Welcome to Life Is Our Highway, a Harry Potter roleplay featuring the next generation canon characters and OCs in a post-Hogwarts setting! Please read the Rules & Guidelines before you begin on your roleplay journey. Sidebar image credit to Izzie.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
thanks! don't worry about it, i've been busy making my rp, so i really haven't had time to go on the rp anyway. i heard about that rule, izzie told me.
'Kay, good! And jsyk your blog has been added to the list!
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accepted, woop! i actually made the blog two days ago, so here's the url -- fierysimmins
Yep, Alex! Sorry it took so long bb, I don't think the other admins have been going on the RP a lot lately because they're busy, and I figured that since your app is great there shouldn't be any issues with publishing it even though our policy is that at least two admins must look over apps.
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Making another character, because yolo. -- Leona Simmins
Alex | AEST | 13
Leona Simmins | Hayley Williams | 23 | 24th February House at hogwarts: Ravenclaw
Why s/he was in that house: This girl may not look it, but she is really studious. She is distracted easily, but she focuses on her work when she needs to, and she's actually very smart. Current occupation - includes what s/he is training for, if not already in the workforce: She's working at the Daily Prophet -- a job she's always wanted and she applied for it as soon as she left Hogwarts. She was accepted instantly, her fast pace writing and other aspects made her high up in her job, she's project manager for many aspects of the newspaper. It's always said that Leona will be the manager of the newspaper one day -- many agree with this statement, the ones that don't must be stupid.
Personality – at least three likes and three dislikes, at least three good traits and three bad traits, attitudes towards life, et al.: Leona is addicted to reading, her goal in life is to read a hundred books a year, if not more. She usually gets this goal done and dusted by the middle of the year, which causes great amusement to her friends. She enjoys playing on her guitar, and she song-writes a lot -- it's not just newspaper articles she focuses her literature on. She can sing a bit, but not as good as her mate in her office, Trent.
Fires fascinate her. Maybe that's the reason behind her fiery red hair. She likes to sit beside a fire in the evening and have her head down in a book, even if it's summer. She likes heat, and she's always loved it. Her friends always frown at this, they believe she's crazy.
She has a lot of pet peeves, she hates bad grammar and on bad days, she might sack one person if they get even a word wrong. Luckily, she only does this on her bad day, she relatively cheerful all the time, and she loves her workmates. A lengthy apology is always sent to the people she sacks, with a request to come back to the office and a box of chocolates. She really hates dogs, and it frustrates her that many people adore them. She's been scared of them since she was in Hogwarts, stories used to go around about werewolves and even the smallest puppy sets her off.
She also hates ice. Maybe this is because of her love for fire, but ice has always seemed like the most awful thing in the world to her. She stays inside whenever snow falls, and she stays well clear of drinks with ice in them. She just believes that ice has no character, that it's dark and mysterious and that's just something she doesn't like. Fire, on the other hand, has such character. Isn't icy people mean people and fiery people fierce, crazy people with a great character?
Her fiery hair matches her personality -- she can be very happy and bright at times, and this always makes others around her light up. She's like a match, touching others and making others light up as well. She's also studious (as said before), her writing is now a part of her life, as well as reading. If it's something to do with literature, she'll love it.
She can be very bitchy at times. This affects the people in her workplace, and she goes on screaming rants, making everything and everyone seem worthless. After all, she's project manager, they're going to listen to their boss. She can't seem to fathom sometimes the fact that others exist, and she can forget that and go off and do things that other people won't agree with. She gets frustrated about things to do with work easily, and this can affect her attitude. Sometimes, if things don't go Leona's way, she just won't be happy.
Bio - relationships with family and friends, school history, past romantic relationships: Leona was always very good academically in school. She was one of the highest in her class and she got straight As for every subject she did. She had many friends, some from every single house, and was much loved. She wasn't exactly a popular kid, she was just known and friendly to everyone. She did have some main friends, but mainly she was talking to everyone. She's Muggle-born, her parents were quite shocked to find out their child was a witch, and a talented one at that!
