liliavanrougewife · 2 years
Lilia Vanrouge Slice of Life with Diasomnia
Warnings: PTSD flashbacks, Mentions of scars, Indirect mention of blood
The Price of Peace
Lilia took a shuttered breath in as he laid his head against the cold shower wall. The warm water that hit his back wasn’t relaxing him the way it should. Shouting, the sounds of metal clashing against metal, the smell of damp dirt, smoke from fires, and a faint scent of iron overwhelmed him. He took a few deep breaths and ran his hands through his soaked hair. The steam made every breath feel thick, like he was breathing in the smoke from the past that was replaying in his mind. With a shaky hand he turned the facet to a colder temperature and opened the curtains slightly so that the steam could escape faster. He opened his body wash, a gift from a friend, and an overwhelmingly sweet and fruity smell wafted throughout the bathroom. With every shaky intake of breath, the fruity scent chased away that of the wet dirt, smoke and iron. He lathered up his wash cloth and ran it over his body, paying no attention the scars on his arms and torso as he did so. After his body was clean he worked on his hair. He was careful not to look at the water falling towards his feet, mixed with the pink hair dye that looked a little too red when it pooled near the drain.
His heart beat was still quicker than normal when he exited from the bathroom to return to his room, but he was better able to function now that his head was not completely in the past. Within a few minutes of returning to his room he heard a knock at his door.
“Father, will you be joining us for tea this evening?” Silver called from the other side of the door.
Lilia glanced at the clock on his bedside table and realized he was in the shower longer than he was expecting. Being late to Diasomnia’s tea party wasn’t out of the ordinary for him, however missing it entirely without notice was another matter. It was his idea to have these get togethers in the first place.
“Yes, I will be down in a minute.” Lilia replied.
When he went downstairs Sebek’s eyes seemed to sparkle as he got up hastily from his seat. His chair nearly toppled over in the process.
“LILIA, WE HAVE WAITED FOR YOU!” He exclaimed, a large smile displayed on his face.
He was nearly 30minutes late, yet Silver, Sebek and Malleus were seated where they normally were at the small table near a large window. The tea kettle was set on a pad in the middle of the table, and the tea cups were stacked up off to the side. Malleus raised one of his eyebrows in question once he made eye contact with Lilia, but didn’t push it any further once his action received no acknowledgment. Silver glanced at Lilia and promptly set out one tea cup and tea spoon for each person.
“I did well to teach you manners along with your training,” Lilia said with a smile.
“I WILL WARM THE TEA NOW,” Sebek declared proudly, not even registering the blatant self praise from his instructor.
“Father, shall I bring the honey?” Silver asked.
Lilia chuckled.
“No, that’s quite alright. Despite my mesmerizing performance last night, my throat is still intact. I guess I can amp it up next time, as Cater says,” Lilia replied.
“I will tell Sebek to quiet down,” Silver said.
Silver headed towards the kitchen without waiting for a reply. Malleus took this time alone with Lilia to look at him questioningly again.
“Are you alright Lilia?” He asks looking over the smaller fairy’s facial expression while waiting for an answer.
There was no waver in his content smile.
“Yes of course. There’s is nothing ailing me,” Lilia replied.
Malleus looked unsure over whether to accept his reply. Lilia clapped loudly and exclaimed that he had a great idea before disappearing in a cloud of lime green sparkles. He returned to Malleus at the same time as Sebek and Silver.
Sebek set the tea kettle in its rightful place in the center of the table and Silver set out small ice cream glasses.
“Affogato!” Lilia exclaims with no prior introduction.
“You pour espresso onto ice cream. But we already brewed the tea so we will use that instead. It would be easier for Sebek to digest as well.” Lilia explained.
“That sounds delicious,” Malleus said.
“Have you tried this before father?” Silver asked.
“Yes! Actually I had this while traveling in the Rose Queendom. They still called it affogato despite it being made with tea and not espresso. It actually originated in the Shaftlands, in a large southern town with a booming coffee industry. It is said that travelers from the Rose Queendom were fascinated with the simple dessert but often found the espresso to be too bitter for their tastes even with the ice cream adding sweetness to it.” Lilia said.
“Oh, so they decided to substitute with tea, as it is more suited to their tastes?” Silver asked.
“Exactly!” Lilia exclaimed.
The improvised affogato was well received by the other three members. They ate and chatted about their days and what they were going to do for training the next day.
Lilia took time to observe the proud smile on Sebek’s face as he talked about polishing Malleus’ school shoes, the bright smile on Malleus’ face as he mentioned how his favorite gargoyle still dripped water from the previous night’s rain, and the fond smile on Silver’s face as he recounted seeing a game that he knew Lilia would love at Sam’s shop. He was so grateful that times were peaceful enough now to allow him to share these moments with the ones he loves.
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liliavanrougewife · 2 years
Lilia Vanrouge Fluff, g/n reader
Warning: Lilia’s cooking lol no real warnings
Sold Out
“They’re sold out again!” You exclaim as you rejoin Lilia at your table.
