to make the social. ❛ Nice dress. ❜ She says, softly to the other woman.
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Liu turned to the voice. The compliment she believed was true. So hence the friendly smile on her face. “Why thank you, you look beautiful as well.” Attempting to reach out for the first time, since the ball the drive to enhanced so.
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liu--qing · 1 year
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Cyrus chuckled softly at Liu’s response. “Well, I don’t see any rules saying that maids can’t dance at the sidelines,” he said with a grin. “And as for no one asking you to dance, well, I think that’s just their loss.” He offered her his hand. “Every woman deserves to dance at a ball, no matter what their status may be.” As they made their way to the dance floor, Cyrus couldn’t help but notice how beautiful Liu looked in her dress. He had always found her captivating, and now that he had her hand in his, he felt a rush of excitement.
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Liu in a instant stuck her hand out for him to take. He was saying nothing that a few hadn’t already told her but he was the only offering a cure for this. A smile actually rising on her always on her face. Cyrus had been also so serious when they met and here he was, mask completely down and enjoying himself. “I think you might be enjoying yourself” she said with a chuckle.
Liu was quite content to resign herself to where she stood, ok maybe part of that contentment was because she never actually got to dance at these things. Her eyes must have been as big as the moon was Cyrus approached her. Recalling their previous conversation and perhaps her right embarrassment from that moment. “Because maids do not dance at this.” Yeah it was the silliest of statements given how many maids had already found their way out. “And no one has asked.” her voice softer in saying the honesty. That was much more the truer statement at the moment., 
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liu--qing · 1 year
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Amalia approached the maid with a warm smile, noting the hint of hesitation in her posture. “I think you look lovely, and I hope you know that you deserve to be here just as much as anyone else. So please, don’t feel like you have to stay in the shadows. Join the festivities, dance, indulge in the food. I promise you won’t regret it.” @liu–qing​
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Qing’ head hung a little bit. she had to have endless respect for this woman just cutting right up to her and cutting through all the mess. “Thank you?” She said in confusion, at the same time it’s nothing she didnt know but something she should act on.
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liu--qing · 1 year
Liu was quite content to resign herself to where she stood, ok maybe part of that contentment was because she never actually got to dance at these things. Her eyes must have been as big as the moon was Cyrus approached her. Recalling their previous conversation and perhaps her right embarrassment from that moment. “Because maids do not dance at this.” Yeah it was the silliest of statements given how many maids had already found their way out. “And no one has asked.” her voice softer in saying the honesty. That was much more the truer statement at the moment., 
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private starter for @liu--qing
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Cyrus, scanned the ballroom, watching as the guests swayed and twirled to the music. But something caught his eye. Liu who had left an impact on him earlier in the week was standing at the side of the room, not dancing. He couldn't help but feel surprised, wondering why someone so captivating would choose not to partake in the festivities. Curiosity getting the better of him, Cyrus approached the woman with a polite smile and asked, "Excuse me, my lady, may I ask why you're not dancing? The music is lovely, and I'm sure many would be honored to have you as their partner."
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liu--qing · 1 year
What was a maid to do at a fancy event like this? All the opulent wealth, stuffy air and luxuriously tempting foods. Well of course it was standard to kind of crouch back along the wall when you were among the working class. Engage most commonly in the service of her lady. Didnt mean she couldnt wear a pretty dress and enjoy the atmosphere of the ball. There she was just past the veil of the shadow, a little smile on her face in that deep red almost black satin dress. 
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liu--qing · 1 year
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GEMMA CHAN & TAHAR RAHIM Extrapolations (2023) 1.06 - 2066: Lola
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liu--qing · 1 year
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𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐀 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐃 one of her paintings, and it was time to dry. She cleaned up her hands, and she looked at her personal guards that were, staring at her. At this point, she grew used to having them as her shadows. She swirled her heels, and walked backward, in front of them, and observed her guards following her.  She began to mimic them because she was bored, then she turns around the right way so she wouldn’t bump into anyone, and she saw the maid. ❛ Hello! ❜ She greeted her with a timid and warm smile.
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This was a little different than last time. Before Liu hadnt noticed the guards so tightly around her. Liu wasnt even the one under surveillance and she felt a little suffocated. “Hi.” Her face open and warm as the two got to talk on a more intimate level. “How are you?” Like she could expect the girl to tell her here right out in the open. “I was thinking we could meet again for our tea.” She insisted, it was not a guise for anything just a honest sit down.
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liu--qing · 1 year
Her new friend, would she call her that? Can a servant call a princess a friend? Well she dared to do so. Anyway this new friend she had found hadn’t exactly been taking the same paths she had in the past. Paths that Qing found such comfort in knowing that would happen. So the maid actually sought out the princess, attempted to find her. All armed with the simplest gift to disarm any attempts at holding her back, tea,
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liu--qing · 1 year
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One of his Queens ladies in waiting handed him the piece of jewelry, he examined its beauty before handing it to the woman. “There is no need to apologize.  We all have moments where our emotions can get the best of us” he expressed with ease. “What’s important is that you’re willing to acknowledge your reaction and take a step back to see things from a different perspective. It takes courage to embrace the unknown, and I’m glad to see that you’re willing to take that step forward. Remember, the future is never set in stone, but it’s up to us to shape it into what we want it to be. I’m here to support you in any way that I can.”
