littlesatxrn · 5 days
Hi! If your requests are open I have one! Just saw ATSV yesterday and its rotting my brain agsisghagdh anyways-
An M!Spider!Reader who is one of Miguel's trusted agents with a tendency to overwork himself to make sure that his teammates are kept safe and ignoring his own health in the process. This understandably makes Miguel very concerned but this man cannot healthily express this are you kidding? What I'm saying is classic troupe of patching you up while scolding you in Spanish and then maybe they kiss a little bit and well if you want to make it a little spicy I wont stop you >:]
Thank you very much! Genuinely makes my gay little heart happy when I see writers like you who exclusively write for gn/male readers, y'all are the backbone of the x reader community fr 💜
A/N: im so sorry this took so long this was months ago but a mf forgot and wow here i am yippee!!!! As usual, if yall find any spelling mistakes pls inform me as i’m always praciticing this damn 2nd language lmao. Lets see if my writing skills is still any good LOL enjoy!! <333
Tags: Miguel O’hara xM!Reader, Spidey!Reader, Lyla, Miles Morales, Gwen Stacy, Spider Society, No Smut, Kissing , Fluff, Reader is another spiderman, Soft!Miguel, slight OOC, patching up, healing fic, non-graphic description of wounds, mentions of blood and cuts 
Yet, with all that said, Miguel likes to remind himself that no spidey truly comes home unscathed.
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Ever since the new guy joined the team, he quickly rose in the ranks and became Miguel’s right-hand man. He’d usually go on patrol, jumping from one universe to another with the man as they capture and contain anomalies like the bugs they are. Miguel puts his trust in him, well, as much trust as a man like Miguel can put in someone. But despite the short time the newbie has been in the Spider society, he has managed to capture Miguel and most of the Spider people's hearts so easily. 
He’s a comet that passes by the compound. Each time he returned from a mission, the spiders would gather around him, congratulating him on another successful mission and inviting him to drink or eat together.  A aswarm would always gather around the portal they knew he would come out from and each time, without fail, he would emerge to cheers and smiles. It wasn't like everyone else wasn't doing a good job, they were all doing what they were supposed to, but somehow the newbie was liked all around, solidifying Miguel’s slowly growing infatuation with him. 
But despite the trust and praises he gets, a spidey doesn't come home unscathed, not every time. Sometimes he’d come back from one of his solo missions with a broken rib or two, bruises in more places than necessary, a torn muscle here a twisted ankle there. He’d limp his way into the infirmary, an army of other spideys following him in worry yet he’d dismiss them easily with a simple wave and a; “It’s nothing guys, I’ll be fine,”
Miguel hates it.
Whenever the man goes on missions with the leader of the society, without fail, he will come home with nothing more than one or two bruises that would heal in a couple of hours if not minutes. Miguel would roll his shoulders back and the man would simply shake his head furiously like a dog before prancing to greet his waves of fans. Miguel didn't need to pay attention to him unless they were doing teamwork. He would run around by himself, track down the anomaly with him, and they would contain it easily and transfer it back just as easily. 
He might not look like it, but when Miguel brings a teammate with him on duo missions, he’s expected to cover their back and vice versa. Miguel will break any skull that dares to hurt his team and he hopes for the same response from his teammate. The newbie never disappoints. 
Miguel would find himself enraged, almost cornered by an anomaly, and there come’s Prince Charming with a devastating kick towards the anomaly’s side which sends it hurling into another building. Miguel appreciates their duo missions, the main reason he puts himself with the newbie. 
Not to mention, he makes a great team leader too. He’s carried out several missions with the younger ones, mainly Miles and Gwen, and despite it all, they always return successfully and with a snack in hand. When he goes on missions with Hobie, they’d somehow come back with a new intricate playlist created and when he goes on missions with Pavitr, they’d come back with pockets full of trinkets ready to give them to the other youngins. All in all, a solid team leader.
Yet, with all that said, Miguel likes to remind himself that no spidey truly comes home unscathed.
You were on a mission with Miles. One of your duo missions with the boy, rare considering Gwen usually tags along. But today she’s got a mission with Pavitr and Peni, which leaves you and Miles for some quality Dude Time. 
It was a sunny day in the universe Miles and you dropped in. As the two of you swing from building to building, talking about Miles’ thing with Gwen and laughing at how embarrassed he gets, continuing the topic to buying a new Lego set for Pavitr and Hobie as the two of you swung past a Lego shop, when suddenly the anomaly reveals itself.
Another variant of Doc Oct holding themselves up with their extended metal arms. You can handle a Doc Oct alone, and with Miles helping you, the mission was expected to be so easy you were already thinking about what to have for dinner. 
But things don't always go according to plan, does it?
It strikes 8 pm when Miguel gets a notif from Lyla that an arriving portal was opened into the containment site of the compound. The man clicks his tongue, dropping from his platform before making his way to the site. Every step he takes he leaves his foul mood like a repellent, making the other spidey avoid him, cutting the middle path of the other spideys like a blade. His scowl is not helping his case either way.
The last portal should've been at 6 pm.
The door slides open, and a slight hiss rings out into the room. Inside the evenly lit expanse of the room, he easily spots yours and Mile’s spider suits in between all the other anomaly's dingy outfits. Miguel takes a breath before he stalks towards the two men, their backs to him.
“Ugh, my rib is killing me,” You groan, pressing in the code to store the anomaly in its cell.
“You're telling me, this bruise is going to be a pain in the butt to heal,” Miles sighed, holding his left arm. “But if it weren't for you, man, I’d be dead meat,” 
“Oh come on Miles, none of us knew the guy would send a gas truck our way,” You scoff. The terminal beeps and the thrashing anomaly is contained. 
“The fact that it burned on its way towards us was also something we didn't expect.” Miles laughs at what you said as you find yourself cringing. You knew there were going to be burn marks on your leg.
“No, but seriously, thanks for covering me back there, I thought we’d-”
“You thought you’d what?” 
Miles practically jumps into your arms as the both of you screams. You shut your eyes and it seems like Mile’s did the same before a stern cough makes you peek through your eyelids. There, in front of you, stands a solid wall of muscle and anger. Miguel has his arms crossed, eyes so sharp it could cut a mountain in half. The slight scowl on his lips would be cute if it weren't for the pure bloodlust as he gazes down into you, making you gulp.
“Heeeeeey Miguel,” Your pathetic excuse of a smile was met with nothing but him deepening his frown. Okay alright yup.
Miles awkwardly scuffles down your arms. He coughs into his fist, pulling at the edge of his suit. “Hi there haha…”
Miguel stares. “The last arrival portal should've been at six.”
Not a sound from you or Miles. Miguel holds back a growl. 
“You two are late.”
“Right, ‘m sorry Miguel, I promise this would be the last time, it was just that- See me and Miles here; we didn't realize that this Doc Oct was gonna be slightly more insane than the others-” You ramble, Miles quickly nodding along. 
“And haha, well, one truck lead to another and next thing ya’ now, bam! We got uh… hurt,” A nervous chuckle left your lips. Miguel replies nothing.
“B-but! I covered Miles from the fire! So he only got a couple of bruises, I promise the kid is fine and it wasn't his fault either so let’s just-”
“Enough.” He barks. You practically clamped your mouth shut. 
The doors hisses open again and Gwen comes running in, worry on her face. She sighs in relief as he spots Miles hiding beside you. “Miles! Thank goodness you’re okay!” 
Miguel turns as she runs and wraps her arms around the boy. “You came back so late!”
“I’m sorry Gwen, things got a bit out of control,” Miles pats the girl back reassuringly. “I just got a bit beaten up, nothing I can't handle,” 
Gwen pulls back and grabs the boy's face before turning it left and right and up and down, her eyes scanning like a hawk. She deems it enough as she stops, hands firmly holding Miles’ arms. “You always say that,” She sighs. 
You can't help the small relieved smile on your lips as you watch the two teens catch up with each other before Miguel makes a gesture with his hand.
“Gwen, go take Morales into the infirmary.” He says as he nods to Lyla that popped up on his brace. “And make sure he doesn't get out of bed for the next two days.”
“What?! But it’s barely a scratch-” 
“Now, Morales.” The man stares them down until eventually, Miles relents with a sigh and lets the girl usher him into the Infirmary's direction, the two of them shuffling next to each other, Gwen's arm around Miles. 
You hear something along the lines of ‘detention’ from Gwen as she laughs before the door slides close, leaving you with an enraged lion in its territory. You gulp as Miguel fixes his red eyes on you.
“You. Come with me.” 
And that's how you find yourself walking down the halls of the many living quarters of the compound. You followed silently behind Miguel’s broad shoulders, in any other day you would find it hard to resist not ogling those massive arms, but tonight Miguel was practically a walking beacon of rage. The smallest misstep would make him burst and thats the last thing you want to happen. 
“Miguel, I'm sorry, okay?” You try, catching up to walk beside him. “I promise this will be the last time I’ll come back from a mission late, plus, I won't bring anyone else with me too if I ever do it again. I swear this won't hap-”
His sudden halt catches you off guard and you bump against him. You scratch the bridge of your nose with a slight frown from the impact. The dimly lit hallway made it a slight challenge to read the nameplate but you managed to make out ‘O’Hara’ and with that, your stomach drops.
“Um… Miguel, this isn't my room…” 
The door opens. The room is pitch black. 
Miguel makes his way inside. His red eye glows before he commands; “Sit.” 
Fear brought you to sit on his bed, not a crease in sight which only struck your fear deeper into you. You could hear your heartbeat, terrified for what's to come. The worst thing Miguel could do would probably chew you out in the comfort of his room, away from any possible witnesses, and then maybe take you out of commission for a while as your punishment. 
You gulp as the man sets something beside you. It was a box, hard to make out what it was but it seemed heavy. Miguel clawed and the large hand extends towards you and you screw your eyes shut, hell did you pray to any god that was willing to listen to you so please please please-
“Bring your face closer.” 
Cautiously, you open your eyes to Miguel’s face inches away from you, a warm light bathes over his features, making the lines of worry and fear evident. “Let me see your wounds.” 
You blink, once, twice, owlishly, making the man before you sigh and cup your jaw softly. He turns your face to inspect it before he brings his other hand which wipes your fringe away from covering any other possible wounds. 
He hums. “Looks like just scratches.” 
The mystery box turns out to be a first aid kit. Miguel flicks it open and rummages around in it before he pulls a couple of bottles and bandages out. 
“Take off your suit top, we need to treat that burn before it gets worse.” He demands. You cough before awkwardly peeling off what's left of your suit before dropping it on the carpeted floor. You need to get that repaired.
You couldn't bear to meet Miguel's eyes. Not when he’s kneeled in front of you, his usually intimidating body looking small as he’s hunched over. He looks tired, his frown is a mixture of worry and annoyance, but there is something beneath it. Something you don't dare to think about but you know. You always knew. From the first day, you finally managed to see that crack in Miguel’s hardened exterior, you’ve been scared to make another move toward him. Behind this wall of a man, is a heart guarded with spikes and what he has in his eyes right now as he’s wrapping a cooling pad around your arm is something that petrifies you. 
