linkdiangelo247 · 4 days
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doodles based off them…. im obsessed
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Gera Gera Po or whatever lol
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linkdiangelo247 · 5 days
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I was in a Kemono Friends mood one day and did an edit of Mountain Hare 🐰
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(putting them on a white background so it's easier to see)
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linkdiangelo247 · 5 days
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[👻 Chills Down Your Spine: A Spirit Hunter Fanzine ! 👻] Cover and Merch Previews
Preorders for the zine open October 1st! Merch will be available in various bundles revealed at release time, check out the original post for more info! 🌟
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linkdiangelo247 · 6 days
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[Artist @kazimo has been marked…]
☕️ Kaz came across Death Mark by watching Manly's playthroughs and was really charmed by it (especially by Yashita)…and we’re charmed to have them and their beautiful, evocative art in this zine!
🚬 Twitter: kazblogs
Tumblr: kazimo
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linkdiangelo247 · 7 days
So i write a fic about a death mark AU where everything is the same except there’s now a giant floating eyeball in his house 
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linkdiangelo247 · 7 days
Hello! o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ I'm back with a few screenshots of a new story I've been working on!! It's about Moe Watanabe, and involves her accidentally releasing a spirit that ends up parading around as her mother. (^人^)
I'll have the title (which might change in the future), basic summary, and screenshots under the cut. (o゜▽゜)o☆
Title: do not go quiet into that beating heart
Summary: Moe Watanabe unleashes a spirit; one that follows her from the depths of hell and back into the recesses of her very own home.
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linkdiangelo247 · 7 days
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linkdiangelo247 · 7 days
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Oh no!!!!
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linkdiangelo247 · 9 days
Death Mark DLC - Amusement park of no return (Summary? Rambling?)
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Spoilers and stuff under the cut. I am half translating/rambling... I have no Death Mark friends (I only started the game like 2 weeks ago) but I wanted more Mashita and Yashiki content so here I am......
Preface: this is more for my own referance but thought maybe people are interested about the DLC as there doesnt seem to be an English translation yet. WARNING I HAVE BASCIALLY SUMMURISED WHAT I HAVE PLAYED SO FAR and this it all spoilers (+ my own thoughts scattered in) READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. Some parts I directly translate + some are just vague outlines of what happen.
Please dont quote anything as canon as there may be small mistranslations and lots of the commentry and stuff is skewed by my own perspective of the game. Also I have played the game in Japanese the whole time so im not familiar with some of the terms they use in the English game. So please take note of that as you're reading. Anyways enjoy.
I will TRY to update this post semi regularly by EDITING it so come back to this post if you are looking for updates.
The game prefaces that certain interactions/options can influence the outcome/ending you get, atm I am not sure how many endings there are or how they may be influenced (there seem to be lots of small conversational options you can make when you talk to someone, I am unsure whether these options influence the ending).
You play as Moe and you're with Tsukasa, and start in a big pinch, attacked by humongus flies. and it flash backs to how they got themsleves into this situation. with Moe and Tsukasa knocking at the Kyuujou mansion door in search of Yashiki. He seems to be out but the door is unlocked and she invites herself in. (similar to the red riding hood DLC there seem to be a lot more voiced lines)
While inside you hear a noise from the second floor and go up to investigate. You end up in Yashikis room but the lights arent working for some reason. Banshee suddenly appears and jumpscares the crap out of Moe, stating that hes looking after the place while Yashiki is gone (he also invited himself in, probably not really a request from Yashiki himself).
Moe had come to the Kyujou mansion in order to discuss a rumor that she had heard, it was about the " Amusement park of no return" (The Japanese name is Kaerazu no Yuuenchi. Kaerazu meaning 'no return' but the rumor also mention's a spirit called 'Kaerazu-sama' which may mean the title could be a double meaning, Kaerazu's Amusment park OR the amusement part of no return )
Banshee is all 'I'll hear you out in place of Yashiki!' and, despite being reluctant, Moe tells him anyway because he'll be a pain if she doesn't.
H amusment park was closed down and abandoned 5 years ago and became a place for the test of courge (going to scary/haunted places) and it was said that people went and never returned, so was dubbed "The amusement park of no return". A witness was said to have gone, and when appraoching the ferris wheel, heard a sound. He thought it might have just been the ferris wheel moving but when he looked up, he saw a body, hanging from one of the carriages. Parts of her face seemed like it was jumbled up, melted even, and she had burn-like marks all over her body. The guy left out of fear and eventually forgot about the place, only to re-enter the amusment park again and never coming back out. This was said to be caused by 'Kaerazu-sama'.