“What a shame,” Lilia says. “Perhaps I’ll try to make you one since you’ve been craving it so long.”
“No!” you exclaim a bit too quickly.
“It’s no trouble at all!” Lilia says with a smile before standing up from his chair. “I will inquire about their recipe. Wait a moment.”
He completely ignored your pleas of him to sit down and that it wasn’t a big deal. You really didn’t want to have to deal with the chaos that ensues when he decides to cook. Lilia made his was to the counter. The barista gave Lilia a confused look when he asked. You suspected they were trying to decipher if Lilia was serious or not.
“Um, these actually come frozen… we don’t make them here. But you might be able to find the recipe, or at least one for a similar pastry online,” the barista responds after a few seconds of silence.
“How unfortunate,” Lilia says before returning to your table.
“They aren’t even fresh,” Lilia informs you.
You glare at him for ignoring you earlier.
“I knew that… but they’re still really good!” You respond.
Lilia hums.
“I’m serious, when we finally get one, you’ll see,” you say.
You both get out the school work you were planning on working on. You both had a poison refining practical exam coming up and decided to review the components of the hardest potion. This was one of Lilia’s favorite subjects and he excelled at it. He enjoyed giving you pointers and telling you stories of times he came into contact with various poisons, potions and plants. Honestly, conversations with him often lead to an anecdote or history lesson of some sort, but you really enjoyed it.
After your studying session you both headed back to NRC together and said your good nights. You made plans to meet up after school at the Diasomnia lounge.
“Hello!” Lilia greeted upside down right as you sat in one if the chairs in the lounge.
You jumped in fright and Lilia chuckled. Seriously though.. how are you not used to this by now??
“Hey Lilia, what’s up?” You ask.
Your heart was still hammering in your chest from the jumpscare he gave you but yelling at him about it just entertained him more.
“I have something for you!” He exclaimed before poofing away into a cloud of green sparkles.
He returned less than a minute later with a plate that had a hockey puck on it? It smelled like burnt rubber mixed with a slightly sweet smell you couldn’t quite identify.
“I made that pastry you wanted!” He exclaimed with a wide smile on his face.
“I’m not eating that,” you say seriously.
“Awww come on I worked so hard to make this!” Lilia whined.
“I told you not to Lilia, your cooking is inedible,” you reply.
“All the time and effort and look! I burnt my finger all for this pastry because you wanted it so badly,” Lilia continued his theatrics, sticking his bandaged finger out so he could prove his point.
“Why don’t you try it then?” You asked.
You were sure there was no way he was going to do it and hoped he would drop the subject but-
The way the burnt puck crunched between Lilia’s teeth you were sure yours would break off.
“It’s delicious!” Lilia exclaimed.
He broke his composure at the absolutely disgusted look you were giving him. He burst out laughing.
“You never cease to amaze me,” you reply.
He always manages to do something you don’t expect. It was one of the reasons you loved to hang around him.
“It is one of my best creations, truly. If you don’t want it, I guess I can share it with Malleus, Silver and Sebek during our tea party later.” Lilia said. “Although I don’t see why you would pass up such a wonderful dessert.”
Lilia disappeared into a cloud of green sparkles as he returned to food to the kitchen and picked something else up.
“Here!” He said holding out the real pastry you were looking for.
You didn’t bother asking if he made it because you knew there was no way. It looked exactly like the original, and he never tried to cook anything normal.
“Aw, you got one Lilia?! Thank you so much!” You exclaim and wrap your arms around him in a tight hug. “Where did you find this? It seems like they are sold out everywhere!”
Lilia smiled smugly before telling you that he knows the owner of one of the oldest cafes on Sage’s Island and personally requested the pastry be added to the menu.
“He’s an old man who doesn’t keep up with the trends, you see.” He said.
The situation turned out great for everyone luckily, as the cafe got even more customers than normal, and costumers got to try a fresh version of the pastry that came frozen to the other cafes. Lilia emphasized the fact that the pastry was fresh, even though you insisted it wasn’t that big of a deal earlier. When you took a bite though, you realized that it actually was more delicious than the one you had before. The texture of the pastry was a bit more buttery and flaky, and the filling had a stronger fruit taste that didn’t overpower the sweetness or butteriness at all.
“This is delicious! It is way better than the other one,” you admit.
Lilia watched you eat with a mix of smugness, and contentment. He enjoyed seeing you be happy and really enjoy the things you liked. He of course, enjoyed being right too.
You hand him the plate and urge him to take a bite. He obliged and his eyes widened slightly.
“Wow! Reaching out to that owner was a great decision!” He exclaimed before handing the plate back to you.
“How else could such a delicious pastry exist?” He continued.
Classic Lilia with his self praise. You rolled your eyes and let out a small laugh of amusement. He was right, albeit a little too self assured. But that was one thing about him that amused you about him.
“Yea, yea,” you say.
You take another bite of the pastry you’ve been craving forever and you’re grateful for what Lilia did for you. It truly was very delicious, and finally not sold out!
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