“Next time you’ll be doing missions with me and me only. I won't be assigning you to any other spiders until you learn to take care of yourself,” He huffs, unveiling another roll of bandages.  He pulls at your shoulder which makes you turn slightly. 
"Fucking hell, ¿cómo puedes ser tan descuidado? You run around saving everyone else but who’s going to save you, huh?" He huffs, wrapping the last of the bandage slightly too tight which makes you wince. He notices but does nothing. 
Once again, he holds your chin between his fingers as your gazes suddenly meet. Miguel growls with how you won't meet his eyes, firmly pointed anywhere but into Miguel’s red eyes. He sighs before letting you go as he takes out some ointments. He puts the substance on your cheek and under your slowly blackening eye, then down your jaw where you know a pretty bad bruise taints your skin. You feel his movement slow before his hand rests on your nape, sending jolts of warmth through your body.
“Cuídate, ¿eh? Cuídate." His voice devastatingly soft. 
Confusion and a steady wave of feelings start at the bottom of your heart, which only worsens as you finally find the courage to look at Miguel. To your surprise, his eyes are wider than usual, pools of crimson oozing with care as he scans your features. His thumb rubs at the base of your skull. “I can't lose my right-hand man.” 
He sighs. “Please, necesito que estés seguro por mí,"
You inhale sharply. Without realizing it, he's practically inches away from you. Your heart races, beats out of your control when Miguel rubs your nape again. 
A beat passes. Silence. 
Before Miguel growls roughly and promptly stands, taking the med kit with him. He makes his way to what you assume was his wardrobe. Panic rises beside you, making you wave around your hands. “I- Um- Miguel please I didn't mean to- Oof!”
Something was thrown at you. Something soft and large and is this hit shirt and… boxers?! 
“Change your clothes. You can't sleep in those.” Miguel points out, his scowl now a pout on his lips. 
“I'm not saying this twice.” He growls before he slides into the bathroom and leaves you in his bedroom along with the pile of his clothes in your arms. 
You slowly look down at what you're holding. Carefully, you slide off what's left of your suit and drop them in a discarded pile before pulling on Miguel's clothes. To no one's surprise, you're practically drowning in the shirt. His boxers barrel fits you and the first goes over your tighs easily. You feel smaller even for your height and stature, but it feels… safe. 
The door of the bathroom slides open to reveal Miguel standing with slightly damp hair as he's drying it off with a towel and in nothing but gray sweats. Something grows within you and it’s definitely something else besides your heart. 
“Ah, you're done,” He glances toward you before setting the towel down neatly. He saunters to the side of his large bed, pulling the covers off before sliding in. An arm keeps the cover slightly open, before he raises an obvious brow.
“Get in here and sleep,” He huffs. 
You jump and quickly slide beside Miguel, careful to keep an inch of a distance. But that was deemed unsuccessful when the man beside you pulled you to his side, and his arm wrapped protectively around your middle which made you drape your hand over his chest. Before you can squirm, he locks his chin over your head with a content sigh. 
Shit, he really is a giant lion. You sigh. 
“Sleep. You need your rest to heal.” Miguel’s voice purrs through you while you're practically glued to his side. You chuckle slightly before pressing a peck just below his jaw.
“You sleep too.” You smile. “Good night Miguel.” 
You hear Miguel hum before he presses his lips to your crown. “Good night.” 
how can you be so careless? = cómo puedes ser tan descuidado
Take care, huh? Take care of yourself. = Cuídate, ¿eh? Cuídate.
I need you to be safe for me, = necesito que estés seguro por mí,
Reblogs are appreciated <3
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littlesatxrn · 6 days
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Ghost finds out you’re a P⭐️ Pt 2!
I’m finally making a part 2! Especially because of one special person who really wants it.
@mike-the-nike I hope it’s to your liking, I’m gonna start your request soon
I hope you like it, I’m very excited to release this.
Please feel free to make requests!
Part 1 here!
It’s been a few weeks since you absolutely slobbered on ghosts cock, you still remember his taste, and his scent. And especially how his strong hand felt squeezing your cock, it was heaven. Then he slipped his finger in your ass an-
He yells, you are, in fact, in the middle of training while fantasizing about what he did to you. You two haven’t been able to actually fuck or be together again, he’s been so busy, you have as well to be fair. He’s just been teasing you for weeks, sending you dick pics and a lot of tips on your videos. He even jerks off for you on camera at night, giving you orders knowing you’re touching yourself while watching, he knows and is very happy. But today is the line, he’s fucking your ass.
Ghost-“did you not hear me? Get the hell in line!”
He yells as you do as you’re told
Reader-“yes sir”
You say nervously, he walks up to you and chuckles quietly before whispering
Ghost-“you’re thinking about it right? My cock, my strong hands, well tonight I’m taking what’s mine, that fucking hole of yours”
He backs up and continues the training, leaving you aroused and in suspense. You are thrilled. After a few hours of training, you’re drained and exhausted, the only thing keeping you going being the thought of ghosts cock. You decide to head to the showers wash off and unwind a bit, you take off your clothes and leave them outside. A few minutes into the shower you hear footsteps
Ghost-“I know you’re in here slut? I told everyone else the showers are closed for today, I’m fucking you in here”
Your heart starts pounding and you lean out of your stall
Reader-“I-I’m in here”
You say as you blush a bit. He chuckles and walks towards you, stripping his clothes off and tossing them on the floor before entering into your stall. He towers over you, looking down at you with absolute lust in his eyes.
Ghost-“so, you been doing what I told you love?”
He asks in his deep British voice, making you shiver and your cock twitch
Reader-“I-yeah, I had the butt plug in, and I used the dildo you got me”
You say nervously as you turn around and spread your ass, your gaping hole on display for him, trained and ready for him to take. Your cock hangs there, twitching as you start to get hard, your balls full because he also forbid you from jerking off. He moves and hand done and grabs your balls, squeezing them a bit
Ghost-“good boy. My little slut”
He growls as he leans in from behind, still gripping your balls but now biting your neck as well. Not too hard but enough to leave a few small marks as his cock nestles between your ass cheeks
Ghost-“my own little porn star”
He chuckles and bites your neck again, making you shudder and let out a small moan
Reader-“I-well I haven’t made any videos since, it-it’s hard to really do stuff when I’m not allowed to cum”
You stammer out, feeling his teeth on your neck, you’re sensitive and, to him, tasty neck
Ghost-“don’t worry love, those balls will be empty by the time I’m done today”
He growls before sticking two fingers into your ass, since you’re already gaped you don’t need to be warmed up. You let out a moan as you feel his finger in you, so big and manly. You can only imagine how good his cock will be.
Reader-“fuuuuck, your fingers feel great”
Ghost-“just wait till you feel my cock.”
He chuckles and wraps his other hand around your shaft, now fingering you and stroking you, causing you to leak a steady stream of pre cum onto the shower floor
Ghost-“suck a leaky slut”
He growls and wipes some off with his finger and shoves his finger into your mouth. Making you taste it, not as if you haven’t done it before, it just feels better when he makes you do it. You suck on his fingers greedily, taking them the whole way into your mouth
Ghost-“fuck, greedy. Well there’s another hole that wants something”
He whispers into your ear before lining up his cock with your hole, slowly putting it in, moving slowly so you can feel every inch and not stopping till his balls hit yours. Once he’s the whole way in he grunts as your hole squeezes his throbbing manhood.
Ghost-“your hole is so fucking good. I hate that I waited this long”
He stars thrusting, making you moan and whimper as his cock hits your deepest part each time. Your cock leaking a steady stream already, every time he hits your prostate another glob of white slips out of your tip. He wipes some up with his finger and licks it off
Ghost-“fuck you taste good”
He grunts out before staring to thrust faster, making you put your hands on the shower wall for support, his cock pounding your insides, if you had a womb it would be fully accepting his cock by now.
Reader-“I-fuck it feels so good. Keep going please, im gonna cum, I’m gonna cum!”
You yell out of pleasure as your cock shoots out some thick, hot jets of cum onto the wall of the shower, ghost still not stopping his onslaught of thrusts as you orgasm.
Ghost-“good, fuck love. Cum, cum over and over. I’m not fucking stopping”
He grabs your arms and pulls them off the wall, using them as handles to fuck you even harder. He starts to grunt and growl like an animal as he gets closer to orgasm. All that’s going on in his mind is cumming, painting your insides white, making you scream like a bitch in heat. Even though you’re a guy, in his mind, one of you is leaving this shower pregnant.
Ghost”I’m gonna fucking cum slut. Drink it all with your fucking greedy hole”
You feel his cum fill your insides, drawing out another yell from you as you cum for the second time, cum hitting the wall like before. He squeezes your arms, probably leaving bruises and he fills you, and after a second he starts thrusting again, somehow his cock even harder than before
Ghost-“I’m not fucking stopping!”
He yells as you can now hear his pelvis hit your ass, his balls slapping yours as he claims your ass as his
Ghost-“you’re mine. I’m fucking you every day”
He lets go of your arms and wraps his around you, holding your back against his chest as he thrusts up into your asshole. You look down and notice a small bulge in your belly as his cock gets deep in you. You also notice the puddle of your cum between your feet and on the wall. He leans in and kisses your neck and whispers in your ear
Ghost-“I’m gonna cum again, I own you. Take my fucking seed”
He grunts as he lets out his second load into you, just as thick and hot as before, now causing a bit of a bigger bulge as your belly is now filled with two loads of cum. You whimper and moan, your eyes rolling as you drool and take his load deep inside
Is the only thing you manage to get out, now fully cum drunk as he slowly pulls out of you, some cum leaking out as his cock finally slips out. He gives you a firm spank and lets you go. You lean against the wall, legs shaky from the intense fucking
Ghost-“good job, I’ll help you clean up a bit”
He says, a bit softer than before as he helps scrub and rinse you off, lathering you with soap before washing it off. Making sure to gently hold you up as he does to keep you from falling.
Ghost-“I’ll make sure you’re ok”
He whispers, in a very caring tone. Good to know he’s good at after care too
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littlesatxrn · 6 days
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Price & Gaz
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littlesatxrn · 11 days
(rq, ftm!reader) maybe something w all the diff variants of hobie? them all spoiling you, being all touchy and needy, maybe something about how much they need this, how in their universe you're still in the friendzone
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💿 ꩜ ❝ favor ❞ hobie brown x ftm trans!reader ꩜ 💿
❝ contents ❞ dilf!Hobie, loser!Hobie, mean!Hobie, kissing, palming, sharing between them, dry humping, implied foursome
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Hands. So many hands. Pulling at your clothes, grappling at your flesh. Fingers press and knead supple skin to bruise under the weight of their desire. Lips pass you around like a joint, each maintaining the same shape you almost thought you were kissing the same person. You were kissing the same person technically. There were just so many of him.
Hobies, all spawning from universes slightly different than the next. Their lips all tasted the same but it was no difficult feat differentiating one from the other based on how they loved you. Despite their hands, fiending for a feel, a sliver, a taste of you, they take turns with you.
