I have no idea what this blog is about. I've never had one. Probably some pro-LGBTQ+ stuff, probably some TV show stuff. Really, I don't know.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
I haven’t been on here in forever, but with omegle dead, I’m trying to see where the communities are fleeing. I completely understand a lot of people hate that site, but the fandom rps have kept me sane for a long time.
Rolechat seems the best right now, but the community is tiny and the older/smaller fandoms are pretty dead. Emeraldchat requires an account and yikes on trikes, no thanks. While the anonymity was understandably awful in some contexts, it felt important to be safe in fandom rps with strangers.
Anyway, I’ll be trying #rolechat for a while and if folks have other ideas, let me know. I’ve got an rp email, but I’m not a discord kind of a gal.
#klaine#klaineroleplay#roleplay#omegle#johnlock#bbc sherlock#sherlock roleplay#klaine roleplay#rolechat#sebklaine
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Ah, thank you so much!!
Author Spotlight: Lifeuniverse42 Day 3
Author: @lifeuniverse42
How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Typically, I do a rough draft and a single editing sweep. If I’m feeling ambitious or particularly inspired, there’ll be a second editing pass.
If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
I don’t really have any older fics, but I’ll answer this one, anyway. I feel like A Recovery Story got away from me somewhere in the middle. I’m proud of how it turned out, but I’d probably trim the fat from that one, given the choice.
What do you look for in a beta?
A healthy combination of honesty and tact. A beta who won’t tell you that a passage sucks is useless. But a beta that’s too critical crushes your spirit, and that’s not helpful, either. Honestly, I like working with people I can get along with, and who are willing to have discussions. I’m a fandom person. In-depth discussions on character and motivation make me smile like no other.
If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Ooooh… Not written by myself? I have no idea. All of my favorites ended in such beautiful places that I don’t think I could add anything to them by penning a sequel.
Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
LIBERTIES! People who write canon-compliant fics are my heroes. How do you do it? It’s so impressive! I love taking liberties, putting spins onto stories. I’ve seen fantastic writing in both areas, but I definitely fall on the change-everything-except-characterizations side of the fence.
Talk about a review that made your day.
In this fandom, almost every single review of my work made my day. People are unendingly sweet. But the best ones were the ones that said ‘I hate you for hurting me this way, but it’s amazing!’ or the ones that told me I’d made a difference to them. If I made someone laugh or cry, it made my day. I had a woman comment that I’d written a scene between Blaine and his mother that had felt beautifully realistic to her, and that one I held pretty close to my heart. If you connect with any part of my writing and leave me a comment saying so, you will absolutely encourage me to keep writing.
Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
In this fandom, no. In others, yes. I read it, walk away, and come back later. Sometimes I respond, sometimes I don’t. People can be extremely passionate about the characters in their fandoms. That leads to some incredibly sweet comments and some people who feel extremely protective of them. I’ve found it’s best not to interact with the ones who just want to drown me in their opinions.
What advice do you have for people just starting to write?
Just write! Write badly. Write things that are hilarious and goofy. Write things that are angsty and out of control. Find a writing partner and swap paragraphs or full stories with them. Write together with friends. Write whatever you like, whenever you like. Hopefully, you’ll find some amazing people through it.
Which fic do you most like to discuss with other people? Why?
I don’t actually discuss my fics with very many people. If you want to talk to me about them, feel free to reach out! I love chatting about fic in general, I’m just absolutely useless on tumblr.
What’s one aspect of writing fic that gets you really excited?
The interaction with the absolutely phenomenal people in this fandom. Y'all are the sweetest, kindest people on the planet. You encouraged my writing and made me better. From amazing people who offered to help me with technical content, to those who simply commented that they hate me for stomping on their hearts, I was deeply grateful for every single one of you.
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So I’m finally medicated for some pretty serious mental health stuff.
Positives: way fewer panic attacks, most of the white noise is gone from the world, ability to function is at maybe an 8/10, waaay fewer spirals into the Doom Pit.
Negatives: still feel like I’m going to puke pretty much constantly, So. Fucking. Tired., still antsy and definitely hasn’t been the magic pill I was hoping for.
Onward and upward. I’m better than I was, but Goddamn is this process exhausting. And trying to explain this shit to anyone irl is pretty much The Worst.
Send hugs and/or a support group to help properly rephrase ‘sorry, can’t, busy panicking’ for the 50th time.
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Oh my god, thank you, you incredibly sweet human! I can’t believe I made your list when I know you read such amazing stuff!
Hey hey,
What are your top 5 favourite fiction tropes and a Klaine fic rec for each of them???? (I think this is a fun ask).
