The sound of the sun and the promise it brings "these are a few of my favorite things"The litheness of trees and laughter of leaves"these are a few of my favorite things"
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Leave of Absence
I, being the complete and utter dork that I am, decided to stop blogging (even though I had literally just started doing so), and to stop #bookstagramming. My reasoning is thus: I wanted to spend my time reading the books that I had been taking pictures of. Not that I hadn’t already read the books I’d photographed, but, taking the pictures took so much of my time away from enjoying the process of…
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I'm so excited to read ACOL by #veschwab I adored the first two so much!! #booksforever #booksandbooks #booksoninstagram #booklovers #bookworms #book #books #book📖 #book📚 #bookish #bookstagram #bookworm #booksarelife #bookaholic #bookstagramfeature #bookslover #adsom #agos #acol #adarkershadeofmagic #agatheringofshadows #aconjuringoflight
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Guys, I bought A LOT of books last month. Like, too much? Is that possible? Can one buy too many books? 🤔 WHAT AM I THINKING?! Of course we can't! We are the bookdragons, and we hoards the book like Smaug does the gold. Anyways, so I bought 21 books in February. February is my designated majorspendallthemoneyonbooks month as it is the time I get my tax return. So, the first two were from subscription boxes. Caraval was @owlcrate book for Feb. The Edge of Everything was @litjoycrate book for Feb. The books after those two, up until Six of Crows, I ordered online from @bookoutlet and the last ones from Six of Crows to Scythe I bought from @barnesandnoble online! (PHEW THAT WAS ONE MONSTER OF A SENTENCE.) Wait, no. I bought Caraval and King's Cage in store at my local Barnes and Noble. The rest I bought online! I had ACOL-signed by Schwab preordered since November of last year; waiting for that book was TORTURE I tell you, stinking bloody blasphemous torture! #bookhaul #bookoutlethaul #barnesandnoble #barnesandnoblehaul #victoriaaveyard #kingscage #bookdragon #bookslover #bookaholic #book #books #book📚 #book📖 #bookish #bookstagram #booksarelife #bookworm #bookstagrammer #bookstagramfeature #bookworms #booklovers #booksoninstagram #booksandbooks #booksforever
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Okay I REALLY LIKE THIS THEME. It is by far my most favorite that I have done so far! I will probably add more props and stuff, but I wanna keep it as simple as possible. After all, the focus of this account is books. I mean, bookish goodies are SWELL and I really love them, but if I don't have any for the books featured then I won't have any bookish stuff in the photo, too. So, for the unforeseeable future, I shall be using this beautiful theme. #bookstagrammer #bookworm #bookworms #book #books #book📖 #book📚 #bookish #bookstagram #booklovers #booksarelife #bookstagramfeature #bookaholic #bookslover #bookdragon #kingscage #victoriaaveyard
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SPOILER IF YOU HAVEN'T RECEIVED THIS MONTHS OWLCRATE---#sammyreadsjanuary17 Day 26: Shelfie. These are two of my most favoritest shelves. I have four more favorite shelves, but they're on other book shelfs. The top shelf features all my #owlcrate goodies. All the smaller items are in the #owlcratebox next to the books I have received from that wonderful subscription, including this months book Roseblood which is printed in RED FREAKING INK IT'S SO COOL. Ahem. Anyways... Day 27: Book and Candle(s). I don't think I'm gonna give any other bookish candle shop a chance cause #inthewickoftime has all my money for future bookish candles. Sorry all you others... Day 28: Favorite Authors. Again, why with the super difficult questions. I mean, I have many many many many favorite authors. Unfortunately they are not all on the same bookshelf so I can't really show you them all... 😭😰😢😫😥😪However, as you can see... @therealsjmaas is definitely in my top 5. She's up there with Brandon Sanderson, Robert Jordan, Parick Rothfuss, and most recently Jacqueline Carey. Gah. I love fantasy so much. #owlcratesociety #bibliophile #bookstagrammer #booksandbooks #books #bookstagram #bookshelf #books📚 #bookslover #bookstagramfeature #book #bookworm #bookaholic #bookdragon #bookish
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#jancupofbookishlife Day: 24--Reading by Candlelight. I am gonna burn Thorns and Roses by #inthewickoftime for this photo because... candle = amazing. I know I'm not actually reading buuuuuttttt, it is a lit candle. So... it still counts right? Day 25: Paperback love. Now, I don't really like paperbacks because the covers like doing the thing where they don't stay straight while I read, but I do own quite a few paperbacks since they are considerably cheaper... #sammyreadsjanuary17 Day 24: Standalone books. Yes, all these are standalones. Yes, I have read most of them including Anna Karenina (which might possibly be my favorite classic. Sorry Pride and Prejudice). I am working on Don Quixote which is HILARIOUS. I've finished book one, and have begun book 2. I've been working on it for a few years... say 2-3... 😂 Day 25: Black Books. I have feautured my entire penguin classics collection for this photo because classy. Also, they are black... so. It was an obvious choice to make... lol #owlcratesociety #bibliophile #bookstagrammer #booksandbooks #books #bookstagram #bookslover #books📚 #bookstagramfeature #book #bookdragon #bookworms #bookaholic #bookish #bookworm
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#Repost @therealsjmaas with @repostapp ・・・ Okay, I am super excited about the cover for the next book in Sarah J Maas' ACoTaR series!! Look at it! I like how they used the dress from a FanArt painting on the cover too! So excited. Also, I apologize for deleting Sarah's caption, but I wanted to show my own excitement via my own words. So... #yayayay #acowar #acourtofwingsandruin #
