lildevildarlingsmiles · 23 hours
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ink demob
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Just some doodles from today lol
I don’t normally draw this boxy tv guy but as of lately I’ve been kinda curious on doing some sorta art studies on him… though I might end up drawing more of that King Dice and Vox fusion I created awhile back lol
Speaking of character fusions… I have a good one coming soon… I think I’ll be pretty interesting… >:}
Now then! …That’s all folks…! Make sure to
☞ Stay Tuned~! ㋡
(Bonus: Some art studies I did of Vox from a while back… enjoy! Lol)
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This art style <3
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(I finally got a steady moon design LETS GOOOO)
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Possible pfps?
That's all folks :>
Might post more another time but until then..
Have a nice day! <3 ☀️🌙
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A silly guy Indeed :3
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silly guy
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Cuz you can’t convince me they’re not the same otherwise!!! LMFAO
YES. Now this is now permanently stuck in your brain, you’re welcome! >:3
I knew there was something familiar about that obnoxious tv screen when the ‘Stayed Gone’ song started and it is… that he oddly reminded me of King Dice lol so I did what any ‘sane’ person would do… I fused them together! Haha! >:}
Anyway, jokes aside… this was just a fun lil art challenge that I did awhile ago after that episode’s release and now since I’m able to post again, Tumblr gets to finally see it! Haha! I hope you enjoy it! Lol
More to be posted soon! So Stay tuned~! ㋡
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…yup. he be a lil smug bastard about it lol
Also dunno if it’s just me, but he kinda looks like a ventriloquist dummy who’s been sitting quietly in the corner staring at you for the past few minutes after showing you he’s alive and is just watching as you try to tell your friends/parents about him being alive lmfao
william after offering u the worst job conditions known to man
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Igybgvfvgb I love it lmfao
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트위터에 업로드했던 그림
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(“Sorry…? Heh…” —Lemondrop)
Heh, yup that’s one of my many Helluva Boss Oc’s! Who’s honestly just a small Oc of mine that ended up getting created so I could chat with Fizzaroli on Character.Ai since i didn’t have a Helluva Oc! Lmfao
But essentially they’re a succubus who used to perform side acts at the circus, which most of their acts where ventriloquist acts and card throwing, though they managed to do a few contortionist acts as well. Their backstory is still rather vague and messy currently, but essentially they had saved Fizzaroli from the fire when it happened and then mysteriously disappeared right after. And as another little fact about them is that it wouldn’t be til later in their life that they figure out their trans as well! (Hehe like me! :3) So that’s the just of it!
Anyways! Stay tuned~! I’ll be back again soon with more art later!
(Also, here I give you the reasons for why we have hands! Hehe! :3)
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Just some Art challenge I found on Pinterest awhile back. Figured I’d share my results of it here! Lol
(Honestly I like the results of the first one with Lucifer probably more than the other two…heh… but nonetheless I like all of them^^)
Anyways, I’ll probably post some more art later, so stay tuned for that~! ㋡
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Ooohhhhh!!!! Well hello there!!! It’s been awhile I’s gotta say! But I’m glad to be back finally, after a year of only one post! Heh… well the reason being that the app wouldn’t allow me to post until I had to delete it then reinstalled it again. So now that’s solved, get ready cuz you’re all about to see more art from me! :)
Just know you’ll get to see more of Loco Spade here as well! He’s our little toony ace of spades! Haha! (And perhaps the few others of my Toons’ Archive…) ☞ So stay tuned~! ッ
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Hello there!
As my first post here, I present you with some art I did for a close friend of mine^^ @zleepyrr
Tis art of Stolas and their Hazbin/Helluva Boss Oc named Blu :]
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