lilyxjxevans · 6 days
Lily had needed a break from her office, needed a break from the files she had been pouring over for what felt like days on end. Everything she'd had felt like a dead end and she was beginning to feel defeated. She needed to be doing something, needed to feel productive and like she was actually making a difference. She brightened as Alice informed her that she had something and she nodded at the offer to join her. "I'd be happy to join, I need to be looking at something other than my desk anyway. What are we looking for?"
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Alice chuckled, leaning back in her chair as well, several files spaced out on her desk. It was more unorganised than she normally worked, but when she'd had a hunch she wanted to confirm she had to silmultaniously work two cases. "I have had a few promising leads I've been compiling the last few days. Two cases that seemed unrelated at first glance are actually connected. At least that's what the evidence points too so I'd like to request the afternoon to go and see if my hunch is correct. You are welcome to accompany me. A second set of eyes might see things differently to me and you could see something I missed."
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lilyxjxevans · 6 days
Lily had been telling herself for days that she needed to make it to Madam Malkin's. She was in desperate need of a few new robes, as well as mending on the ones she had. It was difficult to keep her work robes in good condition when the war had her in the middle of conflict far too often. The amount of holes and burns on her robes seemed almost impossible. Alas, as was always her luck, a mission had kept her working late. Still, after she had wrapped things up she rushed for the shop, hoping maybe to catch them before they closed.
She could tell as she grew close that already she was too late, and with a sigh of frustration she took a moment to consider what her next option was. She supposed she could try to mend them herself? It was then she spotted a familiar figure walking away from her, not missing how her steps seemed quick. It took a moment to recognize Matilda, it had been a while since she had seen her and she had heard the reasons she'd left for some time. "Matilda?" She called, hoping to chat. They may have not been close, but she at least wanted to speak with her, to see how she was.
She picked up her own pace, hoping to catch up with her in case she hadn't heard her. She called her name once more as she got closer, though she stumbled to a halt at the response she received, the cold look on the other's features. She shook her head as Matilda mentioned the shop being close. "Th-that's alright. I wasn't going to ask you to make an exception or anything." She assured her, a frown on her lips. "I just wanted to say hello. See how you are?"
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who: @lilyxjxevans
where : diagon alley
Her wand tapped at the shutter of Madame Malkins, sealing it shut for the evening. She had worked particularly late, hopeful to avoid hours of solitude in her apartment that seemed particularly cold since her return. Placing her wand back in her bag, Matilda begun to head up Diagon Alley, choosing to floo rather than to apparate. Simply to take up a bit more time.
A familiar flurry of red hair seemed to edge closer to Matilda. A sinking feeling overtaking her. Her first encounter with Lily, her former friend who sometimes had requested Matilda's assistance with stitching and repairs. Lily was not Matilda's close friend, but there was a warmth between the pair in conversation. Of course, that was prior until Lily's kind depicted their true colours to Matilda. Aiming to avoid the other woman's presence, her pace increase and her head held high. Matilda had all intention of ignoring Lily Evans. Until a voice beckoning her attention made her stomach drop.
Matilda froze in her tracks, glancing at the other woman. "Lily." Her tone curt, "The shop is closed for the evening. I can't help you."
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lilyxjxevans · 6 days
Lily hands over the bags with an apologetic smile, nodding as she thanks her. "You're welcome, although I believe it's a little my fault to begin with since I ran into you." She was glad to know the other was okay and that the food as well, otherwise she would have felt bad. "It is, yes." It took a moment but recognition dawned on her as the other explained where she had seen her. "Yes, you're Apolline correct? In the Department of Magical Cooperation?" She tried her best to remember everyone she worked with, but it could be difficult. She was also terrible about taking time in other departments, especially when she was always so busy.
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It took Apolline a moment to place the face. The witch was someone she had met at Frank's birthday party, easily remember the name. "Merci." A genuine smile forms on her lips. A hand reaches out to collect the other bags, the food in the other. "I am fine." There was no harm done and she wasn't going to be late from her lunch. "Oui, it is. I bring for Étienne et moi."
"Est Lily, oui?" The blonde was finding it easier to mix the two languages together, at least hoping the other would understand her. "I see at le Ministry."
