Hey there !! Are you guys still around? D:
Hello there! It's been quite a while since I've been here. This question actually got me thinking about some things so I'm sorry if my answer is longer then you'd like.
To give some background on what's happened and where I've been, when I started this blog in 2015 it was around the time that I was a freshmen in high school. Now that its 2021, I'm finishing up my second year of college. So it's been a very long time and I really do apologize for disappearing for so long. But surprisingly because of this blog, I had actually decided to start going for my creative writing degree at my university. I really do love writing and I'd like to think that in the 7 or so years between making this blog and going to college, I've gotten better at it.
Hatoful boyfriend, this blog, and the people who supported me back then and those who come back every once in a while to like a post will always have a special place in my heart. That's without a doubt.
Soon I'm going to be setting up my own writing blog for people to read my original work, which is more into poetry, and short stories for many different genres. So as of right now, yes I'm still here but I'm not entirely sure if I'll continue writing headcanons here. But I definitely wouldn't mind if anyone would like to help out with writing on this blog.
Thank you for reading this and hopeful I'll figure out if I do want to come back here to write.
Love, Mod Angie ❤
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Anon Asked-”Hatoful Crew reacting to needing comfort after intense nightmares?”
Thank you to whoever sent this in. I do appreciate it and I hope you enjoyed it!
Ryouta: doesn't have nightmares often, most of the time his nightmare are more weird then they are actually scary. So when a particularly frightening nightmare hits, he calls either a friend or his partner. Most of the time he calls his partner, if they aren't busy at night or have something important to do in the morning. The comfort Ryouta seeks is usually reassurance. Ryouta doesn't like the idea of bothering someone, but he really needs someone to be there and hold him. To let him know that everything's okay and that in the morning, everyone will just like they were when he last saw them, safe and sound.
Sakuya: doesn't have nightmares frequently, so when it does happen they tend to scare him quite badly. He'll try to act tough and push through the rest of the night, but eventually the images he saw will push him to call or visit someone he trusts (most likely a partner or a trusted friend) to seek comfort. The comfort he seeks include a hug/cuddles, and someone who will listen. The person would have to stay relatively silent since right now Sakuya just wants to get the nightmare off of his chest.
Hiyoko: doesn't have nightmares often. Actually, nightmares are pretty rare for her. So something must have really scared her for her to later have a nightmare about it. Since nightmares are a rare occurrence for her, she'll seek out comfort whenever she does have one. She isn't picky with who she gets the comfort from, though its most likely either Ryouta or her partner if she does have one. If its her partner, the comfort she'll seek would be more along the lines of trying to distract from it. So she'll probably want to have a full on conversation about something silly to take her mind off of the bad things she saw in her nightmare.
Okosan: doesn't have them often either. Like Hiyoko, nightmares are a rare occurrence. Though unlike Hiyoko, a nightmare has to be really bad to get him to seek comfort from anyone. So comforting him after a nightmare is quite rare in of itself. The comfort he'll seek would be in the form of taking a walk (run) and just sitting next to someone, whether it be a friend or partner, and eating some food. Nothing like a good meal to get your mind off of the darker things.
Anghel: has nightmares often but they usually are fueled by the images he sees of wallenstine and the fallen angels. When the images that he sees become to strong and he needs help calming them down, he’ll go to his partner. Him seeking comfort is a little different from the rest of the Hatoful crew. When he seeks comfort he needs his partner to talk with him. He needs them to be able to understand what he’s trying to say and discuss the dream with him. He really needs just conformation that he isn’t the only one with dreams like this. He just doesn’t want to feel alone in this.
Nageki: often has nightmares about the Hatoful House Incident and about him burning. Its upsetting for both him and for whoever was there when he woke up from the nightmare. He doesn't like to say it, but he needs a lot of comfort from what he saw. The comfort he seeks is usually the silent kind. He wants you to be there for him but he doesn't want to talk about it at all or unless he feels safe and comfortable enough to talk about what he saw. He also wants to lay down with you and hold your hand. After a nightmare, he doesn't always feel comfortable with someone touching him right away so it contact is going to happen, he is going to be the one it initiate it.
