lils-spankoff · 3 months
She walked over to Paul anyway, crouching by him. Apotheosis made a mess of her, and she hated it. She missed Paul too, on top of that. Even if they weren’t too close.
What do you want with me… ?
- @lils-spankoff
(( OOC. in her lore she’s been infected by Pokey a fuckton and all… ))
"Oh nothing, even if I did want something from you I obviously wouldn't tell you. That'd be unprofessional, wouldn't it Lils? Not smart at all.. Not smart at all."
Pokey smiled as he held his mask near his and let out a chuckle.
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lils-spankoff · 3 months
“Explosion. Grenade. Dad said Paul had a grenade. Only way to destroy the meteor”
Ted told her no such thing though, since he rarely spoke on that timeline, on the apotheosis.
What do you want with me… ?
- @lils-spankoff
(( OOC. in her lore she’s been infected by Pokey a fuckton and all… ))
"Oh nothing, even if I did want something from you I obviously wouldn't tell you. That'd be unprofessional, wouldn't it Lils? Not smart at all.. Not smart at all."
Pokey smiled as he held his mask near his and let out a chuckle.
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lils-spankoff · 3 months
“But I don’t know what to do”
What do you want with me… ?
- @lils-spankoff
(( OOC. in her lore she’s been infected by Pokey a fuckton and all… ))
"Oh nothing, even if I did want something from you I obviously wouldn't tell you. That'd be unprofessional, wouldn't it Lils? Not smart at all.. Not smart at all."
Pokey smiled as he held his mask near his and let out a chuckle.
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lils-spankoff · 3 months
“He wasn’t…- Wh-What will happen if I break it? How do I break it?”
What do you want with me… ?
- @lils-spankoff
(( OOC. in her lore she’s been infected by Pokey a fuckton and all… ))
"Oh nothing, even if I did want something from you I obviously wouldn't tell you. That'd be unprofessional, wouldn't it Lils? Not smart at all.. Not smart at all."
Pokey smiled as he held his mask near his and let out a chuckle.
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lils-spankoff · 3 months
“Paul. I know Paul. Course…”
She looked over to Paul, cringing as her voice came out like a melodic song. They want to punch Pokey straight in the face.
What do you want with me… ?
- @lils-spankoff
(( OOC. in her lore she’s been infected by Pokey a fuckton and all… ))
"Oh nothing, even if I did want something from you I obviously wouldn't tell you. That'd be unprofessional, wouldn't it Lils? Not smart at all.. Not smart at all."
Pokey smiled as he held his mask near his and let out a chuckle.
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lils-spankoff · 3 months
She nods to no one, walking up to the stage. She seems to move almost on autopilot.
What do you want with me… ?
- @lils-spankoff
(( OOC. in her lore she’s been infected by Pokey a fuckton and all… ))
"Oh nothing, even if I did want something from you I obviously wouldn't tell you. That'd be unprofessional, wouldn't it Lils? Not smart at all.. Not smart at all."
Pokey smiled as he held his mask near his and let out a chuckle.
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lils-spankoff · 3 months
Just one.
I know Pete means the world to him, he’s Dad’s little brother, his adopted son. I wouldn’t want Dad t’lose us both over something that already took someone he loves.
Can you-
Is it possible to cure the apotheosis?
- @lils-spankoff
Depends on your definition of cure.
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lils-spankoff · 3 months
…If it gets bad enough I might have to resort to that.
But I don’t want to do that to my dad or brother.
…My dad lost his fiancé Paul to this and it wrecked him. I don’t want him to lose me too.
Can you-
Is it possible to cure the apotheosis?
- @lils-spankoff
Depends on your definition of cure.
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lils-spankoff · 3 months
I’ll try that.
I’ve just been hiding in my room for now, trying to manage it.
My dad’s immune, but my brother isn’t, so I’ve been avoiding Pete like the plague…
I don’t know what to do.
Can you-
Is it possible to cure the apotheosis?
- @lils-spankoff
Depends on your definition of cure.
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lils-spankoff · 3 months
…so I either die by the apotheosis or die by…you?
…I’d rather not die.
Is there any way to manage it at all?