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lilyxjxevans · 11 days
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lilyxjxevans · 11 days
Lily supposed she had adrenaline to thank for how calm she was at the moment. From the moment she had arrived with other Order members to help Alastor, it felt as though it had all happened in slow motion, every little detail engrained in her mind. Any moment she was sure the shock would set in, but she was keeping it at bay.
She was able to apparate with Moody to St Mungos, thankful that neither of them had been splinched in the process. She knew she was coated in his blood, but her focus was on getting him to the door, wand still wrapped in her hand as she checked their surroundings. “Hold on….we’ve made it.” She breathed as someone opened the door and they made it inside.
She let the healers take over, though she was right behind them as they led Moody to a bed and headed in the direction of a room. As they asked what happened, she shuddered as the horrors of what had ambushed the man before her. The Death Eaters she was familiar with, but the Inferius had been…the things of nightmares. “An attack…” her voice held a slightly hysterical edge but she was still keeping it together. Finally her eyes went to Moody. “I’m sorry I didn’t make it in time….” If she could have just arrived minutes sooner, things could have been different. As one of the healers came to check on her she waved them off. “I’m fine! Just help him! Do whatever it takes!”
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Where: St. Mungo's Entrance Who: @lilyxjxevans TW: Blood
With a violent crack, the duo appeared outside of St. Mungos, Alastor with and arm around Lily's shoulders to stay upright. His leg, blood spilling from it onto the pavement, was missing from just above the knee, down. His face smeared with blood, an arm badly singed, he was in rough shape, and would soon lose consciousness if the bleeding wasn't stopped.
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"Quickly," Moody growled, his voice hoarse, his teeth clenched in agony. He threw a glance over his shoulder at the empty street, worrying someone may appear behind them. He beat a hand against the closed doors, and in an instant, they opened, seemingly of their own accord. Two healers rushed toward them from the waiting room of the hospital, drawing their wands when they saw the rapid drip, drip, drip of the blood onto the ground from the man's ragged pant leg. "What happened?" The older Healer demanded, pushing up the arms of his robes, trying to get a handle on the situation.
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lilyxjxevans · 11 days
Lily laughed softly as he encouraged her to have a seat beside him, barring that she was good company. “I can’t guarantee that I’m always good company. But it’s such a beautiful day. It’s difficult to be in a bad mood, isn’t it?” This was why it was so important for her to get out of the office, even if it was brief. She settled herself onto the other end of the bench, picking off a piece of her pastry and popping it into her mouth. Her eyes drifted over the surroundings, the families out enjoying the day before she finally turned her attention back on him.
“There must not be anything terribly exciting in the paper for you to choose talking with me instead.” Lily joked, motioning to the paper. Some get so sucked in they don’t realize someone has even tried speaking with them. She smiled brightly and offered her hand out to shake his. “I’m Lily, it’s nice to meet you Etienne. Are you just out enjoying the gorgeous day?”
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Ètienne knew a poor soul when he saw one. The redhead coming his way was obviously in some sort of distress. However, she was outdoors. Being outdoors always helped take the edge off he believed. There was something about the fresh air running through one's hair and tickling the nose. It was hard not to find some sort of happiness while enjoying being outside. That's a big reason it was one of the things he loved. It kept him centered. Especially with a paper in his hands.
Upon her question, Ètienne welcomed her to sit next to him with enthusiasm. "Of course, have a seat, my dear! I will never turn down good company -- assuming you're good company," he laughed. The witch seemed to be harmless enough to share a bench with. "Don't you worry about disturbing me or my paper. The paper will be there once I'm alone again but you won't be." He placed The Daily Prophet next to him. "What's your name, sweet girl? I'm Ètienne. The pleasure is mine."
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lilyxjxevans · 11 days
Lily would not have been able to forgive herself if she hadn’t seen Aurora for her birthday. She wanted to celebrate her and make sure that she was doing alright. While Aurora had insisted she was doing well during their last visit, Lily couldn’t help but think that something was going on that her friends wasn’t sharing with her. “Of course.” She smiled brightly as her friend takes the cupcake. “Oh don’t be ridiculous, not ancient! We’re just getting to the best years of our life.” Though it didn’t necessarily always feel like that with how things were going. “I’m ok, I’m sorry I’ve been so adamant. I’ve let work and missions take over my life. But I’m working on it.” She smiled softly and nudged Aurora with her shoulder. “What about you? How are you?”
