lionsandfire · 5 years
Book Review: The Bookish Life of Nina Hill by Abbi Waxman
Book Review: The Bookish Life of Nina Hill by Abbi Waxman
For some time I’ve lived in my own bubble and I wouldn’t bother to step out of it, to get out of my comfort zone. I’ve spent days at home with my books, sometimes at some random small coffee shop with my closest friend and daydreaming about a life that I don’t have which caused me (and still does) high levels of anxiety. Being so comfortable hidden in my own bubble made me feel overly awkward and…
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lionsandfire · 5 years
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Dear diary, I’m stuck I wholeheartedly wanted this blog to be a light, fun space in which I could write mostly about books, in a lower scale about media, social issues and, in an even lower scale, my feelings.
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lionsandfire · 5 years
"Let it hurt, then let it go..."
“Let it hurt, then let it go…”
Lately I’m very much into spirituality, the occult and tarot readings. I’m always watching The Gem Goddess and The Tarot PriestYoutube videos because they are so accurate. Their readings have really helped me go through this past month, which has been super chaotic. However I’ve realized something. Every damn reading is accurate, except those ones related to love. I don’t know if I’m not aware of…
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lionsandfire · 5 years
Just as everyone I know, when I was around ten I thought that by the time I was twenty-five I would have my own house, a super fun stable job ⏤which, to that moment, was being an actress⏤, two dogs who could play in my gorgeous garden, a husband and a baby on the way.
  At sixteen I thought that at twenty-five I would have my own flat (because here in Spain houses are so damn expensive), I would…
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lionsandfire · 5 years
Rediscovering that I love love: A Manifesto
Rediscovering that I love love: A Manifesto
I don’t know about you, but for as long as I remember I’ve always been a hopeless romantic. I’ve always loved a good romcom, reading and writing love stories and daydreaming ⏤and (night)dreaming too⏤ about my future person. 
However, during my college years I tried to hide this side of me out of fear of being rejected or underrated just…
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lionsandfire · 7 years
I watched Star Wars for the first time and here's what I think.
I watched Star Wars for the first time and here’s what I think.
The first time I’ve ever heard people talking shit about a Star Wars movie was after the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi. And I was shocked.             I’ve never seen Star Wars because I thought I wasn’t into that kind of movies (spoiler alert: I am) and, in fact, I always refuse to watch something that is “trendy”. And I know, Star Wars is not exactly trendy, but everyone talked wonderful…
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lionsandfire · 7 years
Goodbye, Shitty 2017!
My first post is up! It's a classic on this day, but I hope you enjoy it. Happy NYE! :)
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I’ve always had this superstition about odd years: They are the worst. Am I right? I don’t know if it’s just me or if you feel that too. Since I can remember I have experienced really bad periods of my life during odd years (breakups, parents’ divorce, deaths, dissapointments, etc). You may think I have a magnet to these situations because of this superstition of mine… But I was pretty optimistic…
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lionsandfire · 9 years
Todas las relaciones o evolucionan y siguen adelante o se acaban, de una manera u otra, a bien o a mal. Algunas acaban por discusiones y otras porque dejan de existir sin que nos vayamos dando cuenta. C’est la vie, ¿no?  Normalmente podríais esperar que este post fuese sobre relaciones amorosas y que estuviese dirigido para almas en pena que velan porque alguien les diga que todo saldrá bien.…
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lionsandfire · 10 years
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lionsandfire · 10 years
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lionsandfire · 10 years
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lionsandfire · 10 years
So, little Amélie, your bones aren’t made of glass. You can take life’s knocks. If you let this chance go by, eventually, your heart will become as dry and brittle as my skeleton.
Raymond Dufayel, Amélie (2001)
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lionsandfire · 10 years
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lionsandfire · 10 years
Maybe I am just looking for something epic. Something that makes me feel alive.
I am here standing, waiting for that epic relationship to take me away from this standby zone. Of course this is extremely cheesy and you are probably thinking that I am a dreamer and that I watch too many movies or I read too many books, a hopeless romantic you may say. Well… That is true. I am a hopeless romantic, I…
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lionsandfire · 10 years
Fall deeply into something indefinable. Believe me, it is a beautiful thing. Let it grow inside you until it becomes you, and then let it grow some more. And when the indefinable becomes the familiar, then I urge you to keep going, to keep finding, there wil always be more. That in your role, to keep on experiencing yourself until you know so much it terrifies you.
R.M. Drake
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lionsandfire · 10 years
Fall for someone with holes in their universe, so yo can hit a void and fill it for them
Vàzaki Nada
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lionsandfire · 10 years
First post published! It is a little bit cheesy, but I hope you guys enjoy! :)
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