liquidrhythm-blog · 6 years
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liquidrhythm-blog · 6 years
Send “ ✏“ plus a scenario you’ve always wanted to rp with our muses and I’ll tell you whether or not I’m interested!
(If you cannot see the emoji send “Pencil” plus a scenario.)
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liquidrhythm-blog · 6 years
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tagged by: @doctorprescott
tagging: Anyone who reads this!
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liquidrhythm-blog · 6 years
❝ The next time I see you I’d like you to be wearing a necktie. ❞
❝ Get rid of the mouse, and get your act together. Now. ❞
❝ I see what you’re trying to do, but it’s not gonna work.. ❞
❝ Wow, looks like he hates you even more than me. ❞
❝ God, you must have been the worst fourth grader ever. ❞
❝ Giving him a name makes him human. ❞
❝ I’m fairly certain you would be caught. ❞
❝ What’s the most valuable thing in your office? ❞
❝ You mean my job as an amazing detective/genius? ❞
❝ Did you tell her we slept together twice? ❞
❝ I’m not gonna lie, that turns me on a little bit. ❞
❝ I’d wondered why all the birds had suddenly stopped singing. ❞
❝ You’re going to leave my precinct and my task force alone. ❞
❝ Come on, who wants to take this seriously? ❞
❝ I bet she tucked herself in the bed too tight and got stuck.  ❞
❝ Where have you been? We’ve been worried sick!  ❞
❝ Oh, is he sore from high-fiving criminals he’s gotten out of jail? ❞
❝ Did he get a murderer off who then murdered him to celebrate? ❞
❝ A cop and a defense attorney sleeping together? That’s highly unusual. ❞
❝ It’s a personal matter, involving a personal friend and his personal uncle. ❞
❝ So you remembered to turn off your signature, right? ❞
❝ I promise you, as soon as they tell me, you’ll be the first to know. ❞
❝ You won. Go ahead and gloat, you toad. ❞
❝ Look, I promise I won’t tell anyone, alright? My lips are sealed! ❞
❝ This is a secret. Do you understand me? ❞
❝ You do know what they do to witches up there, don’t you? ❞ 
❝ Well, I think we handled that with dignity. ❞
❝ Are you making fun of my stutter? ❞
❝ Oh. Uh… Sorry. I think I’m feeling a little awkward. ❞
❝ How do we make it not weird? ❞
❝ I just realized I’m never gonna be able to say that to his face. ❞
❝ You know I’ve made a lot of improvements since you left? ❞
❝ I know we just met, and I don’t wanna be too forward… ❞
❝ I’ve got that feeling about you. I like you. I think tonight we- ❞
❝ They just gave me ten years in prison.. ❞
❝ You can’t do anything except disobey orders and screw up! ❞
❝ Why are you dressed up? You look like an idiot. ❞
❝ What’s up? How can I help? ❞
❝ Well, we’ll just break you down to nothin’ and see what time it is. ❞
❝ Speaking of which, I’m getting hungry. What’s for dinner? ❞
❝ Why do people like these things? They’re just shiny rocks. ❞
❝ We’re gonna talk to a lawyer and get a professional opinion. ❞
❝ Looks good! Can barely tell you hulked out in here. ❞
❝ I just threw a bunch of popcorn on the floor. It wasn’t that hard. ❞
❝ All I did was be the only person who believes in you. ❞
❝ Somebody’s tryin’ to kill me, and I need protection. ❞
❝ I can smoke as much weed as I want. ❞
❝ It’s this kind of bickering that makes us such an adorable couple. ❞
❝ I saw an opening and I had to take it. ❞
❝ But this isn’t over! I will hunt you to the ends of the earth! ❞
❝ What?! But we saw him throw them in the garbage! ❞
❝ Nobody’s ever gonna see that footage; the case was cut and dry. ❞
❝ It’s not like I’m dying to tell anyone I saw your- ❞
❝ I’m dating my son-of-a-bitch ex-husband; who am I to judge? ❞
❝ I’ll let you guys talk! I’ll just close my eyes. ❞
❝ I’ll let you give me a spray tan! Any shade you want! ❞
❝ Massage! I’ll give you a massage! ❞
❝ I’ll also give you full control over my hair and wardrobe. ❞
❝ That really freaked me out and I just want this to end now. ❞
❝ The cheese is amazing. It melts in my mouth. And in my hands! ❞
❝ Come on, you can be honest. ❞
❝ I want old, expensive books. I’ll send you a list. ❞
❝ The tow truck just got here, so that’ll buy us at least an hour. ❞
❝ Tow truck?! What the hell’d you do to my car?! ❞