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#jancupofbookishlife Day 23: Cuddle reads. Or cozy reads? I can't remember. I haven't even had time to read yet today. 😰😢😫😭 #sammyreadsjanuary17 Day 23: Book and Notebook. This baby pocket notebook was featured in a past owlcrate. Not it just sits on my shelf, looking all pretty. #bookshelf #bookaholic #bookstagramfeature #bookslover #bookstagram #book #books #booksandbooks #books📚 #bookstagrammer #bibliophile #owlcratesociety #owlcrate
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#sammyreadsjanuary17 Day 22: *gasps* Like today's date?! WHAAAAAAA.... Anyways, Sock Sunday. I have a problem wearing matching socks. I mean, these match but that's not my point. My point is, I like a different kinda sock on each foot. I'm weird. Just a bit. A smidge really. Not really. I'm full on AWESOME!! #jancupofbookishlife Day 22: FINALLY HALLELUJAH PRAISE THE TETRAGRAMMATON *clears throat* Sorry bout that. Shelfie Sunday. This is just one shelf, out of three shelves. I already need another one. 😂😜😁🔥❤#bookworms #bookish #book #bookstagrammer #books📚 #bookstagram #booksandbooks #bookslover #bookstagramfeature #bookaholic #bookshelf #shelfiesunday #shelfie #socksunday #ihavefinallycaughtuponmychallenges #woo #partytime
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#sammyreadsjanuary17 Day 21: Flat Lay. I was honestly unsure what that meant? Like, am I supposed to be laying flat when I take the picture, so the books look like they're skyscrapers? Or, the books flat on a flat surface? I decided to go with option b. I think it worked out well... #owlcratesociety #bookstagramfeature #bookslover #bookstagram #books #booksandbooks #books📚 #bookstagrammer #book #bookish #bookworms
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#sammyreadsjanuary17 Day 19: Bookish Ombre. I really own a lot, and I mean A LOT, of black books... Can't really do a pretty colorful ombre... Day 20: Latest Bookish Purchase. I just bought Thorns and Roses (candle by @inthewickoftime ) not too long ago... you can't really see it, but it's on my shelf... #bookspiral #bookaholic #bookworms #bookdragon #book #bookstagram #books #booksandbooks #books📚 #bookstagrammer #bookslover #bookstagramfeature #owlcratesociety #shelfie #shelfiesunday
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#sammyreadsjanuary17 Day 16: Title Page. I have the novella/short story from Patrick Rothfuss titles "The Slow Regard of Silent Things" opened up to it's title page. It's such a cute story! I really enjoyed it. Day 17: Bookmarks. I don't own very many, and the ones I do own are being used... I read multiple books at a time so they're scattered about here and there... Day 18: Favorite Genre. It would probably be an excellent idea if I did these challenges the day they're supposed to be done... thataway I won't have to post TWO VERY SIMILAR images TWO DAYS in a row. So, I apologize for my lazy lethargic bum. #owlcratesociety #bibliophile #books📚 #books #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #booksandbooks #bookslover #bookstagramfeature #book #bookdragon #bookworms #bookaholic
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#jancupofbookishlife Day 21: Frosty Reads. Unfortunately I do not own very many books that take place during winter... 😥 That will change some day, maybe. We shall see. #bookstagramfeature #bookslover #bookstagrammer #booksandbooks #bookstagram #books #books📚 #bibliophile #owlcratesociety
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#jancupofbookishlife Day 19: Disney Picks. So, I really love Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Thumbelina, Little Mermaid, Frozen, Tangled and basically all the disney movies!! However, reading some of the original fairy tales is kinda shocking. They are so dark. I'm glad Disney made them lighter. 😁 Day 20: World You Wouldn't Want to Live In. Divergent or Hunger Games, honestly. Being placed strategically into a city just to see how society would roll... uhhh no. People are messed up. Deal. Or being forced to fight for my owl survival while MILLIONS of people watched... hell to the nah. #bibliophile #owlcratesociety #books #books📚 #bookstagram #booksandbooks #bookstagrammer #bookslover #bookstagramfeature
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#jancupofbookishlife Day 17: Bookish Infinity. A circle is infinite, right?!?! Well, I think it is, so I'm gonna say it's the infinity symbol. 😜 Day 18: Bookish Pet Peeve. Love Triangles. Building up a character, with no character development or proof of their awesomeness. Now, I know that in Assassins Blade, there isn't any of that, but I haven't read it yet... so I'm still ignorant of much of Aelin's skills... #bookslover #bookstagramfeature #bookstagrammer #booksandbooks #bookstagram #books #books📚 #books #owlcratesociety #bibliophile
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#sammyreadsjanuary17 Day 15: Book and Nature. I haven't read this book yet, but it was last months Owlcrate book... #owlcratesociety #books📚 #books #bookstagram #booksandbooks #bookstagrammer #bookstagramfeature #bookslover #owlcrate
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#sammyreadsjanuary17 Day 13: The Letter S. I used all my owlcrate books for the letter. All the ones I actually got the entire box for, anyways. Day 14: Flipping Pages. Well, I can't get it to look pretty, but my owlcrate edition of Heartless is opened, like I've been flipping pages... I hope that counts?! #bibliophile #bookslover #bookstagramfeature #bookstagrammer #booksandbooks #bookstagram #books #books📚 #owlcratesociety
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