likhithadiagnostic · 2 months
The Importance of Full Body Checkup for Sustaining Optimal Well-being
Health check-ups are essential for maintaining good health and preventing potential health problems. Likhitha Diagnostics is a well-known name in the healthcare industry, offering a wide range of diagnostic services to people across India. They understand the importance of regular health check-ups and encourage individuals to prioritize their health by offering the best of health packages in Hyderabad.
We will discuss the significance of health check-ups and how Likhitha Diagnostics can assist in maintaining good health and detecting potential health problems early. With their state-of-the-art facilities, experienced professionals, and customized care, Likhitha Diagnostics is committed to helping people lead healthier lives.
Early Detection of Health Problems
Regular health check-ups can help detect health problems early, which can increase the chances of successful treatment. Many serious illnesses like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes do not show any symptoms in the early stages. Health check-ups can identify these health problems before they become more severe, allowing for prompt treatment and management.
Prevention of Diseases
Preventive health check-ups can help identify potential risk factors for diseases like hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes. By detecting these risk factors early, steps can be taken to prevent the development of these diseases or manage them better.
Improved Quality of Life
Health check-ups can help us identify lifestyle factors that may be detrimental to our health, such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and unhealthy eating habits. By identifying these factors early, steps can be taken to modify our lifestyle and improve our overall health, leading to a better quality of life.
Regular health check-ups can be an investment in our long-term health and can save money in the long run. Early detection of health problems can prevent more significant health issues that can require extensive medical treatments, hospitalization, or surgery.
Customized Care
Health packages can be tailored to our specific needs and risks based on age, family history, and lifestyle factors. This allows for customized care that can address specific health concerns and help us maintain optimal health.
Peace of Mind
Regular health check-ups can provide peace of mind by assuring us that our health is in good condition. It can help alleviate anxiety about potential health problems and provide reassurance about our well-being.
In conclusion, health check-ups are essential for maintaining good health and preventing potential health problems. By detecting health problems early, preventing diseases, saving money, improving the quality of life, providing peace of mind, and providing customized care, health check-ups can help us lead a healthier life. It is crucial to prioritize regular health check-ups as a part of our overall health and wellness routine. Visit Likhitha’s Diagnostics and Specialty lab for a full body checkup in Kukatpally today!
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likhithadiagnostic · 3 months
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likhithadiagnostic · 3 months
A Guide to Choosing the Best Diagnostic Centre in Pune for Your Needs
Your health is your most valuable asset, and when it comes to diagnosing and managing medical conditions, the choice of a diagnostic centre plays a crucial role. Pune, a thriving city in India, is home to numerous diagnostic centres, each offering a wide range of services. But how do you choose the best one that suits your needs? In this guide, we'll walk you through the essential factors to consider when selecting the best diagnostic centre in Pune.
Accreditation and Certification:
One of the first things you should check when choosing a diagnostic centre in Pune is its accreditation and certification. Make sure the centre is recognized by relevant health authorities and holds certifications from regulatory bodies. Accredited centres adhere to strict quality standards and are more likely to provide accurate and reliable results.
Range of Services:
Different diagnostic centres may offer varying services, so it's essential to identify your specific needs. Are you looking for routine blood tests, advanced imaging, or specialized tests? Choose a centre that provides the services you require. A comprehensive centre with a wide range of diagnostics can be a convenient choice for future healthcare needs.
Equipment and Technology:
The diagnostic tools and equipment used by the centre are critical for accurate results. Opt for a centre that invests in modern, state-of-the-art technology. Advanced equipment can often provide quicker and more precise diagnoses, which can be crucial for your health.
Expertise of Healthcare Professionals:
The competence of the healthcare professionals working at the diagnostic centre is vital. Ensure that the centre employs experienced radiologists, pathologists, and technicians who are well-trained in their respective fields. Their expertise can significantly impact the quality of your diagnostic results.
Location and Accessibility:
Consider the location of the diagnostic centre, especially if you need to visit it frequently. Choose a centre that is conveniently located and easily accessible by public transportation or your own vehicle. This will save you time and effort, especially when undergoing multiple tests or consultations.