Despite not being able to speak with Yashiki, Moe makes up her mind to go to the amusement park, she wants this to be her big scoop!
Tsukasa, out of concern, goes with Moe and they head to the amusement park by bus (this part I thought was kind of nonsense because why is a bus running so late at night? and why would a bus driver be okay with seeing two kids get off in the middle of nowhere without being suspicious or concerned about it????anyway). They enter the park and follow the signs and to head towards the ferris wheel.
Along the way Moe sees a tori gate (gates that lead up to a shinto shrine). Looking at it, it doesnt seem to be an attraction/built as an attraction and has been there for a long time. If you attempt to go in Tsukasa interjects, saying that thats not the way to the ferris wheel.
To get to the ferris wheel they pass a tea cup ride, after searching around they come across a tool box in the ticket booth. It's encased in some sort of slime, so Moe doesnt want to touch it. They move along and head to the Ferris wheel. Nothing seems out of the ordinary, however the carriage for the ferris wheel is chained shut.
Moe thinks that maybe the tool box from earlier might have something to help. She goes back find the box and despite the slimy coating, she pulls it open. Inside the toolbox is a tonne of live slugs, squirming around but Moe swallows her fear and manages to pull out a pair of pliers and some duct tape. She notes that because the slugs are still alive, they must have been put in there quite recently.
They head back to the ferris wheel, open the door and climb into the carriage to investigate. Inside, they find a box of old sakuma drops (a tinned, hard candy) and a sheet of frog stickers of the amusement park's frog mascot.
Suddenly the carraige door closes and the ferris wheel starts moving, theres nothing they can do to get off. As theyre up high, a loud thud is heard and the body of a woman hits the side of carraige, suspended upside down, her face melted like the rumor. Along side that a large swarm of gigantic flies begin to infiltrate the carraige. Moe gets rid of them by eating the sakuma drops that have a scent which repels bugs and (strangely) wards off more flies by sticking the frog stickers by a hole in the carraige window. Once everything calms down the flies and body from earlier dissapears.
Crisis averted, the ferris wheel has made a full rotation and they manage to leave safely. Moe and Tsukasa begin to head home and they pass the tori gate once again, but Moe spots a figure beyond gates, and gets a strange feeling. The figure says very clearly 'Wa...ta...na..be... '. Out of fear she runs out to the exit of the amusement park where Tsukasa was waiting for her.
Moe drops Tsukasa home and gets home herself (she gives context about her being from a big family with a lot of siblings and because her family arent really close, she comes and goes as she pleases).
Moe wants to go back to the amusement park because the figure there clearly said her name, along with being curious about the rumors... but shes too scared to go alone. She also cant put Tsukasa in any more danger. So she decides to ask someone else, and the because Yashiki isnt here, the first person she thinks of is... Here you can make an option and pick someone. But as I am here for my Yashiki and Mashita content I automatically picked Mashita.
Moe heads over to Mashitas agency/office which is located underground. The door is unlocked so she again, invites herself in. There she meets Sho. Sho said that hes helping out and seems like he has been aiming to be Mashita's sidekick, however has been turned down and instead cleans up the place once a week. Moe asks Sho where Mashita is but seems like Mashita and Yashiki headed out a week or so ago on a case.
(I immediately eye zoomed at Mashitas BRANDY COLLECTION this man truely is just an alcoholic sad man. Moe thinks it a bit unprofessional to have all the expensive brandy there but Sho mentions that its Mashita's office so he can have whatever he wants there, and seems like he drinks it quite often.
Also interesting to note that Sho calls Mashita 'danna' which is like boss, which I think is extremely cute)
Moe has a rummage through the office to see if she can figure out where Mashita has gone off to and searchs through the filing cabinet where a file labelled 'H amusement park' catches her eye.
She flips through and it seems like 2 weeks ago a company wanted to reopen H amusement park but the strange rumors impeded this and they wanted Mashita to look into it.
The files contained the rumors she knew about but she spots some new information.
Before H amusement park was built, there was a shrine in its place during the meji era. But 30 years ago H amusement park was built there and the shrine was demolished, the tori gate is left from that shrine. The angered god of the shrine was said have given birth to Kaerazu-sama.