It is a fun ask! It also requires some thinking and making decisions/choosing favorites which is HARD for me (I have anxiety!) so I kept putting it off (rude that tumblr won’t let me save ask replies as drafts). I couldn’t narrow it down to five so you ended up with six. What can I say? I’m an indecisive bitch.
1) Dystopian
Hell & High Water by @mmerainbows
2) Science Fiction - I haven’t found very many fics in this category but I’ve really enjoyed the few that I’ve found
Endymion Fell by inkystars
3) Soulmate AU
The Cuckoo and the Nightingale by @kurtswish
4) Childhood Friends to Lovers
You Can Always Find Me Here by @gleekmom
5) D/s
Definitely Not Me by Tarabott (unfortunately never finished!)
6) Hurt/Comfort
A Love Story Series by @lifeuniverse42
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I can’t add links because I am Incompetent at tumblr, but this was actually the inspiration for my A Love Story verse on Ao3.
Hello! I have just finished watching Just Like Heaven on Netflix and was wondering if there are any Klaine fanfics with the same plot? Thanks!! <3
I’ve not seen this film so I googled:
A lonely landscape architect falls for the spirit of the beautiful woman who used to live in his new apartment.
I searched and did not find any with the exact plot, but I hope you’ll enjoy these which are sort of similar. ~Lynne
Ghost Verse by @sunshineoptimismandangels
Blaine moves to San Francisco a with a new job and a new home and bright hopes for his future and everything seems to be great for him, until he hears rumors that his new house is haunted. Soon Blaine is thrown into a life of fear, violence, romance and love. Will Blaine and Kurt find a way to be together or is Kurt really lost? ghost!kurt.
Erased by @lilyvandersteen
Kurt and his family move to a new house, where Kurt finds plenty of hidden treasures. They all seem connected with a boy that lost his life after a gay-bashing. Only, Kurt keeps seeing visions of him, and Brittany claims she can see the boy too. According to her, he’s not dead, just erased, and Kurt can bring him back to life. What?
Watching in the darkness by Unic0rn-H0bbit
Kurt Hummel had always felt a presence around him, ever since he was a little boy. Now after ten years of seeing a pair of beautiful eyes that swirled with every shade of brown watching him, and of questions building up inside him. He may just get his answer. But would he rather have stayed not knowing when he finds out the truth? Ratings and warnings above each chapter.
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If y’all are wondering, my klaine fanfic has The Lickiest by Ben Folds and it has always been one of my favorite love songs. Y’all, I screamed!!!!
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Tumblr: *rolls out “best stuff first”*
My blog:
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I was nominated! And so was my friend (who I would tag, but I don’t know how lol) Esperanto! Go vote!
Klaine 2020 Fanfiction Awards Nominations - New Authors, New Fanfiction, and Angst
New author (i.e. have posted their first completed Klaine fanfiction in 2019/2020
BlurglesmurfKlaine Catcat85 Dizzywhiz Esperanto InsightfulInsomniac JayhawkWrites Kuhlaine Life42universe TheNameIsBritney
Favorite NEW KLAINE FANFICTION posted during 2019/2020 Domus Civita by JayhawkWrites Don’t Do It by BeautifulUnseen A Love Story by life42universe Express Yourself series by Esperanto A Fine Line Between Us by MrsCriss2012 Is There a Twelve Step Just For You? by TheNameIsBritney Life in the Big Apple (Westerville Abbey series) by HKVoyage A Love Story by life42universe One More Day is Not Enough by kuhlaine The One That Got Away by Catcat85 A Safe Place by dizzywhiz, thewalkinghufflepuff The Seduction by HKVoyage There From The Start by BlurglesmurfKlaine
Favorite ANGST/BLANGST Klaine fanfiction All the Other Ghosts series by rainjoy The Awakening by LauGS Glass Houses by JennMel I Won’t Let You Down series by MrsCriss2012 Lovesong by andiheardeverything Loving Arms by LauGS Rewrite This Story by idoltina A Safe Place by dizzywhiz, thewalkinghufflepuff Someone Like You by iconicklaine Syrup and Honey by LauGS Things I Cannot Change by beautifulwhatsyourhurry [PDF/EPUB]
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Author Spotlight
Hello Everyone!
So, I’m glad to see people interested in the blog again – just needed to blow off the dust. Something I’d like to do again is Author Spotlights.
Author Spotlights is where every week, we highlight works of a specific author. Usually at the beginning of the week, I do a short interview-like post where you get to know the author a little bit, and the rest of the week, we make sure to blog fics from that author to get their work out there more. I think it’s a fun way to help create a community of authors currently writing in the Glee/Klaine fandom.
