literallycryptid · 13 hours
Pearly pop <3
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literallycryptid · 13 hours
me every day without fail: I'll do [chore] when I get home
me when I get home:
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literallycryptid · 13 hours
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PET postal!!!!
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literallycryptid · 13 hours
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new kind of guy dropped
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literallycryptid · 13 hours
I don’t care what section my clothes are from as long as they fit right, and I like them! I enjoy expressing myself through clothing.
If I’m having a bad day, I dress myself up to feel better.
If we can use fashion as a tool to feel better, why not?” 
Zayn talking about the clothes he chooses to wear [Harpers Bazaar India, 02.07.24]
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literallycryptid · 13 hours
a quick “why is my life so bad” checklist
how’s your sleep schedule
have you eaten or drank anything besides sugar and caffeine
how long have you been sitting in one spot
have you gone out in public recently
have you taken a shower/brushed your teeth/groomed yourself properly
have you spent time doing an activity that doesn’t involve a screen
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literallycryptid · 13 hours
why do i have to explain to grown ass adults that human rights r called human rights bc every single human is entitled to them bc they r human, n they should never b taken away no matter who they are or what they did. and that advocating for the removal of human rights, nomatter who the target of it is, is not only incredibly cruel but will eventually spiral and lead to oppression. didnt we learn that shit in like 5th grade.
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literallycryptid · 13 hours
Someone anonymously messaged me to tell me that writing about detrans folks makes me a traitor to trans people, because all detrans people want to push conversion therapy on us and forcibly detransition us.
That’s precisely the kind of narrative that ends up pushing detransitioners into the arms of TERFs and the religious far-right.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with detransitioning. Sometimes people realize that transitioning no longer suits them, or never really did. And that’s fine.
When we systematically push them away regardless of their politics, we make people feel like the only places they can get support are among transphobes. That’s not a good thing. Building de/trans solidarity is an critical tool for disarming anti-trans movements.
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literallycryptid · 13 hours
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literallycryptid · 13 hours
Was at a restaurant recently where they'd converted both their bathrooms to gender neutral (nice) and as i was washing my hands a guy came out a stall and saw me & said, "Oh!!! my god!! Is this the ladies'?? 😨😨😨😨 I'm so sorry!!!!!!" and I was like "No, it's fine, it's gender neutral" and he goes ".......Oh. uh. Ok." And then walks straight out. without washing his hands.
Sir. You need to be less embarrassed about hypothetically crossing some arbitrary gender barrier and more embarrassed about getting your Peepee DooDoo Shit Hands all over this fucking RESTAURANT
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literallycryptid · 13 hours
New dbhc comic tonight methinks :3
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literallycryptid · 13 hours
every time an artist draws a character fat and/or hairy an angel gets its wings
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literallycryptid · 13 hours
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Art by: Henry James Garrett
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literallycryptid · 13 hours
Please Help My Uncle and his Family Exit Gaza
Hello, everybody. My father started this campaign for my uncle Basem and his family who are stuck in Gaza during this war. This is my uncle and I at the Gaza Port back in December 2021 when I got to visit.
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This is my uncle now.
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My uncle and his family are stuck in Gaza and don’t have any other options to leave at the moment except to pay the fee to Egypt. They are alone in Gaza as my dad’s other siblings and my grandmother are not there. My cousin Abood (shown below on the very right) is also recovering from two surguries he had during the war after his appendix burst,
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and my cousin Farah is struggling to fight an infection. They are also having much difficulty finding food for the 6 of them and are living out of a tent now that the north (where they're from) isn't permissible to go back too. If you could give anything it would help, as paying the fee for them to exit through Egypt is our only option at the moment. We appreciate everybody's efforts.
Thank you,
EDIT: This fundraiser has been verified by @el-shab-hussein
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literallycryptid · 13 hours
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literallycryptid · 13 hours
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literallycryptid · 13 hours
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[notes. Lots of them. Undercut]
For an au that’s existed for ~2 years, here are the official designs of 16/18 of the main cast!
[note: Scar and Joel will have their separate post. They are m.i.a for a reason]
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Focus this time was less in my usual figurative and more realistic when it came to the clothing (as if live action) — carefully considering what practical things and uses each person would have at the start of the apocalypse
At the same time using my artstyle the best I can to make otherwise mundane clothes interesting through how it is worn by each person, what silhouette and implications does it evoke.
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