murder hornets littles!!
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A sideblog for the littles and regressors of the Murder Hornets system! Main/Sys blog is @murderhornetss
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little-hornetss · 2 years ago
one of the bigger alters ordered little stuff for our birthday!! it just got here today! lookit lookit!
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The raccoon is now names freddie mercury
Look how big mr freddie is!
Ah yes, meet me AND MY CHILD /ref
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Thankies miss Hel!!!
~ Grór
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little-hornetss · 2 years ago
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little-hornetss · 2 years ago
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a kidcore gender related to rainbows, cats, stickers, crayons, clouds and colouring. a childish, playful gender. can also be related to age regression, but does not have to be. can be applied to anything - examples are boykiddiekitty, prikiddiekitty, etc.
a kidcore gender related to rainbows, wolves, stickers, crayons, clouds and colouring. a childish, playful gender. can also be related to age regression, but does not have to be. can be applied to anything - examples are boykiddiewolfic, prikiddiewolfic, etc.
a kidcore gender related to rainbows, ducklings, stickers, crayons, clouds and colouring. a childish, playful gender. can also be related to age regression, but does not have to be. can be applied to anything - examples are boykiddieduckic, prikiddieduckic, etc.
a kidcore gender related to rainbows, dogs, stickers, crayons, clouds and colouring. a childish, playful gender. can also be related to age regression, but does not have to be. can be applied to anything - examples are boykiddiepuppic, prikiddiepuppic, etc.
coined by me. kiddiekitty requested by @felisdae​. kiddiewolfic requested by anon. absolutely no credit required.
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little-hornetss · 2 years ago
agere this or that ! 🍼
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questions here ! just random questions to answer if u r ever bored <3
bottles or sippy cups ?
blocks or slime ?
play alone or with a friend ?
watch a movie or color ?
dino nuggies or mac nd cheese ? ( vegan substitutes included ! )
cookies or fruit snacks ?
fuzzy socks or onesie ?
video games or playing outside ?
chalk or paint ?
color puppies or kitties ?
pacis or stuffies ?
count sheep or watch the stars ?
soft or crinkles ?
lullabies or bed time stories ?
bubble baths or nap time ?
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little-hornetss · 2 years ago
Agere Self-Care Tips
Since agere is mainly used for mental health and trauma, we often forget to take care of ourselves and even when we do remember, it can be hard to do it 'cause it feels like we gotta do a lot. But in reality, we don't have to! These are some small ways to do self-care without having to use a lot of energy! If you also have tips, please add them! Since being big can take energy out of you on its own, try being Little while doing self-care, since you're more likely to see it as a game and can even add a reward! Face: -Use makeup wipes with aloe and/or a soft moisturizer in it! This can help with keeping your face fresh and can help with dryness (along with sensitivity if you have it). -Just using a warm, wet rag can help with cleaning your face and getting rid of dead skin, just remember to be gentle as too much rubbing of the skin can irritate it. -Use baby lotion or just soft smelling lotion to help with dryness! Helps with keeping the skin moist and it smells so good!! Teeth: -When brushing your teeth, make sure to at least floss and use toothpaste. While mouth wash is important, flossing is also important and is needed for healthy gums. -If you can't use toothpaste, just floss and use mouth wash. Hair: -Try to make sure to at least comb your hair and use dry shampoo if you haven't washed it. Combing your hair is important for its health just like washing it and getting rid of knots just feels nice in general. -Try using a hair mask, some need to set in your hair and you can do other things while waiting for it to be absorbed into your hair. Body: -Use deodorizing wipes and get the important parts mainly (under arms, crotch, ETC)! -Use baby lotion, good for the skin, smells good, and it can help you stay smol longer! -Use soft smelling fragrances that way it doesn't overwhelm you and helps with making you feel good! Food: -If you have kids' plates and utensils, use 'em! -While eating a big filling meal is important, eating anything is better than nothing- -Make sure to at least add the stuff your body needs, anything that's small but has the nutrients and vitamins that you need is great!! -Try to eat a warm/hot meal if you're anxious or just not feeling like yourself in that moment, it helps bring you back to the moment and not focus on anything else for now! -If you don't feel like eating a big meal, use those small dinners that are cheap and can be cooked in the microwave. -Make your food fun!! Make different shapes with sauces and/or make your food look cute in some way! -Treat yourself with a small dessert! You deserve it! Drinks: -If you've got it, put your drink in a cute cup or sippie! -Try to drink something with water in it (tea, juice, ETC)! -If you can, try to drink at least one cup of water! Hydration is important! -If you wanna drink something else, but also need water, take a drink of water and reward yourself with the wanted drink! That way, you're rewarding yourself in a small way! Exercise: -Wear cute clothing if you've got it! -Stretch!! It feels nice and it'll help you relax!! -Yoga? Great! And it's less effort if you're doing simple ones! -Reward yourself after a stretch! -Make it a game! And if you want, have someone join you! Much more fun that way! Meds: -Put stickers on your med box, decorate it and help it remind you that it's there to help you feel better! -Add a piece of candy with your meds! -Set a reminder like an alarm clock to help you remember!! Extra Ideas: -Make a agere box or an anti-anxiety box for yourself! Decorate it and have it somewhere where you can easily access it! -Cuddle and talk about your feelings to your stuffies! They're there for you and love you!! -Make a agere journal and use it to help with your agere! Remember to be kind to yourself!! Doing little things instead of big things doesn't mean you aren't worth it!! You're valid just like everyone else!!
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little-hornetss · 2 years ago
wanna have a sleepover??
an interactive game!!!
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thank you for coming to my playdate..! sleep well..
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