Experimenting with Photoshop on my gap year, looking and the composition of typography.
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Still life using charcoal and chalk on A2. I have practiced drawing throughout my whole educational career and will continue to use this practice into a design degree.
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More development and research pages for the current project, narrowing down my ideas.
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Experimentation for the English idioms project.
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More development of my A level art final piece. Instead of a sketchbook I presented my work on A2 boards.
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Development of my A-level art final project, named every day life, exploring the poignancy of the mundane moments we experience everyday.
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Initially in the big issue project I thought I would create my typography out of condoms. I later learned that using them as a background was more effective, but I enjoyed the experimental process.
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My final piece for the Big Issues project (left) and a mock-up using a patterned background.
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Creating backgrounds using photos from my shoot, relating to consent and sexual crimes. Using layering, opacity and pattern.
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Experimental type sheets from the big issue project, where I chose consent and sexual offences as my topic. And the start of development for my final major project, which is about the impact of 90’s rave culture on today’s ‘rave’ scene. The typography was influenced by the design studio OMSE for Printworks London.
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Final outcomes for the project titled “English Idioms”. After researching the idioms, I wanted to visually represent them with movement for example, the panicked moment where you “get your wires crossed”.
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Mind-mapping initial ideas from my final major project on the Art foundation. Then an introduction to my project research.
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