Yuuya: has nightmares sometimes. They aren't frequent but they aren't rare either. His nightmares are more often then not about his childhood. He still thinks about the sibling he never had and it haunts him even if he doesn't regret his decision. Even if he has nightmares, the chances of him seeking comfort are low and it'll only be to his partner. The comfort he will seek is more encouraging. He wants to talk out what he saw and he wants his partner to let him know that everything is fine. That even though what he did felt wrong, it was ultimately the right decision and that his partner doesn't hate him for what happened all those years ago.
Shuu: probably has nightmares often. So the nightmare would have to be really terrible for him to seek out comfort, with or without a partner. Shuu refuses to call or visit anyone for comfort unless they are his partner, so if Shuu doesn't have a S/O then he'll just sit alone and stew in his old memories and wonder about his life. If he does have a S/O, the the comfort he'll seek would be more subtle. He'll probably just want you to silently sit next to him, lightly rub his back, and just be there for him with asking questions.
'Original' Nanaki: also has nightmares frequently. He probably also encounters sleep paralysis because of his depression. But even if he has them on a regular basis doesn't mean they don't instill fear into him. Staying up and comforting him has become an every night experience. He has a hard time trusting people because of what happened in the past, so he will also only seek comfort from a partner. The comfort he seeks will vary. Sometimes he'll want it in the for of close contact such a cuddles and listening to your heartbeat to know your still there. Other days, he'll probably want the lights turned on but everything to be silent and only want to hold your hand until he feels better.
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Hey ace any of the mods played c14 dating? It's not that popular but it's a really cool dating sim and the characters are all very diverse and two even have physical disabilities I highly recommend it!
Hello! Actually no, I haven't played c14 yet but I have heard of it. I think its really cool and I do hope to get the chance to play it soon.
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Dating Sim Masterlist~
Here is an archive of all the writing post that I’ve done. Each one will be separated in categories such as headcanons, nsfw, fluff, music, scenarios and etc. some categories will have less then others, or might not have anything in them yet. This masterlist will constantly be updated when something new is posted. Everything will be listed from older to newer.
Zodiac Signs as Hatoful Characters (Not Mine)
Hatoful Crew’s Preferred Dance Styles
Fantail Brothers interacting
Hatoful Crew playing Monopoly (Not Mine) 
Hatoful Crew’s Youtube Channels
Hatoful Crew’s sexual Orientation
Hatoful Crew’s Halloween Costumes
Hatoful Crew’s Pokemon Teams
Hatoful Crew’s favorite foods
Hatoful Crew’s favorite RPG
Hatoful Crew’s favorite Goldies Song
Hatoful Crew when tired
Hatoful Crew as Alice in Wonderland Characters
Hatoful Crew Baking
Admin Angie’s favorite Hatoful Characters and Why
Admin Angie’s Sexuality Poem
Hatoful Portal Crossover 
Nageki nsfw headcanons
Yuuya nsfw headcanons
Nanaki nsfw headcanons
Shuu nsfw headcanons
Ryouta nsfw headcanons
Albert nsfw headcanons
Anghel nsfw headcanons
Sakuya nsfw headcanons
Nageki fluff headcanons
Sakuya romantic headcanons
Anghel romantic headcanons
Albert romantic headcanons
Tohri romantic headcanons
Nanaki romantic headcanons
Leone romantic headcanons
Ryouta romantic headcanons
Yuuya/Leone fluffy romantic headcanons
yuuya/Nageki romantic headcanons
Hatoful Crew’s first date headcanons
Ryuuji and Isa platonic headcanons
Yuuya romantic headcanons
Shuu fluff headcanons (Non-Dating)
Hatoful Crew’s Queen Songs
Hatoful Crew’s P!ATD Songs
Hatoful Crew’s MCR Songs
Hatoful Crew’s Major Lazor Songs
Hatoful Crew’s reactions to their S/O dead
Hatoful crew’s GIF reactions to being locked in a closet
Hatoful Crew reacting to S/O being asexual
Hatoful Crew reacting to S/O coming out as Transgender
Hatoful Crew reacting to comfort after nightmares
Shuu getting his glasses stolen (Fan Submitted)
Meeting Ryouta at a Maid Cafe
Sakuya’s fear of spiders
Hitori falling down the stairs
Shuu gains Ryuuji’s habit