You’re passed between the 3 of them, so similar yet so different it leaves you delirious.
The first one is visibly older than the rest of them by about 10 years, settled nicely in his early to mid 30s. Hobie was handsome, aged like fine wine. Smile lines etched into his dark skin by the sands of time, a few stray hairs slowly turning more gray by the day. He lived a happy life, presumably with a child. You wondered if in his universe, they were yours; that child.
He kissed you deeply, like he missed you, like it’s been so long. His hand settled against your neck, between the peppered kisses of the others against your tender pulse points. Thumb stroking against the rhythmic beat of your pulse.
This Hobie held an air of maturity around him, a responsibility that the other have yet to understand. His tongue lapped at the seam of your lips and with each stroke he coaxed your lips apart. “Are ya ‘kay wit’ this?” The sweet baritone of his voice hummed against your lips, hand holding your waist to keep your body flushed with his. You nodded, sighing just enough to let him slip his tongue into your mouth and explore steadily cautiously.
He took his time exploring you. Lavishing in every shiver and moan you offered up to him like a sacrifice to a god. “It's okay,” he cooed into your mouth, “yer such a good boy f’me. ‘m gonna pass ya off but I’ll be righ’ here if ya need me.”
He offered you up to the next Hobie and you cried softly at the feeling of his lips leaving yours but just as quickly as his lips parted, another pair found yours, identical to his.
His hands were far more timid, his kisses less experienced than those that preceded him. It was almost cute how hard he tried to kiss you with some semblance of authority. It was an act and you knew it. It was easy to overpower him, your tongue dragged over his bottom one, teeth nipping til he moaned.
This Hobie almost trembled under your touch, stammering over his few words. “Fuck, yer— God…” he let out in baded breaths “Yer so-” he choked. “Pretty.” He panted into your mouth, hands squeezing softly at the pudge of your body. Your hands guided his from place to place, letting him find purchase on your ass where he kneaded the flesh almost respectfully.
“He doesn't know how to handle you.” Another Hobie whispered in your ear, his hands grasping your waist and pulling you out of the weak grasp of one Hobie and into the next.
This one, this one was aggressive, demanding. His hands grasped so hard that you were sure there’d be bruises in their shape later on. Despite all their holding, caressing, grabbing, and pulling. Hands sliding under your shirt, brushing over your swollen, perky nipples. This one held you the tightest.
His hand held a firm place around your tender throat, squeezing until you felt you could hardly draw air into your lungs. You liked his roughness, the way he bit your lip and drew just the smallest bit of blood until your kiss held the smallest twing of a metallic aftertaste.
This Hobie was the possessive type, his eyes flickered to the others and his lips curled into a snarl at them. He had look in his golden gaze, feral, mean, unyielding. Not in the mood to share. His tongue parted your lips forcefully, stroking your tongue and pressing it back to give himself full access to your hot, wet mouth. His hand reached between your thighs and cupped your sweet cunt in his large palm, claiming it as his.
“The tings I’d do t’ya if I had ya alone.” He murmured.
“Don't hog ‘im. He’s ours too.” The second Hobie whined, his hands tugging at you to pull you back into his arms. His lips were against the side of your throat, the thick of his clothed cock pressed against the round of your ass.
“We agreed to share.” The older Hobie commented. He grabbed your chin gently and turned your pretty little head towards him. His eyes were softer than the other two, wiser as well.
“Ya don' know how much we need this, luv. Yer doin’ is a favor. Be a good boy f’me and le’ is ‘ave our way wit’cha, yeah?”
You found yourself nodding, a choked whimper escaping your lips as the last Hobie, the mean one grasped your face, nimble yet strong fingers turning your face to kiss you while the quiet Hobie kept thrusting his hips into you, whining all the while into the nape of your neck.
You told yourself you were doing them a favor.
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taglist: @hobs-kiss, @hoe-bie
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littlesatxrn · 12 days
Poor Baby.
! minors dni !
hobie brown x black!male reader.
warning .. explicit nsfw, creampie + dumbification.
the lewd sounds could probably be heard from miles away, the slapping and heavy breathing filling the air to make it hot and muggy, even in the open room.
hobie was bent over the kitchen sink, his face being pushed against the cold steel material as he choked out the loudest moan he could muster at your command.
" you're such a fucking slut, aren't you, hobie? " you asked as your hips bucked up into his, staying lodged deep inside him as you gripped his neck.
lifting his body up towards you, his back flush against your chest as you began to shift your hips up into his body.
" a-ah .. fu- .. fuck— faster, p-please. " hobie choked out as he gripped onto the back of your head as you plunged in and out of his stretched aching hole.
" awh, faster? you want me to go faster, baby? " you asked as your teeth now grazed against his neck, your speed now reducing causing a frustrated moan to leave his lips. " wha— no, no, no, please.. please, i'll be good i-i wanna cum, please, please— oh fuck! " his begging was cut short as you fucked into his hole at a relentless pace. your hips slamming against his ass as his tears dripped into the sink.
he couldn't even speak properly anymore, his entire body growing weak as he just babbled 'thank you's as his body began to convulse, awh he was about to cum.
" are you gonna cum, pretty? "
he just moaned and whimpered as he tried his best to respond but his words were slurred and messy. you just chuckled at him, pulling his hands behind his back and locking your arms through to keep them trapped behind him.
you weren't even close yet as you watched him shoot thick ropes of cum onto his stomach, chin and the counter top.
hobie felt his body go limp as he violently nutted, he leaned his head back against you as he went to move his hips back against you before twitching in pain and pleasure.
" y-you didn't.. cu.. cum.. " he panted out as he continued to try and fuck himself back onto you causing you to groan in pleasure, your hands gripping his hips tight to make him stop.
" you really want this? "
he bucked back onto you to answer your question, you clearly took it as you flipped him over. you lifted him up by the thighs as you set his poor abused behind on the counter top.
" i wanna make you cum, please~. " he said as he held onto your shoulders, wrapping his arms around your neck. you smirked at his whoreish behavior as you lifted him up into your arms, your dick aligned with his hole as you allowed him to sink down onto it.
his toes curling and thighs instantly locking around your hips as he moaned out your name from the sheer pleasure of just being filled.
you locked your arms under his thighs as you used his body like a fleshlight for your own pleasure. you groaned at the feeling, his hole clenching tightly around your dick as he tried his best to move with you.
you stepped forward, placing him onto the counter as you spread his legs wide and began to relentlessly pound into him.
hobie's moans and cries filled the room as he tilted his head back in pleasure, his hand gripping onto your shoulder tightly as his nails pierced into your skin.
his head dropped to look you in the eyes as his mouth was formed into a wide 'o' shape and his brows were furrowed, his face slick with sweat and some cum he accidentally wiped across his face when he was flipped around.
your thrusts got sloppier as you felt your orgasm coming now, pulling his body closer as you felt a burning sensation in your gut. your eyes glancing down at hobie's stomach to see a faint bulge through his thin tummy.
he was so cute like this, face messy with tears, sweat and cum and body absolutely wrecked. he couldn't even speak, nothing could leave his mouth but moans and unintelligible babblings.
" im gonna cum, pretty boy, where do you want it, hm? "
you asked softly into his ear as he whined, his holes clenching tighter around you as he whimpered out a small ' inside ' .
who are you to deny him? you fucked into him a few more times before you finally came, nutting deep inside of him. the pleasureful coil in your stomach now gone, your cock twitching inside hobie's body.
you went to pull out before you felt a hand stop you from moving. you looked up to see hobie staring at you with a love drunk expression, " m-mmn.. stay in. " he said and this caused you to smile as you pushed yourself deeper inside him, wrapping your arms around his body now.
" okay, angel. "
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littlesatxrn · 12 days
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🔞 Hobie Brown x Submissive M!Reader🔞
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Hobie had a thousand chances to call you his, when you had sex, when you would go out on a semi-date or something, But no, He decided to call you that annoying nickname.
'Princess' You couldn't get the name out of your head for the life of you, his sultry voice ringing in your thoughts every time he'd nip that small corner on your earlobe, or when he placed soft kisses along your neck.
He had a way with words that made you feel special, loved even, but he loved showing just as much as telling, Physical touch being an instant invitation once he'd had you to himself, His hands often roaming your body once you'd enter the door of your shared apartment.
"C'mon princess, lemme luv' u." You rolled your eyes, The muscles contracting in your jaw forming a smile. You could feel the cold brush of his lip piercing, Saliva getting caught in your throat as he planted a soft kiss on the nape of your neck.
You agreed, not trying to show just how eager you were for him. You felt his lips curl into a smirk, That single kiss becoming dozens once he'd found that sensitive spot on your neck.
He didn't care for the lights, sitting on the freshly cold bed that missed his presence, His fingertips pulling off his vest before placing his fingers on the rim of his tattered shirt, setting his focus on you.
You soon joined him, A shudder falling from your lips as his fingers pinched your sensitive buds, pulling off your pants with his one available hand.
You laid completely bare, feeling your dick throb as the cold air made a shiver crawl up your spine. You were already half-hard, your eagerness only growing once his boxers had dispersed from his body.
You held in your breath as his hands found their way towards your waist, his cold fingers caressing your thighs as he sets you on top of his lap. Your eyes lowered down towards his erection, A breath hitching from his throat once you took his cock into the palm of your hand.
His eyes shut closed, the slow movements of you hand catching every vein that was imprinted on his dick, your thumb rubbing his slit as he whispers your name.
"Your oozing already for me baby." A groan immersed from him, Your figure pushing past his legs as your mouth engulfed his cock down your throat. The vibrations of your moans making his hips buck upward, his hand immediately finding its way towards your cheek.
You'd taken his cock down your throat with such ease, Letting the tip of his cock repeatedly hit your uvula, devouring every inch of him. He buried his face into the pillows, the scent of his musk giving your brain a wake up call as you finally choked.
He abruptly pulled you off, A few strands of saliva separating from your lips, polishing his cock as you gasped for air, Your gaze not leaving his cock.
"Slow it' don' princess." You pushed his hand away, lounging on his leg. You took him back into your mouth, lapping up the pre-cum that was seeping from the very tip of his cock, edging him closer to ejaculation.
He got bored of the slow rhythm you progressed, His hands grasping on the sides of your hand before taking full control, telling you to focus on your breathing.
The heat that radiated from your mouth felt incredible, Earning a slight groan from him as the warmth in his lower region burns a coil within him.
"That's it, such a' gud boy, Fuck." He praised you with soothing words, Wiping away your strained cheeks as his cum seeps down your throat, your tongue brushing over that nerve system implanted on the base of his cock.
Your eyes fluttered closed, his cock pulsating with every lick you gave, you milked him dry, the bitter salty taste of his cum resting on the tip of your tongue as you swallows his seed.
He pushed you off him gently, A smirk plastered on his face even when he looked like a ruined mess. You gave him a smile, grabbing the lube from a nearby drawer and setting yourself onto his lap.
