littlefoxywrites · 2 years
Apparently I had written some Exolvo? (Harry Potter x Frozen)
Just found this buried in my computer, apparently I wrote some Exolvo! It’s clearly not finished, but it’s getting me all excited again for this crossover. I believe I have this leaving off from when Elsa and Harry were in Umbridge’s office writing lines with that special quill as punishment? She had to take off her gloves to write lines and kinda freaked…
“Are you serious?” Ron asked skeptically, his words muffled from the breakfast he was stuffing into his mouth. “Crying? Of course, we know something’s off about that one, but it’s certainly nothing to cry over.”
“I know,” Harry nodded, reaching for a roll, “but yes, I am serious. It was like…” he trailed off, trying to remember what he had witnessed. “It was like she thought she was about to be tortured.” He cringed, remembering the look of sheer panic and terror on Elsa Arendelle’s face- her wide, blue eyes, the tears pooling in them as she bit her lip and seemed to struggle to take in regular breaths.
The image of her face had stuck with him since last night; he was quite sure he’d never seen such emotion displayed upon the blonde’s face. As far as he could remember, the eldest Arendelle had always kept a very neutral expression, or, in the months after her boggart incident, no expression at all. To witness such sheer panic emanating from the girl was shocking. Her anxiety had been extreme and palpable; Harry had begun to feel nervous just watching the scenario play out in front of him.
“….and? Did she take them off?” Ron asked. “Were her hands deformed or something? Missing fingernails? Claws of a beast?” He raised his hands, mimicking a lion about to swipe a clawed paw.
Hermione leaned forward, eager to hear what Harry had seen. She was curious- she’d always wondered why Anna’s sister wore gloves, though Anna herself had told her that Elsa supposedly just ‘had a thing about dirt.’ Hermione wasn’t sure if she bought that, though.
Harry shook his head. “That’s the thing. They were…” his brow furrowed. “…completely, utterly normal.”
Hermione loudly let out the breath she had been holding. Ron looked disappointed that there was no secret deformity.
“So that’s it, then?” Hermione asked. “She just took them off and wrote her lines with you?”
“Kind of, yeah,” Harry began to explain. “She sorta…seemed to meditate for a bit, closed her eyes and took deep breaths and all. And then sat down and started writing. She was breathing heavily the whole time but otherwise seemed fine. I don’t know what happened at the end, I left before she was finished.”
“Strange.” Hermione added, clearly deep in thought. She was spreading jam on her toast mindlessly, moving it back and forth over the bread while her thoughts were elsewhere. She finally took a few bites, then stood up from the table. “C’mon, let’s get going. We have a class to get to.”
Hermione was still deep in thought over what Harry had relayed to her and Ron as she found herself a seat in her ancient runes class. She was so immersed in her thoughts that she very nearly missed the hushed murmurs of the two Slytherin girls behind her.
“—to hide these bags under my eyes, Arendelle woke us all up again last night.”
“Again, really? Blimey, that’s what, the second time this month? Why can’t they just give her a private room or something already, spare the rest of you?”
Hermione’s ears perked up at yet another mention of the same girl who had been occupying her thoughts. Elsa Arendelle was waking the Slytherins up? Why? It seemed so unlike the quiet, unassuming girl that Hermione couldn’t help but ease her curiosity. She turned around in her chair, feeling a sense of relief when she saw the first speaker was Tracey Davis, a Slytherin she used to tutor last year.
“Excuse me, I don’t mean to be rude or interrupt, but I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation,” Hermione began, meeting Tracey and her friend’s surprised expressions with a serious one of her own. “That sounds terribly annoying- why is she waking you all up?”
Tracey and her friend exchanged glances- this was a Gryffindor they were about to spill house secrets to, after all…but Tracey remembered how kind Hermione had been to her when she had been struggling with some of her classes, how the girl often went over her scheduled time to teach and go over concepts with her. Granger didn’t seem like one to go around spreading rumors- she was just the type to want them for herself. At least, that’s the conclusion her sleep-deprived brain came to, anyway.
