Geek Soapbox
373 posts
I am a total Geek - theatre, comics, comic tv shows/movies, books all kinds, sci fi/fantasy, travel.. I am super passionate about everything. Bi-girl. She/Her. Sorry... Not Sorry :)
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linianicholls · 2 years ago
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linianicholls · 2 years ago
The Mariard by Christine Jones.
If you see this you’re legally obligated to reblog and tag with the book you’re currently reading
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linianicholls · 2 years ago
I think there should be nerdy gyms and I’m not even joking about that.
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linianicholls · 2 years ago
Don't mind me, just thinking about Percy showing his love for Vex with the examples of gentlemanly love he has. He gives her his jacket, he gives her a title, he gives her a gift. And now I'm thinking about him showing up to her room for their "later talk" after his resurrection, hair combed, clothes neat, expensive bottle of wine and and whole plan to seduce her only to have her open the door completely naked and ask if he wants to talk before of after
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linianicholls · 2 years ago
I wanna make some things like very clear to the new Vox Machina fans coming from the animated show to our humble home. Really I wanna settle some of the score about my best girl Vex'ahlia.
Now I know, I know that with so incredibly much source material to try and condense into just 36 22 minute episodes naturally some stuff is gonna be cut out or missed or edited, and TLOVM is it's own canon true, but what with it being Vox Machina but abridged it makes sense to me that it can be directly compared and perhaps found a bit lacking in regards to its source material, and so here I go.
They're not treating Vex with total fairness to be honest. A lot of her best early moments in VM are taken out or given to other people in TLOVM, like her first brush with death with Delilah in the Briarwood arc (it was her that got attacked by Delilah and almost died, not Keyleth, but like this one I get ig. The Twins and Percy held like the campaign record for being down and hurt the most like Sam had to deliberately change that so this wasn't hours of the twins just being near death like I'm not happy but I get it), or season two changing how she found Trinket (Vax was nowhere near her when she ran into those poachers) and mainly the portrayal of Vex as this snippy, mean, jealous, callous, unfeeling bitch without any of the uncertainty inherent in her or the tender moments to flesh her out.
Like in VM proper she's rude and a little snippy sure but that's borne of an established backstory of emotional neglect and the crushing trauma of poverty and Vax literally being the only other person who genuinely loved and cared for her after the mother who's arms she was ripped from was burned alive, (y'know after Syldor the worst dad god ever created literally abandoned them with their mother for 10 years while they were dirt poor (but happy, Elaina is the best mom to live ever), dragged them away from her for 5 in which time he destroyed her and Vax's self esteem, let the whole racist ass town he was ambassador of harass them along with harassing them himself and forced them to be the perfect quiet little doll heirs he only decided he wanted after 10 years of no 'true blooded' kids of his own) and then when they ran away, saw their mother had been murdered in her home by a fucking dragon had to spend the next several years at only like 15ish stealing (in Vex's case haggling and hunting) to survive! Like Vex's hangups around money are from the period in her life where she as controller of her and Vax's meager finances was in charge of making sure they didn't starve to death in the woods somewhere, at 15 she and Vax had to keep themselves alive with no help from anyone but each other, her haggling any and everyone down is a direct response to that.
And oh boy Syldor? Syldor? And his bullshit expectations and neglect are the reason she's so chronically unsure of herself and so desperate to keep being Vax's favorite. You think Keyleth is unsure of herself? Buddy you have seen nothing. Vex's confidence in herself is a facade and literally the longer you know her the more obvious that becomes. She's so slow to let other people in and equally slow to trust cuz she's been hurt so brutally and the few times she relaxes enough to do something for herself (side eyeing the broom incident), she gets narratively punished for it! Bro, the night before meeting with Syldor Percy finds her in tears obsessively polishing her armor cuz she's so desperate even after all this time to prove to Syldor that she is someone, that she isn't the diluted little half-breed Syldor always looked down his nose at (and then Percy, who never again was fooled by her false airs and stepped up to do The Sweetest thing god ever created), like...she's fucked up! And lonely! And wants nothing more than a stable home and people who genuinely like her.
Them leaving their home in when the conclave first attacked Emon drove her to tears because it was the first home she'd had in so long and now they had to leave it. She's got so much depth and she is so endlessly kind too. Every time she sees someone whose circumstances mirror her own she doesn't hesitate to open her purse for it. (her freeing those kids??? Anyone???) She's no Keyleth or even Pike to be sure but she's so sweet. Keyleth goes tearing off up the Sun Tree, Vex follows. Grog gets swindled by some punkass merchant? Vex goes tearing off after him, all her interactions with Vax to be honest she might have Little Sister disease but still, she is so endlessly kind and good and it's not as overt as Pike's genuine goodness or Keyleth's earnestness, it's slightly more subtle but always present. She's the beating heart of Vox Machina, she encourages them all, (just look at what they tell Pelor I mean.... And and I could go on and on about how the fact that she's the champion of the god of Life, Light and the Sun means so much narratively but I mean I doubt I need to I mean it's Pelor), They all look to her and Vax for guidance, look at what they do to fucking Saundor for him merely taunting her, (yes it's more deep than that I know), they literally get stuck in hell and wait there, in the middle of HELL for her cuz they can't/won't move on without her.