Can you-
Is it possible to cure the apotheosis?
- @lils-spankoff
Depends on your definition of cure.
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lils-spankoff · 3 months
…get rid of it enough to be a functional human being and not…y’know. Dying…
Can you-
Is it possible to cure the apotheosis?
- @lils-spankoff
Depends on your definition of cure.
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lils-spankoff · 3 months
…in my own defense I did essentially get betrayed by my friends…
[Currently floating around Kyle. He oddly wanted to bother the other. Well, truly he just wanted company.]
[He waves to Richie]
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lils-spankoff · 3 months
Lili walked, looking confused and scared. She flinched at the laughs, wanting to run and hide.
What do you want with me… ?
- @lils-spankoff
(( OOC. in her lore she’s been infected by Pokey a fuckton and all… ))
"Oh nothing, even if I did want something from you I obviously wouldn't tell you. That'd be unprofessional, wouldn't it Lils? Not smart at all.. Not smart at all."
Pokey smiled as he held his mask near his and let out a chuckle.
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lils-spankoff · 3 months
Lili shuddered, getting to her feet. She made her way down to the theater carefully, the singing barely a whisper in her head
What do you want with me… ?
- @lils-spankoff
(( OOC. in her lore she’s been infected by Pokey a fuckton and all… ))
"Oh nothing, even if I did want something from you I obviously wouldn't tell you. That'd be unprofessional, wouldn't it Lils? Not smart at all.. Not smart at all."
Pokey smiled as he held his mask near his and let out a chuckle.
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lils-spankoff · 3 months
She perked up. She could be…better? Cured?
But…isn’t that a possible trick?
…She’d take that chance though. If she could make it to the theater that is…
“Promise…no tricks?”
She stared at her watch, broken and apotheosis-logged. Paul’s own watch.
She never heard the stories of the apotheosis, just saw Paul get weaker and weaker as the apotheosis killed him. It really was a sickness.
…Maybe she should go back to PEIP…
What do you want with me… ?
- @lils-spankoff
(( OOC. in her lore she’s been infected by Pokey a fuckton and all… ))
"Oh nothing, even if I did want something from you I obviously wouldn't tell you. That'd be unprofessional, wouldn't it Lils? Not smart at all.. Not smart at all."
Pokey smiled as he held his mask near his and let out a chuckle.
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lils-spankoff · 3 months
God, she’d actually prefer the hell of the Box over this.
She groans, so weak, wiping the apotheosis from her face. This time it progressed fast, with so much of it already left over in her body from the last times she’d been infected, somehow getting free of it. It was tough to manage, all of this. Lili had already been getting weaker and more of a mess with the apotheosis infecting her. The apotheosis didn’t seem to take too kindly to live hosts.
She coughs up more apotheosis, some blue blood mixed in. She dug her nails into the claw scars across her face, just wanting it all to stop.
She couldn’t manage a word this time, she just wanted to get away.
What do you want with me… ?
- @lils-spankoff
(( OOC. in her lore she’s been infected by Pokey a fuckton and all… ))
"Oh nothing, even if I did want something from you I obviously wouldn't tell you. That'd be unprofessional, wouldn't it Lils? Not smart at all.. Not smart at all."
Pokey smiled as he held his mask near his and let out a chuckle.
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lils-spankoff · 3 months
She flinched at the touch, shaking her head. She doesn’t want this. It’s been too much. She’s lost people to this, she doesn’t want to get lost to this. She’s been trying to fight this. She doesn’t know how…
She doesn’t want this.
She doesn’t want the apotheosis.
“N-No…no singing, no dancing. No. Just…-” She coughed up more apotheosis, her eyes beginning to glow bright blue, from the specks of blue left in her eyes. The green faded and only blue seemed to remain. “Stop.”
What do you want with me… ?
- @lils-spankoff
(( OOC. in her lore she’s been infected by Pokey a fuckton and all… ))
"Oh nothing, even if I did want something from you I obviously wouldn't tell you. That'd be unprofessional, wouldn't it Lils? Not smart at all.. Not smart at all."
Pokey smiled as he held his mask near his and let out a chuckle.
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