Turnaround Time:
Fast and efficient service is crucial, especially when you're waiting for critical test results. Inquire about the centre's turnaround time for delivering reports. A diagnostic centre with a reputation for timely reporting can help reduce anxiety and uncertainty during your healthcare journey.
Cost and Insurance:
Discuss the cost of diagnostic tests with the centre and inquire whether they accept your health insurance. Understanding the financial aspect of your healthcare can help you plan your budget and avoid unexpected expenses.
Hygiene and Safety:
In the current times, it's essential to prioritize hygiene and safety. Ensure that the diagnostic centre follows strict infection control measures to protect patients and staff from contagious diseases.
Choosing the best diagnostic lab in Pune for your needs is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your healthcare journey. By considering factors such as accreditation, services, technology, expertise, location, turnaround time, cost, reviews, and safety, you can make an informed choice that ensures accurate diagnoses and optimal care for your health. Your well-being deserves nothing less than the best diagnostic services Pune has to offer.
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likhithadiagnostic · 3 months
Navigating Diabetes Care: Choosing the Best Diagnostic Center in Hyderabad
Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. Timely and accurate diagnosis plays a vital role in effectively managing this condition. Thankfully, Hyderabad, known for its advanced health test lab, houses numerous diagnostic centers equipped with cutting-edge technology and expertise. In this article, we will explore the significance of diagnostic center in Hyderabad, particularly in the bustling area of Dilsukhnagar, and discuss their role in diagnosing and managing diabetes.
Understanding Diabetes
Diabetes is a condition characterized by elevated blood sugar levels due to insufficient insulin production or ineffective utilization of insulin. It can lead to serious health complications if left untreated. Early diagnosis and proper management are crucial to prevent long-term complications and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
The Importance of Diagnostic Centers
Diagnostic centers play a pivotal role in diagnosing diabetes by offering various tests and screenings. These centers have state-of-the-art infrastructure and trained professionals who can accurately evaluate a person's blood glucose levels and assess their overall health. In Hyderabad, the presence of numerous diagnostic centers ensures accessibility and convenience for residents, making it easier to receive timely diagnosis and treatment.
Diagnostic Centre in Hyderabad: Hyderabad boasts a thriving healthcare sector, and the city houses several renowned diagnostic centers. These centers provide a wide range of diagnostic services, including blood tests, urine tests, and advanced screenings specific to diabetes. The diagnostic center in Hyderabad utilizes the latest medical technology, ensuring accurate results and precise diagnosis.
Diagnostic Centre in Dilsukhnagar: Located in the eastern part of Hyderabad, Dilsukhnagar is a bustling commercial and residential area. The neighborhood is well-served by diagnostic centers that cater to the healthcare needs of the local population. These centers are equipped with advanced facilities and employ experienced medical professionals who specialize in diagnosing and managing diabetes.
Choosing the Right Diagnostic Centre
When selecting a diagnostic center in Dilsukhnagar, it is important to consider several factors. Look for a center that offers a comprehensive range of diabetes-related tests, including HbA1c, fasting blood sugar, postprandial blood sugar, and lipid profile. Additionally, ensure that the center adheres to strict quality control measures and maintains high standards of hygiene.
Apart from these factors, consider the center's reputation, experience of the medical staff, and the convenience of location and appointment scheduling. Reading reviews and seeking recommendations from healthcare professionals or friends who have availed diagnostic services can also be helpful in making an informed choice.
Diabetes diagnosis is a crucial step in managing the condition effectively and preventing complications. In Hyderabad, particularly in Dilsukhnagar, numerous diagnostic centers are dedicated to providing accurate and reliable diabetes screenings. By choosing the right diagnostic center and undergoing the necessary tests, individuals can gain valuable insights into their health status and work towards achieving optimal diabetes management. Remember, early diagnosis is key, so do not hesitate to consult a healthcare lab professional and visit a diagnostic center if you suspect you may have diabetes.
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likhithadiagnostic · 3 months
Transforming Healthcare: The Benefits of Home Blood Sample Collection
Regular blood tests are crucial for identifying and monitoring various diseases, but finding a reliable lab that provides accurate results can be time-consuming. However, with advancements in technology, healthcare labs and professionals have made diagnostic procedures more convenient for patients. Now, it has become the norm to have blood sample collection from the comfort of your own home, eliminating the need to stand in long lines at labs.