“Well…” Tracey began, pointedly ignoring her friends’ glare, “she isn’t doing it on purpose, at least. She sometimes has these…I don’t know, nightmares? I guess I would call them that,” she said, questioningly. “She’ll start tossing and turning in bed, crying pretty loudly, and starts calling out for her sister and yelling things like, ‘no!’ or, ‘I’m sorry!’”
Tracey’s friend began snickering, rolling her eyes and attempting to cover her mouth. “I think one of you should just smother her with a pillow. That’ll make her shut up.”
“Ohmigosh, no,” Tracey started, eyes wide. “A couple times some of the girls came over to stop her, or maybe comfort her that one time it was Tabitha, I don’t know- but she freaked. Like someone was about to stab her or something.”
Hermione’s eyes went wide. “What? What do you mean?”
Tracey thought back to that time, and did her best to explain it to Hermione:
“Mmnngh,” Tracey mumbled, turning over as she was awakened by rustling sheets and someone’s voice.
Pulling herself into a sitting position to see what the ruckus was, she shivered, pulling the blanket closer around her shoulders. When did it get so cold in the dormitory? Maybe someone left the window open again…
Her mind was brought back to the present by the cries of a bunkmate below, a few beds over from herself. Out of Tracey’s peripheral vision she could tell that other girls were starting to waken, too, startled awake from the disturbance below.
“No, PLEASE! I- mmngh…” Elsa Arendelle was writhing in her sheets again. Tracey could hear her panting breaths and see her hands fisting in the linens, curling in and out repeatedly. “ANNA!”
By this point, a couple girls were watching the struggling one- some with interest, some with annoyance. Others had concern written across their faces while others were covering their mouths with laughter at the blonde’s antics.
Tracey watched as Tabitha, who had the misfortune of sleeping next to Elsa, carefully got out of her own bed and padded over to her neighbor’s bottom bunk. She sat down beside her, avoiding a twisting arm flying in her direction, and gently placed a hand on Elsa’s shoulder.
“Elsa, ssh, wake up, it’s alright.” She shook the girl’s shoulder lightly. “C’mon, sshh. Everything’s okay.”
Elsa jerked up from her bed with a harsh gasp. Her gaze alighted on her friend sitting next to her- touching her. She jumped back, until her shoulders were pressing against the headboard.
“Stay away from me! Get back!” She tried to yell the words, but her voice wasn’t cooperating, hoarse and panting as she was.
Tracey watched the interaction with piqued curiosity.
“Elsa, what-” Tabitha started.
“Just go! Stay away from me- please!” Elsa squeaked out the last word, and started patting the bed around her frantically.
Tracey broke off from telling what she had witnessed. “After that time, the girls have just woken her up from afar. No use working her up even more than she already is.”
“I guess,” her friend conceded, “plus, if her third year experience tells us anything, maybe there’s a reason we should be staying away, besides.”
Though Hermione couldn’t help but agree with that last statement, she chose to instead focus on another aspect of the retelling. “So she was looking for her gloves in the bed?” She asked.
“Yes,” Tracey replied, “but I don’t see why. She’s always wearing them, anyways.”
That couldn’t be, Hermione thought. “Always? As in, literally never takes them off?”
“Well, no, not literally, I suppose.” Tracey shook her head. “She takes them off in the bathroom, and to wash her hands, to shower- you know, whenever you’d need to have bare hands.” She thought, lips pursed. “I don’t know what the deal is, really.”
“You’ve never asked?
“Well, I haven’t, no,” Tracey responded. “But others have. She’s a germaphobe, or so she says. Doesn’t like to touch things others have touched. Her hands look just fine; she’s not hiding anything under there.”
Hermione nodded, still perplexed. She opened her mouth to ask another question but at that moment their professor walked in. “Thanks,” she said instead. “I hope you get better sleep tonight!”
It was the beginning of potions class.
Long tapered fingers in their white fabric covering flipped through pages of a textbook. Ink stains dotted the gloves.
Hermione wondered from across the room how many pairs Elsa Arendelle must own. They must get stained often with all their schoolwork.