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Aurora was not surprised to see that Lily had found her for her birthday. She was one of her closest friends, that was not one of the boys, and it was the distraction she needed not to think about Remus and how they spent last year together celebrating.
"That is very kind of you. Thank you Lil." She reaches out to take the cupcake. "I can't believe I'm twenty-five. I feel ancient." The witch teases. "How are you doing? You've been so busy lately."
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lilyxjxevans · 21 days
It had been a long day at the Ministry, then again every day felt long anymore with the ongoing war. But since her argument with James, she'd sworn to herself that she wasn't going to let it run her life. She needed to start taking more time for the people she cared about and stop letting work and the order take over. She knew it was Aurora's birthday, though she hadn't been able to reach her.
She had gone to see her at her new job to no avail, though it seemed pure luck that someone else at the shop suggested The Three Broomsticks. Cupcake in hand she headed to the pub, happy to find her friend was in fact there. She made her way up to the bar, sliding the cupcake across the bar with a smile on her lips. "I did. You're just lucky I'm an awful singer, otherwise I would have done that as well. Happy Birthday..."
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where: the three broomsticks who: open
Twenty-five. It was hard that another year had come and she felt confused on the turns her life was taking. She had thought that at this point in her life, it would have looked differently, and here she sat single and a day she should be celebrating with her friends, she had this need to be alone.
Fingers curled around her glass of wine, looking down at the liquid contents when she caught a cupcake being slid across the bar top in her direction, a candle lit. "You didn't have to do that." Her head turns to see who it was.
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lilyxjxevans · 25 days
Lily knew she’d let her emotions get the best of her, and now she’d made a mess of things and only had herself to blame. It was with a slow dawning of horror that she realized how she had handled a situation that shouldn’t have been that serious. Jealous insecurity had certainly played a large part in it, but she knew that it wasn’t all. The ministry, the order; the sheer exhaustion and anxiety that had become such a normal for her. She had let it be bottled up and grow in an attempt to remain in control, and now she’d unleashed it on the one person who didn’t deserve it. She made a sound of annoyance as he smirked, that smug smile that took her back to their early days at Hogwarts. It use to be a look that made her want to slap him, now she couldn’t decide if she wanted to hit him or kiss him. “Don’t tempt me, you could still end up on the receiving end of a nasty hex.” Still she couldn’t help the way her lips lifted a little at the corner.
One step forward, two steps back. It was precisely how this stupid argument seemed to be going, and her mind had no problem reminding her that it was happening because of her. “I never accused you of lying or hiding anything James! And I didn’t say you were now, only that you hesitated and you bloody well know it.” Had he known how she would react? Is that why he hadn’t wanted to share it with her? “I don’t think anything happened!” At the end of the day she knew he was a good man, he would have never done anything, regardless what her jealous thoughts might try to convince her otherwise. It was just the selfish want to spend any and all time she could with him. Already they got so little. “No one.” She sighed and sank down onto the couch. “Because there’s never been anyone else for me, nothing to even compare it to.” She wasn’t sure James would be jealous even if there had been. But before James it had been a focus on studies and friends and nothing else. She had just wanted to try and make him understand why she felt the way she did, where she was coming from.
The tone of his voice made the ache in her chest worse, knowing that she was the one to have caused it. She knew he didn’t love Alara, it had been stupid to ask in the first place. She shook her head as he insisted on sleeping somewhere else. While she had initially insisted on sleeping somewhere else, she didn’t want to leave it this way now. She wouldn’t be able to sleep without at least trying to fix the mess she’d made. “Please don’t go, I don’t want to go to bed and leave it like this.” She got up off the couch, wiping quickly at her eyes as she moved to stand in front of him. “I’m sorry.” She whispered, and it felt so inadequate for the way she’d just blown up. “You’re my whole world, and not knowing where you were or if you were okay, I was worried. And then when you said you were with Alara…” she shook her head. “I let my jealousy get the best of me and I handled it terribly.”