Since this is a Klaine specific site, I would prefer authors who wrote Kurt and/or Blaine friendly stories. Unfortunately, I won’t be featuring things like Seblaine or Kelliott or RPS fiction.
If you are an author and want your fics spotlighted, or if you have a favorite author you’d like to be spotlighted: PLEASE SEND ME A MESSAGE HERE.
If you’ve already been in contact, I should have sent you a note. If I haven’t gotten to you yet – please make sure to send a message to the above link - I sometimes miss things put down in the notes. Also, if did the spotlight when we original did them, you’re more than welcome to do it again!
If anyone has any questions, please let me know!!
I would love to hear from everyone and have as many authors spotlight as possible, so please reblog so everyone can see it, and let’s spread around the fic!! :D
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I started last year! I can’t believe I’ve only been on there a year, honestly.
So this is probably common knowledge, in that case, sorry for asking 😊. But is there an overview of new writers (first time fiction publishers in 2019/2020) somewhere?
Hey @wantjes19,
Good question, but I’m afraid I don’t know where to look for an overview of new writers. What I’d advise you to do - which is of course more time-consuming, I’m sorry - is go to your AO3 history and check if the writers of the most recent fics you’ve read are new writers.
From the top of my head, I could mention @jayhawk-writes, @teddyshoney and InsightfulInsomniac.
Readers, please chime in with any other new Klaine writers you know of? Thank you!
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Literally the reason for my career.
Amanda Tapping and Sam Carter
[1, 2, 3, 4]
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if people wanna be excited about Ant-Man, then far be it from me to tell them not to be, I just wish people would stop acting like they don’t know why the rest of us are mad about it.
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To all of my Christian friends who have felt the need in the past week to post several statuses to inform the world that you do not approve of same sex marriage: I know. We all know. Not all Christians hate members of the LGBT community. Not all Christians are against the recognition of basic human rights for a group of people who have had them denied for far too long. But enough of them are that it is the norm. It is unsurprising to hear 'I just don't approve'. 'I love my gay friends, but this is an affront to God.' 'You may be married in the eyes of the law, but you will never be married in God's eyes.' I went to church this past weekend for the first time in 8 years. I had attended from the tender age of eight months to just after my 16th birthday. I sat in the uncomfortable pews that I used to play in as a child, and I watched men and women who had been constants in my life for a long time, and I fought back tears. The preacher stood at his pulpit, and he informed the congregation (to a chorus of cheers of 'Amen!') that I am an abomination. That they should avoid using hateful slurs (there's a PR problem in Christianity, after all), but that people like me should not be tolerated. Good Christians should not back down. They should not challenge their own beliefs. I sat there, in the room where I was Baptized, where I had sung thousands of hymns, where I had fought for a spot in the Christmas spectacular, and I became intimately aware that I was no longer welcome. By virtue of being who I am, I am no longer welcome in a place that was a second home on Sunday mornings for sixteen years. And Tuesdays when we had handbell practice. Wednesdays for youth group. Thursdays for handbells again. Sunday evenings for choir practice. Several weeks in the summer when I volunteered to help teach children that God is love in Vacation Bible School. You don't need to tell me that you don't believe I should have the right to marry. I already know. I know because my mother defended the preacher's sermon as 'not that bad'. I know because of the looks I got for my short hair and my attitude. I know because of the fear in my belly as we walked up to the building. I know because the best that I can hope for is your silence. Please, don't tell me again. I already know.
#lgbtq#lgbt#lgbtqia#lgbt rights#lgbt pride#bisexual#personal#marriage#marriage equality#same sex marriage#gay marriage
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OMG, saw this over on Facebook. I am SCREAMING inside.
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Reblog if you are LGBTQIA+
Tag how you are a part of the community
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Friendly reminder that sometimes people change. Some people are born into intolerant, bigoted families. Some people are taught from a young age that people who are different are to be feared, because they cannot be understood. And some of us stand up. Some of us say no. Some of us go home and end up in screaming matches with our parents because black lives matter. Because the gays aren't taking over the country. Because women have every right to cut their hair and have a 'man's' job. Some of us are disappointments to our families so that we can be heroes to ourselves. Making a requirement that to be an activist or an ally or a good person requires having always had exactly the right opinions is not only rude and ridiculous, it is how you kill change. Some of us fight every day against the brainwashing of a right-wing education. Some of us break down and cry when we realize there are still thoughts in our heads that we despise, that don't belong there. Please, just remember, for every horrible human being who seems set in their ways forever who cannot be reasoned with, some of us change.
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