linseyswrld · 7 days
So who is Linsey?
(Trigger Warning: Suicide, Trauma, Rape, War) (I usually never write TW but I feel I should be more respectful if I am going to be constantly here)
It is a valid question for anyone who has found either this post or my blog in general. Not to be that person, but my background and experience are the keys to the whole The Idea concept. Although it is pretty damn obvious that “writer” equals their “story”.
People write about what they know the most. Even if they can’t even define it. And yes, I am the same, but I will try in this post. My knowledge is what I am. So as my The Idea.
Here are the things I consider myself to know enough about:
My hometown, Kyiv, Ukraine How beautiful it is and how it doesn’t look like any other town in Alberta or BC. How green it is. How blooming it is. How charming it is. How yet mine it is. I can go and on I swear.
My childhood Firstly I wanted to say "only those years before I turned 10" or "before 2014 when Crimea was annexed and the actual war started", but regardless I remember years of growing up in my city. They were ordinary, simpler than the times of my young adulthood.
How hard I worked to get to Canada Unless like a lot of Ukrainians, I chose to go to Canada, not because of the necessity of peace. I came here because it was my dream. Yes, I loved my country and the city, but it was never enough. I wanted to see the world, I wanted to know more. My hometown felt like a cage. And people there somehow reminded me about my past misery. I believe I wanted to escape all of that and learn about the world. Both of those reasons made me work so hard to get out.
How I tried to kill myself two times :) With "working hard" came a lot of doubts and pain. Not only before I moved to Canada, but after too. My first try was at the age of 16 years when I was in my final grade. First love, my inability to achieve desirable grades (specifically in English as I wanted to go to Canada really badly), the amount of pressure I had from my family and school, and yet I couldn't achieve my goal no matter how hard I was trying. The whole world felt like falling apart. But I am proud of myself and how strong I was (look at me now, I am desperate to write a book in English). Then next year COVID hit and I, unlike other people, was genuinely happy to just be at home. The first semester of the 11th grade was hell. Then I got a chance to recover. But the second try was more serious in the meaning of damage and more difficult to understand the reasons. It has been more than a year and a half so far. It happened when I was 19, in Canada, right before my life had become better. Right before everything was fixed and I was blessed with the best thing that ever happened in my life. But about this further in the post. At that point in life, I had lived in Canada for a year and a half. To this day I still can not define a certain reason why. I would say there were reasons, but even naming them can't really explain all my feelings. I was disappointed in my dream, in my family here, in my friends as I was betrayed, in the world as there was a war in my homeland and I could not do anything about it, in my love life as I lost my virginity via pressure from people around me and my partner at that time. Only studying in college helped me and yet the ghosts of the past and the demons of the present were ruining the only good thing for me. I remember how I woke up in the morning after I almost killed myself. I saw the most beautiful sunrise in my life. Like the nature wanted to show me how appreciated I am here. (when I was writing this part of the blog, I started crying)
My boyfriend I know it is weird making a person your savior, but he is. And everything about him feels special. We met a month after I tried to kill myself. And even the way we met was something I would have never imagined. Everything he brought into my life I am forever grateful for. How this foreign place started to feel like home. His character is something worth living for. Maybe there is a better word in English to describe his existence than "character". I know, I know, sounds like I am obsessed with a man, but I am so grateful for understanding what real love means. Calm love. And yes, we are both young. But I am tired of hearing from people "he is still a boy". Well, I am still a girl. And I do not want to rush him or me into turning into being adults. I always wanted to meet the most imperfect or vulnerable version of my partner to be there with him trough time and see him changing and evolving. We have been together for a year and a half and I love every version of him that I have seen so far.
And with that being said, I want to cover most of these points in my story. These are the things I know the most about and I want to tell people what I know. I have my own pov on love, life, going through tough times, loneliness, and how hard it is to be actually different in a place where everything is okay (war-wise).
