I came back to Tumblr to celebrate the wedding of Gambit and Rogue. Remy and Anna Marie are finally how they should have always been... together. After a torturous 27 year wait these lovebirds have finally wed. Romy shippers have (Marvel) but most importantly, Kelly Thompson to thank for that. This is a beautiful moment in time. There will mainly be Gambit and Rogue re-blogs and my own "Music" blogs on here. Oh and my brain is still silly.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

As promised, here is the Romy Bingo Card with the unused prompts from Rogue/Gambit Week 2020. There were so many excellent prompts, it would be a shame not to share. Please feel free to use this as Bingo card or simply a prompt list to inspire creativity.
If you would like me to re-blog your fanworks, the rules are the same as they were for Rogue/Gambit Week.
- This blog is a celebration of all things Romy! Your fanworks may cover any point of their relationship—from their early flirtations to their life together as an old married couple, from friendship to lovers. Feel free to draw inspiration from any medium which they appeared (the comics, the animated series, the movies, etc.).
- Please tag your posts #romybingo2020 so they can be easily found and re-blogged on the Rogue/Gambit Week blog. (You can still use #rogue/gambitweek2020 or #rogue/remyweek2020 if you want. I will check them all.)
- Submissions can be done as fanfics, fan art, graphic/video edits, gif sets, or any other creative avenue you wish to pursue and can be posted. Be creative! (For example, during a fanworks week in another fandom, someone shared a selection of classical music and explained why that piece fit the couple in mention and the day’s prompt.)
- Any NSFW content must be placed under a ‘read more,’ otherwise it will not be re-blogged.
- Please feel free to use the prompts as a Bingo card or a random list of prompts. This is simply a fun way share the prompts and hopefully offer some extra inspiration for those of us who need it.
Have fun creating!
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Wahooooo git onnit!!
Hi everyone.
It’s been just about six months since Rogue/Gambit Week. Which also means we’re about six months away from the next one!
I hope you’ve all been enjoying the stories, art, and edits that were shared during Rogue/Gambit Week. For those of you who create, if you have finished a project you started for Rogue/Gambit week but didn’t get it posted in time or have added more chapters to a story, or finally got the inspiration to create a few weeks (or months) later than Rogue/Gambit Week—please let me know. I still check the tags (#rogue/gambitweek2020 or #rogue/remyweek2020). And you can always message me directly if I’ve missed something you made. There is always room for more Romy goodness.
Also, would anybody be interested in having the prompts we didn’t use for Rogue/Gambit Week? If there is interest, I can make the remainder into a bingo card or a list. Let me know.
Thanks to everyone who has created, re-blogged, supported, and/or followed.
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I have to agree @applejacks1552

Gambit & Rogue - Thony Silas
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The best WEDDING is the 2nd one ☝🏻
Our girl really enjoys changing dresses at weddings.
At least Remy stayed in his nice blue/gray suit this time.
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#X-men (at R.A.I.D.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBVqqEUBVvB/?igshid=13t06hm3yl52u
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Rogue and Gambit Line art by Chris Johnson, Colours by Matt James
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Gambit & Rogue in Play For Keeps (2020)
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“Gambit” by Marcus To
Marcus is the best human with an amazing artistic skill and a heart of gold. He asked people to donate $50 to BLM and sent everyone who commissioned him a 4x6 drawing of a character of your choice. He wouldn’t even accept an actual cent. Just a receipt of your donation.
Here is my first commission (but definitely not my last) by the talented @marcusto 😍🥰

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Volume 9 of my Sims 3 Adventures continued…
Besties Party!
Rogue, Gambit, Logan, Ororo, Jubilee, Laura, Pyro, Wanda, Kurt, and Morph
You know, it has belatedly occured to me that I never created Courier. He should’ve been here! *puts Courier on to-do list*
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ROGUE For Topp’s Marvel Collect digital trading cards game Also, Classic 90´s and current Excalibur variants, because why not.
#Rogue #XMen #Excalibur #MarvelComics
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Excalibur #1 variant cover by Skottie Young *
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She’s back! Back again...
Oh how I’ve missed @ludi-ling’s stories.
Come read, y’all!
Romy Prompt #1
Fair & Square
It’s still strange to kiss without being scared, without the crazy avalanche of memories.
Hell, it’s just strange to be kissing at all.
Especially now, here, with him.
Don’t get me wrong – it isn’t like this is the first time we’ve kissed, or even the second or third… or maybe even the tenth, if I think about it.
What’s strange is the both of us being absolutely powerless; and what’s even stranger is that only a couple of days ago I’d dragged him away from the pearly gates of heaven itself, and I could’a sworn ever since then he’s been angry with me.
Nah – angry don’t even cut it. He’s been worse than angry – distant, stand-offish.
I’d stolen his redemption from him, and now he’s powerless and vulnerable in a way he’s never been before. I know it don’t sit well with him – hell, it don’t sit well with me – but I did it because I love the man, and I don’t regret it for a moment.
I have no idea what he’s been through, but the hell we shared with Vargas made me sure of one thing – I ain’t done with him, and I’m gonna fight tooth and nail to keep him till my dying breath. I want more, and for once, I ain’t afraid to tell him so.
I want a lifetime, I’d said to him.
I’d asked him for everything.
And he hadn’t said no.
He ain’t given an unequivocal ‘yes’ neither, but I’ll take what I can get from Remy LeBeau.
Keep reading
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thank you guys for 300 followers !! make sure to sign petitions these protest are not over please still do your part !
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She’s back, y’all!

As promised with my previous post asking for prompts... here's the very first request I got from @applejacks1552, based on this delicious sketch by Babs Tarr!! Hope you like! 💗
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I can’t wait to get my official Thursday mask but I made my own to hold me over. ♥️ 🕊♥️ #thursday #dove #mask #coronaviruslife #isuckathashtags https://www.instagram.com/p/CAMODeQB5X_hM3GqfQYjMe5Zm8MTzWvj2bfYKA0/?igshid=mupp8y9untjv
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Wednesday WIP
I’m posting a tad early because I won’t be around tomorrow to do it. Tagged forever ago by the lovely @pastellarts, and tagging @applejacks1552 (and anyone else who wants to play!!)
She sees him almost immediately. Didn’t even have to look around, she’d literally just set foot through the gates, wiped the sweat out of her eyes, and he’d caught her attention.
He hasn’t seen her just yet, as busy as he is shit-talking with the hulk standing next to him. Both men are dressed in a non military issued camo pants and tactical boots, both wearing a plain cap, and both armed to their teeth with all sorts of weaponry she can easily see, and no doubt even more that she can’t.
She’d know, she’s one of them. A mercenary. A soldier for a privatized military, chasing the highest dollar in a race they otherwise have no horses running.
At any rate, he shouldn’t have stood out in any way. He’s dressed to mimic the country that’d hired him, so as not to stand out unnecessarily. He’s tall, but not excessively so, and definitely not as tall as his compadre. He’s likely pretty handsome, too, she can tell that from her distance even with the cap and sunglasses hiding so much of his face, but he’s too far off to tell if he’s anything truly remarkable to look at.
Yet, stand out, he does, and she can’t stop looking.
Keep reading
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