little-oddball 10 years
Quick rant before I go to bed
I never thought I'd ever find myself in this position, but evidently the universe thinks I'm a total badasI have been dealt a hand that while isn't completely terrible itstill sucks for other little people in the long run. I'd finally come to the conclusion that my sperm donor needed to take more than just a 2 day responsibility for his kid. I mean hell he does more financially for his other 2 kids than he's ever done for mine in the last 5 years. Jumping forward, once all the legal stuff had been said and done he decided that it was necessary for him to move 8 hours away to Louisiana for what he said was a "better job". His most recent job had him working 3 days a weekWhile I bust my as 40 plus hours a week just to make sure she has a roof over her head, clothes On her back and food in her stomach. In my opinion he simply could have found an additional job in closer proximity to his children. I knew then that my kid would never see her father again. My daughter is 5 years old and has recently been diagnosed with autism. She knew that he was moving but in her mind he's simply going to another house down the street. I've talked to her until I was blue in the face but she still doesn't quite get it. No more Dad. No more brother. No more sister. That part I can deal with as time passes, but what chaps my ass the most is that he left his children to go and get a better job so he could take care of his financial obligations to his kids when in actuality he was simply running away to live with his "girlfriend" not work and live off of his VA check. There was no new better paying job just a place to run and (try to) hide. This man is a no good deadbeat loser. I pray that he feels 2 inches tall right now. His other 2 children are at least lucky enough to have a stepfather that seems to give a shit about them. I've only started a relationship 4 months ago, but I think I may have actually come across one of the last few good men left on the planet because despite the newness of our relationship he's volunteered himself to step in and pickup for the shortcomings of my child's biological father. He having been basically abandoned by his father at a young age he couldn't bare to think of a little girl growing up without a decent male figure in her life. So to my daughter's genetic other half.Don't worry about her. She's better off without you. Just make sure you keep those child support payments coming (because she has a bunch of different therapies and doctors appointments in the near future) and obviously that's what you think it means to be a father. You are a lying sack of shit and when the day comes that my little girl asks you why you left her I hope that you've grown up enough to be able to tell her the truth.
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little-oddball 10 years
You see, we may not look like much, but between the three of us we have 5 legs, 4 eyes, and 2 and a half working sets of lungs. But we also have 2 dozen eggs so if I were you I'd go back inside.
Augustus Waters
The Fault in our Stars
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little-oddball 10 years
Okay? Okay.
This is the first post that I've made in only God knows how long, but I really had no idea where else to put this....
Over the summer I saw a commercial for a movie that for some unknown reason drew me in. I wanted, no, HAD to see this movie. Then I heard the dreaded words "Based on the New York Times Best Seller".聽
I told myself after "Fight Club" that I would never EVER watch a movie that is based on a novel until I've read said novel. It just so happened that a friend of mine had already聽purchased the book and let me borrow it. We said that once we were done reading the book that we'd go see it in the theaters. Well, being the single mother of an autistic/ADHD child afforded me little to no time to read and I finished the book about a month before the film was due out on DVD. -__-
After reading the book I was....I don't even know the appropriate word for it, but it made me want to see the movie even more. To be honest I initially wanted to watch it just so I can say that the book was better.
I watched The Fault in our Stars last night and it's still stuck in my head even as I type this now. This was one of those movies that come few and far between where the movie is just as good as the book.聽
Yes there were things that weren't exactly the same and things that got cut out but really I think that the stuff that was missed was just the聽in between fluff that didn't really wasn't missed. This movie captured all of important things from the book and did it beautifully.
Having read the book I already knew what was supposed to happen and when. But then to have it personified and see the story unfold in real life was even more gut wrenching than reading it. I would say that I would watch it over and over again, but crying isn't really my thing and I've already done enough of that to last me for at least a good month.
I don't think I'll ever be able to hear the word "Okay." the same ever again.聽聽聽
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little-oddball 11 years
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The Boondocks Season 4 returns April 21st, only on Adult Swim.
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little-oddball 11 years
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little-oddball 11 years
If the girlscouts keep this up then I will sacrifice my hips and butt every year for awesomeness.
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someone on facebook posted this intending it to be negative but instead it鈥檚 INCREDIBLE. go girl scouts
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little-oddball 11 years
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The before and afters.
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little-oddball 11 years
March 8th, 2014
My day started at about to o'clock this morning when I decided to head to the kitchen for my usual poptarts and milk snack. We were out of milk so I grabbed my moms soy milk and two sips in I felt a tingle in the back of my throat. I had caught a bug from working at the daycare (as to be expected) so I figured it was just something else to go along with it. About ten minutes later my throat started to swell up and goo started pouring from my face. I had seen this before when my Kids dad accidently ate a mushroom so I drove myself to the ER. By then my voice was down to a whisper. When I got to the front desk I "told" the nurse that I thought I was having an allergic reaction to the soymilk. She took me straight back because apparently she thought I was dying. After talking to a doctor it turns out that I have laryngitis. The soy milk aggravated it. I had to drink a steroid which tasted like absolute hell. I would have much rather gotten a shot. Thankfully I was in and at in two hours. I got home around 3 AM then slept for a couple of hours until I had to get up and get ready for my 5K. Sick or not I wasn't going to miss it. Color Up 5K was awesome. I walked a decent part of it but I ran what I could. All in all l finished a 3.1 mile run /walk in 50 minutes. Not bad for a first timer with a busted ankle and an illness. I got home at noon, took a very colorful shower and then got in bed and died for about 6 hours. Not the best day of my life but not the worst either.
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little-oddball 11 years
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little-oddball 11 years
Fight Club love.
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little-oddball 11 years
I WAS going to workout tonight. Then I went to an 8 hour teacher work day. Nevermind.
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little-oddball 11 years
More than I care to admit.
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Amazing Zodiac Facts Here
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little-oddball 11 years
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little-oddball 11 years
Teehee that's a good one.
"If white people are so privileged why is there a Black Entertainment Network and no White Entertainment Network?"
"Men don鈥檛 have privilege, there are women鈥檚 only gyms!"
"Why isn鈥檛 there a campus centre for straight/cis people!?"
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little-oddball 11 years
I can't take The Baby shopping. I turn my back for a second and she grabs stuff off the shelves
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little-oddball 11 years
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little-oddball 11 years
GAAAH! My past has come back to haunt me!
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