The only time she's had an inkling of a romantic relationship was the incident with Andrew Gregory. Her friends pushed her to come with them to the Gryffindor Common Room, all to get a kiss for the notorious Andrew. She got a quick chaste kiss, and didn't really care about it at the time. Although, she lives to regret it -- she now looks back and thinks about the fact that her first kiss wasn't... special.
Currently in a relationship with: no one at the moment.
Other pertinent information: none.
Para sample - at least a paragraph showing us what a sample RP would look like:
So, here she was, in her pyjamas in front of the fire. She is sitting on the ground again, a pile of cushions around her. She reads her book, and quickly waits for people to come through the fireplace. It's now four o'clock, Trent is due to come any second -- it's band practice. She strums her nails along the cover of the book, humming and whistling as she waits.
General password - this changes occasionally, and is required by all characters, canon or not: georgia peach
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Kaleigh Thompson | Taissa Farmiga | 21 | May 12th House at Hogwarts: Ravenclaw
Why s/he was in that house: The Sorting Hat wanted to place her in either Slytherin or Ravenclaw, but decided on Ravenclaw in the end because she's not really as cunning or as sly as she fancies herself to be. On another hand, she's sharp and quick-witted, so she was placed in Ravenclaw. Current occupation - includes what s/he is training for, if not already in the workforce: She wants to be a writer, and turns to writing as an emotional release — since she doesn't really have friends and doesn't keep in touch with her family. Right now she gets by by writing articles for the Daily Prophet, though those articles are usually overlooked and seldom read.
Personality – at least three likes and three dislikes, at least three good traits and three bad traits, attitudes towards life, et al.: She likes painting and writing, as well as music (she taught herself to play the piano). She detests bugs of any sort, as well as alcohol, which she only drinks if she's really, really depressed. She's also not a morning person in the least, and usually has to be dragged out of bed. Kaleigh's persistent and determined when she wants something or the other, but she's usually unfriendly and grumpy and sometimes unnecessarily bitchy. She's not the suicidal type, but most of the time feels that she'd rather be dead, because life doesn't have much meaning.
Bio - relationships with family and friends, school history, past romantic relationships: She's always been somewhat of a loner — she doesn't like socializing and has never been to a party in her life, whenever they had them in the Ravenclaw common room she shut herself in her dormitory. For the entire of her school life, she kept to herself and didn't even attempt to make friends.
Kaleigh has bad relations with her family — after Hogwarts, she didn't even bother contacting them and usually just barely endured her summers with them. No one out of her family has ever made an effort to get to know her, which is another reason why she's always so moody and alone.
She has a eighteen-year-old sister called Katlyn who's the exact opposite of her — a bright, sunny girl from Gryffindor and the kid that her parents always wanted. As such her parents very blatantly favour Katlyn and leave Kaleigh to fend for herself, which further contributes to her bitter outlook of life. Katlyn, on the other hand, tries to become close to her sister, but Kaleigh doesn't even allow her to get near her physically.
In school Katlyn was popular and generally well-liked, and people found it hard to believe that she was related to Kaleigh, which angered Kaleigh and caused her to detest her sister even more, even though technically Katlyn hasn't done anything bad to her.
After Kaleigh graduated and left home, Katlyn is the only family member who's made a conscious effort to try and make contact with her, but Kaleigh, still holding a grudge, has refused to acknowledge her.
Currently in a relationship with: — N/A —
Other pertinent information: She lives alone in the outskirts of Budleigh Babberton, and doesn't know a single one of her neighbors.
Para sample - at least a paragraph showing us what a sample RP would look like: Kaleigh was exhausted. Her hand was aching, her head was throbbing, and she was completely devoid of inspiration. Staring down at the half-filled parchment before her and pausing mid-scribble, her eyes darted over the lines of cramped writing, trying to make head or tail of what she'd written. None of it made any sense at all. Letting out a low groan, she crushed the parchment and threw it into a nearby wastepaper basket, before reaching for another scrap of parchment and starting all over again.
