littlebutlethal · 1 year
we’re not lovers
we’re just strangers
with the same damn hunger
to be touched, to be loved
to feel anything at all
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littlebutlethal · 1 year
I do not find peace in my melancholy.
My sadness is not serene.
I am bloodthirsty.
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littlebutlethal · 1 year
"Almost every woman I have ever met has a secret belief that she is just on the edge of madness, that there is some deep, crazy part within her, that she must be on guard constantly against losing control - of her temper, of her appetite, of her sexuality, of her feelings, of her ambition, of her secret fantasies, of her mind.”
Elana Dykewomon, "Notes for a Magazine," Sinister Wisdom #36 (Winter 1988/89).
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littlebutlethal · 3 years
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Rebe & Mencía + 🖕
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littlebutlethal · 3 years
elite writers literally just assassinated, butchered, killed, slaughtered and pushed guzmáns character development right out of the window in s4 like how am I suppose to take anything the writers do seriously now?? how did they justify this writing???
guzmán and his character development was my favourite thing about elite. I am actually so thankful to the writers that they did his story justice from s1 to s3 and the short stories. but the fact that that was taken away from me is so upsetting.
I'm trying to understand why guzmán went back to his old ways but I'm seriously coming out blank. is it that nadia wasn't around and that's why he reverted back? I don't think so cause he was still the sweet and kind boy in the short stories. maybe samuel brought out guzmáns ego and competitive side?? but it doesn't make sense?? they are literally bffs.
so I'm just wondering what changed??? why am I not recognizing him?? if the writers are trying to tell me in s4 that guzmán was just not able to change and be a better person in the end, that will be my villain story.
in conclusion, the writers are on crack and elite ended after the short stories.
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littlebutlethal · 3 years
Samu and Rebe being friends again, and Rebe and Mencia’s relationship are the only two good things about this season.
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littlebutlethal · 3 years
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littlebutlethal · 3 years
does anyone ever think about the fact that bucky barnes had every reason to be a villain yet he just chooses....not to? like he's got the tragic backstory, the motive, the sinister metal arm, the perpetual glare, the Murder Walk™️, and everything else in between, but nope, not once do we hear him complain or blame others, opting to work through his trauma instead of letting others carry his pain for him, because even after years of mindwiping and torture, not even hydra could erase the fact that bucky at his very core is a good and selfless person, and all he really wants is to help people and be a hero
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littlebutlethal · 3 years
don't touch me just thinking about how sam wilson kept every single promise he made from his first appearance to the present, like he gave steve and nat a home, he searched for bucky and went on the run with steve, he made sure karli's mission was explained properly, he got sharon pardoned, he made sure isaiah wasn't forgotten, and he's still doing his best, just like he told steve he would, i'm so proud of this man
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littlebutlethal · 3 years
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1x12 : Murder in the Dark
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littlebutlethal · 3 years
wow. netflix really canceled a show that not only was a major international success for being incredibly under-promoted, but also a show that had a strong asian female lead, another strong female character, a strong black gay character, another strong black character, and a storyline that was overall found family more than romance.
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littlebutlethal · 3 years
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Liam reacting to Louis watching his Instagram Live
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littlebutlethal · 3 years
have you ever thought about how many people think about you? it’s so bizarre. imagine someone, out of the blue, thinking of your face. something happens; they remember you. your favorite song, how you dress, the way you talk, the look in your eyes when you are happy. they remember that about you, even if you haven’t seen each other in years. everything in life is a reminder of a person, a place, a moment. you may think you’ve forgotten, but you haven’t. 
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littlebutlethal · 3 years
Season 2, the irregulars all live at 221B. John Watson now has to be a father figure to a gaggle of teenagers in between solving crimes. He's never been so happy. Occasionally the Prince of England stops by.
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littlebutlethal · 3 years
So you know what I really liked about The Irregulars’ interpretation of Sherlock Holmes?
He’s the inevitable outcome to the supremely narcissistic, self-involved, self-aggrandizing version of Holmes. He has a massive failure and he just.... crumbles. And it’s not shown with a lot of pity or sympathy.
I also appreciate the entire commentary on how much shitty behavior we’re conditioned to tolerate from ‘great men’ because they’re ‘exceptional’ (and how being ‘exceptional’ is actually no excuse for being a crap human being).
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littlebutlethal · 3 years
Someone was really like "Let's mix Sherlock Holmes fanfic and the weirdest paranormal situations you can think of and heartrending commentary on grief and call it a Netflix show" and it ended up amazing.
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littlebutlethal · 3 years
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Ben Stone - episode 3.3
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