He took the small bottle from you, doing the honors of wanting to stretch your pretty little hole apart. You rolled your eyes, turning your body around until your back was facing him, resting your thighs on the sides of his knees.
His eyes focused on your hole that clenched around nothing, probing you with the tip of his finger in a teasing manner.
"Stop testing me." A hum left him as he coats his fingers with the clear substance, Your back arching slightly as you slowly felt him push a singular digit inside of you.
He firmly gripped your ass, pulling you back as he curled that same finger, adding a second, then a third as you slowly began to loosen up.
He lifted himself up on his knees, The pace of his fingers fastening with every sound that left your throat, wanting to hear more of those gorgeous sounds you made.
"Fuckin' hurry up." You could feel his eyes melting into the back of your skull, Your knuckles turning white as you grip tightly onto the bedsheets below you. You could feel your orgasm growing near, Your legs locked in place as he ushers you to cum.
It didn't take long for your orgasm to rise from the deepest pit in your abdomen, his curled fingertips hitting directly on your prostate, abusing that known spot inside of you until you could feel your legs turn into jello.
His fingers redeemed too much to handle, The squelching sound of the lube that resided inside of you becoming your breaking point, Your cum soaking the bed as it leaks out from the tip of your cock.
You staggered to catch a single breath, A moan cutting your thoughts short as he probed your anal with the tip of his dick, pushing himself inside of you until you'd forgotten how to breathe properly.
The feeling of his throbbing cock shot waves of pleasure through every part of your spine, Your words getting lost in the void as he snapped his hips forward, A firm hand resting on your back bone.
"That's it princess, t' all of me, just like dat." You couldn't protest, The rhythm you'd set being the embodiment of perfection as his cock hits all the right places, your mouth practically drooling as your tight walls contracted around him.
"Look up f' me baby." Your eyes obeyed his command, Seeing just how fucked out of it you were in the mirror that rested in front of you. Your eyes enrolled to the back of your head once he'd found that sweet spot you irked for him to reach.
The volume of your moans escalated, Your ass high in the sky as your upper half finally had given out on you, the sound of his hips slapping against the bare meat of your ass echoed in the room, His name doing the same thing as you sheepishly told him to go faster.
No shame could bypass the pleasure of his cock stretching you, His hand grasping onto your hips with a sweetened pace set, Occasionally going rougher if you'd begged without him asking.
It was torture how he had full control of your actions, snapping you back harshly just to give the slowest thrusts seconds later, always making sure to hit that sensitive spot within you.
Your bottom lip curled, your teeth sinking into the soft skin as you fluttered your eyes closed, A harsh smack emitting from your redden cheeks bringing you back from that heavenly state that called to you.
Your mouth hung wide as he leaned his body backwards, Your ass perfectly lined up with his pelvis, your tight hole engulfing his cock as if you were a filthy bitch in heat.
"Hobie!" He reassured you that you could take all of him, his words being abundant with pleasure as he grinds his hips, watching you squirm below him as his ballsack makes contact with your flushed ass.
You clenched around him, Your chest pressed up against the bed as he puts pressure onto your shoulder blades, locking your legs between his as he spreads them wider.
"Take a' deep breath f' me princess." You tiredly nod, A muffled scream interrupting every focus you had as he roughly ruts into you, the bed feeling as if it would break at any given moment from the way he plunged his cock deep into you.
His heavy breathing was making you see stars, A disgruntled sound replaying in your head as you feel his semen coat your insides, A second orgasm traversing through you as his thrusts became sloppy.
His movements came to a halt as you both stayed connected for a few minutes, the warmth of his own cum threatening to spill out. A hum caught your ears, Overstimulation building within you as he stands on his knees once again.
"Fuckin' ell baby." You could feel his seed oozing out of you, Your gaping hole being presented to him as he slowly pulls out, laying you softly down on the edge of the bed, too tired to even move away from you.
He caressed your plump ass, tracing the red that painted them until the silence in the room became overbearing.
"I'm up f' anotha' round."
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Commission completed! ← Click here to see the commission!
Okay so, this is my very first Male reader on here and idk if I did good, so while I have a mental crisis, imma take my ass back to bed-
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littlesatxrn · 12 days
Taur hear me out. Ok hobie/spider punk said he doesn't believe in consistency, how about dom male reader who keep changing the thrust from violently fast to painfully slow? And hobie doesnt belive in labels. So dom male reader feminised him. - 🐗 anon-
top!dom!reader x sub!hobie brown.
contains: feminization, edging, hobie wearing eyeliner, begging, anal, dirty talk.
note: i fucking love edging and overtism stuff, i adore your ideas sm don't ever stop sending them.
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"no, no, not again! please!" hobie whined loudly, eyes opening again as your hips suddenly stopped smacking against his ass. he was up in the bed with his legs spread open, one of them hooked in your shoulder and the other hanging at the edge of the mattress, his body slightly turned to a side and his arms secured behind his back. "keep going, luv..." you cut his pleading by sliding painfully slow out of his abused and generously lubed hole, taking another whine out of his mouth.
this had been going on for a while, and just by seeing the state in which he was one could tell. his chest was going up and down rapidly, and his face showed how much he was struggling. a few tears have been going down his temples and adding that to the way he had been grinding his face into the sheets from time to time it had messed up his eyeliner. there were stains of the black make-up in the bed as well, but in your eyes his face looked delightful like this.
"i just want to take my time with my girl" you started thrusting back in, slow, allowing him to feel every inch of your cock that entered his body. he moaned, throwing his head up and arching his lower back. "that's it, let me fill your pussy" his dick spurted more pre cum somehow even if it was already shiny with plenty, throbbing painfully hard for the lack of attention. he had been close for a while now.
you pushed until your ballsack was right against his ass, and you could hear his whimpers along with his pleading words asking for more. you repeated the process three more times, getting completely out, barely letting your tip touch his greedy hole before thrusting home once again, taking your time and enjoying watching him shiver and beg. "i can't– i don't– fuckfuckfuck!" he cried out as soon as you changed your pace without warning, fucking him fast while holding his hips, watching his eyes go up and his dick bounce with the force of your thrusts.
the sounds the fast fucking made were your favorite, plus the constant moaning of your name. you were insulted and thanked in the same half choked sentence more than once. "cumming, i'm gonna cum so hard agghhh–mmghh" you stopped again, right inside of him as he once again pressed half his face into the sheets, cursing out as his dick just let out another amout of pre. "you're taking the piss on me" he looked at you with wet eyes, eyeliner beyond ruined and mouth fresh with some saliva on it.
you leaned down, forcing his leg to go up, showing you how flexible he was as you pressed a kiss in his mouth, simple but loving, and even if he was a little pissed he returned it, earning movement from you again. in this new position you started fucking him, deep, right into his prostate and feeling between both your stomachs his wet dick. "i thought you would like this" you murmured, feeling how he exhaled. "you don't like consistency, do you? so i'm doing exactly the opposite of that, baby girl"
he moaned into your mouth for the nickname, moving to meet your thrusts that were starting to go a bit faster. "i'm sorry i ruined your make-up in the process, but you still look handsome like this" you reached between your bodies wih your hand, pressing his length against his own belly, making sure he could also feel the bulge your cock made in him. "you feel me? i love being this deep into you" hobie mumbled your name, pleading to be able to cum.
"i know, i know. you can wait a little more, right? i want to mess you up more" you stopped to let him think, watching his eyes blink to gain a little more consciousness, breathing a few seconds and moaning when he could feel your dick twitching inside of him. he nodded and whispered a confirmation and it was all you needed to resume your vicious thrusting.
he was so good to you, loud and compliant even if he cursed your name every time you changed your pacing, his heart fluttering every time you praised his looks, calling him gorgeous, pretty; describing how greedy his ass was, how full of your seed his cunt was going to be. he loved every time your mouth would spit any kind of filth, and when he finally came his vision went white, body going slack in exhaustion as he yelled your name one final time.
you cleaned him properly after several minutes of letting him relax and come to his senses and he didn't help you out in the slightest. "i'm absolutely knackered, you did this so you clean it up" he had mumbled out, eyes closed and a satisfied grin in his face when you teased him about it. you didn't argue, but you did laugh softly when mid cleaning you hear him snore.
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littlesatxrn · 12 days
smut confectionery event ┆ CUPCAKES ┆possessive sex, overstimulation , breed!kink, dub con. ˖⁺ ⊹୨ "hard!dom boss + sub!housekeeper." ୧⊹ ⁺˖ ── SMUT
˖⁺ ⊹୨ 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓹𝓸𝓼𝓽 𝓫𝓮𝓵𝓸𝔀 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓼 𝓭𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓪𝓭𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓽𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓭 𝓸𝓷 𝓽𝔀. 𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮 𝓲𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭 ୧⊹ ⁺˖
𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓻𝓮𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓰𝓼 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝔀𝓮𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮<3
TW: ftm reader, possessive sex, jealousy, dark decencies, v!sex, vulnerable!kink, cunnilingus, fingering creampie, power play, afab anatomy, porn plot, breed!kink, bite.
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You have received an offer to work in the home of the most powerful Spider-Man in the multiverse, Miguel O'Hara in Nueva York 2099. Being Miguel's domestic servant was calm and subtle ── you had complete freedom to be at his house all day, and there were few things to take care of, just cleaning the floor, making food and leaving everything organized and dust-free.
He had some technological gadgets thrown on the floor in some places, but you didn't even touch them, orders from the man himself, even Layla, his assistant A.I. would talk to you to check your work or if you needed something... He was a boss attentive and worried, even too much. But you never thought that you would now be hunched over the dinner table wearing only the apron with nothing underneath that he told you to wear while he held your neck tightly, his eyes were feral and you could see venom dripping from his canines.
The reason for his fury? You were seen with a man from the city and what's worse, you flirted with him back ─ you never thought it was a big problem, after all, you were single and young but for Miguel you had a serious problem... You were from him.
The truth was that the futuristic Spider-Man had hired you because you could be his perfect future husband, beautiful, helpful, you took care of him and did everything he told you to do; He is was always a cold and calculating man in everything but mental insanity was increasingly present in his head after losing his family from another reality, you were his chance to be happy again with someone even if you weren't even aware of what he worked for in months.
Coming back to reality, you saw Miguel smile sadistically as he watched your breasts bounce out of the containment of the thin fabric of the lacy apron ─ he saw the way you were flushed, how your nipples were hard and your pussy was gradually lubricating itself. every time you inhaled his perfume, they were mixed with the pheromones that released from his skin because of the change in his blood.
"Did you really think you were going to flirt with someone and I wouldn't know? Are you that stupid, guapo? Don't you understand your place yet? So maybe I should teach you your role in this house and in my life." Miguel growled between clenched teeth, as he pushed you onto the table again - this time he placed you with his hips raised, giving access to your ass and pussy, he looked at the holes in your body while smiling sadistically, kneeling with his face close for your pussy.
You shivered just at the proximity of his face to your cunt, you felt O'Hara's hot breath on your skin as his hot tongue entered your hole without warning ─ it had been so long since you had sex, just with your own fingers or rub yourself against your pillow before going to sleep.
