Linco's Secret
8 posts
An asian girl. 22. birth kink. 18+. Feel free to DM me if you don't mind my poor English.
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linco99 · 2 years ago
You mention in your post that you like hard births, but how far do you prefer to go with multiple pregnancies and big baby births?
I like twins, triplets at most. 20lbs per baby is probably the limit. Since I would prefer a vaginal birth anyway, it may take many times longer than normal to get the baby into the pelvis and break the water, possibly with malposition.
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linco99 · 2 years ago
Can I follow you on any social media? Also, would you post baby kicking videos once you get pregnant? I'd love to see your belly move
Sorry, I don't have other social media. Maybe I'll post if I'm pregnant, but that seems like a long way off…
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linco99 · 2 years ago
do you roleplay?
Sometimes, if we have the same kink. But my poor English might make a few oops lol.
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linco99 · 2 years ago
Hey Linco, can I ask you what would answer for 4, 6, 8 and 15 for birth fetish questions? Thank you! 😊
4. Meds? & How big of a baby?
Regarding medication, Maybe I would like to use something that increases the difficult of labour or whatever. But natural would probably be better.
Regarding the size of the baby, in a way the bigger the better. Maybe 10lbs or more? But I would like to have a vaginal birth rather than a C-section. I want a giant overdue baby to make my belly big and round.
6. Would you prefer to be alone or assisted?
I would say both my likes.
When I am birthing alone, all sorts of difficulties will come. I have to put up with the pain of contractions taking off my clothes and preparing the things I need for labour. Maybe I would have a difficult breech or occiput posterior birth, but there is no one to help me.
It's also great to have a partner to assist with the birth. Holding me, kissing me and telling me "good girl" when I am struggling with the crown. Alternatively, massaging the nipples to stimulate contractions or helping relax my tiny pussy stretched out by the head. All of these are so loving and give me the encouragement to continue pushing.
And a dark thought, my unsupportive partner tie my legs up when my water breaks and then tell me I am not allowed to give birth until he get home.
8. Do you want your water to break naturally or have someone break it for you?
Perhaps my water break suddenly at an inopportune moment and I am about to give birth right now. Or maybe we are so involved in sex that we didn't notice my water break during orgasm…Until the baby's head is coming out.
15. What type of delivery? Forceps, vacuum, stirrups, water birth, birthing chair/stool, squat bar.
The forceps and vacuum are things I don't like, but I will be happy to try anything else. Like being bound to the stirrups and having to show my embarrassing side to others, or grabbing the squat bar and trying to push out the baby's huge head.
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linco99 · 2 years ago
Hey, can I ask you what would answer for 1, 2, 3, and 5 for birth fetish questions?
Thank you for your ask and here are my answers.
1. How long would you want to push for?
For this question, my answer has to be as long as possible, especially with crowning. Of course, it is under the setting that it will not harm the baby. I keep pushing and pushing. Just when I think the baby is close to being born, I find out in despair that it isn't even fully crowned. How long it will take to give birth to such a huge baby, I don't know...
2. What position? Laying on back, squatting, sitting, on your side, on all fours, standing.
I think different positions need to be chosen in different situations, but there is no doubt that each of them is expected to help the baby come out quickly.
I would love to try different positions in labor, maybe I'll start out on my back and then stand or squat down and try to use gravity to bring the baby down. Sitting on my partner's lap and being in his arms is also great, it makes me feel very safe and secure. Together we put our hands on my belly that's in contractions and work together to bring our baby into the world.
3. Naked or clothed?
Clothed births are especially great in the event of birth denial. I don't want people to know I'm in labor, so when the baby's head is just behind my labia, making a big bulge in my soggy panties, I have to act like nothing happened. Thanks to the help of tight panties, otherwise I can't guarantee if I wouldn't be tempted to give birth in public.
And when I am giving birth at home with my partner, I think being naked is the best way to see every change in my body, the sagging belly, the milking tits, the stretching pussy, all of that are very hot.
5. Where would you want to give birth? Home, hospital, birth center, publicly, at work.
I think I prefer every place except the hospital, because I hate those cold medical equipment. Public birth is one of my favorite parts, trains, planes, movie theaters, everywhere is full of possibilities. Or just to humiliate or punish, which turns me on.
It is also nice at home, a loving labor with the support and comfort of my partner. Or we have sex to induce labor until the water breaks.
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linco99 · 2 years ago
Giving birth to a mixed race baby is usually very difficult for an Asian girl like me because of my petite body and narrow pelvis. The doctor said our baby might be 10lbs but I don't want to go to that scary hospital for a C-section. I just want to be in our warm and comfortable home and you help deliver our baby.
One week after the due date, I finally showed signs of labor, but things are not going as smoothly as I imagined, especially my belly looks very big.
lying on the big soft bed, holding the pillow under my head with both hands, and separate my legs into an M shape. Every time the contraction comes, I hold my breath and push as hard as I can.
At this point you can see the baby's hair looming between my lips, but every time I relax, the baby's head will slowly slide back little by little. And the pussy that was originally stretched into a drop shape turned back into a small gap. I cry helplessly.
"Oh no...back again...I can't do it...the baby's head is too big..."
My belly was hard and falling, and my lower back was so sore. I've been trying for hours, but my narrow asian pussy seems stretched to the limit and it's still hard for such a big head to pass through.
"Help me get this huge baby pussy is hurts a lot...I don't want to tear..please..."
What will you do? Please tell me.
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linco99 · 2 years ago
Ask me! Although my English is bad, I will try my best to answer your questions(//∇//)
Birth fetish questions
Let’s talk about birth. Give me some numbers & I’ll answer the questions.
1. How long would you want to push for?
2. What position? Laying on back, squatting, sitting, on your side, on all fours, standing.
3. Naked or clothed?
4. Meds? & How big of a baby?
5. Where would you want to give birth? Home, hospital, birth center, publicly, at work.
6. Would you prefer to be alone or assisted?
7. Would you want a breech birth?
8. Do you want your water to break naturally or have someone break it for you?
9. Would you want to give birth to multiple babies?
10. How many would you like to give birth to at once?
11. Would you like a silent birth or coached?
12. Early, overdue or induced?
13. Would you want labor to come on suddenly or try to get labor started?
14. Would you want to give birth to anything other than a baby? Eggs, alien, animal?
15. What type of delivery? Forceps, vacuum, stirrups, water birth, birthing chair/stool, squat bar.
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linco99 · 2 years ago
For me
Hi, my name is Linco. It's sad that I'm not a native English speaker, but I'm excited to talk with people who have the same kink. Please forgive me if I make mistakes. Please don't ask too many private questions.
birth kink/fpreg
birth denial
public birth/edging birth/forced birth/clothing birth
hard birth(especially long crowning)
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