lingeringfootprints · 7 years
When she is happy, she can’t stop talking, when she is sad she doesn’t say a word.
Ann Brashares (via quotemadness)
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lingeringfootprints · 7 years
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🍌🍌🍌F R E S H cereal 🍓🍓🍓 Bananas, strawberries, chopped dates, rawnola, frozen blueberries, with homemade almond milk poured all over 🥛😋👍🏻
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lingeringfootprints · 7 years
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Black rice • avocado • pumpkin • broccoli • spring onion • sprouts 🥑🌱 Love buddha bowls! What’s in your favourite vegan bowl?
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lingeringfootprints · 7 years
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Mrs. Forman, you really got it. You really, really got it.
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lingeringfootprints · 7 years
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lingeringfootprints · 7 years
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Sonora in the Summer
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lingeringfootprints · 7 years
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268 notes · View notes
lingeringfootprints · 7 years
Whatever is happening right now, just stop. Take in a big breath. Close your eyes while you do it. Tell yourself everything is okay. Smile. Let it go.
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lingeringfootprints · 7 years
Be authentic. Speak sincerely. Listen thoughtfully. Act compassionately and love. Always love. What we bring to life becomes our life.
(via deeplifequotes)
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lingeringfootprints · 7 years
Loving yourself is not (necessarily):
Thinking you’re gorgeous
Not wanting to change anything about your body, personality, or life
Loving yourself is:
Knowing you have inherent worth regardless of your physical appearance or life circumstance
Knowing you deserve good things
Wanting to take care of yourself because you deserve good things
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lingeringfootprints · 7 years
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morning brekki done right 🌿🍌🍵
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lingeringfootprints · 7 years
Introverted paradox
We hate awkward silences but, boy, can we create them.
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lingeringfootprints · 7 years
You make a difference in other people’s lives much more than you think.
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lingeringfootprints · 7 years
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lingeringfootprints · 7 years
stay hydrated ok
ancient Fe proverb (via e-n-t-j)
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lingeringfootprints · 7 years
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lingeringfootprints · 7 years
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72K notes · View notes