(You can inspect different parts of the office and you get tidbits like Mashita doesnt watch TV (according to Sho) and Moe is dissapointed because she wanted to see the contrast between his serious demanor and him being into watching animal documentaries or variety shows.
Theres also a clothing rack with suits/shirts but theres one that catches Moes attention, a bright red dress shirt. (which I frankly think he uses to court Yashiki (maybe))
On his desk are lots of ciggarette boxes and papers and theres a drawer labeled in bright red pen 'DONT TOUCH' Moe opens it anyway (because she reasons that the message is Sho, not her) and theres a loud alarm that blares. Here you get a few options but I chose to make Moe destroy it.
She decides to look inside and theres a few things she can chose to look at.
Old photo
paper bag
black device
Old photo: It shows Mashita and another man. The date shows that its from 5 years ago. Mashita is wearing his police uniform, so Moe concludes it was when he was working on Police box duty (In Japan, a police box is like a small police station scattered throughout neighborhoods and do patrols/look into crime, help citizens etc) as detectives wear casual wear. But what surprised Moe was that Mashita was smiling in the photo.
Black device: A square device thatg fits neatly into the hand, with two metal prongs protruding from the end. Moe figures that its a stun gun. She decides to keep it, as it was light and felt like it would come in handy for self protection, even if it might not work on spirits.
Paper bag: A normal brown paper bag, but something is inside. Moe reaches inside and its an object about the size of her hand made of metal and she breaks out in a sweat. She figures its and gun and pretends that she didnt see it.
It seems like, according to the files, Yashiki and Mashita had gone off to H amusement park in order to invesitigate as per the client's request. Moe states that she is going back to the amusement park to find Mshita and Yashiki and Sho agrees to come along. Stating that if the two are in trouble, Sho would be able to pay the two back for the trouble he caused during the Red Riding Hood incident.
(I think the two of these are really cute, the way they speak to each other is quite casual and friendly? I dont think theyve interacted much before in the previous chapters so its sort of refeshing in the way Moe teases Sho, and calls him Sho-kun???)
The two head to the amusement park. It looks the same as before and Moe approaches the tori gates from earlier and tells Sho about what she saw. Sho looks a bit scared and asks "Did he look a bit like a slug?" (here you have options to respond, I picked, "it was too dark so I couldn't really tell").
It seems like there is another rumor at H amusement park about 'the slug man'. Apparently he had heard it from one of his old delinquent friends.
A group of them were being silly around the rollercoasters. They were all pretty hyped up and were scared at all of the rumor of Kaerazu-sama. Just as they were about to finish up one of the guys who were a little drunk jumped into one of the roller coaster seats and for some reason it was soaking wet, not that he cared because he was drunk. He was there for a while and when he sobered up he tried to stand up, but he couldnt because the safety bar has come down. Despite there being no electricity, the rollercoaster set off and shot into the darkness. After a while the rollercoaster returned and when they took a closer look, the guys head had turned into a massive slug. His friends all left him, scared, and the guy never came back from the amusement park. It was said that it was Kaerazu-sama's curse.
Moe decides that she wants to check out the rollercoaster for clues and also head back to the ferris wheel to look over things again.
Arriving at the roller coaster docking bay (I dont even know the english word for this, the area where you get onto the roller coaster). the two look around in search for clues. It seems like the safety bar for the roller coaster has been lowered, so there is no way to sit in the seats. Moe feels a bit relieved. Looking around some more they find a spade and some weed killer.
Moe and Sho talk a little about whether Sho is the kind of guy to be scared on roller coasters and he mentions that besides ghosts, hes not really phased by anything. Moe remembers that Sho rides a motorcyle and Sho tells her that he rode it around the T mountains and dreams of having 750cc motorcycle and worked part time at Izakayas to save up for one.
After they head over to the ferris wheel again, but Moe notices someone sitting in the tea cup ride. They run over and find a corpse, slugs writhing out from the nose, mouth and eyes. From the corpse's apperance its seems like the delinquent from the Slug man rumor. Sho is quite calm from all of this and examines the body closely, stating the slugs are quite abnormal.
Sho picks something up from beside the body, its a coat. Sho recognises the familar colour of it and says that it belongs to Mashita, inside the pocket they find a box of cigarettes and a lighter which further confirms that Mashita was here. The two continue on.