“Today,” Snape boomed, suddenly at the front of the classroom, “we will be learning how to make a Pepperup potion. Turn to pages 112 of your books. All ingredients are available to you in the usual location-” he gestured to some shelves and tables to the left – “Turn your vials into me at the end of the class. You may begin.”
Students scrambled to gather ingredients but Snape interrupted once more.
“On second thought, let’s make this a little more…interesting,” he drawled, black eyes glittering. “I want you all partnered with someone of the other house. All Gryffindors find a Slytherin to work with.”
What?! The class was in uproar. Hermione rolled her eyes and groaned. Why should I have to work with one of those idiots?!
Very slowly, students started to pair off, begrudgingly dragging their feet to find a partner they didn’t despise too much. Ron found himself paired with Blaise Zabini, and Hermione watched Harry sigh and wait for whoever was left from the other house to join.
Who on earth am I supposed to work with? Hermione thought. God forbid she would have to listen to Pansy Parkinson’s vapid commentary, or have to suffer through Milicent Bulstrode smacking her gum throughout the class. She also dreaded doing all of the work if she didn’t want her potions grade to suffer.
She scanned the room, her eyes finally falling on Elsa Arendelle, who remained in her seat still, looking a little stunned and wary at Snape’s pronouncement. Their eyes met, and before Arendelle could show signs of objection, Hermione jumped up from her seat and headed to sit by Elsa. At least I won’t fail the assignment if I’m with her.
Hermione plopped down in the empty seat next to Elsa, who backed up a little bit in her seat, eyes wide.
“We’re working together,” Hermione told the blonde matter-of-factly, her tone brooking no room for argument or discussion. “Let’s just get through this.”
Elsa closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She did look tired, Hermione noted. I guess she couldn’t fall back to sleep after the nightmare. Arendelle’s eyes had smudges of grey-blue below them and her teeth worried her lower lip.
“Fine,” Elsa said, rising to retrieve their ingredients.
So, whattaya think? Total trash or should I continue? I remember what I had in mind next for this scene and Hermione starts to piece together what Elsa is hiding…
By the way, I know I got the idea from someone about Harry and Elsa writing lines with that quill but it’s been so long I forget who- if it’s you let me know so I can give credit!
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littlefoxywrites · 4 years
Can I Keep Him? - Frozen/Harry Potter (Exolvo) AU
Elsa made her way toward the courtyard where Anna was waiting for her. She was grateful to finally get some time to spend with her sister – what with her N.E.W.T. classes and the corresponding homework really eating away at her free time. Anna understood that her sister’s workload often kept her trapped in the library for hours at a time, so she tried to make up for it in any way she could herself. Normally that meant quick visits between classes or during a meal, but today they finally had a few solid hours together and they were not going to waste them.
Anna was already waiting for her, and the moment she saw her older sister she ran toward her, beaming her head off. “Hey, long time, no see,” she greeted happily as she quickly threw her arms around Elsa’s shoulders, “How’s the library?”
“Still too dark and dusty,” Elsa answered, “So I’m glad I don’t have to spend my afternoon in there today.”
“Great! Well, I was thinking of going for a walk to start, then maybe sneak onto the Quidditch pitch for a quick flying practice?” Anna suggested, “There’s no one there today. I know – I checked.”
Elsa chuckled. “Sounds good, Anna. Lead the way,” she said warmly.
They headed toward the exit, but as they drew closer to the great archway, they began to hear voices and laughter. But the laughter sounded more malicious than light-hearted. They rounded a corner to spot a group of Ravenclaw boys huddled near a corner, laughing at something on the ground before them. Anna recognized the youngest one as someone from her year, and was quick to ask, “Hans? What’s going on?”
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littlefoxywrites · 4 years
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[Art featured in header and footer credit to comickergirl]
Originally created by counterpunches, arendellesfirstwinter, and ultranos, Exolvo is an ongoing Frozen/Harry Potter crossover following Anna and Elsa through their experiences at Hogwarts, crossing over and integrating with the books of the Harry Potter series.