Your character’s password - only applicable to canon characters: — N/A —
General password - this changes occasionally, and is required by all characters, canon or not: georgia peach
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So . . I've never done a tumblr RP before. Sorry if my questions are annoying. I know I have to create a blog for Heidi, but how do I find someone to RP with me after that? Also, if I make a second character and am unhappy with one of them, can I remove one and replace them with a new one? And, last one, can we a "Wall of Text" page on the blog to act as a sort of chat? I don't know any of the RPers, except for Izzie, and I find it hard to find people to RP with me before I've met them. Pls&thku
Hey there, so you make a blog (I don't know if you know, but just in case you don't: make it from a separate Tumblr account; i.e. made with a separate email account, so that you can send asks and follow blogs), and just make a text post about what your character's up to. If somebody's online they'll reblog your post and add something to it, and then you can reblog their post and add something of yours to their post, and so on and so forth.
Replacing characters is allowed but not encouraged. As you probably already know a RP involves making a new world, and having people constantly disappear from a world is highly troubling.
And no, as far as I know, we're not planning on doing anything like that. The main RP blog is purely OOC and for announcements and such. We're planning on doing a Witch Weekly-type gossip blog in order to create some more drama amongst the characters, but that will be part of a separate blog which the admins will take turns running, and it will be completely IC.
If you don't know many RPers, just send something in their asks and start a conversation. I, for one, would be happy to chat with you and get to know you better.
- Alice
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Heidi Holmes///Liya's OC (I hope I'm doing this right OTL)

Heidi Holmes | Selena Gomez | 19 | February 28
House at Hogwarts: Gryffindor
Why s/he was in that house:
No one understands why she was put in this house except for the sorting hat itself. It knew more about Heidi than she knew about herself, and it knew than when faced with peril, she would stand up for those she cared for relentlessly, even if they didn’t feel the same about her. She has so much bravery that is untapped- so much stupid, stupid bravery- that she’d throw herself into a suicide mission for those she cared for.
Current occupation - includes what s/he is training for, if not already in the workforce: Heidi is working towards being a dancer, knowing that if her career doesn’t peek soon, it will end. She only has until she turns 35, which is when dancers retire. She dances with a company and at several venues as a solo artist, including local arts centers, bars, and clubs. Sometimes she waitresses at the same places she dances at to get some cash. She’s getting by, but isn’t making more than what she needs. When she retires, she plans on doing odd jobs to get by . . . Heidi isn’t the best at planning, and when she does, she usually ruins them.
Personality – at least three likes and three dislikes, at least three good traits and three bad traits, attitudes towards life, et al.: Heidi appreciates when people try and understand her weird perspective of the world, instead of saying she’s naïve and blind because she has more faith in people than most people do. She likes cold weather- only because it allows her to cuddle by a heat source with a cup of hot chocolate and a blanket. Heidi likes dancing, of course, as it is her job of choice. She loves people, she’s a people-person. Conversation is what Heidi thrives off of. She enjoys company. Heidi is a touchy-feely person, and of all things, enjoys touching people (no, not like that). You’ll often find her giving you a reassuring pat on the back or rest her hand on your arm or leg. She doesn’t mean anything by it . . . she just does it on pure instinct. She enjoys nail polishes and generally trivial things, and manages to find excitement in things that most people would deem ordinary.
Heidi dislikes very few things, but she, like everyone, has her own pet peeves. Heidi hates when people deny help from her. She offers help because they need it and she wants to be helpful, not because she feels they’re not strong enough to take care of themselves. She’s actually scared of being alone, and has been known to get teary-eyed when she’s abandoned. The fear od being left by anyone pushes her to make as many friends as possible- surely, not everyone would leave her. Heidi sometimes comes off as clingy because of this, but doesn’t mean to do so. People who are perverse or flirtatious easily make Heidi uncomfortable, and she will always get red in the face when teased or flirted with. She doesn’t like blushing, saying that it makes her feel like a little kid. Heidi, though normally passive and shy, will have huge, angry bursts when people that she’s especially close to are bullied. She’s known for stepping into the crossfire to protect her friends, and she does not regret anytime that she’s done it. She also dislikes bright colors and being used, but rarely ever expresses her distaste.
Heidi is a nurturer. She perceives the world with a kind eye, and is a warm, good-hearted person. She wants to believe in the best of people, no matter who they are or what they’ve done in the past. She never judges people by their past or by rumor, but by her own personal experiences with them. She values other peoples’ feelings above her own and is very sensitive to other peoples’ opinion of her. When thought lowly of, Heidi will obsess over making a their impression of her a good one, even to go as far as acting as a sort of slave, if the person is smart and manipulative enough to use her generosity. Heidi often manages to bring out the best in others by believing in the best of them.