(After some back and forth youre able to use the shovel to open a counter near the entrance to grab a large flask which you then fill with some road salt.)
Returning to the roler coaster docking area Moe notices that something is different. The safety bar on the roller coaster is now raised. Making it possible to sit into the seats. Moe, thinking about how Yashiki solved mysteries, she decides to sit down into the seat. Sho, frustrated, sits down next to her.
The two sit down and nothing happens. Just as Moe tries to start conversation to fill in the awkward silence the safety bar swings down. Moe begins to panic and she screams at Sho to help them. As Sho is thrashing about trying to lift the unmoving bar, Moe notices something. A figure moving twards them. It's the slug man.
Stuck in the seat, the two panic, they dont know what to do. Sho says hes going to beat the shit out of the guy. (I find it cute that Sho says that 'A man who cant protect a girl is pathetic' i find it very endearing). Moe wracks her brain for a way to defend themselves and she pulls out the stun gun to ward off the Slug Man.
The Slug Man suddenly speaks "Wa...ta..na..be.." it calls Moe's name again. The slug man wails for a moment and then dissapears into the darkness. It seems like it's left. At the same time the safety bar raises and Moe and Sho breath a sigh of relief.
But suddenly the Slug Man reappears before them, Sho yelling that they're going to end up as Slug people. But looking closely at the Slug Man's face Moe notices that it looks familiar. It's Mashita.
Moe thinks that if it really is Mashita, there should be some way to remind him of his true self. Moe takes out Mashita lighter and lights it, and after looking at the flame, the Slug Man falls over onto the seats screaming. The two take the chanse to escape, not looking back.
Sho suggests that they retreat for now and get someone like Yasuoka to handle it as theres nothing they can do. Moe agrees that it would be the right option to leave but... despite the words being spoken by the Slug Man might have been some kind of coincidence, Moe heard them as a plea for help.
The Slug Man is appraching and Moe decides that she want to save Mashita, first she needs something to help calm the slug down. She uses the taser once on it and stops moving. Now she needed to get rid of the slugs that were attached to Mashita's body. Slugs were weak to salt and with the road salt they had gather from earlier, the slugs dissapear in a puff of smoke.
Mashita collapses to the ground and doesn't move. It seems like his concious, but there is no life in his eyes, he isnt responding. Sho remembers that Moe had a phone and directs her to call Daimon for help. Moe takes out her phone and noitces that it has no reception. From memory, the entrance of the park had reception so Moe leaves to make the call while Sho looks after Mashita.
Moe, at the entrance of the park calls, praying under her breath before Daimon picks up. She tells him that they need help and that Mashita isnt waking up. Daimon sends an ambulence to H amusement park and would meet them there.
Moe runs back to where Moe and Sho are to update them but Sho is nowhere to be seen. Only Mashita is left, where he had collapsed earlier.
Moe can sense someone watching her as she calls out for Sho.
"Whos there!?"
From the tori gate comes strong,rotting smell and a voice "I won't let you escape either."
Help arrives and Mashita is loaded into the ambulence. And before Moe can tell them about Sho she is ushered into Daimon's car. Moe tells everything to Daimon while hes driving and he listens patiently.
Moe waits at the entrance of the hospital and Daimon, after speaking to his coworker comes over. It seems that Mashitas vitals are normal however he's not responding to anything.
He thanks Moe for saving Mashita but however sternly, but kindly, scolds Moe for dragging Sho into this and that it was okay to be curious but she should be old enough to be able to control her own feelings. And lastly he says that the rest should be left to an adult.
Moe replies that she understands and allows Daimon to drive her home.
That night, plagued by the thoughts of the case and Kaerazu-sama, Moe has a nightmare about being surrounded by Slug People and stripped naked and covered in slugs (WEIRD OUT OF PLACE MOE IN HER UNDERWEAR CG BEWARE). While she is helpless on the ground she is approached by an enormous figure, and slowly it approaches...to eat her.
Moe wakes up in a cold sweat and figures that this might be a message from Kaerazu-sama, a vision and wanting to talk about the dream and Kaerazu-sama, Moe finds herself once again at the Kyuujo Manor despite knowing that Yashiki isnt there.