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"I didn't know I was going to be out late!" he argued, tone mirroring hers. James sighed. "Look, I get that. I'm sorry to have worried you. But, clearly, I wasn't on a mission, and nothing happened. I'm fine. I won't do it again. Can we please drop this now?" He replaced the wand in the pocket of his robe, which he still hadn't had a chance to take off with all this drama, and smirked despite himself. "I miss when you used to threaten me with magical violence. I haven't been hexed by you in far too long, I was starting to think you might like me or something."
It took everything in him not to roll his eyes. "Just because I take zero point three seconds to answer, it doesn't mean I'm hiding something, you know. When have I ever not told you something? Or hidden something from you? Or, while we're at it, when have I ever lied to you? Exactly. I have no intention of starting now." Uh oh. Her voice suddenly dropping in pitch wasn't a good sign. "No, it's not, but if you're trying to accuse me of something, Evans, please just go ahead and do it rather than skirt around it. Go on. I want to hear what you think happened." His ears perked up. "If you'd been with whom?"
James felt completely and utterly deflated. And yet, seeing Lily cry, he pushed the deep ache in his own heart aside. Hurt was evident in the flatness of his typically animated tone, however, as he said, "You don't have to apologise, Lily. If you need to hear me say it, no. I don't still love her, and no, I don't wish I was the one marrying her." He ran a hand through his matted hair. "You take the bedroom. I'll go somewhere else. Get some sleep. It's fine, don't worry, we're just tired. We'll work it out in the morning."
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lilyxjxevans · 26 days
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lilyxjxevans · 26 days
Lily had been elated when she had received the owl from Marls asking her to come over for tea. She was desperate for time with her friend, to have the opportunity to catch up and be able to relax. She'd shown up right on time, even when she'd been tempted to arrive early. Making her way into the kitchen she leaned against the counter, smiling sadly as Marlene reminded her that she never got to see her. "I know, I'm sorry." Funny, it felt as though she had been saying that a lot lately. "I'm sort of failing when it comes to relationships at the moment, friends or otherwise." She admitted.
With a groan she put her face in her hands. "I feel like I've just let it all consume me Marls. Work at the Ministry, the Order, this cause." She threw her hand up. "I'm letting it build up and get to me and then I take it out on the people I care about." Poor James who hadn't deserved her wrath. Truthfully? She felt like she was failing, no matter how much she tried. And she hated admitting to that when she always wanted to be the best, no weakness.
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where: Marlene's loft who: @lilyxjxevans
She'd seen her friend at Frank's birthday but the two witches hadn't been spending as much time as they should these days, which was why she'd sent a owl asking the redhead over for tea at her place. Lily had shown up punctual as she always did and Marlene put the kettle on right away, turning to face the other while they stood on the kitchen. "We work in the same building, same Department and I manage to see Jamie's face a whole lot more than yours." The blonde began, a smile on her lips. "He might have been my friend first, but Lils, we girls need more girl time. I feel like we haven't talked in forever, I mean-- how are you, really?"
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lilyxjxevans · 26 days
Lily had told herself that she needed to start getting out of the office for lunch. Needed to start taking time for herself, even if it was only a half hour to eat lunch away from the office. Ever since the ugly fight with James she'd realized that she'd let herself be overwhelmed by all the work that needed to be done. She had been sacrificing her personal life for the cause, and as important as it was, her sanity was just as important.
So she'd given up momentarily on the paperwork before her and taken a break for lunch. She'd gone to get herself a pastry before making her way to the park, wanting to take advantage of the fresh air. She was surprised to find it so busy, and she made her way along the path, hoping to find an empty bench. She spotted the man on the bench but hoped that maybe he wouldn't mind some quiet company. She smiled softly and motioned to the empty part of the bench beside him. "Do you mind if I sit? I can promise I won't disturb you from the paper."
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where: the park. who: open.
Ètienne had a few loves. Two of them were fresh air and newspapers. He had picked up the day’s copy of The Daily Prophet, tucked it under his arm and headed to the park. It was a park he frequented. It was generally quiet, lined with benches, an open field. All in all it was perfect.