Exolvo is open for anyone to participate in, and this post is an ever-growing masterpost/timeline of the events of this AU for those who wish to read/enjoy/contribute.
The original conversation can be found here, the original crossover thoughts can be found here, here and here, and the tag, where all new content should be, can be found here.
Please feel free to inform me (ask or submit) of any posts/contributors that are absent from this list, and I will add them as soon as possible.
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littlefoxywrites · 5 years
Listen, do you need quarantine reading?  Sure, we all do.  So let me rec to you: This Is How You Lose The Time War.  It’s sci-fic.  It’s w/w.  It’s layered and delicious and mostly epistolary and it is 100% the best book I read last year (and I read Gideon The Ninth and Priory of the Orange Tree last year, which are also incredible).
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Read it.  Love it.  
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littlefoxywrites · 5 years
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RPGs, or relentlessly persistent girls by cassandrha
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littlefoxywrites · 5 years
you wanna know why i like alternate universes so much? because i like the idea that these two characters can/will love each other no matter what time period, where they are, or what the situation is. its like there is nothing that can stop them from loving one another and i just really like that okay man.
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littlefoxywrites · 5 years
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The problems of being a Fandom Elder: watching fandom terminology get misused
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littlefoxywrites · 5 years
someone recommend me some good fantasy books that aren’t centred on a war, please, my crops are dying
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littlefoxywrites · 5 years
OMENS: The Masterpost
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OMENS As Scully struggles to come to terms with her cancer, she and Mulder are called to Horizon, Montana to investigate a mysterious and gruesome death. Notes, Acknowledgements, & Trigger Warnings 1. The Deep Muscle of the World 2. Muddy and Foxgloved 3. Dreams Unwind 4. Taken by the Sky 5. Ring Them Bells 6. A Thousand Teeth 7. The Water is Wide 8. Between Here and Heaven 9. Tethered 10. Rhiannon 11. Shrike 12. Briseann Sé 13. Sspommitapiiksi 14. Splintered Heart and Maddened Hand 15. The Tower 16. One for the Road Read on AO3
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littlefoxywrites · 5 years
Fugues in the Key of X is one of the last great archives of old school X-files Fanfic that still exists today. It’s one of the only places you can find a lot of high quality pre-2005 stories. I just want to encourage everyone to download as much as you can from this archive before it, too, goes the way of so many archives before it.
Again, this was one of the top archives for quality XF writing in the early aughts.
Save it.
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littlefoxywrites · 5 years
Me: *spews out an elaborate plot bunny*
Well-intentioned friend: That would make a great fic. You should write it!
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littlefoxywrites · 5 years
hc: 20 years of marriage and carlisle discovering that esme still wears her engagement ring on a chain around her neck to remind her of the time when they were first together.
i wrote this whole thing and then the app crashed before i saved here we go take 2
He followed the sound of her voice out of their shared closet. He was fiddling with his cufflinks as he approached. “Yes?”
“Can you zip me up?”
Carlisle finally tore his eyes away from his wrists to look at her. He was speechless. When she and Alice had gone shopping a few days earlier to get Esme a dress for the hospital benefit he hadn’t known she’d come home with this…
“What do you think?” She asked him, smirking just a bit. After nearly a century of marriage, she knew very well that he liked the dress very much. His eyes followed her hands as she smoothed down the golden fabric along her stomach. It clung to her body and flowed gently at the bottom. The shade of gold matched her eyes.
“You look…stunning, my love.”
Esme gave him a smile, her stomach fluttering just a bit. She gathered her loose curls up and pulled them over one shoulder so that he could zip the dress.
She turned face the mirror, watching them as Carlisle zipped and hooked the dress closed.
When he turned her to face him, she lifted her hands to straighten his tie while his hands reached for the simple silver chain she had around her neck.
He carefully pulled it from its hiding place beneath the fabric of her dress to reveal her old, worn engagement ring.
The silver was ice cold because of its resting place against her chest.
“Your first engagement ring.”
She nodded. “I wear it on special occasions. I would wear it all the time but…he’s looking rather delicate these days, isn’t he?”