Trans girl Nageki and Trans boy Hitori
Azami at her wedding
Post BBL, Shuu’s Caretaker
Sakuya and Ryouta being into Hollywood Undead
Best hatoful hugger
Tohri being meanie to Isa
Yuuya into jazz and swing
Yuuya steals Shuu’s glasses
Yuuya tries teaching Sakuya sex-ed
Shuu singing Primadonna Girl
Yuuya smoking and training to be a spy
Yuuya being a happy crier
Ryouta laughing at bad puns
Ryouta biting his nails
Shuu and Tohri roasting each other
Yuuya being dominated (NSFW)
Yuuya being dominated part 2 (NSFW)
Yuuya being sarcastic
Hitori’s trauma after Hatoful House 
Mrs. Kawara is punk-rock
Hitori and Yuuya hair pulling habit
Tohri’s favorite color
Sakuya sprays milk from his nose from laughing
Yuuya’s Fears
Sakuya refusing to put on maid costume
Tohri’s theme song
Sakuya Yodels
Sakuya loves Japanese culture
Hitori offering tea to Yuuya
Hiyoko is emotional
Hatoful boys cuddling
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Mamalmice Asked- Fluffy Ryouta Headcanons
Ryouta Loves to just absolutely DESTROY his partner with affection, like holding their hand and giving them all the kisses they deserve.
His favorite thing to do is walk around the city with his partner. They both may not be able to buy everything but they enjoy each other’s company and that’s enough for them.
Ryouta laughs at Just about all of his partners cheesy jokes and bad puns, but he thinks the puns are the best and his partner still manages to be so adorable. (idea was from an anon!)
Ryouta cooks for his partner almost every night! His dishes are the best and he really loves to do it!
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Anon Asked- Fluffy Sakuya Headcanons
Sakuya secretly loves to cuddle. Like, he is the master at cuddling but no one knows this cause he doesn’t want people to know.
He is very protective of his partner. Everyone knows this to, so know one really messes with his partner.
Sakuya is easily embarrassed by PDA. Although he will be very loving when they are both at home.
Sakuya loves taking his partner on dates. He loves the way their face lights up with excitement.
Sakuya is probably really ticklish. And when his partner found out about this it was an all out war. They got into some intense tickle fights, but when mentioned to others he will deny any of it.
He just loves his partner. Way more then some would expect.
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Alright everybody I have some explaining to do.
I would like to state first that I’m not giving up on this blog. I really want to come back and give this blog the attention that it deserves. So that’s why I’m here to explain what happened after I had found admins.
When I had found admins to help with the blog i was still working through school. Once I had added them to the blog, I just completely dropped from the face of the earth and gave them no hope what-so-ever. I want to apologize to @oneexsama , @nocloudsintheskye , and @thewondrous-asian . I completely left you all in the dark for a year, so I’m sorry and I hope you can forgive me. 
I have no excuse for just flat out leaving like that. So I want to apologize to all of you guys.
But now that I’m here, I want to continue working on this. Now that I’m back I would like to take it slow. I will try working on the old request that I had left but some of them were deleted. I’m sorry for all the people who had requested something and didn’t get it. 
I hope you all can forgive me. I want to do right by all of you now. So please if there is anything you would like to talk about while I do request please don’t hesitate to talk to me. Thank you for listening everybirdy.
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So are we free to send in scenarios and stuff now?
of course! It'll be a little while till I find a new admin, but sending the scenarios in now will make it easier for us when we are ready to start writing!
~Admin Angie
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Blows kisses to Yuuya and the admins. I love you all, from the little Adventure Anon from a year ago~
Blows kisses to youwe hope to have many more happy memories with you I miss talking to all of you~ If there's something you wanna talk about we are more then happy to listen! ~Love admin Angie
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Thank You All For Everything You've Done For Us! (and next time I do this, I'll make it prettier I swear!)
