Quinn smiled up at him, “Your happiness is important to me,” Quinn insisted. “If being a werewolf will make you feel better and make you happy I couldn’t dream of standing in the way,” Quinn said kissing him back, “I love you too, Rory.”
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I’m sorry...
Rory shook his head “You can keep being human” He said with a small smile “Thank you for letting me become a werewolf” He kissed her head “You are amazing, always thinking about my happiness” He kissed her lips “I love you”
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She bit her bottom lip, “If that will make you feel happy and more secure,’ Quinn agreed, “I -- I don’t have to take the bite do I,” she whispered. She didn’t want to be anything but human. 
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I’m sorry...
“Very much so, yes” He said with a small smile, before he kissed her lips gently “Yeah, I know, but now you will have a chance to have a chance” He said with a small smile “I need to talk with though, after I become a human, I was thinking of asking someone to turn me into a werewolf, so I have the power to protect you, our future baby and my friends, and as you know, werewolves can have babies, would you be okay with me turning into a werewolf? Because if the answer is no, I will understand and find another way to protect everybody”
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Quinn blushed bright red as they discussed her, “I’m not that pretty,” she muttered before squeezing Rory’s hand and smiling at Cass. Quinn laughed at Cass, “It has, like the use of letter to represent words like Lol or TBH, it’s the death of the English languge. One of the few memories I have that I don’t mind is sitting in a drawing room as the Shelly’s and Lord Byron made the most ridiculous bet about writing the best horror story, oh but could Percy, write, ‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings, Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair,” Quinn said with a wistful smile. 
I’m sorry...
gaiuscassiuslonginuslockwood:Cass roiled his eyes as Tyler spoke to Rory, “can you even get more basic than you already are Flanagan?” he grunted, then smiled as surprisingly Quinn offered her hand to him. This was a very rare occurrence, it was unprecedented behavior. “enchanté Mademoiselle, enchanté.“ he beamed, kssing her hand gently he smirked at her words. “You are even more enchanting than I supposed. The name is Cass.” Turning to Rory he smirked. “Okay I shall apologize but only because you are extremely enchanting…I apologize Flanagan, but I shall not apologize for telling the truth about her total hotness… even though hotness is totally used out of context and have you noticed how the English language has become totally bastardized over the centuries? or is that visa versa…hmmm” Cass pondered, internally puzzling over the use of the word hot. 
Rory watched as Quinn got closer of Cass, getting ready to grab her and run if he tried anything “Oh, don’t need to apologize, complimenting her is fine, and your apologize is accepted, just don’t try to get in her pants again, and neither try to get in the pants of people that are already taken, there’s a lot of single people around Lima, just stick with the single ones” He didn’t trust Cass at all, and he would keep an eye on him, but he would try to be at least civil with the guy, as long as he doesn’t try to hurt anybody he will be fine, but if Rory see that Cass will do something with the ones that loves, he will regret of even being born, because the Irish guy, was very vingative when it comes to people that hurt his loved ones. 
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“Guess you just got lucky that way,” Quinn said curling into his arms.” Quinn smiled at the idea of Rory holding their child. “I honestly can’t even imagine what that will be like, to hold a child that I gave birth to. I had given up on the dream so long ago,” Quinn confessed.
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I’m sorry...
“You are not, you are amazing and the sweetest girl I ever met, and I couldn’t ask for a better girl to be my girlfriend” He said with a small smile, before he kissed her back, before he put his arms around her and cuddled her “I know what you mean, I am not gonna lie, I can’t describe how good it felt to hold Mason in my hands, and I know that when I get to hold our baby for the first time, it will feel amazing too, even more amazing” He said with a small smile.
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“Because I’m a basket full of crazy and you still love me, dispite not deserving it at all,” Quinn said giving him a sweet kiss again and a smile. “I don’t care what we have, I just want to have children. I want to give birth and expereince all the things that come with that. I was so jealous of Mason, he’s so beautiful and sweet and he had has that baby smell I love,” Quinn said with a smile at the memory.