As she approaches the door, out pops Banshee again. Upon seing Moe's troubled face and states that he cant leave a youngster looking so down and hands her a bag with some food inside. He sais that its hard to have energy on an empty stomach and leaves.
Inside the bag is a chocolate cornet and a nashi pear. It seems like something Eita had left behind.
Alongside the food it seems like there was a note inside. Moe examines it and iut seems to b be a page about "The Kama princess mound".
On it it mentions the shrine that was built in order to enshrine the god of the skies. Publically it was a Tenmangu shrine, however it was actually enshrined with a god from A mountain (the place that H amusement park was built upon). Its divine body was a mound that created in the Sengoku era called "Princess Kama mound". As the name suggested, it was a mound enshrining "Princess Kama". (a 'divine body' is an object of worship that is said to contain a diety or a god)
It seemed that Princess Kama was a goddess of frogs. Offerings of rice and vegetables were given for divine protection. However there were cases of people that went into the mountains being spirited away and never returning. With only very few people knowing that it wasnt Tenmangu, but Princess Kama that was enshrined there.
On the document were also some notes written by Yashiki.
Before H Amusent park was built, proper proceedures were followed in order to move the Tenmangu so it was unlikely to have borne any grudges. But what about the Princess Kama mound? What if there was no one left that knew about it? Perhaps the mound was destroyed during the construction of the amusement park.
After finding this note Moe's passion to solve the case is reignited and she figures that she still needed help from Daimon, and heads to the hospital he works at to ask for his help.
(Here you can look around Daimons office and it gives you a few crumbs about Daimon. He has record collection along with a player, with many of the records being western music.
Moe also mentions that Daimon used to be part of a band. It's also mentioned that Daimon is a surgeon.
Theres a memo on Daimons desk reading "Yasuoka away, call again tonight".)
Daimon appears and says that he thought he had made himself clear the night before.
But Moe is persistent, saying that she knows the most about the case and wants to help Yashiki. But Daimon also stands his ground.
(From the dialogue you can tell that Daimon is worried about Moe's safety and pretty set on not wanting children involved in such a terrible case... Daimon O<-< )
Eventually Moe brings up the nightmare about Kaerazu-sama. She believes that it wasn't just a nightmare, but Kaerazu-sama's grudge and that she might be cursed. And that if thats the case, she cant run away from it, if she sits around doing nothing she might possible die.
Daimon reluctantly allows Moe to come with him, as he believes that she shouldnt leave her life in other people's hands and that he would need Moe's help in saving Yashiki and Sho.
Moe then tells Daimon about the note she found about A mountain and Daimon hypothsises that Kaerazu-sama might just be Princess Kama and Moe agrees.
Daimon talks himself through about doing more research in regards to Princess Kama, but concludes that theres no time left. And decides to do the investiagtion on site (like Yashiki).
The two arrive at the gates of the amusement park once again. As they approach the tori gates theres a figure just beyond it. Moe thought that it was the Slug Man but after taking a closer look it look to be Yashiki. The figure dissapears into the darkness running towards the clearing beyond the tori gates. The two walk into the clearing and Daimon pauses.
He saids that if the shrine were still here, the area they were standing on would have been where the divine body would have been.
"So Princess Kama mound would have been here?"
"Yes, maybe."
Moe's sixth sense tingles and something is telling her this place was bad news.
(You are now able to look around the field and investigate (also i think there was a jump scare for this one) after investigating everything Mope noitces a large shadow in the distance)
Moe again, has a bad feeling, the shaow is gigantic and fills up the background and the two fall unconcious, waking up in what seems to be the the same clearing but the sky is purple and a thick fog lingers about, just like the nightmare Moe had had earlier.
Daimon says the place looks like the aferlife, the land of the dead and Moe panics, "Does that mean we're dead?"
Daimon replies saying that he doesnt think theyre dead, it just happened to sort of fit the situation. But regardless the place was similar to H amusement park and this must be some sort of spiritual domain that is linked with the park.
Moe decides to attempt to leave and runs towards the tori gate, only to find herself in the field again after passing through it. Daimon hypothesises that the facts of this world work differently to that of their own.
As theyre conversing about the idea that this world is fairly unpredictable, they are suddenly ambushed by hoards of Slug Men. As it happens, Daimon continues to analyse the situation, saying that like Mashita, anyone who has been spirited away to this place must have had their bodies transmformed by the curse. Moe is pancing, theres no time for this!!!