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She heard ;loyalty in his voice. Of course she was not the fool to believe a man would promise loyalty to one he just met. But it was also such a novelty in her world the very idea of it excited her. Servants didn’t receive loyalty like this. He was wise, measured and yet somehow managed enough to be hypnotic to still draw her in. And the exterior didn’t hurt with drawing her in either. But she was spending way too much time observing this. “Thank you for this and your words.” The creek in her throat drawn out with a clearing of her throat.
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liu--qing · 1 year
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𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐀 𝐃𝐈𝐃 𝐍𝐎𝐓 mean to bring up an uncomfortable question for Liu, but given her body language, she decided not to ask anything further if it is about to bring certain discomfort to the other woman. ❛ I see, I’m sorry to hear that, miss. ❜ She spoke genuinely, taking another sip of her tea. ❛ Compared to Swiss food, in your opinion, your home cookery is better? It’s okay to tell me, I for one, think this food is not as great as Italian food. Mia nonna used to make delicious treats. I wasn’t exactly gifted like mia nonna (grandmother).❜ She explains, trying to bring lightness and comfort to the conversation.
Liu shook her head, she knew her actions might be warding off future discussion of this topic and as comfortable as she was with that she didnt want the message of blocking her out to come to the Italian princess. Thus glad when the conversation shifted to easier topics. “How come?” Cherishing that this sweet detailed was shared with her. “What do you think made it different?” She asked in her usually curious voice.
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liu--qing · 1 year
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“You are welcome”As a guard, Cyrus had always been content with his role in the court. However, as he grew older, he began to feel a burning desire to do more with his life. He had always been a keen observer, watching the interactions between the nobles and the advisors with a discerning eye. He saw the power and influence they wielded, and he knew that he could do just as well, if not better. Cyrus began to take his duties more seriously, seeking to impress the nobles and the advisors with his dedication and loyalty. He was always on time, always alert, and always ready to serve. He studied the court’s politics, learning about the various factions and their agendas. He also honed his skills as a fighter, knowing that a guard who could protect his charge was more valuable than one who couldn’t. “Well, it is said that to reinstate one’s honor, they must first take ownership of their mistakes and work to make amends. Choosing oneself means taking responsibility for one’s actions and working towards becoming a better person. It also means seeking out opportunities to prove oneself, whether it be through service to the court or the people. With hard work and dedication, anyone can rise up and become a respected member of society”
She didn’t know why his words this time struck a different cord with her. they weren’t saying different things, They were essentially saying the same. Working to right a wrong, was something she could very much relate too, but he was true she was letting it keep her down, in a space lower. “I am sorry I was so harsh and reactionary to your words.” Her brow furrowing. “It wasn’t necessary and I very much see what you mean” That initial few words shifting the whole tides on this very subject. She still had no clue what the future looked like from a viewpoint like his but for some reason he had her wanting to take it. Daring to wake up that thirst in her for something more. She never imagined more so it was tough but dare she was opening her mind to it.
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liu--qing · 1 year
The sun was way past setting, the night was wrapping up and Qing had been left as the night servant in a rare turn of events. Liu Qing was always hesitant around her own imperial family. Qing was so hesitant to look suspicious perhaps the worry in her about this at times made her look very suspicious. Qing pushed open the door just a little bit too look through to the princess. “Would you be needing anything else before you turn in?” Trying hard to hid the hesitancy in her voice but also dearly hoping the answer was a yes so she not garner any more attention.
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liu--qing · 1 year
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𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐀 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐃at the other woman, that was trying to assure her everything is okay, despite part of her hardly believing that because she knew she, herself is ‘weirdo’ but she appreciate the kind words, offering a genuine smile. The Italian princess was used to giving kindness to those around her (never expecting anything in return) but was NOT USED to receiving affection from people, so when Liu grabbed her hand to give a squeeze on her hand, her pupils dilated in surprise at the simple action, it wasn’t unwelcome, she squeezes her hand with hers slightly sweat and cold at the same time. The blonde decided not to eat anything, only having the daily tea, without sugar. ❛ So, where are you from, miss? ❜
“Lands far east mi lady.” Liu answered. Her past and her family the most difficult of topics for her given their complicated history. “My family is from not far from the Ming capital. They have a complicated history with the family that employs me.” Something about Martina actually was making it easier to talk about the more she spoke. She hoped she hadnt made a mistake reaching out for the princess, but she could see it was at least neutrally received and therfor not a grave mistake on her part.
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