Hello once again! I know that 2016 was a bumpy year for us at little-hatoful-things. And I hope that 2017 will be different for all of us, as the admins and followers alike. And so I stepped back and looked at the blog, where it was heading and where things had stayed the same. I realized how much I absolutely love each and everyone of you. You all made this blog possible. And I have no words to fully describe how much I appreciate you all.
@margoslxix - @surgerie-s - @theeverlastingnight - @liniox - @geeky-onee-san - @k-chantheviolinidol - @hatoful-amino - @yumemirutatsu - @likingthecutofyourjib - @genie-of-the-4th-wall - @phifalling - @gravelilies - @sorry-thisurldoesntexist - @kaijinkyn - @askglitchedkirbozet - @professorbagworm - @mazut - @pinkpom - @roterte-e - @alile-pax - @samdafangirl - @melonnerdpie - @wingless-tori - @lightlaurein - @nocloudsintheskye - @avian-fuvola - @candy-coloured-prince - @slimy-snail-bro - @four-eyed-floozy - @abundanceofgabe - @arlethallan - @rinny-ri - @angryaro - @charlotte-cerise - @anthropogenic - @thepigeonqueen - @canadiandraqula - @bunnygirlprincessthings - @miss-kornkeks - @ghostofmourning - @aromanticguzma - @madamemurphyslaw - @anime-love-life - @ghostquartets - @poetry-haven - @pastelcyberpunk - @ceruleaninterrogative - @noonewouldlisten25 - @askthepigeonmaidu-kun - @penguinjeans - @blackrosegallery - @stitch-the-cat - @nosleeprequired - @aph-penguin - @perniciouscorrective - @jikuberuto - @this-is-who-i-really-am-mom - @squidquest - @etherthires - @sstolovan - @dynetheundyin - @tod-eines-engels - @turquoiseinkedsquid - @luna-gerald - @eliana-donovan - @eboni-napalm - @tevinterhawke / @vakarains - @sodoreme - @shadowyenthusiastbird - @stuckfuck - @heroineofwaterfall - @hingdingningringninggingchingkin - @riiyukin - @pastagirl97 - @ryuujis-legs - @shydecidueye - @naakiro - @blue-cuddlefish - @reactive-noble-gas - @chairkat - @teal-pen - @ultimatepuddingwarrior - @galacticmusician - @extraclevermongoose - @psychedellicjellyfish - @onderdepannen - @elefseus - @thecookieeatingmachine - @kinbarii-tama - @themultifandomnerd - @space-crab - @royalblurryfacedbastard - @lunybird - @upthewerewolves - @homestuck-is-my-bible - @vigorusjazzhands - @falcon2-0 - @insert-name-here2 - @carminesbodycollecter - @jdougles - @sidere-evie - @unrealhacker - @funfica - @yohaneshokan - @cobbledstories - @the-dad-friend - @figooza990 - @necrofox - @etriantechnician - @akiwitch - @oyabokuto - @peachsapling64 - @remainsofaman - @thestitchingwitch - @tears-and-desserts - @xepisia - @swanmog - @d3m0ndarks - @manga-chutney - @xirae - @basedshironeki - @the-queen-of-all-cosmos - @xxforsakenangelxx - @tohokye - @malkweed - @datingsimotaku - @the-kawaiiasian - @odyssea-the-seeker - @tabootasaur - @pianovariantt - @nevermelt-ice - @nhil - @jonesywolf - @trupearl - @sixteencolossi - @mintaddictxiii - @boyshark / @boygotchi  @hex-fox - @peoplefully - @princesssassyface - @shuudorange - @cobblehearts - @hope-vs-reality - @boundtoanandroid - @assorted-things - @snakeoilsalesdepartment - @bpdsaeran - @j-mage - @kitkatpayne - @kristoph-gavsin - @kickflippinthebird - @hyliangirl19 - @katrona - @madqueenofhellskitchen - @snoozingbirdy - @cubonegirl23 - @transparentsparrow - @su9bus-ren - @determinations - @prince-peach-ryugamine - @punk-ryuk - @galette-krone - @mutedtetris - @neko-to-fangirl - @risotto-relatable - @mijuumaru-moved - @tenshi-kanda - @expiredandangelic - @confuseddove - @nighty101234 - @official-weissschnee - @syntheticchaot - @amynhotep - @insertplayername - @zackfoster - @bowtiepenguin598 - @in--space - @fluffyfeliciano - @whimsicallifestyle - @mafuteruru - @shuurima - @strirony - @gayquaz4 - @anghelhiguredoesdrugs-blog - @kuro3498 - @lucxdify - @flamefox1 - @kokichi-ooma - @astriferocities - @jstumpsss-blog - @isuzu-ringo - @chases-fine-booty - @quarterdollar - @devilishstyles99 - @cookiemisfit - @nanamatox3 - @thecantarellaofodile - @vi-da-lia - @nohomomurayosuke - @pavel-shrekov - @azurephoenix01 - @kinkylesbianfootsex - @bi-kitten - @akadrugsyo - @randomfollowingfollower - @rat-b0i - @tearingintotheshells - @synpaths - @yuukinoreason - @sukinovadesu - @lovelypurpleveins - @ayveena - @tinyplatinumrobot - @thegreyleaderwatches - @thelifeofbecky - @official-penny-polendina - @littlewagtail - @jojo-josephjoestar-niiiiiiiiice - @punsexually - @gavingruchy - @yowamushipedalimagines - @saey0ungs - @lycanrocs - @mythical-kayla - @gottischan - @ayano-n-the-theory-of-happiness - @dysfunctionalrobit - @exorcist-taylor-kaine - @ihopeintangoyouhavemoreluck - @idontremembermyusername - @blurpyboo - @joloid - @random-ninjago-fan - @cruelquaster - @toukohai - @myriadtruth - @cycloneeee - @skele8rity - @l-m-a-o-n-a-d-e - @shark-desu - @the-jackalope-knows-all - @ravenclawson - @alexandriteinthebutterflysky - @shingeki-no-mass-effect - @did-you-check-uranus - @irlcreamil - @rozzwilliams - @griffithchan - @okami-taichou - @zombienerdwolf - @bed-bath-and-beyond-done - @keziawhitton - @chukarstar - @breezycrossing - @nageyki - @chibipaw - @anime-freak-turtle - @aciduela - @cielabraginski - @hazelshade12 - @thatraerae - @eternalsailordianamon - @c-d-s-g - @mei-the-panda - @rainbowjimenatateyama - @falloutbottoms - @lshimarshmallow - @thetransformingnoodlederg - @iwishicouldhaveaswish - @theprincessesofotaku - @askdawnland / @zyrdrake - @atomicnerdhologram - @the-wolf-poet - @hatohouse - @official-trash-vevo - @yallaintworthshit-deactivated46 - @mamalmice - @gottacatchabr8k - @69dickdestroyer69 - @selizabeth1996 - @nerf-thiis - @why-am-i-sticky - @thecreativechickennugget - @jlmwhorrison - @sublime-wildcat - @jaaming-with-titans
I'm sorry this is so long but I just wanted to say thank you to everyone here. (and sorry for the ones I couldn't tag!) Thank you for being here for another installment of little-hatoful-things, now known as little-dating-sim-things! I hope to see you all here again soon!
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just recently finished playing this game and the feels ; A ;
- - - - art © me The King / Ousama © Hatoful Boyfriend/Hato Moa do not steal, use, repost or trace!
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Merry Christmas everybirdy! I know we both haven't been on for a while and I'm very sorry! But some new things are going to happen with this Blog and I hope to get everything set up after Christmas! I still hope you all have a happy holiday and thank you for staying with us at Little-Hatoful-Things!
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Everybirdies! The ask box is now open! Ask away!
