Ask Kindle!
28 posts
A silly TV named Kindle answers your questions. Takes place in a separate, semi-divergent universe (Pre-Ep. 60). Ask them anything!
Last active 60 minutes ago
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littlesleepytv · 1 year ago
[Hey there, Gamie here!]
[Sorry for the unannounced hiatus, everyone. Life's been busy lately, and I haven't had the time and energy to answer asks. Expect some Kindle content really soon! Just be patient, and thank you! <3]
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littlesleepytv · 1 year ago
The toilets are funny to watch, I'll give them that. I just watched about five of them fight over a single bag of chips and then chase after the winner. >▽<
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littlesleepytv · 1 year ago
If you're taking suggestions, how about a breakdown of toilet types and how much fun they are to fight and how difficult?
Ooh, sure, I think I can do that! Here's the ones I've encountered the most while out doing missions! (Sorry for the messy art ^^; the toilets are hard to draw and I don't like them enough to make them look nicer)
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THE NORMAL GUYS: Exactly what they sound like! Super weak, even more dumb, and really easy to neutralize. I can usually deal with a whole group of them with little to no problem at all! They used to be way more common when the war started (and by common, I mean they were EVERYWHERE), but I've been seeing less and less of them out there. They're just that easy to destroy, I guess! ^_^ SLIGHTLY STRONGER GUYS: These guys are smart enough to actually get upgrades - tougher bodies, plates of armor, flush coverings- sometimes they even have jetpacks! They're a bit harder to deal with than the normal guys, but once you get past all the upgrades, it's like they're just another average toilet. -v・ THE ONES WITH LEGS: I can't remember what they're actually called... striders, I think? But anyway, these things are SCARY and FAST. I once saw one scale a 30-story building without even breaking a sweat. I'm usually in a team when dealing with one of these - they can be really problematic if you aren't careful. Also, these dudes have guns, but I didn't feel like drawing them. .-. THE MUTANTS: The toilets steal the bodies of dead large units and use them to give themselves bodies... I don't like that. I don't like them at all. They're gross and disgusting and I don't think that they should be allowed to have arms that used to belong to our comrades. They're also freakishly strong and tough - they're a nightmare to deal with, and can wipe out entire squads if unprepared. It usually takes one or even two large units to take one down. I've only ever managed to put a mutant to sleep once. -~-;
...Phew! That was a lot of text! But I had a lot of fun writing that! Thank you for the suggestion! ^w^
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littlesleepytv · 1 year ago
Do you know anything about TTV's upgrades or when he's returning? I'm assuming you're gonna be overjoyed hehe
The Titan's Hangar is strictly off-limits to anyone who isn't authorized to enter, so I don't really know much about how the repairs are going! From what I've heard, though, it doesn't sound like he'll be operational for a while... I hope he's doing okay. Getting stabbed in the screen must hurt a lot.
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littlesleepytv · 1 year ago
What would you do if you met a whole group of humans?
I don't think I'd be able to teleport ALL of them to safety all by myself! I might need to get the help of other TVs! .o.
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littlesleepytv · 1 year ago
I feel like I could do so much more with this blog, but I'm not sure what... =_= What do you all think? Any suggestions?
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littlesleepytv · 1 year ago
What would happen if two (or more!) TVs attempted to teleport to the same place at the same time? Would they collide in a heap or does the teleport tech allow for this and enable them to tidily appear side by side?
I've actually seen this happen before! Two TVs tried to teleport to the exact same spot after completing a scouting mission. One of them ended up teleporting a few feet above the other one and fell directly on top of him. I've never seen so many TVs laughing so hard all at once - everyone in the room was laughing! We recalibrated our teleportation tech after that incident, so now we just end up appearing side by side. But none of us have forgotten what happened that day! >▽<
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littlesleepytv · 1 year ago
Who’s your favorite titan
Um... it's... uh...
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...Not sure! I don't think I have a favorite, actually! Hahaha...!
Next question, please.
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littlesleepytv · 1 year ago
How do you feel about the speaker men?
I've already answered this question before, but the Speakermen are really friendly and considerate! They're much louder than the Cameras are (which sometimes scares me a little...), but they know when to turn it down and always apologize when they scare me. ^_^
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littlesleepytv · 1 year ago
*Gives Pet on head before running off*
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Oh! Um... thank you! //o//o//
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littlesleepytv · 1 year ago
Please forgive this meat-based lifeform for not knowing hardware etiquette - but… what's the protocol for asking a TV if I can connect a PlayStation and play videogames on their face? Is that cool, or is that a really rude thing to ask (or something in between where it's friends-only)?
I... I don't really know! A lot of TVs I know don't like having their screen tampered with, so... maybe it'd be rude? I wouldn't mind, though! Playing video games sounds like fun! ^v^
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littlesleepytv · 1 year ago
"A toilet nearly snuck up on me, but I managed to save myself just in time. Poor thing didn't know that it'd be taking its last nap in the middle of a battlefield!" ...Please tell us how a sleeping toilet was able to sneak up on you??
It didn't sneak up on me while it was asleep, silly. I put it to sleep! Here, let me explain! Us TVs can all project light from our screens, which can have a range of physical and/or psychological effects on our targets depending on its color. Bright white can blind, orange can set them on fire, violet can paralyze our enemies with inexplicable terror- you get the idea! The kind of light I'm able to project is lavender, which, you guessed it, puts the toilets to sleep! Here's a handy little graphic to demonstrate!
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1. Target is exposed to projected light. 2. Target is overwhelmed with feelings of drowsiness, exhaustion, and fatigue. This state is extremely difficult to fight or snap out of. 3. After a few seconds, target instantaneously enters the N3 stage of sleep. Target is now considered safe to neutralize.
Hope that clears things up!
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littlesleepytv · 1 year ago
Today's mission has been completed, and I'm back at base safe and sound! A toilet nearly snuck up on me, but I managed to save myself just in time. Poor thing didn't know that it'd be taking its last nap in the middle of a battlefield!
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littlesleepytv · 1 year ago
Updates might be slow for the next few days. I've got missions to complete!
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littlesleepytv · 1 year ago
Hey what are your adjectives
Cute, sleepy, and polite.
(⁠^ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠^⁠)
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littlesleepytv · 1 year ago
Why is teleporting confidential? Wouldn’t it be helpful for the Alliance to save themselves with it?
Us TV Men... we're very secretive. Even though I think the Alliance would benefit a lot from being able to teleport too, the TVs don't want to take any chances out of fear that the toilets might snatch up our technology from the body of a dead Cameraman or Speakerman and use it for themselves. "TVs first, Alliance second," a TV Man told me once.
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littlesleepytv · 1 year ago
Hey Kindle, What are your thoughts on the Cameramen as a whole? What of the Speakers?
Anything good or bad to say about either? Let us know!
The first people from the Alliance I met were Cameramen, and they were super nice to me! All the Cameramen in general are very calm and polite, and really easy to talk to. But they can also be really serious and cold when they need to, and they have some of the toughest fighters I've ever met. No wonder they were the first of us to fight back against the toilets! I didn't get to meet any Speakermen until we visited the main base, but now I can say that they're a really fun bunch! They're much more loud and energetic than the Cameramen are, but they're also super friendly and inclusive! Some of them have invited me to their parties on more than one occasion, but I stopped going the first time around. They can get really crazy...! ⁠´⁠-⁠w-⁠`⁠;
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