Personally, Heidi is a lot more calculating- more than she or anyone even realizes. She constantly takes in information on other people that she deems important, even if other people find them trivial. She will sometimes bring up these observations long after she has made them. Her observations of peoples’ mannerisms and habits are often stunningly accurate, because she has an exceptional memory when it comes to things that she deems important. It’s not unusual for Heidi to recall a conversation or a smile years after the event occurred, it made a large impression on her.
Heidi has a very clear idea of how she expects things to be. She values security and has high respect for other people. She learns better by doing rather than by observing. She’s much more skilled in things that apply concepts such as practical application rather than analysis. Once a task is learned, Heidi will carry through with it, without argument or complain. She is very dependable, and rarely gives up on anything.
Heidi is surprisingly aware of her own emotions, but rarely expresses them. She often bottles up emotions, and when never expressed, will build up resentment within her. She hasn’t found a way to vent her feelings as of yet. She rarely let’s others know how she feels, but will speak up when other people need help with their feelings, and may mention her own as an example. Heidi often feels responsible for people she barely knows, and many people take advantage of it. She can never say no; she never has, and often has too much on her plate. She rarely expresses her difficulties, because she likes to avoid conflict and cares for others’ more than herself.
Heidi needs positive feedback in order to continue, and will be discouraged without it or when faced with criticism. Often, this will leave her swimming in a pool of unhappy stress, and begins to feel inadequate.
Heidi is a generally happy girl. She’s generous and charming and always opens herself up to people. She doesn’t have a judgmental bone in her body, but has a few angry ones. She cares deeply for those who stay by her side. She’s cheerful and easily excited and loves doing silly things, often embarrassing herself, to make others’ happy. She’s a little naïve, and isn’t the best planner, but she tries to be a good person.
Bio - relationships with family and friends, school history, past romantic relationships:
Heidi was born to her two human parents in Forth Worth, Texas. She actually resided about an half hour south of the city in a small town known as Aledo. She had two wonderful parents, an eccentric mother who could not cook to save her life and a sweet, soft-spoken father who loved to dote on his wife. Though her parents were kind people who loved her, they loved each other more. Heidi found herself often left in the shadows if their love, and knew her baby-sitter better than she knew them. She went through her younger schooling years with many friends, but no ‘parents’. She grew to need people much more than they needed her, just for a sense of being liked more than other people.
Quite coincidentally, two months before her letter arrived, her family had moved to the UK. Her parents came seeking a hopefully romantic atmosphere in England, and Heidi had been pulled along for the ride. When Heidi received her acceptance letter, she was shocked. She was muggle-born, and was surprisingly unaware of her witch abilities! She accepted eagerly, though, awed that she was offered such an opportunity (not the magic, the opportunity to meet the Brits! DUH.) She visited home often, only to receive an hour or two of undivided attention before being left alone once again. It broke her, but what could she do? All Heidi could do was try and find what she couldn’t get from her parents in other people.
Throughout her years in Hogwarts, she was manipulated and bullied by Slytherin. Her fellow Gryffindors wondered why she was one of them, she seemed sweet and not brave at all, like a Hufflepuff. To say the least, no matter how hard Heidi tried, she was never able to hold steadfast to a friend. She wouldn’t consider herself her a loner, despite the fact that she’s actually very lonely, though not by choice. People don’t recognize much about her, except that she’s the girl that can’t say no.
(Crap Bio because everyone already seems to have their Bios intertwined and I’m not quite sure what to do . . )
Currently in a relationship with: No one. 5ever alone, of course. L
Other pertinent information: Her hair length changes often- whether by charm or extension, though is currently short.
Para sample - at least a paragraph showing us what a sample RP would look like:
Heidi shook with nerves, clenching and unclenching her fists. She knew that by now, after so many times in the past, she should be able to do this with not nerves at all. Heidi scoffed, shaking her head. What a lie. She could never get used to something like that- who could? Fear, adrenaline, heat and passion all stockpiled into a mere half-hour. It was fabulous, but extremely overwhelming. Being out there, that’s what she wanted, even despite the nerves that came packaged with it.