Since the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2, fewer people are visiting labs for blood tests due to concerns about the virus. Consequently, more patients are opting for blood sample collection at home. Unfortunately, this has led to a delay in necessary tests and treatments as people try to avoid the spread of the coronavirus. Several labs have reported a 40% decrease in phlebotomy appointments and blood test volumes. For example, Likhitha Diagnostics, a diagnostic centre in Dilsukhnagar, noticed a significant drop in test volumes in March 2020, but they also experienced a rapid increase in blood sample collection from home.
To ensure patient safety during the pandemic, most of the pathology labs in Hyderabad have implemented new procedures and technologies that allow for blood collection and sample testing at home. Telehealth, a virtual form of healthcare that enables remote interactions with patients, has played a significant role. In an April 2020 poll, around 85% of doctors reported conducting patient visits through phone or video, and 77% of the participating doctors expressed their support for telemedicine.
The demand for remote blood collection and testing has grown as healthcare professionals aim to communicate with patients and clinical trial participants while they stay secure at home. While some labs have quickly adopted techniques to test remote blood samples, others are more cautious. However, it is likely that blood sample collection from home and remote testing will become the new norm.
If you need further convincing, here are five benefits of remote blood collection:
Ease of Access: Patients living in remote areas no longer need to visit medical institutions for blood draws. Through telehealth technology and remote devices, doctors can remotely monitor patients, issue blood test orders, and utilize patient-collected samples. Platforms like GoToMeeting and Zoom have also made it easier for patients to communicate with their doctors via email and video chats.
Comfort: Advanced technology like proprietary volumetric absorptive micro sampling allows for precise and minimally invasive blood sample collection. This technique improves the patient experience, as it is less unpleasant and stressful than traditional venipuncture blood draws and simpler to use than other self-sampling devices. Patients can collect accurate blood samples at home, reducing the need for multiple visits for follow-up medical care.
Convenience: Even after the pandemic, clinical trials remain essential for research purposes. Home sample collection provides a convenient alternative for trial volunteers who are unable to visit trial facilities. Expert medical assistants can be sent to participants' homes to collect blood samples, which are then returned to the laboratory for evaluation.
Safety: Remote blood collection promotes the safety of both patients and healthcare professionals. Patients no longer need to visit clinics for blood draws and testing. Instead, they receive blood collection kits by mail and send their samples back to the lab for analysis. This approach reduces the risk of exposure for individuals and medical personnel.
Viability: Many healthcare institutions have faced financial challenges due to a decrease in in-person blood draws and lab testing. However, by adopting remote blood collection and testing solutions, these organizations can avoid significant business changes. Embracing telemedicine allows doctors to continue providing care, but they still require labs and staff capable of analyzing distant test samples.
At Likhitha Diagnostics, we prioritize patient-centered care. For those who require lab samples collected at their convenience, we offer home healthcare specialists who can visit patients' homes or places of business. A best diagnostic centre in Kukatpally, Dilsukhnagar, ECIL etc. we have several centers in Hyderabad. Simply submit an appointment request form to avail of our services.
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likhithadiagnostic · 3 months
The Importance of Full Body Checkup for Sustaining Optimal Well-being
Health check-ups are essential for maintaining good health and preventing potential health problems. Likhitha Diagnostics is a well-known name in the healthcare industry, offering a wide range of diagnostic services to people across India. They understand the importance of regular health check-ups and encourage individuals to prioritize their health by offering the best of health packages in Hyderabad.
We will discuss the significance of health check-ups and how Likhitha Diagnostics can assist in maintaining good health and detecting potential health problems early. With their state-of-the-art facilities, experienced professionals, and customized care, Likhitha Diagnostics is committed to helping people lead healthier lives.
Early Detection of Health Problems
Regular health check-ups can help detect health problems early, which can increase the chances of successful treatment. Many serious illnesses like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes do not show any symptoms in the early stages. Health check-ups can identify these health problems before they become more severe, allowing for prompt treatment and management.
Prevention of Diseases
Preventive health check-ups can help identify potential risk factors for diseases like hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes. By detecting these risk factors early, steps can be taken to prevent the development of these diseases or manage them better.
