littletheorycrow · 10 months
Ticket Numbers Updated Version -
#0001 - Bagi
#0002 - Carre
#0003 - BBH
#0004 - Aypierre
#0005 - Mike
#0006 - Polispol
#0007 - Ironmouse
#0008 - Etoiles
#0009 - Foolish
#0010 - Cellbit
#0011 - Roier
#0012 - Slimecicle - Custom Ticket - Slime
#0013 - Baghera
#0014 - Tina
#0015 - Forever
#0016 - Fit
#0017 - Maximus
#0018 - Phil - Custom Ticket - Crow Feathers
#0019 - Missa
#0020 - Antoine
#0021 - Pac
#0022 - Rivers
#0023 - Jaiden
#0024 - WillyRex
#0025 - Tubbo
#0026 - Felps
#0027 - Quackity - Custom Ticket - Lotus Flower
#0028 - Lenay
#0029 - Nihachu
#0030 - Luzu
#0031 - Vegetta - Custom Ticket - Sparkles
#0032 - German
#0033 - Kameto
#0034 - Wilbur - Custom Ticket - LoveJoy Reference
Additional Info -
• Rubius was the only islander who didn't get a ticket.
• Bagi and Carre got their tickets from a roulette wheel while everyone else got their's from rolling dice.
• Link to the Phil/Quackity's custom tickets pics/post - https://www.tumblr.com/madatrxn/730310447171043328/philzas-ticket-from-fits-pov-quackitys-ticket?source=share
• Link to Slimecicle's custom ticket pic/post - https://www.tumblr.com/madatrxn/730752506886586368/slimecicles-ticket-from-his-pov-so-i-guess?source=share
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littletheorycrow · 10 months
did you know that badboyhalo only has 3 seconds of memory? but it's not really true it's just for the joke-
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littletheorycrow · 10 months
Guys what if whatever q!BBH was doing with the Soul Vulture is actually an attempt to try and "stop the cycle" ? To try and avoid going through the reset entirely ?
Because we know he got what he wanted from the Vultures but we still don't know exactly what it is and what it's for.
Along with that q!BBH said there was only one person who he was sure a 100 pourcent would be dead at the end of this which we know is probably him meaning his death is something he expects from his plan.
However isn't the word "dead" innacurate here ? We know q!BBH can't really die, he only resets and he specifically says "dead" as though it's a state.
If you think about the Soul Vultures and what they could mean for q!BBH's plan, it can't just be the soul steal potions. Why would he need this many potions and we know meta wise he isn't drinking the potions.
What if somehow what he got from the Soul Vulture manage to give him a way to avoid his body from withering away but also a reset ?
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littletheorycrow · 10 months
Can't believe Fit just came out (no more glass closet, finally 🥹🏳️‍🌈)
[Ramon: 'would you rather a dad or mom'
Fit: "Uh- No one! No one."
*mines the sign*
Fit: "Let's uh... let's get over to Felps' square, Ramon."
*long pause*
Fit: "Uhm. Wait wait, Ramon."
*another (even longer) pause*
Fit, quickly: "If i had to chose between the two it'd be a dad. Alright let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Felps' square. Felps' square."
Dono: 'This kid has been back for HOURS and already making so much progress. I missed him sm'
Fit, grinning: "Yeah we're making progress. We're making progress, alright."
Ramon: 'wait you can keep going'
Ramon: 'am still progressing the info'
Ramon: 'omg'
Ramon: 'so happy'
Fit: "Yeah yeah yeah yeah, don't uh- don't you worry Ramon, yeah. I know. Well, I'm glad you're happy, kid. I'm glad you're happy."
*Ramon starts running*
Fit: "But hey, look at me Ramon! Ramon! Look at me. BABY STEPS! BABYYY STEPS! Can't rush into things!"]
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littletheorycrow · 10 months
ramon was so out of pocket all day but this moment with pac was crazy of him (+pac's response??)
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littletheorycrow · 10 months
Here is a post containing ""all"" the information we know about q!BBH lore seperated into 4 categories
I'm doing this because god knows the ghosties need help trying to piece all of this together and also to inform less brainrot-y people what to expect in the future
Now this is mostly based on memory so I encourage people to tell me things to add if they notice anything and I will add it on here (with credit). I also tried my best to not go too far into theory category and instead tried to make this as objective as possible.
This is seperated into four categories because although we know most of this is connected I feel like it will just be more comprehensive to seperate them into easily discernable categories.