She's brilliant, and clever, and broken and 'greedy' and a bitch yes true, but she's so much more than that, and I'm not even gonna tell you to watch the podcast cuz fuck Orion tbh and y'know I am a hater and a gatekeeper both and am totally fine being in the little niche of of vox machina likers, but if you want substance, if you want all of her because god is she compelling, then take your cues from the podcast and not the show.
The show is new, and still ongoing, and I hope they start letting her shine as she was always meant too in later episodes, but she is the heart and soul of Vox Machina and y'all better put some respect on the name of Lady Vex'ahlia De Rolo, Champion of Pelor, Baroness of the First House of Whitestone and Grandmistress of the Grey Hunt, Coinmistress and Treasurer of the Tal'dorei Council.
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linianicholls · 2 years ago
My bisexual heart cannot take it.
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The Mighty Nein is back!
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linianicholls · 3 years ago
And her amazing ability to embody 100% whatever character she is playing, to the point you don't see laura but nugget or vex or jester or Imogen of Mancubus
I was prepared for three hours of Travis's Sprinkle voice as a very, very big hope, but LAURA PLAYING NUGGET IS KILLING ME.
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linianicholls · 3 years ago
oh my goddd i can’t stop thinking about cerrit being the only one to survive. the lone non-magic user in the ring of brass is the one to survive the fall of the city of mages. i just. wow.
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linianicholls · 3 years ago
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linianicholls · 3 years ago
Any thoughts on what everyone will be for halloween next week?
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linianicholls · 4 years ago
So frickin excited. It is going to be awesome.
Do we think season 2 may be the chroma concalve?
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so uhhhh how we feeling about getting an animated Briarwoods arc 👀
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linianicholls · 4 years ago
I was curious about the casting of Gwendoline Christie as Lucifer, is Lucifer a female character in the show or is the show taking the more androgynous route with the depiction, like the Constantine movie did with casting Tilda Swinton as Gabriel?
Lucifer in the comics isn't male.
Gwendolyn plays the Lucifer in the comics.
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linianicholls · 4 years ago
So many TV shows/movies depict the Epi Pen as a total solution for's not. The Epi Pen gives you 30 minutes to get to a hospital where they can save your life. TV makes it look like you just have to use the Epi Pen and then the crisis is over. Do people without allergies or a loved one with allergies know that an Epi Pen only buys you time? The more I see this on TV the more I worry...
**Maybe you should reblog this because I'm actually worried that most people don't know.
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linianicholls · 4 years ago
Just starting my watch of ep1 of Exandria Unlimited and that opening credits is gorgeous.
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linianicholls · 4 years ago
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linianicholls · 4 years ago
Have a DnD session with my group on Saturday, first session back in like 3 months. I am the DM and I have 8 players, it is like wrangling cats (lol). We are doing a Wildmount campaign and they are just arriving at Darktow. They are level 3. I really have no clue where to take them, once they return to menagerie coast, which will be soon, as they are only stopping at Darktow to get paid for a job.
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linianicholls · 4 years ago
every little thing 2/7
fjorester week day 2: battle couple/pirate au
“Do you think they’re within five hundred feet yet?”
Vandran gives Jester a curious look, evaluates the Revelry ship that’s been tailing them for the past four days. “I’d give it another minute or two, just to be safe,” he says.
“You’ve got a plan?” Fjord asks.
She gives one of those wicked grins that Vandran has learned only leads to chaos. She pulls a paintbrush out of her pack, twirls it between her fingers. “I’ve got a plan.”
Fjord grins. “What do you need me to do?”
She eyes the approaching ship. “Just keep the captain talking for, like, ten minutes tops.” She counts down from five under her breath, and then disappears in a swirl of purple magic.
Now, Vandran trusts Fjord beyond measure, and Fjord clearly trusts Jester, but he still grows nervous when he spies the opposing ship’s cannons before any of their crew. “Do we engage, Captain?”
Fjord considers Vandran for a moment, then turns his focus to the other ship. “Kingsley!” he barks.
“Aye, Captain?” The tiefling’s voice floats up from belowdecks.
“Ready the starboard cannons, but hold until I give the order.”
“Aye aye, Captain.”
He watches the charade of negotiations with bated breath. Fjord plays the part of naïve merchant well, almost too well. They’re just getting into terms of surrender, when Vandran notices that the pirate ship is ever so slowly sitting lower and lower in the water. It’s not long after that someone alerts the captain, and negotiations are abruptly ended.
Jester reappears at Fjord’s side just as all hell breaks loose on the Revelry ship. There’s a series of deep cuts on her forearm, and it looks as though something was gnawing on her tail.
“You alright?” Fjord asks.
She dismisses him with a wave of her hand, healing the cuts with a flash of green. “They had a really grumpy dog down there,” she says, quickly adding, “Don’t worry, I turned him into a sea turtle so that he wouldn’t drown.”
They watch the commotion for a minute before she breaks the silence. “I don’t know what all the fuss is about,” she says, that wicked grin stretching across her face once more. “All I did was paint a bunch of really big holes in the hull of their ship.”
Fjord shakes his head fondly. “What do you think?” he asks. “Do we engage, or leave them to their misery?”
Jester mulls it over for a moment. “Welllllll, I did overhear them plotting to do a lot of really terrible things once they boarded our ship.”
Fjord glances to Vandran, who shrugs. “Seems a shame to waste good powder, don’t it?”
Fjord nods, clears his throat. “Kingsley! Fire at will!”
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