lilirein · 5 years
“You know my entire life I was told I couldn’t dance and I looked like a fish out of water. But i mean...fuck those people, right? I’ve been working on my moves and I think it’s time to finally show them off.” 
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lilirein · 5 years
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Lili Reinhart in the Hustlers trailer, looking so incredible that no amount of preparation will be sufficient for the September 13th release.
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lilirein · 5 years
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I never had had a large group of friends, so I often felt a little out of place and like I was in a different mindset from everyone else around me.
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lilirein · 6 years
Ben sat, flipping through the book of instructions for the tree house he was making his daughter. None of it was making sense and he was almost certain half of the steps were in a different language. He let a little laugh out before finally looking over to the person next to him “every time I think I can figure out the Ikea instructions and every time I'm reminded that I still can’t figure them out.” 
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lilirein · 6 years
Ben looked out the window of his basement bar, the rain coming down just a bit harder now. It was a slow night, the few regulars and of course some couple on their first date. If he was lucky people would start clearing up and he could close early and tuck Rosie in to bed. His attention quickly went to the door as he heard the rain louder, seeing the blonde his head tilted to the side briefly. A smirk leaving his lips after hearing her comment “nothing to enjoy if you’ve already seen it” he mumbled before moving to the other end of the bar to grab her a drink and set it on the bartop “ever heard of an umbrella?” 
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As unpredictable as the weather in Seattle was, Darcey found herself stranded in the middle of town as the rain began. Much to her dismay, she seemed to have left her lucky umbrella in her car at home, which obviously wasn’t very lucky for her at this current moment. “ Fuck ,” she whined, taking cover under a nearby awning. Spotting a general store across the way, she made a run for it to see if they might sell something she could use. Splashing her foot in every puddle and feeling her body become drenched in the pellets of water, she finally made it to safety. When she shook her arms to rid herself of the chill, she noticed someone eyeing her. “ Did you enjoy the show ?” She asked, a snarky tone in her voice.
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lilirein · 6 years
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CHARLIE HUNNAM as Henri ‘Papillon’ Charrière
in ‘Papillon’ (2018). | Dir. Michael Noer
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lilirein · 6 years
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Appreciation of the handsome Charlie Hunnam.
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lilirein · 6 years
“I agree that it’s hard, Gladys i dont want to upset you or make you feel guilty at all...but where were you wanting to protect him all those years you were gone?” he asked as he shot her a look “you can’t decide now that you want to protect him when he’s way past the age of needing protecting. He’s heardheaded and he’s brave and he gets that from you...be his mom but don’t be so controlling, things will work out between you two.”
“Yeah i was really there for him when he was homeless or when i was locked up.” he said slowly “but I’ve been there for him since, he’s going to do so much better than i ever did for the serpents.” he exhaled “i don’t either, but I can’t…we can’t, baby him. He can do this.”
“ I understand that, but it’s kind of hard…y’know? I know he’s a teenager, I know he’s a leader but…I just want to protect him from the world, to keep him safe, and I know he doesn’t want or need me but…..it’s hard to let go.” She replied softly, and sighs as she looks up. 
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lilirein · 6 years
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lilirein · 6 years
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Jughead gave a slight nod, knowing from watching his dad try going sober several times that it was probably true. “Give it a bit, hopefully it’ll ease up soon. How are you holding up?” He asked and gave a slight shrug at his father’s question. “Summer school, fighting with mom, trying to get Archie out of jail. The usual.” He added with a lame laugh.
“Yeah, I’m hoping it does.” he nodded “i’m not bad, bored out of my mind. Sweet Pea thinks I need a hobby, but I’ll probably just end up working more. Save some more money up, get us out of this park, nothing crazy just a decent place across town.” he leaned back against the couch “sad that that’s the usual, when i was your age we had fun.” he laughed softly “your mom said you two got into an argument, you know i’m not one to condone arguing with your mother but i believe you’re doing this for the right reasons. i trust you, jug.” 
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lilirein · 6 years
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Judd Nelson in The Breakfast Club (1985)
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lilirein · 6 years
Fred: Where are you going?
FP: To get ice cream or commit a felony. I’ll decide in the car.
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lilirein · 6 years
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Skeet Ulrich reads absurd fan theories.
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lilirein · 6 years
“Kid you don’t have to worry about me going anywhere anymore. I’m sticking around and i promise you that you’re sticking around too.” he shrugged “even if you hate this place you’re stuck here until you’re at least thirty.” he laughed. no matter what she was his little girl and he wanted to protect her at all times.
dad .
“i know, bean.” he mumbled “i promised i would do better for you, and i’m going to. i’m going to slip up sometimes, i know i will but for the most part i’m trying.” he gave a small smile.
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      ❛   you don’t have to do better, not for me, not for anyone… as long as i’ve got you here, that you’re here and we can make up for all the time we lost before, i’m good, i’m happy. whatever time we get to have together, i’m always going to be thankful and appreciative of it… of you, dad.  ❜  she stops herself, worry creeping in that she may just be talking herself in circles trying to reassure him but she was just looking out for him, doing well by him, the last thing she wanted was for him to work himself into a sweat trying to ‘improve’ himself when she was perfectly content with what she already had in him, he was her dad, always and forever. 
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lilirein · 6 years
“Yeah i was really there for him when he was homeless or when i was locked up.” he said slowly “but I’ve been there for him since, he’s going to do so much better than i ever did for the serpents.” he exhaled “i don’t either, but I can’t...we can’t, baby him. He can do this.”
“Don’t remind me about what Penny did, i was the one who found him, Gladys.” FP shook his head “you can’t come in here saying that you forbid him from doing things, you haven’t been around and I’m the one who passed on the reigns to him.” he ran his hand through his hair “i may not have been the best father but you haven’t exactly been there either, he’s not going to listen to either of us.”
“ At least you stayed, and were actually there for him when he needed you…right?” She asked, looking up at him, because FP was an ok husband, their marriage ended for a reason but for the most part it was a good marriage at some points. He was a better father however. A much better father. “ F, I just don’t want him to get hurt. “
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lilirein · 6 years
He raised his eyebrows “i actually think they are begging me to have a drink, they are going without for so long.” he shrugged “whatta ya been up to?”
“Not that it’s any of your business, but it’s only water in this cup. It’s too early to be drinking anything else.” his eyes narrowed at the person staring at him. 
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Jughead quirked an eyebrow at his father’s quick defensive comment, but instead of questioning it, he kept it light with a joke. “I’m sure your veins are thanking you.”
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lilirein · 6 years
He couldn’t help but snort “i would never be a model citizen, who are we kidding, most of these people in town want me dead or out of this town.” he shrugged before tightening his facial expression “don’t go around talking like that, that hooded murderer had a wife and a family and they deserve a little bit more respect than that. Call him by his name if you’re gonna do it.” his hand wiped over his mouth “I’m not old, damnit. And thank god for Toni because she’s the only one who actually makes sure I’m okay.”
“Sweets you don’t think I’m a model citizen? I think I’m a swell guy to look up to.” he joked “okay but people really do have to stop littering.” FP couldn’t help but laugh “hey, you better watch yourself with those jokes before you end up losing an eye and then you really will be needin help reading menus.”
“Sorry FP, but If I can’t say I’m a model citizen than you can’t either. Sure you can still be someone to look up to but you’re no Northsider status guy and I don’t know who would want to be, pretty much all of them are pricks or hooded murderers apparently.” Sweet pea said with a crooked grin. “Don’t go raising your blood pressure on me, I’m not equipped to take care of old people and Toni aint around.”
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