"Are you so needy? I barely touched you." Miguel taunted as he dipped two thick fingers inside your wetness, easily hitting your sweet spot as he watched you squirm with his every touch ─ the junction of fingers and tongue working together, the stress of the day seemed to vanish, replaced by pure pleasure.
Playing with you and treating you like his personal toy made him feel in control and extremely good. But the jealousy was still there, he needed more, he needed to prove that you are his boy.
"You always know how to turn me on, boy. You're so fucking beautiful." He whispered against your sensitive skin making you moan his name, perhaps a request for him to stop or continue ── regardless of what it was, he didn't care, all the blood that helped him think rationally pumped his cock.
Miguel soon removed his mouth from you, leaving a string of saliva momentarily connecting you both; his eyes glowed red, full of hunger for your flesh.
No additional warning you felt his thick hot girth enter you at once making you arch your back and try to accommodate his raw size and rhythm in your core.
"That's it, boy. Take it." Miguel's eyes were focused on his cock, seeing it slide into you smoothly. He couldn't help but groan, his hands gripping your hips tightly ─ He felt powerful, like he was in control of everything.
"Cum for me, boy. Let me feel that pretty pussy squeeze my dick while I breed you, Oh─ You will be my perfect husband, and we will have several children... You and me."
You couldn't think straight, the pain of pleasure mixed with each rough thrust he gave you making you moan like a slut in heat. The feeling of being breed by him sent sensations in your brain making you roll your eyes and salivate begging him to do that, fill you up and make you his soon ─ The words came out like sobs from your lips without shame or modesty, while at the base of his cock was a beautiful halo of semen as he held your body tightly babbling about how you It belonged to him, biting your shoulders until it marked your delicate skin.
"You are mine, you are mine, you are mine, you are mine, you are mine, you are mine, YOU'RE FUCKING MINE!" ─
Miguel cum hard inside you, holding you and watching your body shake every time you enjoyed the intense orgasm that he had given you, he soon pulls your hair forcing you to look at him.
"My dinner isn't over yet, right? I still have my dessert left."
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𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓽𝔀𝓸 𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓮, 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓾𝓷𝓭𝓪𝓮𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝔂'𝓻𝓮 𝓰𝓸𝓷𝓮....𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓽𝓸𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓻𝓸𝔀 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓷𝓮𝔁𝓽 𝓫𝓪𝓽𝓬𝓱 𝓸𝓯 𝓼𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓼
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littlesatxrn · 12 days
miguel o'hara/male reader
CW: 18+ , top!miguel/bot!reader (they're both switches) , rimming , anal fingering , size difference , anal sex , praise k. , creampie , established relationship , light hurt/comfort , sweet sex , bantering , belly bulge
a little draft i had :333 hhhh not beta read lol kinda rushed towards the end but whatever at this point. just a little treat :3
"Miguel!" The name of the futuristic Spider-Man rolls off your tongue in a dance that tips between being a moan and a breathless gasp. But why does it matter when it conveys the sensitivity you feel when his tongue dips inside your hole, his rough fingers pulling the cheeks of your ass apart to get to his sweet reward? Why does it matter when you clutch the pillow closer to you, eyes fluttering as whatever sounds you make become muffled by the object?
Miguel responds with a low sound, something that rumbles deep in his chest, a content expression on his face as his tastebuds explodes with the taste of you. There's an ache in his jaw that already builds, but Miguel's Spider-Man; he's dealt with worse things, he's not going to let a little ache stop him from devouring you.
So he does. Through your pretty sounds—of which one might accuse Miguel of being biased, to which he would respond by throwing them off the top of a skyscraper—Miguel licks away at the tightness of your hole, loosens you up. Spit dribbles from your fluttering hole, the coarse hair that surrounds the winking jewel slick with his spit, the skin stretched taut from how Miguel has you spread.
"Taste s' good," Miguel murmurs, voice low in the way that has you trembling and shuddering, a delicious shiver down your spine that Miguel catches with gleaming eyes. "Absolutely delicious."
You moan a little. You're panting and you feel hot, burning away in the best way possible. You turn your head to glance down at him, swallowing at the sight of his face practically buried within your ass, nose sitting on the small of your ass. He meets your eyes and doesn't stop, spreads you just a bit more and stares you down as his tongue all but plunges deep within your hole, as if he's trying to make you cum by his tongue alone.
It's not enough, but it gets you to moan, biting your lip and body flushing, a glob of pre dribbling from the tip of your cockhead from where it lays, pinned to the sheets by your belly. You clutch the pillow and spread your legs just a little bit more, hips jerking as you grind back on his tongue. Miguel lets you, and joins you when you moan, shuddering and curling your toes as his tongue prods at your sweet spot.
"Yeah?" You stutter out, licking your bottom lip, watching Miguel chase the action with gleaming eyes, his pupils blown and making your heart pick up. "You like how I taste, Miggy? Am I delicious?"
Miguel moans, the sound vibrating and making you shudder. Miguel licks a flat stripe up your hole before pulling away to respond. Slick coats his chin; he's panting and all he can taste is you, thick and heavy on his tongue, mouth watering.
"Absolutely delicious." Miguel repeats as a smug smirk tugs onto his face. It distinctly reminds you of a cat who got the cream, and you roll your eyes. You look away and nuzzle your face into the pillow. It's Miguel's, you realize, the stale scent of his musk and even staler scent of his cologne clogging your nostrils. You give a little jerk and a muffled gasp when you feel something cool drizzle onto your hole.
Lost in your thoughts and in Miguel's scent, you didn't hear the rustling of the sheets nor the sound of the bottle of lube opening, only ever feeling the cool drizzle. When you look up, Miguel's mischievous and smug expression makes you give him a glare. It lacks any heat.
"Glitch." You sneer his way, and Miguel gives a small laugh. One of his fangs snag on his lower lip, and he looks a little stupid; it makes your heart flutter. You look away just as he subconsciously unsnags his tooth, resting your head on the pillow as his hand—large, calloused, and shocking warm—spreads you open, giving him easier access to your hole that subconsciously flutters from the feeling of the slick, sticky liquid dribbling over it.
"We're almost out of lube." Miguel idly comments as he caps the bottle and throws it to the side. His eyes glimmers as he took a moment to ogle at the side of the lubricant coating your hole, before he slipped a finger in, barely meeting any resistance.
Your breath stutters at the intrusion; how it slipped inside, so slick, shock, how it felt.
"Mm, do we?" You sigh out, squeezing around his finger before relaxing. "LYLA, mind ordering a new bottle?"
Miguel blinks. His eyebrows furrow a little. "Don't call her—"
The AI in question appears in a warm twinkle, forgoing her usual outfit in favor of a robe and a face mask. It makes you give a little smile, both amused at the AI's antics and at your husband's disgruntlement.
"Do you want the same bottle?" LYLA asks with a smug smirk, amused at Miguel's embarrassment. "Eight ounces for nine dollars—not including tax— ooh, wait. There's a sale for a thirty-three ounce botte for twenty five dollars if you buy two."
A little panel pops up with the two options, and you glance over at them, lazily eyeing them. Miguel frowns, but doesn't stop working you open with his fingers, two fingers flexing. A brush against your prostate has you sighing, content and feeling like a lazy, overstuffed cat.
"Why would we need two? That's too much lube." Miguel says and you and LYLA share a look that doesn't go unnoticed. "What?"
"That's a dumb thing to say." You say, amused. Miguel narrows his eyes. He opens his mouth but LYLA beats him to it with a thickly amused voice.
"How many times are you pawing at [Name]?" LYLA says, egging him on as her form glitches. "How many times are you on him? How many times do you have to resort to using your own saliva because you don't have lube?"
Miguel's silence and embarrassed look has you turning your head to muffle your laughter. Heat blooms to Miguel's ear tips and across his face, lips pulling into his signature scowl, not meeting the artificial eyes of the twinkling hologram hovering near his shoulder.
LYLA looks equally smug and amused, also looking like the cat who got the cream. After a moment of getting yourself together, you finally turn your attention back to them.
"Just get the two bottles. It's a better deal. Besides, go big or go home, right?" You say, teasing as you moved your hips, the action getting Miguel's attention. The man rolls his eyes, but his scowl melts into a small smile, finally adding another finger. It's a slight burn that makes you shudder and sigh, lips curling into a lazily pleased smile.
"Right. Go big." Miguel repeats, and LYLA rolls her eyes but takes it as her cue to whizz away. He still has a large hand spreading you open, fingers working you loose. He leans forward and drapes his larger form over your body, all hard muscles and soft fat feeling nice and warm, the feeling of his thick, fuzzy hair brushing against your skin.
He's warm and feels nice. His scent curls around you as he nuzzles his face into the juncture between your neck and shoulder, breathing your scent. It makes him dizzy and feel light headed.
"You feel good?" He asks. His voice is low and it rumbles deep within his chest, makes you shiver in a good way. His fingers—large and thick—only add to the feeling.
"Mhm," You hum, inhaling before slowly exhaling. "Feels good. Would feel even better if you picked up the pace."
You smile when Miguel gives a quiet scoff, feel the hand spreading you open grip just a little bit tighter and his fingers curl just a little bit harder.
"I think you just need to be a little more patient." Miguel huffs, lacking any heat, feeling the telltale sign of a smile brush against your back. You give a little chuckle.
"That's funny coming from you." You say, sniggering when Miguel groans and pulls away.
"I think you should be a little nicer to me considering my fingers are in your ass, and, y'know, I'm going to fuck you?" Miguel replies, and you can't stop the heavy amusement that curls into your chest at the amount of sass coating his words.
"You're right, you're right." You say, unable to hide your amusement. You nudge him away and he gets the memo—clever idiot—and pulls his fingers away. It makes you feel empty for a moment, but the comfort of knowing his dick will soon fill it has the feeling running away.
You turn yourself around with a huff, now laying on your back. Your head is propped on the mountain of pillows—which is just five pillows, really, two for each one and a single pillow you trade from day to day. You lay content on the bed, spreading your nude body.
Miguel is watching you like a hawk, pupils blown. His eyes trail over your body, over your chest and stomach and your weeping cock and thighs and legs. It makes you feel warm, but in a shocking good way. When Miguel looks up and catches your eyes, you grin.
"Thoughts?" You ask, and watch him thickly swallow. It makes your heart swell to know that just your body alone has him nervous.
"You look good." Miguel says, flustered and embarrassed, but unable to look away as his eyes glance down to your body once more. It still boggles his mind on how he got so lucky with you. How you stuck with him despite the packages of trauma and issues he has, how you stuck with him despite every single flaw he has. You could've done so much better and yet-
Your voice snaps him out of his thoughts before it gets too dark. His eyes snap to your face, meets your eyes, and they're soft. Soft, warm, and dark with heavy affection—affection that's reserved for him. It makes him weak.
"You alright?" You ask, and your voice silences any nasty voice in his head, chases away the monsters that follow him. Miguel feels something warm settle in his core. It's a feeling he doesn't feel very often, at least not before he met you.