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reblog if
your blog is safe for lgbt+ your blog is safe for all people of color your blog is meant to be a happy environment for all people to enjoy your blog is still kind of trash
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Can I request all of the hatos nervous habits or little ticks they have?
Hello there! Im sorry to say this but the ask box is currently closed for headcanons and scenarios. But I can guarantee you that the ask box will be opened soon, so please hold on to this headcanon and send it back in when we do open it!Love,Admin Angie~
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Anon Asked- "(Non-Dating) Fluffy Shuu Headcanons?"
When Shuu sleeps, he snores.  Not like a foghorn, mind you, but that quiet type of snoring where it’s cute.  Don’t mention it to him; he’s sensitive about it.
As much as Miru and Kaku drive Shuu up the wall, he minds the ornaments they put up in his residence less than he lets on; they add visual interest to his otherwise gray apartment.
Despite what some people may have believed, Shuu leaving St. Pigeonation’s would never cause him to stop his research; the only areas of his apartment that aren’t taken over by research are the bathroom, the kitchen, and his bed.  (Note: none of the research at his house is of the same sort as that in the infirmary; that would violate his lease.)
As a corollary to the above, Shuu has locks on every room in his apartment because of the Christmas Twins and their potential to destroy everything he’s worked on.
Shuu likes sashimi.  He finds it odd, as he is aware that chukar partridges do not typically eat fish.  Needless to say, tests on the subject are still ongoing.
The amount of coffee Shuu ingests is absurd, but he actually prefers tea, particularly pu’erh teas.  However, even the most caffeinated teas cannot keep him awake (sleep deprivation and all) and so he drinks coffee instead.
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@Cubonegirl23 Asked- "Hatoful Crew Baking?"
Thank you To @cubonegirl23​ For sending in the request! We at Little hatoful things hope you enjoyed it and we apologize for the wait!
Ryouta: The absolute best baker.  His repertoire isn’t massive (a few types of cookies, basic cake and cupcakes, and brownies are his main baking), but what he does is done to perfection.  Ryouta’s chocolate chip cookies will bring you to tears because they’re literally that good, and his understanding of baking is good enough that he can make cookies exactly the way that you like them.
Sakuya: Only the fanciest of desserts will please him... pity he can’t bake well; after all, he didn’t need to learn anything about cooking.  He eventually learns to make basic cookies and cake, but he still prefers other people’s baking, particularly Ryouta’s.
Hiyoko: Baking?  Baking isn’t for hunter-gatherers!  But really, she doesn’t know much about baking.  Ryouta teaches her the basics of baking, but she prefers to just eat his baked goods instead.
Okosan: Okosan knows only one baking recipe: bread pudding.  It may not be the True Pudding, but it pleases Lord Pudi all the same.  It also pleases his friends, especially when he adds peaches.
Anghel: Will bake the most dramatic cakes and cupcakes possible.  He likes bringing out the food coloring and icing, turning his cakes into Dark Cakes of the Crimson Lotus Blossom (or something like that...).  He’s tried using fondant to make his cakes even more dramatic, but it’s never ended well.
Nageki: He doesn’t bake much, but when he does it’s usually something simple, possibly boxed.  However, he will happily eat anyone else’s baking, thanking them and complimenting whatever he can about the pastry in question.
Yuuya: If Ryouta is depth of skill, Yuuya is breadth of skill.  He learned to bake partially out of necessity and partially for the ladies, so his repertoire runs from sweet to savory.  The flexibility of his recipes is non-existent, but he’s competent enough at making cheesecake, donuts, and even cream puffs.  Sakuya still refuses to admit that his brother’s eclairs are good though.
Shuu: Shuu only knows one recipe: meat pie, made with store-bought crust and some “secret ingredients”.  No one wants to know what’s in said pies, because they know the answer would be disturbing.
Kazuaki-kun: He’s not fantastic, and he sometimes gets so wrapped up in gaming and/or his feelings that what he’s making burns, but he’s adequate.  As he knows he burns baked goods and that makes him sad, he usually just eats other people’s baking, but if someone else asks for baked goods from him he’ll do his best and enjoy the process; it gets him out of his head.
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