The Prophet may not have been the best paper to read given how one sided it was but it was the easiest thing to find and he liked to keep up on what was happening. Besides, he would find another paper later on.
He opened the pages and flicked them so they were straight, pictures dancing on the pages and filled with words. As he began to read he noticed a shadow near him. He looked up. “May I help you with something?” He smiled dashingly.
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lilyxjxevans · 26 days
Lily was doing her best to encourage the other to come in and join them. But of course she knew she also couldn't force her. She also knew she'd had enough to drink that it was equally as likely that she was doing a poor job of trying to be helpful. The cool fresh air outside had done little to alleviate that tipsy feeling. She had to consider her statement for a moment before she shrugged, eyeing the other. "Is that your way of saying you don't know anyone there?" It seemed rather unlikely, there were so many people inside celebrating after all.
"In any of their defense, there are a lot of people in there...many of them completely hammered. I don't think they're likely to notice anyone's absence. I imagine a few might still think they're in there talking to me." She attempted to joke, a smile playing on her lips. "Doesn't your curiosity make you want to go in? At least have a peak at what's going on inside?" She wiggled her eyebrows at the other.
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lilyxjxevans · 30 days
Lily knew how ridiculous she sounded, and the more upset she got the less she made sense. His mocking words only served to remind her just how controlling she sounded. But instead of feeling bad, his words, his assurance that he wouldn't do anything without her permission, only set to irritate her further. "That's not what I'm asking for and you know it! I was worried and I didn't know if you had gone out on a mission, if something happened. You always tell me if you're going to be out late." Not an accusation but a statement of fact, they always told each other. "Put that wand away! I'm more likely to hex you at the moment than anything else Potter!"
For a moment she felt like she was back in school, back when they had argued over anything and everything. When even a smug smile from him would have caused her irritation to rise. "You did hesitate! You didn't want to tell me where you were. Why?" Was she being ridiculous? Yes. Even she could see that. "Mental?" She repeated, her voice calm suddenly. "It's late, and you've spent who knows how many hours of it with Alara. Was any part of that statement wrong?" She knew what he meant, the way she framed it had insinuated more. Running her fingers back through her hair she shook her head, suddenly exhausted. "You loved her James, at one point you planned on spending the rest of your life with her. You find out she's set to marry someone else and you go to her bakery when you knew it was closed to see her." She looked up at him and shrugged. "How would you have felt if I had been gone all night without a word? If I had been with..." She couldn't really finish the statement because for her there had been no one else.
Lily felt foolish for asking it the moment he repeated the question. She hadn't meant to ask it, but it had slipped out without even thinking. Because she had been hoping that one day he would ask, had dropped what she thought were hints when the chance presented itself. Still, four years out of Hogwarts and it seemed to not even be a thought for him. This time she couldn't stop the tears from falling. Here she was angry about stupid things that shouldn't have mattered, letting her insecurity get the best of her. And he was declaring his undying love for her, as if she wasn't completely insane for how she was behaving. "It's not silly to me..." She finally whispered, wiping futilely at her eyes before looking back up at him. “I’m sorry…”
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"I didn't do it to punish you. This wasn't even about you," he said, perplexed that she still didn't seem to get it. "I'm so sorry. Next time I go anywhere, I'll make sure to ask you first. Even if you're not home and there's no way to contact you, I'll just put my life on pause and wait for the Lily Evans seal of approval, if that's what you want from me." The more he spoke, the more riled up he was becoming. "In fact, let me one-up you – put a tracker charm on me. I'm serious." He took out his wand and held it backwards, extending it out for her to take. "If you really want to know where I am twenty-four seven, please, go ahead."
Although he was trying to be respectful and understanding of her right to personal space, it hurt a little when she moved away from him. "What does that have to do with anything? It was years ago. I've moved on. She's moved on. Everyone's moved on. Apart from you, clearly." He groaned. "I didn't hesitate because I have nothing to hide. I met a friend who, like, thirty million years ago, I had a thing with. Bearing in mind we were friends way before any of that anyway. I don't get why that's so outrageous."