There are also some seemingly obvious things that I don't mention because they kinda are their own plot and idk how they fit into the grander picture yet (mostly talking about Ron here since his plot is self explanatory and kinda divorced from the other stuff if we exclude theories)
-Q!BBH has a secret plan to take down the federation (or at least severly damage it)
-Q!BBH has apparently multiple plans (@lxrd-ren)
-When talking to q!Niki he apparently revealed that he "was in the middle of a 'really big project' when the eggs got taken. He confirmed it wasn't a building project and said it was more of a 'surprise". We can maybe assume he is probably talking about his plan against the Federation. (@lxrd-ren)
-This plan has been made before the Eggs got kidnapped
-Q!BBH has been letting Soul Vultures feed on him, in one of the endings of his stream he is heard killing them. It is most likely that he has been letting Soul Vultures feed on him so that they can drop a Soul Heart.
-Q!BBH is responsible for the theft of furniture
-Q!BBH has placed most of the mines (after the eggs were missing i think ???) and it's apparently "part of his plan".
-Q!BBH's magma slime prank was also "part of the plan"
-Q!BBH's plan involves him getting arrested and put in jail (but it has to happen at the right time)
-The eggs, q!Forever going missing along with q!Cellbit snapping were all things that went against his plans (for q!Cellbit he needed him to be sane).
-To add onto that he "was working on it but shifted goals from the suprise to finding the eggs. He said there was no point in this plan if he doesn't find the eggs and that he has to find the eggs for the plan to mean anything" (@lxrd-ren)
-He hints that only one person that will 100 pourcent for sure die in his plan (most likely him considering hints however we don't know what this death entails)
-Q!BBH also has been testing islanders through mindgames (asking q!Cellbit if he could be president/him implying he is gonna kidnap q!Jaiden)
-Q!BBH has said he is trying to get people to underestimate him/not view him as a threat
-cc!BBH has said that there is a lot of things that don't seem connected that are connected (in context while talking to his plan)
-He also said that while it doesn't make sense right now, it's simply because we don't see the full picture
-"He is aware that the federation treats him with surprising leniency compared to everyone else ("chat, have you noticed cucurucho just gives me slaps on the wrist?" [paraphrased] after his "arrest" in the federation storage room) — he never mentioned this detail away." (@lionheartedmusings)
-This one borders on theory/speculation but I'll accept it because I find it very interesting : "on a stream a while before he started his anti-fed plan, before he even did the "building inspector" prank, he talked at length about frog boiling — how they were just slowly turning the heat on the pan so they (the islanders) didn't notice they were boiling. he then continued to talk about how a "good plan" would be to turn the heat up faster, to make everyone aware of the danger. where that fits into the overall plot is unknown, but it stuck with me." (@lionheartedmusings)
-Q!BBH has stopped seeing colors when the eggs went missing (we are unsure if that has changed recently)
-Q!BBH's sense of pain and smell also has went away (it seems he has gone back to feeling some sort of pain but again unsure)
-Q!BBH has not slept when the eggs were missing with some exceptions
-Q!BBH has constantly suffered with memory loss ever since the eggs were missing with it's degrees of severity changing during the course of this arc
-Q!BBH has had a paranoid breakdown leading to him hallucinating and destroying Ron's previous home
-We can see on Q!BBH's skin that he seems to have some sort of head injury that has gotten worse over time
-Q!BBH has gone from pale (all of the colors faded as though he was a ghost) back to normal saturation twice now.
-Q!BBH seems to have strange green spots growing on his back ever since he got hit with the nuclear explosion (we don't know what it exactly is yet)
-Q!BBH seems to constantly mention that he is "hungry"
-Q!BBH has been coughing recently
-"The green is only on his back, back legs, back arms and back of his head. However, in the front and on the right side of his chest there is a very dark patch of green" (@lxrd-ren)
--"Once his whole body (the hood) turned the same shade of blue as the blue stuff on him. This was on the same day as the hallucination stream (1st Oct)" (@lxrd-ren)
-Q!BBH is seen waking up in a strange desaturated desert wasteland after seemingly dying from the nuclear blast
-Q!BBH seems to lose his memories when in that landscape only seemingly remembering further down the line when the landscape suddenly gains color
-There are pyramids and empty villages
-Q!BBH finds two pieces of strings in a random house
-There is a dead version of himself in this landscape with a book stating that the water in the fountain of the abandonned village is poisonned
-There is a zombie horse attached next to a strange rock, Q!BBH seems to know what this means but says that it's "not time yet" and adding "maybe in a hundred or a thousand years"
-We see two instances of our Q!BBH (assumed) going through this strange afterlife. The first time we see him dig up the sand and place it randomly along with him chosing to drink the apparently poisonned water. The second time he choses to dig up the sand but places it back where it was and he choses not to drink the poisonned water.