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I’m sorry...
“Is that so? If you give me reasons to why you think so, then I may believe you” He smirked, he knew very well that nothing she said would change the fact that he thinks that he is the lucky one, and he knew that she also knew that “Yes, Iove kids so much, and I can’t wait to have a little me or little you running around the house, it will be so amazing” He smiled, he always loved kids and were always good with them.
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“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m the lucky one,” Quinn said with a grin and a sweet kiss, she bite her lip in excitement, “We’re gonna be human again, Rory. We can do all the things humans do, we can have a baby, I want one so bad. Do you, we -- we’ve never talked about children, if you ever like them,” Quinn said nervous. What would they do if he didn’t want children, it was one of the most important reasons Quinn had decided to become human again.
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I’m sorry...
“I love you so damn much, I have no idea what I did to deserve such an amazing girl as yourself” He smiled and kissed her lips quickly again.
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Quinn shook her head with a laugh, “Tyler, I can’t cook, I burn water,” but her face grew concerned as she listen to Rory and Tyler, She knew this wasn’t Tyler, but he was a part of Tyler, “You can’t hurt him Rory,” she said squeezing his hand, “He may not be Tyler, but he’s a part of Tyler, maybe he’s scared and that’s why he’s acting out,” Quinn said concerned, she apporched Cas, wanting to believe that no part of Tyler would ever hurt her. She held out her hand to shake his, “Hi, I’m Quinn, Ty calls me Que, but he’s and Rory are really the only ones, I’m not particularly fond of the nickname,” Quinn said trying to befriend the man. She looked back and Rory and held out her hand for him to take,” And this is Rory,  you owe him an apology for trying to flirt with me, he’s my boyfriend and I love him very much and you should’ve respected that if you new about him,” Quinn said firmly. 
I’m sorry...
Cass immediately tried to remember every conversation Tyler had about Quinn and every thought. One thing he was unable to do was to remember Ty’s life previously. scanning his mind for every morsel, Tylers relationship to this woman and Tyler’s every nuance. Finally remembering he began, “hey Ror…its me..Ty. It really is.” Throwing his hands into his pockets he feigned a frown, “I’m sorry you got the wrong impression. I was only paying her a compliment, I was about to say she has great breaaad making skills. shes my Que…she saved me and…” he smirked, “she’s pretty great at cooking when she puts her mind to it…well, um, okay at cooking… I guess.” he then slipped an arm around Quinn’s waist. “shes my sister from another mother but I must admit…I have thought about banging her quite a few times. but I never would of course. Oh no, that would be adultery. Thou shalt not commit adultery and all, right? adultery is a horrible thing.”
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“Ty, Rory doesn’t drink you know that,” Quinn said rolling her eyes at Tyler’s antics. There were days he was so wierd she just couldn’t understan dhis sense of humor. She walked around Tyler and took Rory’s hand. Holding tightly to Rory’s hand, she looked confused and concerned. “ Babe, are you sure you didn’t mix them up, Tyler’s been really supportive of me deciding to become human.” Quinn said looking up at the two men.
I’m sorry...
“So I can have some of the things you do, like Mason, I really want a baby Ty, I love Mase and he’s my nephew but I want a baby of my own. I want the experience Elena had. You’re okay with it. Oh Tyler thank you! You don’t know what it means to me that you support my decision,” she said wrapping her arms around his neck.
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Quinn didn’t have time to react to Tyler’s statement before she heard Rory’s growl, “What’s going on,” Quinn demanded looking between the two.
“I’ll always support you. You know that,” he grinned touching her cheek slightly. within a second he heard the snarl of the strange one once more. does he ever give up? he inwardly laughed.
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Cass smirked, “I have no idea what this fellow is talking about. I think he’s been hitting the juice,” glancing at Quinn he did the drinking motion,  “but never fear I’ll save you beautiful!” standing in front of Quinn he overly acted raising his hands in front of him, “leave her alone you drunk! drunkenness is a heinous act! take your drunken self to some derelict hotel or something.”  Laughing inwardly he waited for the punch. This is gonna be fun, he thought.