Safety. Affection.
"Yeah," Miguel replies, breathless as he gathered himself. His hands slide to your thighs and grips them—not harshly, just to hold them, feel the muscles flex and soft flesh squeeze. "Just... thinking."
You raise an eyebrow, a silent question if he wants to talk. Miguel slowly blinks, like how cats do. God, he's never beating the cat allegations, is he?
"I love you." Miguel says, and watches how your eyes practically light up. You giggle, heat rushing to your face, and Miguel gives a little scoff even as his own face lights up.
"Well aren't you a sweetie?" You say, teasing but in an affectionate way. You spread your legs and let Miguel slot between them, let him cast his body over yours, arm resting beside you and caging you in. Your hands runs from his back—running over the hardened muscles that flex—and into his hair, over the soft strands. You press a kiss to the corner of his mouth, smiling, even as he gives a low sound of approval.
"I love you, too." You say, pressing a kiss to his jawline and actively avoiding his lips. Miguel hums, eyes fluttering shut in content as you pepper kisses along his face. One hand in particular slithers down, tracing over the coarse hair on his torso and over the soft flesh hiding hard muscles, and down to his cock.
"Shock!" Miguel moans; it's sharp and breathless, unexpected as his eyes snap open, eyes wide. You give him a teasing smile, hand wrapping around his girthy cock and slowly rubbing his head. You trace the angry vein running along the length, scooping up the pre that dribbles out and using it as lubricant as you lightly jerked him off.
"[Name]...!" Miguel groans, biting his lower lip as he shudders, back arching. His hips jerks as he tries to restrain himself, foreskin riding over his cockhead with every pump of his cock. A low moan escapes his mouth when your finger circles his cockhead and your thumb slides along the slit to scoop at his cum.
He watches with blown eyes as you pop your finger into your mouth, eyes glittering as you made a show of swallowing it. You gave him a smug smile and Miguel moans, jerking his cock into your fist.
"Please, please, please let me fuck you." Miguel groans, pleads, panting already as you slowly pumped. You hum before pressing a kiss to his jaw once more, grinning viciously, releasing his cock.
"C'mon then, fill me up." You hum, teasing but also serious. Miguel quietly groans underneath his breath, shuffling back to grasp at his own cock. He pumps his cock, foreskin rolling over his cockhead with each motion as pre dribbled out like a teardrop. You watch with dark, needy eyes, your own cock twitching over your belly, pre pooling.
Miguel is breathing heavily when he grabs your hip and lines himself up. Your hole is loose and wet with both his spit and lube, eagerly awaiting his cock. He swallows and takes a deep breath, eyes glancing up to watch your face as he slips in.
Your eyes are locked below, biting your lip as his cockhead prods at your hole. It's big and girthy, and despite him opening you up with both his fingers and tongue, there's always a resistance. But eventually, as always, it gives in and his cockhead buries itself in your hole. It leaves both you and Miguel breathless; the burn is pleasant and makes you lightly shake, cock weeping. Miguel has to restrain himself from pushing it all the way in, tightening his head on your waist.
"Shock." Is all you can say after a moment, panting as your eyes fluttered pleasantly. You groaned underneath your breath, squirming on the bed to feel more comfortable. Miguel lets you and fixes himself after you've settled down. He grabs a leg and raises it so it sits on his shoulder; the new position gives him a better angle, makes it easier to slip in and bump into all the good spots.
Speaking of which...
"You can move now, Miggy," You say with a quirk of your lips, watching him with dilated pupils. Miguel grunts underneath his breath and takes precaution as he tightens his hold on both your leg and his cock, and pushes in.
You take a deep breath as you feel his cock slide in, inch by inch, stretching your hole around his girth. One particular movement has his cockhead planting a firmly kiss against your prostrate, and it makes you give a deep, guttural moan. Your fingers clutch at the bedsheets and you toes curl, makes you squeeze around Miguel's cock.
And that has Miguel hunching over, a breathless whimper falling from his lips as he slammed the last few inches in. It makes you groan a curse, back arching and clenching around Miguel, cocks weeping.
"Holy shock," You breath out, tingling all over and feeling like you're on cloud nine. Instinctively, your hand lands on your belly and right over the small bump. Miguel's eyes fall on the bump, an all too familiar sight whenever you both decide to screw around, and an even more familiar possessive and smug sight gleams in his eyes.
"Might as well have teared me in half, Migs..." You mutter, still breathless as your heart pounds against your chest. Not the first nor the last time, his cock throbs inside your hole, and he gives a little nudge of his hips that has his cockhead knocking against your prostrate.
"Shocking hell!" You groan, and Miguel simply grins. He leans down and lays an arm next to your face, releasing your leg as he laid his other arm next to it, too. He's caged you in and presses a kiss to your lips, one that lingers and turns into a make out session when you grip the back of his head.
Your moaning into each other's mouths when he begins to move, slow but deep thrusts that practically puncture your lungs. Each thrust is a kiss against your prostrate, has you pulling away and moaning.
Miguel stuffs his face within the juncture of your neck and shoulder, panting and groaning underneath his breath. Your gummy walls felt divine around his cock; squeezing him so tightly, as if refusing to let go of him with every thrust of his hips. They were warm and slick with lube, like an eternal warm cavern built solely for his cock.
You whimper into his mouth when his cockhead bumps against your prostate, toes curling. Your cock lays on your belly, weeping at the tip, a small pool of cum collecting on your belly. One of your arms curl around Miguel's neck, and you raise your head to press a kiss to his jaw.
"Feel s'good, baby," Miguel groans out, voice low timbered and rumbly. Sweat trickles down his head, hair slick with sweat and damp. His eyes are glazed over, gleaming with lust. He's still caging you in with his body alone, cock hammering into you. Each thrust bumps his cock against your prostate, and you moan.
"Yeah?" You breathe out, hot and panting. You feel like you're on cloud nine. The bump in your belly disappears and reappears with each thrust, and it makes you thickly swallow.
"Yeah," Miguel grunts out. He suddenly pulls away just to grab your legs and pin them to your chest. Your eyes widen at the action, and before you can make a comment or two, Miguel's fingers tighten around your legs as he suddenly picks up the pace.
"Miguel!" You squeal out, sharply gasping and breaking into a guttural moan when he begins to pummel into your hole. His thrusts are harsh and deep, borderline rough as if he's determined to give you the fucking of your life, as if his goal is to have you impregnated despite the lack of necessary genitalia. No matter, the thought has you moaning, eyes rolling back as you succumbed to your lust.
Miguel's no better, mouth hanging open as he panted, drool slowly dripping down his chin. His mind is fogged with you, you, you, the only thought being the need to breed you, to stuff you full of his cock until you're overflowing with his cum. Your walls are divine around his length, squeezing and tugging him, as if you don't want him to pull out.
Miguel moans, leaning down to stuff his face into the crook of your neck, kissing it. You moan, panting, and bare your throat for him. Miguel licks a flat stripe up your throat before closing his mouth around it and sucking on it. The moan that slips from your throat makes your throat vibrate in his mouth.
"Shock, Mi- Miguel!" You sobbed out, shaking hands coming up to curl into his hair and tug him up. Miguel lets go of your throat with a low growl, one that gets swallowed up when you press your lips against him.
It's messy, one with clinking teeth and wet tongues dancing around each other, spit dribbling down your respective chins. One particular thrust has you groaning into his mouth, one that gets higher when Miguel releases a leg to instead wrap his hand around your cock.
He pumps your length in time with his thrusts, long strokes that has you practically sobbing into his mouth. Your dance on the edge of an orgasm, pulling away from the kiss with a sharp gasp and a whiny moan, hips jerking into his palm. Miguel watches you with dark eyes, brimming with arousal and possessive affection, something in his chest warm at the thought that all of this was just for him and him alone.
Your voice breaks him out of his thoughts, walls tightening around his cock, teetering on painful.
"Miguel, I'm gonna cum-" You sob out, the only warning you give him before you're curling your legs around his waist and digging your heel into him, forcibly digging his cock deeper just as your cock jumps in his hand and begins to squirt out cum. The sight, the feeling, everything has Miguel groaning your name, balls deep as his cock begins to throb inside of your hole, as he begins to cum.
You're not sure what happens after that. You figured you blacked out for a moment, only to wake up and come to your senses when you feel Miguel collapse on top of you.
Your body is pleasantly buzzing, aftershocks of your orgasm making you tingle. Miguel's laying on top of you, head buried in the crook of your neck and shoulder, panting and warm. Sweat pools on both your body, and it's overly warm, you feel like you might pass out again.
"LYLA, can you turn up the AC, please?" You call out, wincing at your croaky voice. The AI doesn't respond nor appear, but you both feel and hear the AC turn up a notch. "Thanks, girl."
Miguel begins to stir, low sounds escaping his mouth as he turns his head, still resting it on you. You greet him with a scratch to his head.
"Hey, Miggy, you okay?" You keep your voice low, exhaustion nipping at you, but the need to see how your husband feels over rides it for a moment.
Miguel makes a low sound again, eyes lazily fluttering. He looked tired but blissed out, content, with no dark thoughts to keep him from relaxing.
"I feel you, baby," You hum, stroking his head. You feel his soft cock still buried in your hole, plugging up his cock. Your cock lays buried beneath Miguel's body, and you swear you can feel your cum cooling up. You wince.
"Feel like taking a shower?" You ask him.
Miguel's quiet for a moment before he speaks. "No." His words are slurred and his voice is rumbly, croaky, content but tired.
You blink and give a quiet scoff of amusement. "What do you mean, no?"
"I feel too good to get up and shower. In the morning. Or later. What time is it?" You blink down at him, and softly snort, a fond smile curling on your face. Your arms curl around his neck, your other hand scratching at his scalp. Miguel presses into your hand like an oversized cat.
"Oh, Migs," You coo. "My ass was just too much for you, huh?" You sigh, fondly. " Okay, Miguel, we can shower when we wake up."
Miguel doesn't respond, and you get why when you feel him go slack against your body, breathing goes steady and deep. You can't stop yourself from leaning down and kissing the top of his head, smile curled up on your face.
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littlesatxrn · 24 days
Good enough
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Screenshot and reblog with who you got!
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I got this idea from this post by @/shyeehaw
Who I got 👇
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I mean... I think I'd change my best friend but I'm cool with this 😅
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littlesatxrn · 1 month
OMG adding into the priest!price idea just imagine him figuring out how much he loves boypussy and fucking reader while he forced him to read tbf bible out loud while he’s being fucking wrecked by price.
Omg imagine this big hairy ass loyal religious man fucking the shit out of you!!!!
Not proof reading this
Ty anon this gave me the biggest boner 😻✊
“P -Please Father, I can’t do it!”, you squeal as John pounds into your dripping cunt, your chest heaving as you try to steady your fingers to open up the religious book he had placed in your hands moments before. You’re bent over the pulpit where the book is usually sat, trembling hands trying to keep it steady as you blink away the tears of overwhelming pleasure clouding your eyes. He gently shushes you, tugging at the small chained necklace with the crucifix hanging in the middle at your throat. His cock digs deeper into you as he pushes his hips forward, ushering you with a low tone to carry on with what you were doing.
