Helllooo! I'm Josey Sterling-Flanagan! I'm 18 years old and I like to party. So let's be friends!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
“Trust me I know how amazing my hair is. I spend way to much time doing it in the morning for it not to be amazin’.” She said with a smirk. Josey combed her fingers through Stefan’s hair “Good, cos I like touching your hair” She shrugged “I wouldn’t put a dog in a purse and I wouldn’t feel safe with a little dog. We’ve got some fucking crazy people that watch our show and a big dog would protect me like a little dog couldn’t.”She said and placed her head on his shoulder. “You’re only messed up if you think you are”
Stefan laughed and looked at her. “I don’t think you’ve seen how amazing your hair is. It’s so pretty and long and soft.” He smiled and kissed her back. “The only person I like touching my hair is you.” He smiled. “Exactly! I don’t see what the big hype is with small dogs, especially when they put them in purses, it’s like yeah just piss all over my stuff.” He laughed. He bit his lip and looked at her. “I am a mess up. But in all honesty I do want kids.”
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It's fine...

Sleep would be nice right about now.
Oh, wow.. Sorry to hear that.

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I'm in the hospital.

Sleep would be nice right about now.
And why is that?

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School is awful, but I won't be going for a while so..

Sleep would be nice right about now.
Exactly. It’d be different if I was actually doing stuff exciting other than going to school. But school wears you out.

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Right? Life is way to tiring.

Sleep would be nice right about now.

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Panic →Self Para
Josey, don't you worry, it's just a phase you're going through, someday you'll know just what to do.
Failure. Failure or the threat of failure was one of the only things that really could set her anxiety off to the point where she needed to go to the hospital because she couldn't breath. Josey's panic attacks didn't come too often, but now she was in the middle of one. Jos couldn't breath or speak.
Josey was going to fail maths. She didn't like that class but failing it and killing her 3.0 GPA was making her panic, she didn't want to be panicking, but she was. Josey was sitting on the bathroom floor in Nashville high school, sobbing hysterically and she couldn't stop. She wanted to stop. She desperately wanted to stop.
Someone must've heard Josey having a panic attack because the next thing she knew, there were EMT's in the bathroom and she was being put on a stretcher. They have her some medicine to calm down and make her better.
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“I hate when people try to touch my hair too. I understand your pain there, but your hair looks so soft the curls are like flawless.” She said and kissed him softly “Big dogs are so much better then little ones. They’re cuter and they’re real dogs.” She said with a grin. “Our kids won’t be messed up because I don’t think you’re s mess up.”
“Yeah it is cute when the little kids come up and they’re so shy. It’s adorable. Yeah I get teenage girls following me around trying to touch my hair. That’s the only annoying thing when they touch my hair. I hate people messing with my hair.” He laughed and flicked his curls out of his face. “I want a Great Dane, I love them so much. I don’t see the point in little dogs, I’ll leave them for Paris Hilton.” He laughed. He looked down a little at the mention of kids. “I want kids don’t get me wrong, but any kid born into the Hudson family is bound to turn out fucked up. I don’t think I’d be a good dad.”
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“It is cute especially when you get kids wanting your autograph, that’s the best. But a lot of teenage girls follow me around, they like my style and stuff and I think that’s pretty cute.” She said with a grin. “We could get a big house out there and get a dog, but not a pansy little dog, like a big pit bull or Great Dane. I love big dogs… We could also have kids you know, if you want them…”
Stefan liked the fact that Josey was talking about them growing old together. It really made him happy. Because he didn’t have a doubt in his mind that they wouldn’t. “I know it’s so cool. I love it when they’re trying to get pictures and autographs, it’s so cute.” He laughed and nodded his head. “Yes we are.”
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Josey knew it was soon to start talking about growing old together, but she couldn't help it. She really liked Stefan and had a feeling in the pit of her stomach that he could be the one. "I love the fans, they follow me while I shop and its awesome cos they worship the ground I walk on." She said with a chuckle "I guess we're defiantly moving to LA when we're older"
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"Yes I do, I couldn't imagine being with someone else when I'm eighty." She said and kissed his forehead. "Then LA it is, I love the sun there and they have a huge Top Shop there and Top Shop is my favourite" She said and giggled "I'm glad I met you too."
Big Beds || Josey and Stefan
Stefan smiled at her. "So you intend for us to be together until we're 80?" He said with a big grin. "Yeah I quite like the states too. I think we should move to LA because it's warmer and I grew up there and it's an amazing state. I hated leaving it but I'm glad I did because I met you." He smiled and kissed her cheek.
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Josey wrapped one of her arms around his neck as they kissed. "It totally would be. We'd be like 80 and still fighting about that" She said with a chuckle. "Well, I don't wanna move back to Ireland. Maybe London or South Africa, but I love living in the states. I think if we had to stay in the states we should move to New York or LA. Somewhere with really great shopping" She said with a grin.
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"I'm happy about that and you're my biggest turn on" She said and kissed him back. "Let's agree to disagree on this one cos it's clear that none of us are gonna win that one." She said and kissed him back deeply. "I drank it a lot back in Ireland and I miss Ireland and my friends there, but I like Nashville because you're here"
Big Beds || Josey and Stefan
“Me too, nothing’s a bigger turn on for me than you.” He smiled and pecked her lips. “You are Josey, trust me. You’re perfect to me.” He whispered and pulled her in for a deeper kiss. “I love you.” He said and kissed her cheek. “No problem.” He said. “Vodka’s cheap and gets you drunk quickly.” Stefan shrugged. “Why does it bring back memories?” He asked.
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"I'm looking forward to that" She said with a wink. "I'm not perfect, trust me on that one." She said and pushed her ombre hair out of her face. She took the bottle from Stefan and smiled "Thanks" She said and took a sip of the water "I haven't had vodka in a while, I'm more of a Whisky person. It brings back memories."
Big Beds || Josey and Stefan
"Well that's good because I have a feeling we'll be doing a lot of it!" He laughed. "Nope you're lying there because your the only perfect person I've ever met." Stefan grinned. Stefan nodded and smiled grabbing them both a bottle of water. He handed Josey hers and sat up a little to drink some. "First time I've had water instead of vodka after sex in a long time." He laughed.
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