Improved Quality of Life
Health check-ups can help us identify lifestyle factors that may be detrimental to our health, such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and unhealthy eating habits. By identifying these factors early, steps can be taken to modify our lifestyle and improve our overall health, leading to a better quality of life.
Regular health check-ups can be an investment in our long-term health and can save money in the long run. Early detection of health problems can prevent more significant health issues that can require extensive medical treatments, hospitalization, or surgery.
Customized Care
Health packages can be tailored to our specific needs and risks based on age, family history, and lifestyle factors. This allows for customized care that can address specific health concerns and help us maintain optimal health.
Peace of Mind
Regular health check-ups can provide peace of mind by assuring us that our health is in good condition. It can help alleviate anxiety about potential health problems and provide reassurance about our well-being.
In conclusion, health check-ups are essential for maintaining good health and preventing potential health problems. By detecting health problems early, preventing diseases, saving money, improving the quality of life, providing peace of mind, and providing customized care, health check-ups can help us lead a healthier life. It is crucial to prioritize regular health check-ups as a part of our overall health and wellness routine. Visit Likhitha’s Diagnostics and Specialty lab for a full body checkup in Kukatpally today!
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likhithadiagnostic · 3 months
Decoding Blood Tests: Unlocking the Secrets of Your Health
Blood tests are valuable tools used by doctors to identify various health conditions, including deficiencies in vitamins, organ failure, HIV, cancer, diabetes, and more.
What is a blood test? 
Regular blood testing is essential for monitoring your overall physical well-being. By undergoing routine tests, you can observe changes in your body over time and make informed decisions about your health.
What can a blood test reveal? 
Blood tests provide insights into the functioning of different organs in your body. For example, they can detect issues with organs such as the thyroid, liver, or kidneys.
Blood tests can also help identify markers of diseases and health conditions such as:
Coronary heart disease
Even if you don't have heart disease, a blood test can determine if you're at risk of developing the condition. Additionally, blood tests can assess the effectiveness of medications you're taking and evaluate your blood clotting ability.
Let's explore some commonly performed blood tests:
Complete blood count (CBC): This test measures levels of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets, along with important components like red blood cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit. Abnormal levels can indicate nutritional deficiencies, anemia, clotting problems, blood cancer, or infections. Can have blood test in Tirupati at Likhitha Diagnostic centre.
Basic metabolic panel (BMP): This test evaluates levels of eight compounds, including calcium, glucose, sodium, potassium, and others. Abnormal results may point to kidney disease, diabetes, or hormone imbalances.
Comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP): The CMP includes measurements from a BMP and additional proteins and substances related to liver function. It assesses factors like albumin, total protein, alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and bilirubin.
Lipid panel: This test measures levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. HDL is considered good cholesterol, while LDL is considered bad cholesterol. Have a diagnosis at Likhitha’s Diagnostics and pathology labs in Hyderabad.
Thyroid panel: This test evaluates the production and response of thyroid hormones, including T3, T4, and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). Abnormal hormone levels can indicate various conditions such as thyroid growth disorders or abnormal levels of testosterone or estrogen.
Cardiac biomarkers: Enzymes such as creatine kinase (CK), creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB), and troponin are measured to assess heart health and detect heart injury or damage.
Sexually transmitted infection (STI) tests: Blood samples can be used to diagnose STIs such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, HIV, and syphilis.
Coagulation panel: Coagulation tests determine how well your blood clots and the time it takes for clotting. These tests help diagnose conditions such as leukemia, excessive bleeding, thrombosis, liver conditions, and vitamin K deficiency. 
DHEA-sulfate serum test: This test measures levels of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and can indicate conditions like Addison's disease, adrenal dysfunction, or hypopituitarism.
C-reactive protein test: This test measures C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, indicating inflammation in the body. Elevated CRP levels can be associated with bacterial or viral infections, autoimmune diseases, diabetes-related inflammation, or certain cancers.
Which tests should I consider? 
For routine blood testing, common tests to consider include complete blood count (CBC), basic metabolic panel, thyroid panel, and nutrient tests for vital nutrients like iron or B vitamins.