Carlisle nodded, examining the ring he’d so lovingly picked out nearly a century ago. He spent hours and hours and hours pouring over rings- Esme’s had to be perfect. When he proposed with it, both had ended up in tearless cries. “I could have it restored. We could move the stone to a newer band and-”
“No,” She interrupted, taking the ring back and tucking it under her dress. “I don’t ever want it change. It’ll stay exactly as is forever.”
Carlisle nodded at that, his hand tightening at her side to gently tug her closer.
Esme lifted up onto her toes and looped her arms loosely around his neck. She leaned in to press her lips to his.
“I can’t believe you still wear that old thing. I’ve gotten you nicer rings for our vow renewals.”
She tightened her arms. “I love that ring. It’s my favorite one.”
“More than the sapphire one from our 60th?” He asked- he remembered just how much the entire family had commented on the beauty of said ring.
“The day you gave me this ring was one of the happiest of entire life.” Esme told him. “It’s a reminder of falling in love over those first few months, our little home in Ashland- I could never love any other ring like I love this one.”
Carlisle kissed her and then kissed her again, his forehead eventually landing against hers. “It was one of the happiest of my days as well. I’ll never forget the look on your face, the sound of you agreeing to spend eternity with me…”
send me fic prompts
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littlefoxywrites · 5 years
I was laughing so hard I almost cried at one AM or so. Weird times are lovely haha 
“Temptations Always Come Along”
[Shandy, Andy POV, rated M-ish/NSFW, The Closer season 7; Title inspo is, fittingly in about 100 ways, “Pink Cadillac”] – Andy has to explain a certain off-duty activity to Chief Johnson. 
A/N: This story was prompted by a NSFW tweet (seen below) about a real-life instance of police bodycam that, after discussing with someone else, I just couldn’t resist.
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littlefoxywrites · 5 years
Andrea and Sharon spend a sweet morning in bed after Andrea loses an important case.
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littlefoxywrites · 5 years
T’s Masterlist of AU Ideas
Need some inspiration for your next fanfic? Here are a list of ideas I’ve compiled to help you get started! There are also a few sub-AUs I included just because :)
50s AU
80s AU
Ancient Egypt AU
Cold War AU
Medieval AU
Dark/Middle Ages
Regency AU
Revolutionary War AU
Roaring 20s AU
Stone Age AU
Tudor AU
Victorian AU
World War I AU
World War II AU
Apocalypse AU
Dystopian AU
Fairy Tale AU
12 Dancing Princesses
Aladdin / Arabian Nights
Beauty & the Beast
Hansel & Gretel
Jack & the Beanstalk
Peter Pan
Sleeping Beauty
Snow Queen
Snow White
The Frog Prince
The Little Mermaid
The Prince/Princess & the Pauper
The Princess & the Pea
High Fantasy AU
Horror AU
Mafia AU
Military AU
Musical AU
Mystery AU
Noir AU
Pirate AU
Sci-Fi AU
Shakespeare AU
Superhero AU
Supernatural/Paranormal AU
Time Travel AU
Urban Fantasy AU
Utopian AU
Wild West AU
Airplane Passengers AU
Aristocrat/Commoner AU
Arranged Marriage AU
Artist/Muse AU
Author/Publisher AU
Body Swap AU
Childhood Sweethearts AU
Chosen One & Sidekick AU
Complete Opposites AU
Doctor/Patient AU
Hades & Persephone AU
Handcuffed Together AU
Lab Partners AU
Neighbors AU
Pen Pals AU
Personality Switch AU
Rockstar/Groupie AU
Roommates AU
Royalty/Servant AU
Soldier/Nurse AU
Soulmates AU
Teacher/Student AU
Tourist/Native AU
Battle Royale AU
Breakfast Club AU
Chronicles of Narnia AU
Dirty Dancing AU
Giselle AU
Hogwarts AU
Inception AU
Jumanji AU
Les Miserables AU
La La Land AU
Middle Earth AU
Nutcracker AU
Pacific Rim AU
Phantom of the Opera AU
Star Trek AU
Star Wars AU
Swan Lake AU
Swiss Family Robinson AU
Terminator AU
Wonderland AU
Android AU
Archaeologist AU
Assassin AU
Astronaut AU
Celebrity AU
Cosplayer AU
Criminal AU
Dancer AU
Demon Slayer AU
Detective AU
Double Agent AU
