lille-rcord · 2 years
Wed, 14 Dec 2022
my first log here is about me telling you what has happened today.
today's morning was somewhat normal. well... if you'd overlook the fact that me randomly woke up at 11pm-ish after fell asleep at 6pm as then went back sleep a couple of hours later only to wake up at 5am for morning prayer. at least thats pretty much what i remember. i didnt get a blink of sleep since.
morning was meh. i got to do morning walk with mom to nearby 24h cvs to buy sugar, cup ramens, a family sized white bread, kewpie mayo, and bottled chili sauce. kewpie mayo was an impulsive buy since they offered a bogo sale. idk whether it was a good decision or not. we bought 2 cup ramens from different brands, thought we could compare and see which ones tastier.
we went home, i proceed to cook the cup ramen and pan-toasting a slice of bread with grated chocolate. the bread took the cherry by a miles, i didnt know a warm toasted bread smothered with melted choco could be so comforting. but the calories and gluten were haunting.
around 9am-ish i got a message from uni that said my yudisium was scheduled on 10:30, and i was like bruh why is this announcement came out of nowhere?? i told mom about this, asking for her help to quiet down anyone cause i got yudisium to attend. mom was delighted. the event was something we've waited so long since my thesis defence. she was like "oh i havent ordered those graduation sash, if only you told me earlier... " yes, i always oppose to the idea of buying it cause i see no need for that thing, yes its a once in a lifetime event but i do just fine without it. it only serves as decoration purpose anyway and it costs quite a lot of money. ive been well aware of how sensitive our economy has been, we practically have debt left and right its getting harder to breathe each passing day. so why should we buy that thing?
so then, mom made the sash from papers. she wrote my name on it along with my newly obtained degree behind my full name and proceeded with coloring it with highlighters. she made a couple of mistakes on placing the punctuations. i cant imagine how proud she was, her only child graduated college after so longg, also her child being the first one to gradute college among her cousins from mom side of the fam. when i had done attending the event i hug her and gave news that my final gpa is 3.85 out of 4.00, i'm 0.05pts short compared to my lifetime rival cousin. she forced me to take photos, smiling and posing with her handmade sash:')
then my old bro came home, much later than usual. mom told him the news abt me graduating. would have been a lie if i didnt expect some sort of present from him but we've been very disappointed after what happened two weeks ago.
later on the evening we called dad to convey the news. i asked him for some money cause i want to buy a handcream. the one my friend got me was really nice but it wasnt as hydrating as i wanted it to be, kinda felt underwhelmed with the effect, mind you it was a body shop product. it comes with price higher than my roof. so i want to buy another from different brand, korean, this time. shouldnt be surprised when he didnt give me anything and told me to be patient *sigh*. anw i had a blast talking with dad, sure its quite sad, so sadd cause i wanted to buy something for only 5bucks for my graduation present yet i wouldnt get it till idk when.. probably till i forget i ever want it.
lianne, logging off.
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lille-rcord · 2 years
15122022 11:11
going through the recording of my thesis defence is srsly physically painful. i sound confused, insecure, scared, dare to say i was lacking in every aspect on the art of presenting. also the thought that my old crush was there watching me presenting, being vulnerable, and getting slammed by the examiners is hauntinggg🫠 im too embarassed to face him.
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