Additional tests you may want to discuss with your doctor include enzyme markers for cancer risk or other conditions, as well as sexually transmitted infection (STI) tests if relevant to your recent sexual activity.
It's important to consult a doctor of pathology lab in ecil for a comprehensive evaluation and appropriate recommendations based on your symptoms and health concerns.
In conclusion, blood tests play a crucial role in healthcare by helping doctors identify various health conditions and monitor overall well-being. These tests provide valuable insights into organ function, markers of diseases, medication effectiveness, and clotting ability. Common blood tests such as complete blood count, basic metabolic panel, and thyroid panel, among others, are essential for routine health assessments. Additional tests may be recommended based on individual circumstances and symptoms. Regular blood testing empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their health and enables early detection and treatment of potential health issues. Consulting with a healthcare professional is important to determine the appropriate blood tests based on specific needs and concerns. By utilizing the power of blood tests, individuals can take proactive steps towards maintaining their health and well-being.
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likhithadiagnostic · 3 months
MRI Scan in Hyderabad at Likhitha Diagnostic
Are you looking for a high-quality MRI scan in Hyderabad at a discounted price? Look no further than Likhitha Diagnostics! We offer a wide range of MRI scan packages at affordable prices. Our MRI machines are state-of-the-art and our radiologists are highly experienced. You can be assured that you will receive accurate and timely diagnosis at Likhitha Diagnostics.
We cover the following topics in this post:
What is an MRI Scan?
Preparation for an MRI Scan
How to book MRI Scan in Hyderabad?
Benefit’s of Getting MRI Scan at Likhitha
What is an MRI Scan?
Magnetic resonance imaging or an MRI is one of the most frequently recommended image diagnostic tests that uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves in a controlled environment for high-quality pictures of the organs, tissues, and bones.
The MRI scan is a vital tool for doctors to identify and diagnose a host of ailments. This image diagnostics procedure is superior to a CT scan, as it produces 3D images, which offer enhanced depth and clarity for diagnosis.
The MRI scan is also considered to be the safest image diagnostics tool because of the lack of radiation, which typically is a standard component of other imaging tests, barring an ultrasound.
The magnetic and radio waves provide clear, digital images of the target area onto a display screen. The procedure generally takes 30 minutes to complete, however, the time can vary depending on the medical condition and the type of MRI test ordered.
Preparation for MRI Scan Hyderabad
You should speak with your lab before the MRI to be prepared for it. Generally, for any MRI Scan, you should wear loose-fitting clothes. You should not wear any jewellery or metal items on your body.
If you have a metal rod in the body or are pregnant or suffering from any medical condition, these should be brought to the notice of the doctor and the lab beforehand.
For an MRI with contrast, an agent will be injected in your body. This is generally harmless but this procedure will take longer than a normal MRI.
How can I book MRI Scan in Hyderabad?
Likhitha Diagnostic a best platform in medical testing in India. If you will like to book your MRI Scan in Hyderabad on phone, please give us a call on 040 2400 0000. or visit our website.  If you will like a call back, please fill your details below.
Here are some of the benefits of getting an MRI scan at Likhitha Diagnostics:
High-quality images: Our MRI machines are able to provide clear and detailed images of the body's internal structures. This allows radiologists to accurately diagnose a wide range of medical conditions.
Experienced radiologists: Our team of radiologists is highly experienced and qualified. They are able to accurately interpret MRI images and provide patients with accurate diagnoses.
Convenient location: We have multiple locations in Hyderabad, making it convenient for patients to get their MRI scans done.
Affordable prices: We offer MRI scans at affordable prices. This makes it possible for patients to get the care they need without breaking the bank.
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likhithadiagnostic · 4 months
Protect your kidneys, protect your health! India faces one of the highest rates of kidney disease, impacting overall wellness. From fluid balance to bone health, healthy kidneys are essential. Don't wait for symptoms, book your annual kidney screening today and safeguard your well-being. Book your tests today. Visit us on - https://www.likhithadiagnostic.com/ Dial 📞 040 2400 0000 to schedule your appointment.