"Spent a late night?" he echoed incredulously. "The way you're spinning this is mental, Lily." As she continued to speak, James couldn't quite believe his ears. Did she really think this? Had he truly made her feel that he might actually have the capacity to love anyone else? That he wasn't so obsessed with her that, morning to night, his thoughts revolved around her and only her? This was the greatest failure on his part that he could imagine. "Why... I won't ask you to marry me?" James repeated, slowly, the wires in his brain tangled from even attempting to understand her line of thinking. He felt a jolt run through his body, passion filling every crevice of him. "Are you joking? Lily Evans, I've been in love with you since I was eleven. Even when you hated me. I've loved you in sickness, in health, for better and worse. I've loved you so long I don't even remember what it was like to not love you. I have and will stand by you until my dying breath. If there's an afterlife, I'll stand by you then, too. I don't know what a ring will do. If you want my name, you can have it. You can have all of me. If you hadn't noticed, you already do." He breathed. "So don't ask silly fucking questions."
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lilyxjxevans · 1 month
Who: @alicealongbottom Where: Auror Offices at the Ministry
Lily had been hard at work all morning filing reports, reading the files that had been left on her desk, trying her hardest to get through the never ending paperwork that seemed to never get smaller. She could admit to herself that she had a bit of a savior complex, the need and drive to want to save the world. It was frustrating that it felt no matter how much work she did, no matter how much she tried, it didn't stop this war from raging on. But that just meant she would keep going, no matter how much she sacrificed or worked. If she could make a little difference, it was worth it.
Still, the words on the report in front of her were beginning to bleed into each other and she could feel a headache forming. Setting it down with a resigned sigh she got up, wandering over to her friends office and flopping down into the seat across from her. "Please tell me your morning is going better than mine." She offered her a small smile. "Anything of interest we should be looking into?"
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lilyxjxevans · 1 month
Lily wasn't sure she believed Aurora, she had always been good at reading people. And there was something about the look on Aurora's face that made her believe things weren't going very well. But she also knew better than to push if her friend didn't want to talk about it. "Yes I am, even I can admit I'm overworking and so I took the afternoon." Her smile brightened as Aurora suggested Rosa Lee's, glad she was willing to spend time with her. "That sounds wonderful." She slid her arm through her friends, guiding her along towards the shop. "Now I don't know about you, but I'm starving. I think we're going to need a variety of treats to go with our tea, yes?"
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There was that part of her that was hoping by this stage in her life she would be going home to her own family, or at least to a fiancé or husband. Instead, she was going home alone. "It must be lovely." Aurora didn't want to make things awkward with her own self insecurities. "I do, I promise." At least she was trying to at the moment, with the chance to seeing someone, and he was nice company, but something was lacking. "You are free?" She liked the idea of having lunch with her friend, it had been some time. "We can go to Rosa Lee's." It was one of her favourite places to go, most at the end of the day.
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lilyxjxevans · 1 month
Lily was lucky anymore if she remembered to take a lunch when she was working. There were days she had to work through them, others where she was too focused on what she was doing that she didn't realize until it was too late. Or days like today, when she had returned to the offices from an investigation late, only to be ushered at the door by her superiors.
She didn't have long, or rather she wanted to get back to the office sooner rather than later to file a report. She headed towards the bakery, knowing that a sweet croissant would be the perfect sugar rush to try and get her through the afternoon. As she rounded the corner, she stumbled back as she ran into someone else, recognizing the woman from passing in the Ministry. "Oh it's alright, no need to apologize." She assured her with a smile, even as she knelt to pick up the bags the woman had dropped. "I'm alright, what about you? Glad to see the food is safe."
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where: streets of diagon alley who: @lilyxjxevans
Apolline left the Ministry for her lunch break, having a few errands that she needed to run before heading back. She would have normally done it after work, but plans had been made with her fiancé, that she wanted this to be sorted prior.
She was coming out of a bakery, making sure she bought herself something to eat, and maybe something for Etienne, that when she turned the corner, she bumped into a body, drop a few of her bags to the ground.
"Je suis désolé." The blonde managed to keep her food from falling from her hands. "You okay?"
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