-There seems to be a third Q!BBH (outside of ours and the dead one) stuck in his desert afterlife, he seems to constantly be waiting next to a desert structure. He doesn't seem to have any of his memories either similar to how Q!BBH first was when he entered this place for the first time.
-This is not certain but it seems that not drinking the water had effect on how bad q!BBH's memory loss is.
-Q!BBH has been on this plane of reality for at least a 11 thousand years (thank you @born-in-hell for the correction)
-He was apparently summoned to this realm (i think through a portal ???)
-He is confirmed to be a demon however there are multiple hints that he might be more of a fallen angel (angel statues and wings on his throne also his throne is called the "fallen throne")
-He is at the cause of a lot of disasters like the destruction of Pompeii and the sinking of Antlantis (along with more things).
-It is implied that he may be responsible for the Dodo's extinction (@born-in-hell)
-He also apparently burnt a children's hospital by accident which caused him to be chased by lithuanians (this one is just really fucking funny to me) (@born-in-hell)
-He witnessed the salem witch trial and found it fun
-"Past events mentioned as of now: Atlantis (likely when he was summoned), Euphrates, The Plague (the last time he had drugs), The Witch Trials (watched them), Pompeii(visited), The Dodos(I think he ate one)" (@lxrd-ren)
-Q!BBH knows the person who ended up being the name for Mt. Vesuvius
-More context one of the incident : "the last time he had drugs he found they don't agree with him, and it led to a big oops in venice specifically (hence our theorising that he caused the black plague, as venice was hit especially hard by it)" (@lionheartedmusings)
-He was apparently stuck under the river Euphrates (further evidence of him being a fallen angel)
-He can eat basically anything and has eaten people before however he has not eaten demon which means he is not a cannibal
-He works a job as a part time reaper
-He seems to have an attuned sense for death, knowing if people have passed on and being able to perceive dead people (like us ghosties !)
-His strange ""secret"" base contains the Ankh symbol and a reference to the river Styx (the ladder one is more so an assumption but it seems to be the case)
-Q!BBH was stuck in a timeloop with the only thing staying the same being his connection to Skeppy. He says he believes he is out of the timeloop but doesn't know how he got out of it (@lxrd-ren)
-"According to Dapper’s notes, Bad’s blood was not visually different to human blood, so we can assume his normal blood is red" (@murky-tannin)
Okay I've probably missed a bunch of stuff but this is all my brain can conjure before it explodes, if you guys want to add more to the list you can just say it in RB's and replies.
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littletheorycrow · 10 months
So um
Watching Phil's stream, where he's clearing up the black concrete. I'm just realizing, the black concrete is left in trails that follow the eggs paths.
And knowing what we know now about the eggs being on the island the whole time, and about the black concrete being a "virus" of some sort, I'm starting to think the EGGS themselves might be the source of the concrete.
Think about it. They leave their parents, with no signs or books left behind. They go blocks away, no gear, nothing, all seemingly because they were scared of some danger. But that makes no sense. If the danger was towards them, then they would have taken gear.
But. If the EGGS were the danger, then there's no reason to take any gear, no reason to leave behind any signs. The EGGS didn't leave because they were scared of something hurting them, they left them they were scared of hurting their families. And by 'they' I mean Chayanne, since according to Dapper, he's the only one who knew why the EGGS were leaving.
The questions we have now is who Chayanne got the warning from, and why the observer was taunting the parents with the eggs when they didn't have them yet, and apparently never had them until the very end.
There's also the mystery of what the 8th number on the spinning board is.
Also imagine the EGGS wake up and just...run...again. Like Chay wakes up and is like "Thanks for the save. Later nerds" and he just... leaves.
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littletheorycrow · 10 months
Hello! My name is Snail, welcome to my blog!
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Do not be a bigot in my inbox. I will screenshot it, block you, and post the screenshots to clown on you. You have been warned
I do not, under any circumstances, write RL Fic. All my work is intended to about the characters the creators play in series/on SMPs/in content.
This blog is for fun and is something I do in my spare time to keep me sane. Please be patient with me, I only have so much energy to spare.