“Go on, boy,” he grunts, feeling just as dirty as you do as he reels his hips back, just to push them back forward. He flips through the chapters, each and every story flashes by until you reach a particular verse. He smirks to himself, a sly smile pushing up his facial hair as he grabs at your waist with one of his hands. You pant and moan as you try to focus on the words, ‘Galatians’ in bold at the top of the page. He trails his finger across the book for you to watch, stopping right at a verse. He then removes his hand from the thin page, placing both of his hands on your waist.
“Read.” He orders, beginning to thrust with a slow but rough pace. And you do, the words tumbling out of your mouth like fallen snow in an avalanche.
“The a- acts of the flesh are ob-vious!” You choke out, beginning to whimper as his pace picks up. You swallow down any kind of saliva forming in your mouth; continuing. “Sexual impurity and debauchery!”
Words like that only continued after. Berating any kind of disgusting acts in the eyes of the lord. Anything dirty, impure, improper, sinful. You choke down a sob as you get degraded by the text, knowing just how dirty you are in the hands of this priest. The only mortal being able to judge you. But here he was, this highly privileged prophet, slamming into your pussy without a doubt in his mind, pridefully ripping any kind of noises from you.
“I!- F- Fuck- warn you as I did b- before!”
You attempt to continue to shout, only to have the rest of your speech broken off by a sharp wail, leaning forward to put your head down on your arms. The feeling of him inside of you was too much, the feeling of him stretching you open a reminder that you were open to sin. Open to judgement. Oh, how it made you so riled up. Made you so unable to form coherent sentences. Price understood, chuckling as he leans over to finish the verse, his pace slowing up but more deep with his thrusts.
“Those who live like this,” he starts to groan, leaning forward to whisper into your ear with his low but rough voice. His scruffy facial hair scratches against your cheek gently, his hand coming up to lift your chin. Your head is raised up, teary eyes forced to look up at your creator. Him, forced to look down at his corrupted follower.
“Will not inherit the kingdom of God.” He finishes in your ear with a grunt, his cum spilling into you warmly. And you can only do the same, cumming around his cock with a loud moan, eyes still looking up for your God. Your head drops down on your arms, huffing and panting as Price slowly pulls out of you, thick fingers going down to spread open your pussy, chuckling as you whimper at the feeling of his hand. He watches his cum flow out slowly, your tear stained face looking back at him is enough for him to give a fake pout back, willing to help clean you up. He should think about making you read aloud more often.
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littlesatxrn · 1 month
Everyday I'm shuffling
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littlesatxrn · 1 month
A sudden dip in the bed startles you awake. Before you could reach for your gun, a small voice cuts through the darkness.
"Y/N, Y/N?"
Makarov, a feared man, whimpers your name. You reach and turn on the lamp. Blinking your eyes as to adjust to the light, you were greeted to a blood soaked Makarov. The sheets quickly turned red as blood dripped onto them. It wasn't the first time he came home in such a state and surely it wouldn't be the last.
Makarov is kneeling, ready and waiting for whatever you would give him. His pupils are blown, black consuming any colour in his eyes. He's trembling slightly, but patiently waited for you to make a move.
"Hello, pretty." You whisper as you bring your hand to rest on his cheek. Makarov leans into your soft touch.
Without a moments notice, Makarov grabs your shoulders and smashes your lips together. The kiss was violent, dirty and full of sinful lust. Quickly you both became breathless but were unwilling to separate. Your mind became dizzy and your eyes grew dim. You felt like you could pass out at any second but Makarov's tongue against yours felt like life itself.
When it all became too much you push Makarov off you and slam him into the mattress. A growl your throat as you rip off Makarov's bloody clothes.
You kiss at every inch on his exposed skin, licking the blood off clean. You bit him, just to bloody him once again. Teeth ripping off skin, tongue soothing the wounds.
Your cock painfully hard as you looked upon your artwork. The canvas, Makarov's beautiful body. Covered in blood, both old and new.
Makarov's lips twisted into a mad smile, feeling proud about how he's got you so feral. He pulls you into a heated kiss, tasting his own blood.
His cock is hard against your thigh as his tries to rut to get any friction. Giving into his desire you spit into your palm and grab your cocks together. Stroking at a tired sloppy pace. He hisses at the dryness, your saliva not quite enough for a smooth hand job.
He rambled on that someone was dead. A MacSomething. MacTavish you think he said. About how he killed him for you. How he'd kill all of them for you. Makarov wanted to destroy everything that stood in front of you. You were his muse for the destruction. Destroy the world for turning it's back to Makarov's beloved.
"They'll all die, beloved." Makarov whispers low.
The dead man didn't matter, all that matter was Makarov. The whole world could burn and it wouldn't matter.
All that matter was Makarov skin against. The world melt away at each biting kiss. At each stoke you both become undone. Pearls of white bead at your tips.
You once again bury your teeth into his neck, biting deep as you both cum. Red and milky white paints your bodies. A finished canvas in blood and cum.
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littlesatxrn · 1 month
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𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒
𝑃𝑜𝑟𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟!𝐺ℎ𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑥 𝑃𝑜𝑟𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟!𝐺𝑁!𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
{𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 @tojisun}
𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑑𝑜𝑣𝑒; 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑒𝑎𝑡 {𝐼 ℎ𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑙𝑦 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔}
You are a pornstar to be forward with, this is what you want right? Will, as many pornstar as you collab can't just seem to give the pleasure that you actually seeking. But, you want this to end and that is where you started to fake your moan and whimpering. But today is the day you collab with another pornstar who people would call or himself 'Ghost' you don't know why but you sure want to get this job done as soon as possible.
You never felt this good ever since you become pornstar.
Ghost stretch you so good that you can't even remember the language that you are speaking, Ghost chuckles as he sees this and your for sure doesn't realize that you had already come more than he did but who care? You don't care about the viewer anymore you just care about how good Ghost cock is and how it make you whimper like a slut.
You can't help but grab onto Ghost shoulder as he started to sped up the pace, making you moan out his name in return. Ghost pull his balaclava skull to his nose just to bite down your neck and shoulder to mark you, to show everyone that you are his as he fuck you dumb like a dumb puppy you are.
You don't know how long you've been at it but you for sure know that you will be stuck at bed tomorrow. "Fuck, sweetheart. Didn't know you were this good at singing for me." Ghost said while chuckling at the look of your dumb face "I'll probably have to do this more often." You let out a whine when you heard Ghost saying that.
"I knew you doctored your voice but who knew that you sound completely different when pleasured, huh?" he's mocking you, you know, but your eyes stray past his gaze and flit towards his groin, your throat constricting at the sinful image his cock makes underneath a skimpy towel.
"Wanna know what else you are hiding." Ghost sped up his pace more as you moan out of pain and pleasure, you can just feel him in your gut "Look at you, so pretty like this. Are you always like this or am I just special? Hm?" Ghost taunt as he kiss your jaw while wrapping his arm arm around your waist so you wouldn't run off.
His hand wander off to your lower stomach just to push down the bulge that was visible on your stomach, making your back arch at the feeling Ghost cock bottoming you up. God you need more. He pull out then slam into you as your let out a loud moan.
He hush you has you try to speak but it only came out a quiet whine. He really know his way around. He let out a groan when he feel your nail digging on his back like a cat but he love it, at the feeling of pain and pleasure at the same time. His grip on your waist tightens when you clinched around him.
He is close, you could feel it. With the final thrust he come into you. You let out a sigh of relief and fell to the bed. Ghost pull away and camera is now off from your sight. "Meet at my lair, I wanna know what else you are hiding." He then leave the studio, leaving you on the bed.
𝑆𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑦 𝑏𝑎𝑑 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟, 𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠ℎ 𝑖𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑚𝑦 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑟 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑 𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑢𝑎𝑔𝑒.
𝐿𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒:
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littlesatxrn · 1 month
Im dying for some Nikto x Male Reader :'( There's nothing out there for me. Can I request, Nikto with a Cocky and Arrogant S/O? Can Be SFW or NSFW Thank you ❤️
Nikto x male!reader
(I hope I satisfied it as best as I could <33)
TW: hate sex with feelings and happy ending, insults, brusing.
Ok so if you don't like this, you can block this account and nothing more.
Requests are open if you were wondering :)
Btw I changed a bit the story so it is better in some parts
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Ohhhhhhh you made me think of hate sex…god I have a good fucking small story inside my stupid head….raaaaaawwww Gnawing the bars of my enclosure. Btw you are too kind :( there you go ‘boobs their head’ you will be 🤍anon.
Hate you…or do I?
You two were like cats and dogs, just a small eye contact and boom, being at eachother throats was a must. Casualties are just an excuse to insult the other during breefings or on comms during missions, spouting the most brutal combacks that would have a normal person cry over them. Nikto couln’t stand your arrogant attitude, may that be used to just set his nerves off or just being your personality, and even just your presence in general could cause him to have a small out burst of anger at you, and you? You bursted back equally and somrtimes, superiors had to get involved to set you two apart. He always had the urge to strangle you or fuck you up really badly during training so you could remember your place and your personality could be put to shame for everyone to ser.
‘Dumbass, moron, fuck head, bitch’ and many more were like venom poured out from his and your mouth. How the fuck did you two have feelings for eachother? No one could know. It was kind of obvious that there was something more to those insults than you two realize and that was a problem. You see, after a debreefing you stomped to your room fuming after Nikto insulted you and your family all together, heck you didn’t care if he called your mother a bitch, all you cared about was that he could just shut his mouth in a way or another but that you couldn't happen anytime soon because people sadly had eyes.
Nikto enjoys seeing your cocky attitude falter as he spits blood on your self esteem and walks over your decisions saying that they are clouded by your arrogant attitude and are not safe to be considered even remotely efficient. . .you thought that being the same rank as him and having relativetely the same expierences could be of some help when shaming him all day before crossing eachother’s path and growling at the meere presence of the other.
The situation escalated when he began to push you into any wall anytime he could and bruising you mouth by roughly kissing it with hid terth while digging his nail into your clothed waist. You on the other hand tried doing the same and managed to dug some cuts on his shoulders. It continued like this; bickering sessions ended up with bruised lips and trembling legs trying to push the other away and trying to regain some dignity.
The hate and tension was so much that Nikto ended up pushing you into your bed and digging his teeth into your bottom lip drawing out blood and insults. He wanted to say ‘You did good on the last mission’ instead of ‘You fucker you failed everything and you couldn’t even do a simple task’ while taking off you shirt and pinching hardly the fresh healed wounds on your torso drawing out a silent scream out your mounth. ‘Thanks for your presence and for covering my back back there even though it’s only for the sake of the mission’ ‘Shut your virgin ass since you don’t do any better’, you flipped the positions, now you were on top of him with your leg pressed between his legs and you where clamping your teeth down on his neck. It hurt, a lot. . and for that Nikto changed back your original positions not even remotely accepting you to be on top of him in any kind of scenario, ‘You are only good at taking it up the ass! Moron, you should have been a stripper at this point! A failed one because I bet my salary that you wouldn't even grab the attention of a drunken man ahah!’