The whole point of a story is Hope, as I never let it go and was rewarded for that. And you can be too. I promise
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linseyswrld · 9 days
How to Write a Confession of Love
Build the Emotional Tension Before the big confession, let the tension simmer between the characters. Maybe they share little glances across the room, or their hands brush accidentally but neither pulls away. Every shared laugh or lingering look should leave the reader wondering “Is this it?” When the confession finally happens, it’ll feel like the natural next step, as if both characters have been teetering on the edge of admitting their feelings for a while.
Inner Turmoil Leading Up to the Moment No one’s ever totally confident before saying, “I like you,” or “I love you.” Show the character’s inner freak-out. Maybe they’re wondering if they’re about to ruin everything, or if the other person feels the same. Let them overthink every detail, what if they mess it up? What if they say the wrong thing? This nervousness is super relatable and makes the confession way more intense and vulnerable.
Choose the Right Setting Where the confession happens can completely change the vibe. If it’s somewhere quiet and personal, like on the roof under the stars or sitting close on a couch, it adds a sense of intimacy. But maybe it’s in the middle of a party or a chaotic situation, where emotions are running high and everything’s on the line. The setting should fit the emotions—are they scared? Excited? Confused? Let the environment match their energy.
Don’t Make It Perfect Real life is messy, and confessions of love are no different. Maybe the character fumbles their words, says something awkward, or has to start over. Maybe they get interrupted, or they laugh nervously halfway through. These imperfections make the moment feel real. It’s not about saying the perfect words, it’s about what’s in their heart. Let the raw, unpolished feelings shine through.
Balance Between Show and Tell Obviously, they’re going to say something like “I love you” or “I can’t stop thinking about you,” but actions and body language speak just as loudly. Maybe their voice cracks, they shift closer without realizing it, or they can’t seem to meet the other person’s eyes. Maybe their hands are shaking, or their heart is pounding so loud they can’t hear anything else. Let those little details paint the full picture of how much this confession means.
The Other Person’s Reaction It’s not just about the person confessing, the other person’s reaction is a huge part of the scene. Are they completely shocked? Do they hesitate, or respond right away? Do they get teary-eyed or try to play it cool? The way they react adds layers to the moment. Even a pause before answering can make the scene ten times more intense. Their response shows how much they’ve been waiting for or dreading this confession too.
In short, make it messy, emotional, and real. Readers want to feel the build-up, the fear, the excitement, and the vulnerability of both characters. Don’t be afraid to make things a little awkward or imperfect, that’s what makes a confession unforgettable.
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linseyswrld · 13 days
Hello World!(I guess)
(Genuinely I am not gonna lie as writing this does feel awkward, even though I still put effort into researching, downloading the application on my phone, and creating a custom theme for this blog). Anyways, here I am. The girl who always wanted to write since she was a small kid.
The most ironic thing is that I used to write before. But not in English. In Russian. Then I moved to Canada and the war happened in my homeland. Womp womp... (my way of coping with traumatic shit is making uncomfortable jokes, so pleeeease don't feel too awkward (or do, whatever you prefer)).
As you probably have understood, I am from Ukraine. Pity thing, people might say, which is fair. I can not blame others for the sympathy they give to me, whenever I say where I am from. But I am here - in another part of the world, living my teenage dream. I am both lucky and not. My whole existence feels like a pattern of opposite extremities. But maybe this is what means to be a human, right?
During all my three years of living in Canada, I had this idea of a story I wanted to tell. But it was always hard due to a large amount of reasons. Maybe I am not completely ready now, but I am healed. And if I am healed, it means it is time to be strong.
So yeah, this is my first ever post on this blog. I have never had a one in English and the Tumblr one. But I wanna try. I want to write this story, and I want to tell it to the world. It is heavily inspired by my life experience and with each passing day I keep on being more and more confident that "this is that idea". Let's call it The Idea. Lol. Whenever I want to practice my language skills on something less dramatic, my mind keeps coming back to The Idea, so yeah there is no turning away point.
Well, thank you so much for reading all that emotional crap (no, I ACTUALLY mean it, thank you sooo much🫶🫶🫶). I hope we can be friends and you will enjoy this little place of mine.
I will post here not only things that are related to The Idea, but also about my life and who I am.
My name is Alina, but you can call me Linsey
And welcome to my world💕
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