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About Me!
I am Transmasc 💙 My pronouns are They/He !!
My main povs are: philza, forever, tubbo, baghera, jaiden, roier & etolies.
sugarduo (qsmp) are my beloveds. please talk to me about them.
i have a sugarduo fic that i have been working on for Ages and haven't released yet bc of health issues :(
My fav SMP rn is QSMP, but I also love Hermitcraft !! If you have any recs for SMPs please tell me 💚
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littletheorycrow · 10 months
Some people have been theorizing that Cellbit is going to come back and the lore of him killing the federation workers will end because Richas is back and I strongly disagree. Richas might be back, but this doesn't erase everything the federation did to him.
Cucurucho tortured him with a chainsaw and spent at least one/two weeks terrorizing him with it, making him relive his trauma and also lying to make everyone think he was crazy.
Cucurucho manipulated and lied to his best friend, making him think that Cellbit was being paranoid, and then kidnaped him with the false pretense of helping Richarlyson.
The federation brainwashed Cellbit to work for them after he found where Felps was, and after he stopped being useful, they erased his memory of his time there.
The federation made him spend a whole month investigating stuff, making him believe he was finally achieving something, just so they could erase all the evidence he found.
And recently he found out that the federation kidnapped him and, supposedly, were the ones responsible for him losing his memories and going to war when he was 13/14 years old.
Those aren't even all the reasons he has to hate/kill them and the only reason he DIDN'T kill them before was because he was afraid of what they could do to Richas, but now? Now that he tasted the blood of these mfs? There's no coming back from this, he is going to keep killing them and nothing and no one can stop him from doing it, not even his family.
(unfortunately i do think the murder husbands aren't going to happen, especially now that Roier has a new egg, i think the killing will be done solo)
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littletheorycrow · 10 months
This ending felt kind of frustrating. Dont get me wrong, really liked watching it. But it just felt... too much? And too little at the same time. There were just so many plot points that went unexplained and brushed over, while new mysteries were introduced. It felt like a cliffhanger for a cliffhanger's sake. There was no satisfying ending to Purgatory bc there was no ending. Literally, it didnt end. They announced pt.2 with other people.
And Purgatory was a plot that interrupted MANY other ones. Just so u guys get the picture im listing some of them:
rebellion (etoiles and fit),
soul vultures & grim reaper (bbh),
presidency & nether comeback (forever),
cell's comeback (cellbit, bagi, pac and mike),
fed infiltration (foolish),
past lives (cellbit & bagi/bagh/pierre/fit)
Here's also a list of all the unanswered questions and lost plot points i could think of, regarding all of the qsmp:
Who was the cursed team? The eye didn't mention it once during the ending.
Who is the Eye?
What the organization behind Purgatory is? Was it only 1 entity?
Still no answers abt what is the federation besides the worker hierarchy and that there is something stronger than it.
Still no answers abt Arin or the computers
What did qforever achieve by going to the nether? Was it all for nothing?
What was the Judas book? Was it related to Purgatory?
How did qPac get out of the Nether to go to Purgatory??
What were and what was the purpose of the Mini-mes?
Elquackity. Just Elquackity.
What does comic bbh recieved mean?
What does the egg story the islanders got on the maze mean??
What are the eggs?
Why were the islanders and eggs kidnapped by the Eye?
Why are they cracking? What are those cracks?
Why was the fed conducting hybrid child experiments?
What was the eye's intention? Why did they want to prove the islanders were bad people so much?
What does that radio convo they listened to on the maze mean? Who were the ppl talking?
Black cucurucho/evil cucurucho/baribal. How does he fit in the purgatory arc? What is it?
Why did the fed send qWilbur away to do shows?
What is the black substance?
What did they do to quackity? Why quackity?
Why was qmax told to build a nuke, how did he carry it into purgatory and why did he set it off on egg island?
What was the island b4 the current events? Where did the people that lived there go?
Why did qbagi's and qcell's parents live on quesadilla island? What were they doing there?
What did qCellbit discover that made the feds send him away?
What happened to Sofia?
Why did that guy tell qMax to build Sofia?
How did dan and spreen die?
What is Project AB?
Why was Dappers hat on the puzzle b4 the dice game?
Why was the first game directed to qBBH? Why was everyone else just tp'd?
What did the "Humans believe in god because they dont have answers. You are inteligent" line Cucurucho said to qBBH mean?
