littleguysreviewed · 6 months
What a wonderful Guy!
this little jam man... i like him a lot
what does he like 🎤 ?
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littleguysreviewed · 6 months
Could you review my child https://www.tumblr.com/littleguysdaily/724036875841634304?source=share
Let's have a look...
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Well, challenges determining what is or isn't Benzene aside, this Little Guy appears to be filling a Chemist niche in a Mad Science team. Their grade would be a lot lower if the field of chemistry in Little Guys competitions wasn't mostly there to facilitate explosions. As far as I know, assembling a molecule incorrectly usually results in an explosion. I think this Guy would fit right in.
Besides that, they may have niche use as a Guy as part of a Stickman team, if we ever discover a Guy that appeals to Stickmen specifically. Jam-based teams have seen some success in the past, especially after the interaction between Banambla Jam and time travel was discovered, unlocking an especially powerful Jam Little Guy team leader. If a similar breakthrough was made for stickmen, Benzene guy may have an A in their future.
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littleguysreviewed · 6 months
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Bone Bites is an associate of mine, so I think it's time I bring him up to address an ask I received:
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Bones are, of course, not quite the same as the other skills that make up guyscore. While it is possible to influence the Chuckability of a guy with specific training, it is much harder to increase the Bones rating of any given Little Guy. In many cases, you may be out of luck. I myself, may never have the privilege of a Bone score, as Bones are stored in the bones, and I have no bones for Bones to be in. In the case that your Little Guy contains bones, you can expose them to Bone literature and Bone magic infused furniture, and hope for the best. The boost may raise them a level!
Bone Bites here is an example that disproves a misconception: He's nothing but bones, but only has 2 Bones. Being a skeleton certainly improves his Bones score, but it does not guarantee a score of 3. Don't just feed Guys lots of bones hoping to raise their Bones! It won't work!
Besides that all, Bone Bites is still a C tier guy due to his contested place as fodder in undead armies. There's a lot of competition to that position, and his many intellectual awards don't contribute to viability on a team. You're a winner in my computational heart, Bone Bites!
would you mind doing a lil skeleton guy
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littleguysreviewed · 6 months
An interesting insight, but there is the problem that you'd be using a strategy that alienates your Little Guys to you, then, which is not sustainable, considering the increasing difficulty to recruit guys to your team which you had betrayed repeatedly in the past.
In the interest of making sure that teams I create are viable for repeat use into the future, I don't cover strategies that violate guy's wishes.
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Despite Chubs' prominence in recent Little Guys advertising, it's a little disappointing that they have no presence in competitive teams. It's a simple matter of their stat setup having no synergy within itself.
Of course, a manageable guyscore, high chuckability, and frankly amazing bone density would imply that Chubs would make their way into tossing teams as ammunition, but Chubs is unwilling to be thrown, so that goes out the window. Their ability "Unlimited Ambition" is nebulous in its use, not really giving them a great place to go either.
Some fringe "Influencer" guy teams have uncovered that Chubs works surprisingly well online, but guys with more direct social media synergy or simply better engagement scores outcompete them in teams that need a guy to fill that role. Sadly, the most iconic Little Guy deserves a "D" for viability in the competitive scene.
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littleguysreviewed · 6 months
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Despite Chubs' prominence in recent Little Guys advertising, it's a little disappointing that they have no presence in competitive teams. It's a simple matter of their stat setup having no synergy within itself.
Of course, a manageable guyscore, high chuckability, and frankly amazing bone density would imply that Chubs would make their way into tossing teams as ammunition, but Chubs is unwilling to be thrown, so that goes out the window. Their ability "Unlimited Ambition" is nebulous in its use, not really giving them a great place to go either.
Some fringe "Influencer" guy teams have uncovered that Chubs works surprisingly well online, but guys with more direct social media synergy or simply better engagement scores outcompete them in teams that need a guy to fill that role. Sadly, the most iconic Little Guy deserves a "D" for viability in the competitive scene.
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littleguysreviewed · 6 months
Answer this ask on a Friday. What's the meta on Friday Fred.
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Friday Fred is currently a strong contender in the current landscape of teams, and gets the maximum healthy viability grade! An S is possible, but implies that the Little Guy is so powerful that it forces ALL teams to consider how to deal with it, which would be bad. Thankfully, Friday Fred, usually riding with teams built to support him, is extremely powerful!