Spite drooled out his mouth as he looked at you with a menacing look.
‘At least I am usefull to something, unlike you who can only bark out orders like a certain Colonel I know.'
You then yelped out in stinking pain, he stiked his fingers inside you without a warning and without an ounce of lube, such as spit. The stretch was hurtful and you hated how good the pads of his pointer and middle fingers worked around your sensible spot, fucking and overstimutaling it till you were just panting out short breaths and trying to get up on your elbows, to then try to shove the one you looked up the most off. He pushed you down again, this time forcing your neck down and letting breathing become harder, he took away his fingers and pushed your ass up. You could sense his eyes wonder to all of your upper and lower back imaging all the thoughts that might be crossing his filthy and rotted brain. You hear his belt unbuckle and the low but intriguing squelches from his fingers taking some of his saliva out the mouth (you really wanted to devour that mouth harshly) and wetting down his cock.
He pushed his lengh inside without a warning and he grunted out at the sudden enveloping sensation trying his hardest not to bottom out. You wanted to tell him how good it felt, how much you wanted to have his hand prints on your body and how much you wanted your neck to be bruised with his teeth marks and fingers, but only a stream of curses came out your mouth. He rams into you, mounting you and keeping you close in seemingly fear of you going away, your cock brushed repeatedly the woolly sheets creating a friction that made you see stars and spill immidiatelly. After a couple of more seconds he came into you securing you under his crushing weight, he then rools to the side, still inside you and wraps his arms around your waist.
He knows that now you will get up, clean yourself up and leave while giving him a disgusting look, but that was not what he wanted, that was never what he wanted from the start of this love-hate relationship. He loves you dearly, but he can only spit out venom because he doesn’t know how to phrase what he feels, instead of letting his grip loose, he started rubbing small circles on your stomach.
‘’Don’t leave, please’’,
‘’Just. .don’t please.’’
‘’Fine-since you asked this nicely’’
Your body jerks and unconsciusly leans into the warm and welcoming touch while he leaves small kisses to the nape of your neck trying to make the bruises go away or at least the pain they had left.
‘’Nicto, why do we keep this circle going? Insult, kiss, fuck and leave. . .’’
He trailed his hands on your upper body and on your pecks, feeling the sensation of your soft flesh against his skin before cupping the cheeck that was facing the pillow and make you look at him. ‘’I love you. . .at least for as much as I can love someone’’
‘’Should have said that sooner you fuck head instead of pushing me to every corner you can find with the excuse of my shitty attitude.’’
your tone was harsh but even a bit quiet as he said these words.
You didn’t leave nor you tried to go away from his touch, the one your mind longs the most, and moved to look at him. ‘’Get me a proper kiss or date and I’ll say it back’’
You spoke in a low tone and gave him a light forehead kiss, only then you realized he was still inside you.
‘’How about a proper fuck?’’ He looked at you with a quirked eyebrow and a smirk on his mouth.
‘’Shut your ass up. . .’’
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littlesatxrn · 1 month
age gap
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graves x male!reader
kinktober masterlist.
warnings: LEGAL AGE GAP, male anatomy, male reader, authority kink.
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you always had the hots for your commander. a little crush, that's all it was. till you saw his eyes wandering all over your body whenever you passed, calling you darling and handing you his coffee cup. “be a darlin', get me a coffee.” his eyes darting to your ass as you walked off.
being so obedient and respectful to your commander, eager and zealous to learn more off of him, almost desperate for his praise. he had you bent over his desk after sparring with you, your bodies sweaty and his thick cock pushed inside your asshole. the room stunk of sweat and sex; the scent pungent, and your eyes glistening with each thrust. he couldn't help himself, you had to have known about his fascination with you and your handsome body.
you'd been teasing him, taunting him with those tight clothes hugging your form. your desperate grunts fell to death's ears as he slammed into you, encouraging you to take more, another inch and pulling rank when you grew nervous. that's all he wanted; for you to take him all and be a good little sergeant for him use. “tha's it, sweethear'... c'mon, jus' another inch, sergeant... listen to your superiors, c'mon, ya' can do it.”
graves's slammed deep into you while you moaned his name, desperately working your hips as he ruined your poor body. your asshole raw and sensitive as hs pushed his full size into your slickness, feeling your walls squeeze around him as he began spurting potent, thick seed into your wet asshole.
having his perfect, little sergeant between his thighs and begging to suck at his cock.
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littlesatxrn · 1 month
Demon simon who gets so damn angry when he finds out hunter had lover/crush
Why he so damn mad??? He can't stand him! And it bothers him so much
Then you have hunter who connect dots later and is howling from how funny situation is his *husband* is lil jelouse from his ex / celebrity crush that he kept clinging into him in almost painful grip for weeks
Oooh I love this idea! Lol jealous Simon is such a fun concept but I changed it a bit lol
CW NSFW: jealous demon ghost, groping at the end.
Imagine you, good hunter, in the search of a solution for your. . . problem. . . end up having to meet your Ex. Darek isn't a bad man, he's merely a merchant for all things dark and demented, or so he likes to say whenever the inquisitors come knocking on his door for devil worship. And Darek isn't a bad looking man either, he's got pretty light brown eyes and blonde hair down to his shoulders. He's a charmer who's fooled many a fey into giving their hearts with just his looks and honeyed words.
How you got together is a story echoed by many hunters; He needed some monster parts. You needed some weapons. The sex was just a nice way to soothe over any hiccups in your business relationship and give you both a way to release stress. There was never any feelings, no strings tying you together, just mindless bliss and mind-blowing sex.
Ghost hates him.
If you didn't need Darek, Ghost would already be using his skull as a cup. It wouldn't even take much to take him to the depths bellow, the man reeks of so much sin that the only question on the event of his death would be: which circle would want him the least?
Even when he's invisible, you can still feel Ghost glare at you with the intensity of the nine hells from the moment Darek leans in to brush his lips against yours. It doesn't lessen even a degree when you push Darek away, your mind too wrapped up with thoughts and the possibility of being killed like a common cultist to even think about dealing with Darek's fuck boy behavior.
"Since when did you become such a bore like the other hunters?" Darek huffs, but he's not too hung up about your rejection. The man has a revolving door of lovers, most of them definitely prettier and softer than you.
"Got a slight problem." You say as you take off your glove. An inch of space around your ring finger is burned, the flesh scarred over and blackened so it looks like a wedding ring.
You have to admit, as far as devil worshippers go, Ghost's particular cult was dumb as shit. Why they thought that burning a ring on your finger would somehow make this 'marriage' more satanic is beyond you.
Darek takes your hand, thumb brushing against the scarred flesh. Ghost has never wanted to murder some human more. "Ah, the joys of matrimony." Darek grins, "Don't tell me you already want to leave the poor bride?"
"Groom." You say quickly, tone flat, and you're unsure why you feel the need to correct him when you're talking about a demon. "And yes. I need a way to dissolve this union before some other hunter takes my head."
"Tisk tish, and here I thought you would be more considerate for others." Darek chuckles, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand and nibbling on your knuckle, a lustful look in his eyes. He does that on purpose, both of you are able to smell the sharp scent of brimstone as Ghost looms behind you, invisible but not unnoticed.
Darek lets go of your hand, starting to go over some old books that he has. They're little help in the grand scheme of things, but you're not in a position to be a chooser, so you agree to buy them.
"Now then, how will you pay?" Darek asks, resting his head in his hand. "You know, it's been so long since we both saw each other. I would be willing to give you a discount if you gave me an hour of your time." He purrs.
You consider it for a moment. It would be nice to let off some steam, especially as you haven't exactly had time to relieve yourself with Ghost always by your side.
And all Ghost can think is: the fucking audacity. He doesn't care if you and Darek have history you are his human, his 'bride', his to touch.
You feel Ghost growl. The 'ring' on your finger vibrates, heat flaring up your entire arm and it feels like a lightning jin is stuck inside your chest. It feels nice- no, it must just be the binding making you think that you're wanted just because a demon is throwing a hissy fit.
"Maybe next time." You still say despite yourself, paying in cash and leaving with Darek telling you to call him if you get bored of the married life.
No sooner are you on the street does an unseen force pull you into a dark alley. Claws, good for rending flesh from bone and not much else, gently scrape down your front before they curl around your belt and pull you close against a body bigger and hotter than yours. Ghost's tail curls around your thigh and on instinct you clench your thighs to trap it, but the crushing force behind it is lessened by the damned curse around your finger (The fact you don't try to punch him is one you will worry about later).
You look up, expecting to snarl at the same skull faced demon you've unfortunately been married to. Only for your mouth to fall to the floor when you look at. . . a man. A handsome man, in the rugged way other hunters are handsome; Blond cropped hair, short like a soldier's and your fingers twitch to scratch his scalp. Firm and strong muscles, hard won just like yours. Five o'clock shadow that many hunters sport when you forget to shave. Dark brown eyes that look very nice when mixed with Darek's hardened feature — wait a moment. . .
He looks like Darek! More precisely a hunter version of him, the version you aways thought about whenever you two would fuck. The only way you can tell it's Ghost is by the Hell reflected in the blacks of his eyes.
"Ghost what the fuck?" Is the only thing you can come up with, your eyes the size of dinner plates.
Ghost just grunts, pushing his weight until you're stuck against the wall. "What do you see in it?" He demands.
"What?" You ask, pressing your hands to his chest and trying to push him away, but your strength evaporates and all your wayward hands do is slide along his muscular abdomen.
His tail moves despite the tensing of your thighs, pressing against your groin. Mild panic builds in your brain as the spines along his tail are sharp enough to tear flesh, but all that violent potential is dampened by the marriage. Instead of tearing your balls off, those spines flatten down, creating a strange sensation against your groin that, unfortunately, has your cock chubbing up.
"What. Do. You. See. In. It?" Ghost repeats himself, each word hissed through semi-human teeth, fangs bared at you.
"Fuck Ghost!" You growl, and the best you can do is grope him in retaliation. Some part of you wants to blame the binding for your passiveness, another knows that the binding would not stop you if you didn't want this.
"Why debase yourself with that mortal?" He asks, his tone changing. He may be a demon of wrath, but he's no stranger to lust. His clawed fingers slide down, not even needing the binding to curb his strength as he cups your groin gently but firmly. "What do you get from it that you can't get from m- from someone else?"
Neither of you mention his slip up, you especially as the firm sensation against your clothed cock has you panting like a dog.
"Wh- what? Je-jealous ar-hm! you?" You manage to say, biting your lip to keep yourself from making a sound a hunter should Not make. (A hunter also shouldn't be groped by a demon but here you are.)
Ghost laughs, sharp and dark. "Absolutely not." His tail curls more around your leg, the size of it making you unconsciously spread them so you're not crushing it. "I am Not jealous of a meager mortal." He growls, his hand continuing to gently grope you, the other hand fiddling with your belt. . .
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