❝ What we need in here is an armored personnel carrier. A tank! ❞
❝ Well, I’m gonna go follow up on a lead right now. ❞
❝ Woah, no! What’re those morons doing in there?!  ❞
❝ Why is everyone just standing around? Get back to work! ❞
❝ What’d you do? What’d you say? ❞
❝ I hear you can smuggle in crap from outside. ❞
❝ What’re you lookin’ at? You got a problem? ❞
❝ I like you. You got balls.. ❞
❝ I hate to rub it in, detectives, but I told you they’d find me. ❞
❝ Well, he keeps yelling, “Disability for life!” so I think he’s fine. ❞
❝ Who hired you? Who do you work for, pizza man?! ❞
❝ You look out there and see a problem, I look out there and see an opportunity. ❞
❝ What have I become? Was this whole thing even worth it? ❞
❝ All because we shut down a foot massage place. ❞    
❝ Oh, my God. The City has no mayor now. ❞    
❝ Put your magical hands where I can see them! ❞    
❝ Did they make their bust? Did they save the precinct? ❞  
❝ I was behind the bar the whole time. ❞    
❝ I bet they have some awesome name for it. ❞    
❝ Can a paring knife remove a human heart in under a minute? ❞    
❝ I think you guys might be our best option at finding this guy again. ❞    
❝ You know, a bunch of us are going out drinking tonight. ❞    
❝ How did you get over there? Who are they? ❞    
❝ I’ve been calling you. Why won’t you answer your phone? ❞    
❝ We’ve been onto you for weeks, and we finally got you. ❞    
❝ I’ve never seen them before! What is going on? ❞    
❝ We’re on the money trail, and we just found a new lead.  ❞    
❝ Okay, this is bad. This is really bad.  ❞    
❝ Wait… What? Did you say “eat people”? Are you a cannibal, [ Name ]? ❞    
❝ I’m always gonna be one step ahead of you. ❞  
❝ I’m so confused. I don’t know what’s happening right now. ❞
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liquidrhythm-blog · 6 years
random things my professors have said (starters)
Just a bunch of random quotes from my professors during my first semester of college. Enjoy and feel free to make any changes !
“The heart is a dramatic organ. The bowels are also pretty dramatic.”
“I don’t remember why I put that picture of a water slide there.”
“By that time, you’ll have figured out my brain. I haven’t yet.”
“Woah, you have big shoes.”
“Zero is hero.”
“Make sure you don’t take my picture. I’m copyrighted.”
“We don’t really know what it’s like to be a rat or a pigeon.”
“Hello. Welcome to the planet.”
“I set you up.”
“You wouldn’t be able to tell if your toe fell off in the middle of the night.”
“I know you are a millionaire. I don’t want to talk to you.”
“You don’t have a clue.”
“I’ve taught you to see the fun in pain.”
“Get rid of the dog mask.”
“I actually think nasty things when I smile.”
“I know you don’t want to see me. I don’t want to see you too.”
“I’m just making stuff up.”
“The other day, someone called me nurturing. I was like, ‘you’re ruining my reputation’!”
“I said the exam is NEXT Thursday. Don’t scare people.”
“I wasn’t drunk, but I was acting like it.”
“Are you glaring at me?”
“I profoundly believe that humans are absurd creatures.”
“It’s my job to embarrass you.”
“When I was young–I’m still young, right?”
“Uh oh. [grunt] I’m okay.”
“If you solve this, I’ll buy you lunch.”
“I’m going to tell you a story about farts.”
“I know a lot about corn.”
“Wow, you are super. *high fives*”
“I didn’t do that!”
“I saw you walking past the library, and you looked as though you were lost in thought.”
“I’m glad to see that you’ve decided to stay.”
“In the game, you can die many times. In life, you can die one time.”
“This is just dessert. There’s a banquet coming.”
“What do you call it? A ‘snake’, right?”
“Don’t yell at me.”
“Impossible means ‘I am possible’.”
“You’re completely aroused.”
“There’s a stop sign. You have to stop.”
“I like sleep.”
“No one likes to feel pain. Actually–never mind, I don’t want to ask.”
“Do I sound cynical? I’m trying to be nice.”
“Dude, you wanna compete with Jimmy Hendrix? Fuck you.”
“I don’t want to talk to most people. It’s not a gender thing, please just go away.”
“We’re making tortillas now.”
“I’m not very nice.”
“Be careful, somebody might beat you up.”
“I can say nice things, but if you remind me, I’ll deny it.”
“The world’s fucked.”