“Heidi! Heidi- what- what the hell are you doing? Get dressed, you idiot!” A model-like girl with a clipboard screamed, marching over to Heidi. The girl’s voice was shrill and held a condescending tone that made Heidi want to crawl up in a hole. “Gosh, why did they hire someone as slow as you?” the girl complained, sighing in self-pity.
“Sorry,” Heidi replied quietly, lowering her head. “I’ll go get dressed now,”
“What?” the girl asked, not hearing Heidi. “What did you say to me?” she howled, rolling her shoulders back to seem taller and effectively thrust her well-endowed self towards Heidi’s face. Heidi stumbled back in order to avoid a collision with the other girl, holding her hands up in defense.
“Sorry!” she repeated, much louder this time. “I’ll go get dressed!” she clarified, running away from the wrath of the girl. She headed towards the waitresses’ dressing rooms, but not before she cast a longing look at the stage she had been staring at, and the dancers on it.
Your character’s password - only applicable to canon characters: Not Applicable!
General password - this changes occasionally, and is required by all characters, canon or not: Georgia peach!
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Andrew Gregory Application - Let's try again...
Andrew (Andy) Gregory | Tom Hiddleston | 19 | June 24th
House: Gryffindor
Why?: he was too confident to be in Hufflepuff, not smart enough to be in Ravenclaw, but braveand strong, Gryffindor it was.
Occupation: Auror, almost finished training
Personality: crazy, mischievous, he sets his mind on his task, gets in trouble easily, can step up and be the strong, serious man when he wants to be, friendly, easily pissed off at times. He enjoys playing quidditch with his mates in his free time, but sometimes, a book to read is fun for him. He really dislikes people who think they're better than him for no reason, and he also just despises chess and buses. It's like a phobia. And maybe it was because one day he was playing chess on the Knight Bus... long story. He believes that a life lived in boredom is a life not lived - something that many of his friends agree with.
Bio: Andrew grew up as the popular kid, always around friends. His family comes from a long line of wizard ancestry, he grew up a wizard (oh, yeah, duh). He was never in a romantic relationship, by the time he wanted one, he was too busy. He was quidditch captain. He decided to be an auror because he thought it would be an easy job; obviously, that wasn’t the case.
Para sample: Andrew yawned heavily as he poured himself a glass of milk. Scratching his head, he carried it over to his lounge, sinking into its soft contents and almost tempted to just fall asleep right there and then. He had to study, although he didn’t want to. But, that was what work was, he thought and got out his quill.
General Password: georgia peach
If you guys say that isn't good again, I'll punch something. :)
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Emilia Gozzi | Zooey Deschanel | 24
House at hogwarts: Ravenclaw
Why s/he was in that house: She was almost put in Slytherin but her smartness put her in Ravenclaw Current occupation - includes what s/he is training for, if not already in the workforce: She works in the Department of Magical Records at the Ministry
Personality – at least three likes and three dislikes, at least three good traits and three bad traits, attitudes towards life, et al.: She is smart, optimistic, cheery, and she always sees the best in people. She likes rock music, sort of, but she prefers 1D and music like that. She dislikes people who don't do their homework, and she is a neat freak with OCD. But she is happy-go-lucky
Bio - relationships with family and friends, school history, past romantic relationships: She is best friends with Nora LeBlanc, and Dominique Weasley. She always did her homework, was placed in a few detentions, not as many as Dominique, and she was prefect then head girl. She has been in a long term relationship with Damien Surin, who went to Durmstrang. They recently broke up.
Currently in a relationship with: Nobody
Other pertinent information: Her hair used to be blonde
Para sample - at least a paragraph showing us what a sample RP would look like: Emilia apparated out of the apartment that she shared with her best friends Dominique and Nora, as she went to her job interview. Once there she sat down behind the chair, and acknowledged the man that would be her boss, if she got the job. He asked her questions, she answered them as truthfully as she could. An hour, or so, later, Emilia left the room, and apparated back to her house.
3 months later, an owl flew in, with a letter addressed Emilia Francesca Gozzi, which she eagerly opened. She had got the job.