What did they do to qFelps when he was kidnapped??
What did the Fed do to qCellbit while he was infiltrated?
Is the rollback implied by qForever's insanity cutscenes canon? Or were they dreams/hallucinations?
Who is the rebellion and what are their goals and motives??
Why were they targeting the eggs?
What are the codes?
What is Codeflippa, who is she affiliated to?
Who is the Special Guest and why did the Fed buy muffins by their request?
Who is the Duck?
Who is the Host?
What did the egg's Purgatory messages mean?
Why were they first kidnapped?
Why did Elq kidnap Dapper?
The Angelic Cucurucho??
There's certainly more, but these were the ones i remembered. Also, yes, there are theories, implications and semi-confirmations for a lot of these. But no clear direct answer. Just fan work.
There's so much going on. While the regret arc was happening, the mysteries were simpler and the stakes were a lot smaller. We had the fed, the eggs, the island and the codes. That was it. The main goal was to get off the island but now. It ended in a satisfing way bc it was a linear tale that followed naturally and wasnt too long.
Happy pills was also a satisfying arc bc it ended clearly. We got the payoff we needed from it.
With the eggs disappearence arc, we've been suffering for too long. Theres always a new clue. We are always so close but too far. When we think we'll get an answer and a conclusion, we just don't. For the story to have felt complete we needed answers. What we didn't need was a cliffhanger. Another one.
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littletheorycrow · 10 months
If Dapper is the egg the wheel choose, why tf was Chay separated from the rest???
Why is Chay always the one egg singled out??? What is so significant about this one huevo?????
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littletheorycrow · 11 months
/Just some theories and explanation/
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this is a deer skull
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notice they have teeth
This is a crow skull
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See? No teeth
Now you might be asking: Rook, why the fuck would he have a picture of a deer skull? He has nothing to go with deer and everything to do with crows *dramatic hair flip*
With the book the image came with, he does
Deer and deer skulls represent intelligence, creativity, instinct, and regeneration depending on where you look (because of how deer shed and regrow their antlers). In mythology, they're also associated with the Moon, the dawn, and the direction east.
Now this might just be me taking massive amounts of copium, but I think everything that the skull represents can be tied into some sort of symbolism. The intelligence and creativity bit goes with qphilza's previous actions, as well as the instinct bit with his play style and how naturally cautious he is with things. The regeneration could be foreshadowing the regrowth of new feathers, and the renewal of his flight. The moon signifies the night (as mentioned it the book, it seems that night is important) the dawn could mean new beginnings, or again, regeneration. Also, for the non witches out there, the direction east is also associated with air. And if the book keeps calling him the child of the sky, well...
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littletheorycrow · 11 months
*takes your face carefully in my hands* we will be just fine
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littletheorycrow · 11 months
Okay so, this image.
I swear it drives me fucking insane.
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But the members have done a really good job at trying trying to figure out what the comic means.
The theory I like the best is the one Badboyhalo came up with in Phil's 4am stream (the one where he lore dumped on Celbit).
While discussing the comic, Bad says that there's a chance that each row is a different narrative (Think two chapter with a timeskip), and he talks about how in the second panel there's yellow people around the orb, but in the third one the yellow people are gone, so they must have been teleported somewhere else. And honestly that makes sense to me.
The Admins decided to emphasize that the third frame was where the yellow workers were, but they could have just done that by showing the workers. So that means that the workers were definitely not there to witness frame 3.
There's 2 theories here now
Either frame three happened when the workers were on a break/ unavailable, or; something three happened to the workers, and frame 3 is the aftermath.
I personally lean towards the second one, because someone had to have witnessed what happened in frame 3, while also knowing that there were no workers. I think this narrows down the maker of this comic to one of the yellow workers.
Building off of that theory, you now have a good set up for the second row. We have a group of new people, who have realized where they are, and what a future in the federation is like.
One of the yellow workers has a (very reasonable) meltdown and goes "yea no fuck that" and joins another group (prolly the dark Cucurucho from the maze)
End comic. The real question is, how in the fuck does this tie in with the story? Why are we being told this? Is it a warning? Or is it a tip from someone that there are options other than the federation?
Who knows???? Not me that's for sure.
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littletheorycrow · 1 year
not tubbo saying "i didn't ask you out, don't worry!" WHEN FRED IS CLEARLY THERE FOR A DATE AND GETS A LITTLE SAD WHEN HE SAYS THAT
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littletheorycrow · 1 year
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