lilc4ctus · 5 years
studying is not beautiful. it’s messy. it’s staying up late until you finish that paper. it’s doing things you don’t want to do. it’s giving up things you would like to do but just don’t have the time. it’s never getting enough sleep and trying do cover the dark circles under your eyes. it’s drinking several cups of coffee a day and not eating anything at all bc you forgot to eat, and then having a stomachache. it’s having mental breakdowns in the middle of class. it’s having anxiety attacks in the bathroom. it’s punching a wall when you get frustrated bc you just can’t understand a concept that should be so simple. it’s not feeling like talking to anybody or even getting out of bed but still doing it bc you need to get that degree. so stop romanticizing studying. just stop. it’s not beautiful. it’s not aesthetic. it has its bad spots and we all know it. but it’s what will help us build our future. so let’s make the best out of it. let’s do it together and remind each other we aren’t alone. and let’s show our weaker side. i don’t wanna see only studyblr worthy pics. i wanna know if you had a bad day at school today. if you cried bc you couldn’t understand a subject. if you are feeling like such a mess. bc i am, too. you’re not alone. we’re all messed up. and it’s okay. just remember: i’m here for you. and it shall pass.
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lilc4ctus · 5 years
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College Morning Routine
Hey guys, so after one semester of college, I’ve found a morning routine that works for me. Here’s how I start my mornings so I’ll have a productive day ☀
P.S. click on the pictures for better quality.
Check out this YouTube video for more!
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lilc4ctus · 5 years
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˚✧₊⁎ 8.19.17 ⁎⁺˳✧༚ super late like usual, but i finished @universi-tea‘s back-to-school challenge! the pic is only half the days, but i swear i did all 10 days of the challenge lol
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lilc4ctus · 6 years
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Another messy desk photo set. My wall mind maps are taking over my entire room now 😅
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lilc4ctus · 6 years
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these lil plastic drawers from muji are so cute
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lilc4ctus · 6 years
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an example layout using my study schedule printable!! you can download your own right here (see weekly schedule). if you’re using one and have posted a photo, please tag it with #emmastudies!
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lilc4ctus · 6 years
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one of my lecturers printed us a step-by-step guide to writing an essay for an assignment we had. i decided to type it up and share it with you guys. i think for the most part it is really useful and a super simple way to break down your essay. hope this helps :~)
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lilc4ctus · 6 years
it’s okay to have days where you don’t study at all if you need a mental and/or physical break.
it’s okay to prioritize other things in your life over school, if they’re more important to you and benefit you moreso.
it’s okay to fail a test or get a bad grade or get on the bad side of a teacher; your academic career will never go perfectly, but that doesn’t mean it’s spoiled forever, and that you will go nowhere.
it’s okay to not be accepted into programs, classes, clubs, or anything of the sort. just keep going forward, and new & better things will come along.
failure! is! okay!
breaks! are! okay!
you! are! okay! 
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lilc4ctus · 6 years
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8.7.18 // studygram: alimastudies
make sure you follow my studygram because i most more frequently on there compared to my studyblr !!! 
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lilc4ctus · 6 years
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100 Days of Productivity x3 - Day 44/100 July 5, 2018
I had a very busy, very fun day today at work experience - I’ve been having such a good time, I can’t believe I’ve only got one day left! I got home late from work experience, having gone to the book store and purchasing a book called The Romanovs to read for modern history at school. Can’t wait to get into it!
Insta @ isthisnametakenyet
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lilc4ctus · 6 years
me: god I really have to study more if I wanna graduate uni this year
brain: learn greek instead
me: ωΗατ
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lilc4ctus · 6 years
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The bujo aesthetic I’m striving for. Ever since I found this bullet journaler, I inspired to be more minimalistic. She has so many great ideas for bujo.
IG:  abulletandsomelines
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lilc4ctus · 6 years
The Night Before Your Exam
Hello, hi there. Recently I made a post about what to do the day of your exam and it’s still getting notes which is amazing. Thank you all. So now, please enjoy these realistic tips for the night before your exam that do not involve perfum, gum, or cramming. Please don’t cram.
Get a good night’s sleep. I know that for many of us this is a major challenge because we deal with insomnia or anxiety disorders that keep us awake. Try taking a warm bath in Epsom salts. Stay in the tub until you break a sweat. Pick your salts wisely because some of them are more energizing (i.e lavender salts are more energizing I have found).
If you are having trouble sleeping because of tension in your neck/back, try to relieve the tension by rolling out your muscles on the floor, or conciously tensing them up for about 10-20 seconds before slowing releasing. The Epsom salt bath really helps with any sort of tension. I have chronic nerve pain from a car accident and it’s one of the few things that help me that is more holistic.
Don’t shy away from melatonin. It works wonders and you won’t feel “hung over” in the morning like you may with Z-Quil. They have melatonin gummies too!
Try lowering your body temperature. Sleep naked. It’s life changing. If you can’t sleep naked (because you live in a dorm) still do your best to keep it cool. Our bodies get tired when their temps are lower.
Additionally, do not cram for any exam. The night before your exam is not the time to be learning any new material. We are way past that. Gently refresh the material that you already know; however, do focus on items you may struggle with. Remember, althetes don’t go crazy hard the day before a game - treat your brain the same way; no heavy lifting.
You may take this time to rewrite your notes. It’s a simple act that can definitely help you to remember.
Try teaching the material to someone else, or if no one else is available - stand in the mirror and give your own personal TedTalk on the subject. Hey, if it works for Sims, right? Remember that if you can teach the material, you know it. Reiterating in your own words is so helpful.
This should go without saying, but eat a good dinner.
Use the “Match,” “Test,” and “Spell” functions on Quizlet. Very helpful.
Have I said do not cram yet?
Lay out your clothes for the morning. The fewer decisions the better.
You’re going to want to wake up with enough time to review your study materials a couple more times, get ready for the day, and leave for the exam early (so that you have time to review when you get there and to ensure you are on time!) So set your alarm in advance.
Make sure that you set out your blue book, calculator, etc. so that you are prepared for the exam tomorrow and you aren’t sprinting across campus to find somewhere that sells blue books.
Triple check that alarm.
Try to limit your use of electronics 30 minutes before you need to fall asleep. I know that isn’t always reasonable though. Just make sure your phone is plugged in so that it is well charged and ON when you need that alarm to go off.
Drink some water.
Don’t drink any coffee or other caffeinated beverage/over induldge in nicotine/or take your *prescription!!!* adderall after 8 PM. Really for the Adderall don’t take it after like 5:30. You will be up all night long, my friend.
Okay last time: do not cram for any exam. That’s like over extertion for your brain and it will take you time to recover. If you continuously pull all nighters to cram you will crash and burn eventually. So just start early on your study plan. You can make time for it, I promise.
Happy studying, realistic students!
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lilc4ctus · 6 years
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4 hours in and i just finished the introduction of my report lol idk!!!
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lilc4ctus · 6 years
gentle reminder that you can do anything you set your mind on
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lilc4ctus · 6 years
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lilc4ctus · 6 years
march 1st through the 23nd: lasted 2 days
march 24th through the 31st: has already lasted three months
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