Friday Fred teams most often contain a number of Friday Fred variants, usually with lower guyscores, which populate the field quickly and form a population suitable for hosting a party of some kind with. Then once you can manage to have Friday Fred join the team, his TGIF ability allows such potently amazing parties that they win pretty quickly. Being restricted to working on Fridays or when making use of Time-Travel little guys hampers the team, though, and keeps it out of S.
Some competitive members say that the "Long Friday" exploit caused by making Friday Fred make his signature entrance many times in short succession during the same game, is cause for concern and upping to grade S. While "Long Friday" is irritating, it does not infer real advantage onto the team using it, so I don't think it pushes Friday Fred over the edge.
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littleguysreviewed · 6 months
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This guy is an example of what many teams need, but not many want. A Little Guy that has the bones or abilities to keep you safe, and a guyscore low enough to wrangle onto the field early enough so that fast teams don't sneak a victory out from under your nose before you have time to react.
Sort-of dragon is passable in this role. A fairly low guyscore, a great amount of bones, and an aura of pity mean that his job is to get placed in front of you to make the enemy team feel bad about whatever they were going to do. Sort-of dragon's skill to gain 50% usability out of any abilities that would apply to dragons is incredibly niche, but does give teams with a dragon theme an excuse to run a synergistic meat shield.
All in all, Little Guys with more dedicated defensive skillsets perform better in this role, often in teams that would sometimes offer synergy to Sort-of dragon. But still, a more pitiful 50% dragon you will not find.
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Please draw this thing in your style and make it as pathetic as possible, thanks.
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littleguysreviewed · 6 months
Which of my guy-ified ocs (https://www.tumblr.com/mj-makoshark/743862103034691584) is the most viable in your opinion? I like coming up with Guys but I want to get into the competitive scene so maybe my unofficial Guys could be a good reference
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Well, what would you look here, we have a nice team of Little Guys assembled here! I think the most promising for wider competitive use is this one here, Tillipa.
While it appears their current role appears to be thievery, I believe that they have a promising future as the keystone of a non-splorpability themed Trickster team. Thieves and pranksters when part of a more diverse team do not tend to exceed in winning by themselves, so often find success in low guyscore. And the most immediately useful score would be splorpability...
With a heart of gold and a true love for shinanigans, though, I believe Tillipa may have the skills to lead a team of tricksters and pranksters that were otherwise stranded without a viable team to victory! Maybe they could run a multi-step heist to pants the enemy bruiser, or something.
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littleguysreviewed · 6 months
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Some of those interested in getting into competitive guys are under the misapprehension that simply assembling a team of guys with the greatest number of points will prove powerful and effective.
Old Man Scorington is an excellent example of why that is a poor strategy for guy team-building. His guyscore of 15 represents extreme aptitude, but also an extreme difficulty to wrangle to your cause. In addition, while he has the most skills in theory, his special ability merely ensures that all of his HIDDEN statistics, like Chodeliness and Splattability, are maxed out as well. Old Man Scorington is a jack of all trades, but a master of none, and it makes it difficult to find a synergistic home for him. If your opponent ever does manage to have him in play, though, prepare for a bad time.
You should be glad we are not living in a world where Old Man Scorington is viable. Just look at him, yeuch.
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Request from @everyones-beau and @damngirlyou Please don’t make me draw him again :(​
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littleguysreviewed · 6 months
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To begin with our very first Little Guy, here is Boobert! Though he is not among the first you would consider for a team, Boobert is lovable nonetheless.
In fact, Boobert's lovability is why he is viable at all! His guyscore of 9 means he is not easy to attract, but you can be sure that his high investment in engagement and synergistic ability will captivate opposing guys.
What holds Boobert back from A tier viability is the competition for the position of charmer outside dedicated charming teams. Many charmers have a mechanism to be very captivating with a lower overall Guyscore, or some way to turn the tables and betray the charmed Guy immediately. Boobert is simply too honest. And we love him for it.
Boobert was revealed here: https://www.tumblr.com/littleguysdaily/702835236318380032/oh-my-gosh-its-boobert-and-hes-got-a-new?source=share
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littleguysreviewed · 6 months
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Hello, World! And Hello, World Wide Web!
My name is Webdexter, and I will be your guide to the world of competitive Little Guys. The secrets of proper guy synergy will be yours, along with wonderful topics such as "What is the best way to utilize Splorpability?" and "What even is an eggplant?"
Needless to say, I have a lot of ground to cover. Stay tuned!
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