Following Daimons earlier observations, Moe makes a dash in the direction opposite the tori, dodging Slug Men with the help of the left over frog stickers, they manage to escape and end up at the base of the ferris wheel. From the ferris wheel hanges the corpses of people that had been spirited into this domain, their bodies and faces disfigured. Daimon excuses himself to go and calmly examine the bodies before returning.
Moe explains to Daimon what happaned last time her and Tsukasa had entered and Daimon ponders, why flys and slugs? Moe takes a guess that it's because those two insects are food for frogs and if Princess Kama, aka Kaerazu-sama is a frog, then it may be related. Daimon agrees, saying that the frog stickers prove that point.
"Then what about the burns and melted face parts?"
Daimon explains his own observations, that the burns are chemical ones, however the clothing on each corpse remains intact. Meaning that it was some kind of acid that may have caused this and it is possible that Kaerazu-sama had attempted to eat these people. However after being partially digested, they were thrown back up.
Moe continued with her questioning, "Then why hang the corpses up on the ferris wheel?"
Daimon suggests that there is more likely a psychological explination rather than a biological one. Moe takes another stab, "As a warning?"
Daimon again agrees with her, Kaerazu-sama would see this place as her territory, she wouldn't be happy with people loitering about. He also aknowledges that these are just theories.
(This has been updates 4/09 more updates to come(hopefully).)
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linkdiangelo247 · 10 days
Tiny Titanic Yashita Au Excerpt
“Mashita…” Yashiki mumbles, hands clasping the younger’s. Mashita struggles to open his eyes, but he forces them to before focusing them on Yashiki. The older’s lips are tinged blue and that kimono can’t be very warm.
“Yashiki…” Mashita curls his hands tighter. “You’re freezing.” Yashiki barely huffs out a laugh through chattering teeth.
“Y-yeah…” They’re not sure how long they’d been been out there, floating in the water. Titanic had gone down some time ago, slipping beneath the waves, and it felt like it’d been ages since the screams had stopped.
Yashiki seemed to be getting weaker, barely able to keep his eyes open.
“Hey,” Mashita slurs a bit. “Yashiki, stay with me.” Yashiki’s eyelids flutter open.
“C’mon, Kazuo,” Mashita murmurs.
“Satoru,” Yashiku mumbles in reply, eyes slipping closed again. “Stay…”
“I’m right here, Kazuo,” Mashita says, head swimming. “You stay, too. C’mon, open those eyes.”
“Please, Kazuo,” Mashita pleads.
Yashiki opens his eyes a bit before struggling to wiggle a little closer. He manages to bring his face inches from Mashita’s and the younger gets the hint, closing the distance.
Yashiki’s mouth is cold, freezing even, but it’s soft nonethless, and Mashita presses closer before pulling away.
“We’ll make it,” Mashita murmurs. “Just hang in there, Kazuo.”
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linkdiangelo247 · 10 days
pls see the vision
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quick magma doodles cuz im waaayy too tired to pull out my tablet
i couldnt decide if i wanted to give him a mustache or not
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| During his first few weeks as island rep he always wore formal clothes until Daimon called him to his apartment in a dog suit and he just kinda gave up
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| Some ghost probably put them all on the island idk
the brain parasite
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linkdiangelo247 · 13 days
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Death mark au but roleswap yashita so they miscommunicate even worse now
(Aka: Mary fucks up mashita and makes it yashiki’s problem)
Other notes:
- Personality wise Mashita stays the same, just more confused therefore agreeable. Masamune is masamune, but i think yashiki’s duty and guilt is there
-They swap coat colours cause swap au ig??
- Saya and Mashita work together in that 5 year gap since Mashita’s senior died, idk they should be friends
-Masamune STILL uses the lameass methods Yashiki has but with more spiritual sense or something. He’s just more eloquent with it
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linkdiangelo247 · 15 days
i’m dropping this here so i don’t forget about it.
i just had the most angsty idea for my kitsune mashita fic and honest to god i wasn’t ready for it
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linkdiangelo247 · 15 days
I couldn't stop giggling while taking these photos I didn't realize they would be this tiny
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He's two spirit hunters tall
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linkdiangelo247 · 15 days
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Gera Gera Po or whatever lol
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linkdiangelo247 · 15 days
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Gera Gera Po or whatever lol
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linkdiangelo247 · 16 days
mii mark
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