people who tell me i shouldn’t drink lava: the media
people who lie: the media
conclusion should be obvious
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favorite number?
no explanation for u
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this is true. my slowbro, little bastard (yes that's his name) moved very fast sometimes as a slowpoke
I hear that Galarian Slowpoke are also capable of moving at weirdly high speeds due to their more advanced psychic powers. Is that true?
As a secondary question, does Greg use his own psychic abilities at all? If so, how?
Uhh I don't know since I don't own a galarian slowpoke! Nor have I interacted with any really considering I'm from Kanto lol. (And I've never really left Kanto either)
As for the second question yes Greg does occasionally use his psychic abilities. Mostly when he wants attention from me or someone else. While he can't make things levitate. What he can do is use Zen Headbutt on me. He doesn't do it as much as he used to but if I'm up too late past bed time or I don't come and tuck him into bed he will get very upset with me lmao.
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nothing could possibly go wrong
Like bright green..? Hmmm not sure about that one >.>
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i have a question
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one of his friends is doing the gym challenge in kanto and has 3 badges already. also a moltres.
Mission accomplished. I thought y'all said catching a zapdos would be hard.
[1 image attached]
[Image ID: A very confused spearow, sat on a windowsill. A gloved hand can be seen pointing at it from the lower right corner of the image.]
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he's a pretty cool guy tho. mildly insane but you could do worse among his coworkers
Mission accomplished. I thought y'all said catching a zapdos would be hard.
[1 image attached]
[Image ID: A very confused spearow, sat on a windowsill. A gloved hand can be seen pointing at it from the lower right corner of the image.]
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faller. didn't know what a pokemon was a month ago
Mission accomplished. I thought y'all said catching a zapdos would be hard.
[1 image attached]
[Image ID: A very confused spearow, sat on a windowsill. A gloved hand can be seen pointing at it from the lower right corner of the image.]
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every time i go home the slogan sign is wyndon is more and more vandalized
i mean rightfully so.
"this booming metropolis was designed and developed by our very own chairman rose" my ass
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You guys just need more things to talk about than Pokemon I think
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what, guitars?
Pelipper Mail! A gorgeous rosewood acoustic guitar. There’s a sticky note attached to it:
“hey there bestie i got mailed this a while back but I can’t play the guitar and nobody at school wants this random instrument so i’m offloading it onto someone who I KNOW plays guitar -@little-guys-pokemon-central on rotomblr aka cora”
Well, thank you kindly, Cora! That was a mighty good assumption on your end, maybe this'll be a good way to pass the time. Honestly, I was unsure if these even existed in this universe.
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sometimes when i’m bored i take amelia out to the terrarium and we take turns chucking her babies around
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can’t have you knowing, can i? then the evil version of you will be able to thwart me
things i have a plan for:
i get into a time loop
one of my friends or colleagues gets into a time loop
at least one method to subdue everyone i know in the event that they turn evil
my untimely demise
cyrano’s untimely demise
things i do not have a plan for:
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things i have a plan for:
i get into a time loop
one of my friends or colleagues gets into a time loop
at least one method to subdue everyone i know in the event that they turn evil
my untimely demise
cyrano’s untimely demise
things i do not have a plan for:
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misread "wyndoner" as "wyrdeer"
i open my mouth and wyrdeer cries come out
i am cursed
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Tumblr media
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bread is not a type. fidough is a fairy.
Hey, you're starting to get it! Now look at fidough and tell me what type you think it is.
Pure bread.
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