lilly-devil-666 · 19 hours
they really let this mf clock into work lookin like this
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lilly-devil-666 · 21 hours
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lilly-devil-666 · 22 hours
Will is a Disney Princess, not in the "Disney princess aesthetic" way of course, but in the "animals follow him around" kind of way.
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lilly-devil-666 · 23 hours
"While on the run together, which of Will's habits might come to 'annoy' Hannibal and vice versa?"
Mads: "A thousand dogs trailing behind them. It's like the easiest way to spot us. (He would be like) 'Will can you get rid of at least one of them or two of them?'"
Hugh: "He's so fussy. You know, (mimicking Hannibal) 'The cutlery is not straight'."
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lilly-devil-666 · 23 hours
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lilly-devil-666 · 23 hours
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lilly-devil-666 · 1 day
I wanna be 14 again and ruin my life differently… I have new ideas
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lilly-devil-666 · 2 days
i love watching my silly murder shows where the main guy is all like; "im a sociopath and evil" but really they're just autistic
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lilly-devil-666 · 2 days
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“Hook, Line, and Sinker”
Details and more under the cut!
I’m absolutely obsessed with how this came out, and I loved every single second of making it. I’ve been in a very season two kind of mood recently, and this particular piece had been sitting in my sketchbook calling out to me for MONTHS.
I’m beyond happy with how it turned out, it hit everything I wanted it to. It was a bit of a challenge for me, since I wanted to go for a simpler painting style. I had to hold myself back from adding and adding and adding!
Hope you all enjoy this as much as I did!
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lilly-devil-666 · 2 days
Okay I have had an idea.
Hannibal is quite reserved in terms of touching Will even though it usually looks like he can’t think about anything else when they are alone. but the few times he has initiated contact are when Will’s dark side comes to the surface (e.g. when he wanted to shoot the social worker, when he killed Randall, when he agreed not to tell Jack about Nicholas Boyle…).
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Now, what if one of the reasons for this is that he wants Will to associate his touch with that dark side of him? Almost like reprogramming him unconsciously? Will is very touch-starved and by doing this Hannibal makes Will asocciate his touch (a positive soothing association) with everything that Will wants to supress - almost like a reward for giving into his darkness. Which would make Will crave it more. And I think Hannibal does it on purpose.
Idk maybe its old news for everyone else but I thought it was interesting.
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lilly-devil-666 · 2 days
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lilly-devil-666 · 2 days
he might be a wrathful lamb but he's still just a little lamb
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lilly-devil-666 · 3 days
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lilly-devil-666 · 3 days
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loosely inspired by @emungere 's universe of consenting to dream
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lilly-devil-666 · 3 days
anything is a hannibal reference to those with eyes that see
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lilly-devil-666 · 3 days
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Posting Hannibal related memes until they save Hannibal, day 1092.
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lilly-devil-666 · 4 days
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Your psychiatrist doesn't make you take your shoes off at the door?
Huh, weird! Hi hello this is my first drawing post I'm new to the fandom and very happy to make myself at home.
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