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IGNORED over and over again, he had had it. It was the last straw, this was it. He was tired of it and it was time for him to take a stand. As he stood up in class to speak, someone else eyed him and stood up at the same time and he was again talked over. His light was taken again. As his blood began to boil, as he felt like he was going to scream, he stopped, sat down and took a deep breath. He was tired of the injustice and the blatant narcissism but instead of this making him angry something inside of him changed, he began to be sad. Not for himself. But for the others. Empathy took over and he thought of the people that felt like they needed to stand out and be heard but in doing so belittled others. He felt pity for them. They needed to know how they were making others feel and he needed to show them in the right way. He needed to take his light back.
The next day at school the first question of the day was asked by the teacher. As the others began their injustices on him, the snickering, the side-eye looks; he calmly wrote on a large piece of paper on his desk. Holding up the poster to his teacher and classmates, he could tell the words he had written had gotten across to everyone. He wrote “......................
Next word will be - - - STAFF
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“SCAN STARTING NOW” she heard a voice say on the speaker by her ear. As she started waking up she blinked a few times to get her eyes adjusted to the bright light around her. Her brain was foggy, she was very confused. When she tried to move her hand to her eyes to block the light she realized that it was locked down. Both of her hands were locked down and she couldn’t move her feet either. Slowly starting to realize how confined she was she started to panic. Trying to control her breathing the voice came on the speaker again, she stopped struggling and heard “SCAN IS NOW COMPLETE”. What scan? Where was she? What was going on? She needed to calm down and try to get the situation under control. The last thing she remembered was………………..
Next word will be - - - IGNORED
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‘BULLETIN’ post - “LOST DOG” I saw the post, I felt the sadness in my belly. I took a picture of the bulletin on the grocery store wall just in case. Finishing up at the grocery store and headed home all he could think about was stumbling across the dog he saw on the bulletin.
While unpacking the groceries, he pulled out the lettuce and started washing it at the sink. When he looked up from the window he saw her, the dog from the bulletin! In his own backyard!
He dropped the lettuce and dried off his hands in a frenzy. As he ran out the door to the backyard he pulled up the picture one last time on his phone to make sure it was the same dog. It was! He scooped up the dog and typed in the address that was on the bulletin into his phone. Super excited to make someone's day and return the lost dog, he went up to the house, rang the doorbell and …………………..
Next word will be - - - SCAN
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REFLECTING the light off of the small piece of shattered mirror was his only hope. When doing this tedious job, it didn’t help that his hands were trembling so much that as soon as he got the light to reflect in the right direction it would disappear instantly as the hole he was trying to direct the light out of was so small. He had to get their attention, it was his only way for survival. As his shaky hands continued to direct the light, the mirror cutting his hand in the process, it was beginning to get more and more difficult to keep steady. With each attempt at wiping off the blood from his hands the panic and anxiety inside him was mounting each second.
They had to see him, they were searching for him, they were close but he was running out of time, running out of oxygen. The small container was sealed so tight he couldn't yell for help. The reflecting was his only chance.
Just as they were approaching, just as he was feeling a small flicker of hope, ....….......
Next word will be — BULLETIN
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OVERLOOKING the extremely large hole in the ground the girls decided that they have finally drummed up enough courage to jump. On the count of three they were going to do it, no more thinking, just letting go of their fear. When the shared counting started they both could feel their nerves and anxiety growing. When three hit and they took the first step towards the edge everything went into slow motion. As their eyes met for one last glance, they could both see into each other's souls all of their emotions were heightened and they both knew there was no return to what was behind them. As their toes left the moss covered rocks and they started to raise off of the earth, their bodies started to make their descent. Not knowing how far they were going to drop, not knowing the extent of what was below them their hearts were beating at record speed. However, what they did know was that what was below them was far less threatening as to what was behind them. As they plummeted down…........................ 
Next word will be --- REFLECTING
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FLASH. That is how it happened. A flash. In an instant. No explanation. Just a flash. 
Can you think of a time when something happened so fast that you can’t explain anything about it?
it just happened, 
in an instant, 
no explanation, 
just a flash. 
You just opened your eyes, you are still in your bed, everything is calm, you haven't moved yet, you are trying to remember the small bits and pieces that are still lingering, of how it played out. But you can’t remember the beginning. You can’t remember making any decisions. It just happened, in an instant, no explanation, just a flash. 
As your memory started to fill in the blanks…..........
Next word will be --- OVERLOOKING
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