“Baby, he’s the guy I was talking about, that look exactly like Ty but that is not him that all” He told Quinn before he shook his head to Cass “You have two option, Cass” He said crossing his arms “You can tell her the truth right now, and stop pretending you are Ty or I will call him right now and prove it myself, so either way, she will find out, you may as well stop lying” He said before he pushed Cass away from her and put his arms around Quinn “It’s your choice Cass, my phone is on my hand ready to dial”
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Quinn nodded, she had no choice but to trust him. If he decided it wasn’t for him they knew vampires that would turn him. She couldn’t help but be a little excited at the idea of being human again.
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I’m sorry...
Rory shook his head “I could never hate you, it’s impossible” He smiled as he rested his forehead against hers “I want this, I want to become a human with you, it won’t change anything between us, because you will still be the amazing self you are right now, and we will still be in love, nothing’s going to change between us when we become human” He smiled and kept resting his forehead against hers.
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“So I can have some of the things you do, like Mason, I really want a baby Ty, I love Mase and he’s my nephew but I want a baby of my own. I want the experience Elena had. You’re okay with it. Oh Tyler thank you! You don’t know what it means to me that you support my decision,” she said wrapping her arms around his neck.
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Quinn didn’t have time to react to Tyler’s statement before she heard Rory’s growl, “What’s going on,” Quinn demanded looking between the two.
I’m sorry...
Mortal? why the hell do you want to be mortal? mortals are idiots who die!
I-I mean…gee wiz how cool.
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of course you’re pretty. You’re more than pretty. You’re hot! Your milky white skin. Your succulent lips, your perky brea- hell, fuck it, I want you!
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“I don’t want you to hate me,” Quinn confessed, she was terrified that Rory would grow to resent her. “Let me become human first, you may not even like human me. If you still want to be human with me, we’ll find a witch or another way for you to become human.”
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Quinn was confused by nodded.
I’m sorry...
I do love it, but I love you more, and I can’t live forever if you won’t be by my side, I won’t be able to watch you die, I can’t handle that, I want to get old by your side, and I want to have kids and marry you.
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Also, baby, there’s this guy that looks exactly like Ty, but it’s not him, okay? It’s someone else, it’s someone evil, so be careful, okay?
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Ty, I’m becoming mortal. I found a witch who can make me mortal again. I’m scared and excited and I really wanna hear you’re okay with this.
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Wow, no, thanks, I always wanted to know if you thought I was pretty.
I’m sorry...
that sounds even sexier, you sound like you’ve been up to mischief!
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Have I ever told you how beautiful you truly are?
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Rory, it’s -- it’s a one time thing. She’s going to basically suck my immortality out of my body and take it into her own and I wouldn’t ask you to give up being a vampire. You love it, I hate it.”
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I’m sorry...
So wait, you will become a human…? Can you tell me which witch was it? Because if you’re going to be a human… I want to become one too.
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limasquinnfabray-blog · 10 years
“I don’t know about mischief, more like a deal with a devil.”
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“No, thank you, I really appreciate it,”
I’m sorry...
that sounds even sexier, you sound like you’ve been up to mischief!
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Have I ever told you how beautiful you truly are?
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limasquinnfabray-blog · 10 years
I made a deal with a witch. My past life as her, for my mortality.
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I’m sorry...
I will always love you, no matter what. 
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What happened?
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limasquinnfabray-blog · 10 years
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“Thanks Ty, it’s really good to hear that. I haven’t been naughty but I -- I traded something for what I wanted, or I will after tonight.”
I’m sorry...
I’ll love you forever girlie….
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Oh it sounds like you’ve been a naughty. Naughty is sexy. I’ll love you despite all your ugly, disgusting faults.
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limasquinnfabray-blog · 10 years
I’m sorry...
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I did something, I hope you can still love me.
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