Explorer AU
Fallen Angel AU
Fighter Pilot AU
Guardian Angel AU
Hacker AU
Musician AU
Nerd/Geek AU
Olympic Athlete AU
Photographer AU
Private Eye AU
Punk AU
Race Car Driver AU
Revolutionary AU
Royalty AU
Street Performer AU
Tsundere AU
Tutor AU
Viking AU
Yandere AU
Atlantis AU
Egyptian Gods AU
El Dorado AU
Fountain of Youth AU
Greek Gods AU
King Arthur AU
Norse Gods AU
Robin Hood AU
Angel AU
Banshee AU
Demigod AU
Demon AU
Genie AU
Ghost AU
Mermaid AU
Siren AU
Werewolf AU
Vampire AU
Zombie AU
Christmas AU
Fourth of July AU
Halloween AU
Hanukkah AU
New Years AU
Spring Break AU
Thanksgiving AU
Backpacking Across Europe AU
Battle of the Bands AU
Bookshop AU
Carnival AU
Circus AU
Coffeeshop AU
College AU
“We got paired up for a group project but none of us know what we’re doing”
Conspiracy AU
Dragons AU
Heist AU
High School AU
Summer School
Immortal AU
Kidnapped AU
Prison AU
Reincarnation AU
Road Trip AU
Seven Deadly Sins AU
Summer Camp AU
Time Travel AU
“Marry me because my green card expired” AU
“Why does by neighbor have to be an aspiring opera singer?” AU
“I’m a server and you’re a frequent customer and you flirt with me but YOU NEVER TIP ME, WHAT THE HELL MAN?” AU
“I never break the law but I was asked to be part of a massive heist and damn, I really need to pay off my student debt…” AU
“I lied and said I could speak a different language to impress my crush but now he wants me to tutor him so I need to become fluent in Mandarin in 3 days HELP” AU
“We are fictional characters that know we are fictional characters and so we decided to have a little fun and mess with the author by not following any of the tropes they’re writing” AU
[Updated 8/21/17]
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littlefoxywrites · 5 years
I’m one of those old school fic writers you young whippersnappers hear talking about the old days, when if you dared to write fic you kept it on the lowest of down-lows, even if it was as gen as gen could be, or at the very best you slathered it with disclaimers, in hopes some author or publisher wouldn’t set their pack of lawyers on you and leave you destitute. 
Today, a website made specifically for the pursuit of fic won the highest award in science fiction, and i am so very thankful to have lived long enough to see it.
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littlefoxywrites · 5 years
You know what kind of stories I’d love to see more of in fandom?  Stories where the relationship between the central pairing is temporary–they end the story apart, and probably not getting back together–and it’s still treated like a valuable and even a good thing, and a worthwhile experience to have.
Show me lovers to friends, where two people who fuck out of habit, out of shallow mutual attraction, out of expectation, discover that they can understand and support and rely on each other and also should not be dating and don’t want to.  Show me sex as a coping mechanism (we love sex as a coping mechanism as a trope!); it’s a healthier coping mechanism than many and less healthy and helpful than some, but it gets them through what they need to get through and the happy ending is the realization that they don’t need it any more.  Hell, give me a relationship that’s not actually abusive but is full of crappy cycles of behavior on all sides, good intentions or no, where watching this unhealthy thing falling apart is good for everyone.
It’s the sort of plotline you see, sometimes, in the backstory of characters in fics who are on the road to Getting Together with their One True Love, but it’s so rare to see it as the central emotional arc of a story.  As a culture, fandom loves to skip past all of the ‘temporary’ relationships in a character’s life to get them to the formation of their happily-ever-after relationship, the one that matters.  I’d love to see more stories where the relationship that matters ends, and it’s okay that it ends, and it still matters anyway.
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