Kidneyhealth #Annualscreening #Protectyourhealth #Kidneydisease #Kidneystone #Kidneycare #Kidneydiseaseawareness #Kidneyproblems #Kidneyinfection #Kidneydiseasesucks #Kidneyhealthforall #Kidneyproblem #Kidneystoneprevention #Diagnosticservices #Likhithasdiagnostics
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likhithadiagnostic · 4 months
Book Affordable Full Body Checkup in Pune at Likhitha Diagnostic
Are you looking for a comprehensive full body checkup in Pune? Look no further than Likhitha Diagnostic, a trusted name in healthcare services. Our state-of-the-art facilities and experienced medical professionals ensure that you receive the best possible care.
Why are Check-Ups Important?
Regular health exams help people in early detection of any disease. With the help of right screenings and treatments, you can counter the negative effects of any disease and live a much longer and healthier life. Depending upon your age, health, family history, lifestyle choices, and other important factors, everyone should go for health check-ups at timely intervals. We have designed a wide range of packages from which you can select a suitable package considering your age, lifestyle, medical and family history. A doctor can help you select the package best suited to your needs if required.
Why Choose Likhitha Diagnostic for Your Full Body Checkup in Pune?
Experienced Professionals: Likhitha Diagnostic boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals dedicated to providing accurate and reliable diagnostic services.
Advanced Technology: They utilize state-of-the-art equipment and technology to ensure precise results for your tests.
Extensive Test Panel: Their full body checkup program covers a wide range of tests, including:
Blood tests (lipid profile, blood sugar, etc.)
Urine analysis
ECG (Electrocardiogram)
X-rays (if required)
Other specialized tests based on your specific needs
Booking an appointment for a full body checkup at Likhitha Diagnostic is quick and easy. Simply follow these steps:
Visit Our Website: Go to our website and navigate to the appointment booking section. You can also call us directly to book an appointment.
Select Your Package: Choose from our range of full body checkup packages. We offer packages that cater to different age groups and health needs.
Choose a Convenient Date and Time: Select a date and time that works best for you. We offer flexible appointment slots to accommodate your schedule.
Provide Your Details: Fill in your personal details and medical history. This information helps our medical professionals tailor the checkup to your specific needs.
Confirm Your Appointment: Once you have provided all the necessary information, confirm your appointment. You will receive a confirmation email or SMS with all the details.
At Likhitha Diagnostic, we understand the importance of regular health checkups in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Our full body checkup packages are designed to detect potential health issues early, allowing for timely intervention and treatment.
Don't wait until it's too late. Book your full body checkup appointment at Likhitha Diagnostic today and take the first step towards a healthier tomorrow.
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likhithadiagnostic · 4 months
Explore top-notch diagnostic services in Kukatpally, Hyderabad. Avail comprehensive health checkup packages at our leading diagnostic Centre. Trusted expertise and advanced facilities await. Diagnostic Centre in Kukatpally (KPHB), Hyderabad - A Leading Diagnostics Centre & Pathology Lab, Offering Best Quality Diagnostics Services At Affordable Price. Book Your Appointment Now
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likhithadiagnostic · 4 months
Want To Get Your Health In Check? Get A Full Body Checkup Package From Likhitha Diagnostics. These Comprehensive Packages Cover All Aspects Of A Healthy Lifestyle. Enquire Now. Explore our health checkup packages for thorough full body assessments. Likhitha Diagnostics offers comprehensive health packages to monitor your well-being efficiently.
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likhithadiagnostic · 5 months
Looking For A Reliable Diagnostic Centre & Pathology Labs In Aundh Pune? Look No Further Than Likhitha Diagnostic. We Offer A Full Range Of Body Checkups, Blood Test, ECG Tests & More. Enquire Now
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likhithadiagnostic · 6 months
Best Diagnostic Centre in Kukatpally (KPHB), Hyderabad - A Leading Diagnostics Centre & Pathology Lab, Offering Best Quality Diagnostics Services At Affordable Price. Book Your Appointment Now and getting a range of services from thorough full-body checkups to basic blood tests.
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likhithadiagnostic · 6 months
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PCOD - Polycystic Ovary Disease
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likhithadiagnostic · 6 months
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likhithadiagnostic · 6 months
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Go For the test Before Taking any Random Pill
Visit https://www.likhithadiagnostic.com/ to book an appointment
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