the whispers of hearts
3 posts
I'm a princess!
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lissypretty · 1 year ago
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Karina layout
Open Commission all characters. Find me on telegram @/LissyPretty
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lissypretty · 1 year ago
ㅤㅤㅤㅤOld story
"all about flirt, lust, and love"
Let's start this with a word, which might help you understand the strange feelings in your heart. This is not something new, but this feeling will always be there and follow you if you like someone. This is a word that can define you. 1 word with thousands of meanings. You will find out what it feels like to fall in love with someone through the "seductive" verses that give you a signal as if you are about to be given the whole world.This is a flirt. Be careful in loving someone if it's only from their teasing words. Lust, this is the time when you see someone with perfect looks. You will fall to your knees begging for art. art that is believed to be able to bewitch you at any time.
and this is the moment when, you will enter the final round, the end of all your searches. If you are tired of the things you usually encounter, then you have to dive to find out more deeply. at the same time, the love that grows will be eternal, pure and clean. You will feel how you can enjoy your true love. without any fear of losing, you will enjoy it. her beautiful soul must have trapped you. and this is your true love.
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lissypretty · 1 year ago
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Hai, lemme introduce a man with a handsome personalized. Owen shaw, ayah owen? hehehe, he's gonna be my favorite man after jeric and papa. Akhirnya icel punya ayah ya ampun. sekarang masih gatau harus manggil owen om, ayah atau caya soalnya mereka (Papaku & owen) suka rahasia rahasiaan! sebel, tapi nda apa, kalo bapak ku bahagia aku ikut juga apalagi owen, itu baikk, walau ngeselin dikitt 🤏 gimana coba bisa deket? ngga tahu juga, awalnya kan dia duluan meng ripley ke tipo an aku, teruss? biasa udh di jawap tp ga di bls lagiee😅😅 lucunya pas fotbar di gc punya owen aku tinggal hehehe, ITU KELUPAAN ASLI XIXIXI, terus om ini ngambek kaya bocil, yaelah gitu aja om. dan gitu seterusnya kita nge chat hal2 random yang mulai dari arnold lah, ngajak jj tapi gapunya capcut lah, dsb. Kalo sama om ini aku ngga jadi anak kicik kesayangan papaku, malah jadi kak ros yg garang soalnya beneran deh, cht an sama om ini tuh gajelas banget, udah gitu kadang suka ngalur ngidul, adu stiker lah, macem macem pula tingkahnya. Herannya, asik betul kalo udh sama caya ini, dia tuh iseng tapi isengnya bikin gemes pengwn cubit. Balik lagi ke Owen shaw, mari kita panggil dia ayah, yang walau tak seberapa perhatian tapi bapak satu ini nurut banget?! wah spicles, om km asik om😎 mangkanya aku kasih restu, buat bahagiaain papaku, soalnya kayanya papaku cinta mati deh sama kamu, dijaga ya om hehehe. Ayah satu ini beda dari ayah² ku sebelumnya yh, ga banyak omong sih dia, langsung sat set sat set, walaupun gayanya kaya anak plonga plonho tp dia ini kalo serius wah, bahaya. caranya ngasih perhatian memang beda tuh, om jangan² love language kamu act of service yh? soalnya kalo words of affirmation kamu pakenya words of musuh bjir, yh mungkin sama papaku engga c.Yah intinya kamu baik, suka marah marah, gajelas, prik dan agak aneh, mwah.
Udah deh salam sehat, lop lop icel kecil 🎀
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