Your character's password - only applicable to canon characters:
General password - this changes occasionally, and is required by all characters, canon or not: Georgia Peach
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What's PTS?
Sorry, I don't really understand your question...? Perhaps another admin will though...
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I think the last anon meant where you put up a GIF of each character with their name and bio and information and other important info.
Oh, okay, thanks for telling me! Well, I would like to do that, actually, but I don't know if Alice and Elsie want to/have the time to. I'll ask them. c: -- Izzie
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Are you going to be making bios?
I know most RPs on tumblr do, but for this RP, we won't be. People will have to make their own bios and FCs, sorry! -- Izzie
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priyanka jasmine corner // izzie

Priyanka Jasmine Corner | Naomi Scott | 18 | June 10th
House at hogwarts: Gryffindor
Why s/he was in that house: While she was intelligent, having inherited both her parents’ smarts, her bravery, courage, and outgoing attitude placed her in Gryffindor.
Current occupation - includes what s/he is training for, if not already in the workforce: She doesn’t actually know yet, so she currently works at a restaurant. She’s debating on whether or not she should become an auror, as that job has always appealed to her, a quidditch player, or something else entirely.
Personality: She likes dancing, spicy food, traveling, quidditch, and making jewelry. She’s not a professional dancer, but she would love to be one and she’s taken more than a couple lessons. She loves to travel and she’s thankful for those trips she took to India, as well as a couple to other countries. Making jewelry is a hobby of hers and she makes money off it, now. She loves quidditch and was a chaser on the Gryffindor team. Maybe that will be her career.
She dislikes silence, being bored, studying, and jerks. She’s always hated studying, and still does, but knows it’s necessary. Silence in general freaks her out, she always likes to have some sort of white noise in the background. She has no patience for ill-tempered people.
Priyanka is outgoing and friendly, as well as brave and protective of those she cares about. She sticks up for others and doesn’t let people push her around. She’s fairly optimistic and prefers to think of the positive than the negative, but is realistic about some situations. She’s open-minded and doesn’t prejudice, but at the same, if someone has done something against her or her friends, she holds a bit of a grudge. Aside from that, she’s really a generally nice person.
She hates staying in one place and is impatient. She’s a do-er and she’s rather impulsive, jumping into things headfirst before thinking about them. She’s also impulsive in speaking; she often think before she talks and she’s bold. She’s rarely quiet, and if she’s quiet, something’s wrong. She’s rather emotional and it’s easy to tell how she’s feeling. She’s also energetic. She's not necessarily a party girl, but she's not one to sit around. She's a bit insecure, due to her parents' constant comparison between her and her older brother, and she feels like she has no way to prove herself to them.
She’s clever, witty, and intelligent, but as a student, she didn’t have great study habits or work ethic, and she barely scraped by with A’s and E’s. She knows she has to step it up now that she’s out of Hogwarts and is therefore a bit more responsible than before. Yet she still retains her mostly carefree attitude towards life, living life one day at a time and not looking that far into the future. After all, she has her whole life ahead of her. She’s not very serious about things and prefers not to be.
Bio: Priyanka’s parents are Padma Patil and Michael Corner. She’s close enough to both of them, but their relationship over the years has some tension due to her lack of excellent grades and clear goal in life. They love her, they’ve told her that countless times, but she knows they’re disappointed in her and wish that she was more like her older brother. She’s close to her aunt Parvati and often goes to her for advice, instead of her mom, feeling more relatable to Parvati. This has also caused a rift in her and her mom’s relationship.
Her older brother, Nikhil, is two years older than her and a former Ravenclaw. He’s also much more responsible than her, though quieter and more mellow. Priyanka’s parents often compare her to Nikhil, which annoys her to no end. It’s a source of her insecurities and she feels like she can never measure up to him, no matter how hard she tries. Nikhil doesn’t brag about his achievements or chastise his sister, but she knows he’s disappointed in her too. They’re not as close as they used to be, even if Nikhil is protective over Priya.
Priya’s younger sister, Sharani, is still in Hogwarts. She’s also quieter than her sister, but louder than Nikhil. She’s sweet, most of the time, but has a definite bitchy side to her that Priyanka doesn’t like.