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liquidrhythm-blog · 6 years
Manhandling symbol starters
Send one for your muse to…
★ - drag my muse by the arm ⁂ - grab my muse by the front of their shirt, possibly shoving them back ✱ - take my muse by the hips to carefully move them out of their way ➜ - smack my muse upside the head ⌧ - grip my muse by the back of the neck © - put a hand on my muse’s back to steer them somewhere ✂ - point sternly at a chair and tell my muse to sit down ✉ - push my muse back down when they try to get out of bed (perhaps involving illness, injury, or sleep deprivation) ☛ - press a finger to my muse’s lips to shut them up ♚ - put a hand on my muse’s knee while sitting next to them, to discourage them from standing up ♧ - slap my muse’s hand away from something they shouldn’t touch ♦ - grab my muse’s hair and yank ♤ - slam a door shut before my muse can leave the room ♞ - physically pick my muse up and carry them ♭ - grip my muse’s jaw to make them look yours in the eye ♨ - rub my muse down with a sponge/wet cloth  ☀ - pin my muse with their arms behind their back ☠ - slam my muse into a wall ☾ - wrestle/pin my muse to the ground
Add as much or as little context as you’d like!
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liquidrhythm-blog · 6 years
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“Deep inside me, I'm fading to BLACK--      I’M FADING. Took an oath by the blood of my hand--      WON’T BREAK IT.” 
Independent Original Law&Order Muse
Barely Restrained by Ame
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liquidrhythm-blog · 6 years
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liquidrhythm-blog · 6 years
feel free to edit or elaborate as you please .   ( add  ‘ reverse ‘  to your message if you’d like to see how my muse would perform the action ) . otherwise , send in one of these for my muse’s reaction to   …
[ lit ]  your muse lighting a cigarette , spliff , etc. for mine . 
[ order ]  your muse ordering for mine at a restaurant or bar .
[ guide ]  your muse putting a hand on mine’s back to lead them .
[ pay ]  your muse paying for mine at a store , bar , restaurant , etc . ( you can specify where or for what . )
[ open ]  your muse opening a door for mine .
[ dry ]  your muse drying mine off with a towel after a shower , bath , swimming , etc . 
[ instruct ]  your muse giving mine instructions / telling them what to do . 
[ groom ]  your muse adjusting mine’s appearance , such as straightening a tie , fixing their hair , or buttoning their shirt for them , etc . 
[ direct ]  your muse taking mine by the chin and telling them to look yours in the eye .
[ disagree ]  your muse sternly telling mine  ‘ no ‘ .
[ rest ]  your muse resting their arm over mine’s shoulder / s .
[ clean ]  your muse cleaning a smudge of something off mine’s cheek , forehead , etc .   feel free to specify what and how . 
[ answer ]  your muse answering a question meant for mine . 
[ coat ]   your muse holds mine’s coat out for them while they put it on .
[ pilot ]  your muse taking mine by the arm , hand , shoulder , etc . to lead them . 
[ stare ]  your muse staring mine down . 
[ placement ]  your muse telling mine to sit down .
[ teach ]  your muse taking control of mine’s hand , arm , hips , etc . to make sure they do something correctly .  
[ patience ]  your muse telling mine to be patient .
[ tears ]  your muse wiping away mine’s tears .
[ swat ]  your muse swatting mine’s hand away from something they’re not supposed to touch .  
[ jewelry  ]  your muse clasping a piece of jewelry for mine , such as a necklace , or earrings . 
[ enough ]  your muse commanding mine to stop talking . 
[ retrieve ]  your muse requesting or ordering mine to retrieve them something .
[ invite ]  your muse inviting mine to sit on their lap .
[ lean ]  your muse inviting mine to lean into their side while they’re sitting or laying together . 
[ calm ]   your muse telling mine to  ‘ just breathe ‘ .
[ scold ]  your muse scolding mine for something .
[ comfort ]  your muse pulling mine into a reassuring hug .
[ approval ]  your muse complimenting mine on a choice they’ve made .
[ beckon ]  your muse beckoning mine to them without speaking . 
[ laces ]  your muse lacing , tying , or zipping something for mine , such as shoes , a dress , or a jacket , etc .
[ stay ]  your muse telling mine to stay in the car . 
[ defend ]  your muse defending mine’s reputation , dignity , or safety for them . 
[ feed ]  your muse feeding mine something , feel free to specify what .
[ volume ]  your muse demanding mine speak louder .
[ read ]  your muse reading something to mine .
[ refill ]  your muse refilling mine’s glass for them . 
[ possessive ]  your muse resting their hand on mine’s leg or the small of their back while they’re sitting beside each other . 
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