Priyanka fit easily into Hogwarts with her outgoing and friendly attitude. She made a good amount of friends, her best friend being Hugo Weasley (if the RPer doesn’t want that, then that’s fine too :P). She never really liked Lily Potter all the much, even if she was Hugo’s cousin. Lily always seemed fake and annoying to her.
Socially wise, Priyanka was perfectly fine in school, but grades-wise, not so much. She barely scraped by with A’s and E’s, maybe one O here or there, but never slipped below an A. Her parents would freak it she did. It wasn’t that she wasn’t academically-inclined, because she could be, she just never had the patience to study. She also played quidditch, which was more to her liking, since it involved action and quick-thinking. She was a chaser on the Gryffindor quidditch team.
She harbored a crush on James Potter during her fourth year -- her justification is that almost every girl at Hogwarts did at least once -- but got over it and never wants to go down that road again. It was a most humiliating time for her, especially since Hugo and her other best friend, Arianne Saunders (daughter of Cho Chang), wouldn't shut up about it. She had a few boyfriends during Hogwarts, but they were never lasting (as much as she wished they did) and two of them ended in messy break-ups, but the others ended relatively well. And Hugo's always been just a friend to her, right?
Currently in a relationship with: No one.
Other pertinent information: I don’t think so.
Para sample: Priyanka walked briskly down the street, an uncharacteristic negative mood about her. The source of this mood? Her parents. She was 18, she should not have had that kind of argument with them about her life. She was technically an adult, so they should just lay off her and her decisions. She’d figure out what she’d want to do soon enough. She stopped at a little restaurant, the same one she worked, and ordered a cup of tea and a pastry with a smile to one of her fellow waitresses. She needed the pick-me-up, since Hugo or any of her other friends weren’t around for her to talk to.
Your character’s password - only applicable to canon characters: N/A
General password - this changes occasionally, and is required by all characters, canon or not: georgia peach (still questioning the relevance of this)
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jack alex nott -- by middy
Jack Alex Nott | Darren Criss | 23 | Born May 23rd
House at hogwarts: Ravenclaw
Why s/he was in that house: The sorting hat considered putting Jack in either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, and eventually decided on Ravenclaw. At first glance, Jack seems like a Gryffindor, with the bravery and bravado to match that outgoing house. However, he's extremely clever and studious and learning is one of his true, great passions. Whilst he had potential to do well in Gryffindor, both Jack and the hat concluded that it would be more illustrious for him to be in Ravenclaw.
Current occupation - includes what s/he is training for, if not already in the workforce:
Jack’s dream job is to be a singer and he’s certainly working towards that well. He’s using his free time to compose and record songs and it looks good for him with the Wizarding Wireless Network, seeing as Celestina Warbeck seems to have lost her touch and they’re looking for someone fresh and new. While he’s waiting for news from the WWW, he’s working at Eeyelops Owl Emporium, as he’s very into pets and if it weren’t for the fact that his dream is to be a big singer, he’d definitely pursue the animal career line further.
Personality – at least three likes and three dislikes, at least three good traits and three bad traits, attitudes towards life, et al.:
Jack loves the sunshine, animals and singing. He loves being sociable, talking to people and joking around. He dislikes it when people bring his brother into the situation—see relationships section on either his app or Lucy’s—and he dislikes false sympathy. He dislikes liars and cheaters (in both senses of the word).
He’s a very caring person and he always attempts to help people out. He can’t stand to see people crying and no one there with them. The thing is with Jack is that he’ll often forget about his own wellbeing to help with others.
He’s a funny guy and is known to cheer people up. He has ambition, but not in a pushy way like some others.
One of his bad traits is that he’s quite vain. He looks good and he knows that he looks good.
He has a fairly easy-going attitude towards life, because he thinks that it’s the best thing that has ever happened to anyone. He knows that life is hard—he’s experienced that first hand—but he also knows that there is always something good coming for you, and that it’s darkest before the dawn. He has a very ‘live and let live’ attitude, he doesn’t hold grudges very easily unless someone has hurt one of his closest friends.
Bio - relationships with family and friends, school history, past romantic relationships:
He’s never really had very many long standing relationships, mainly because when he was seeking one there was no one there and now that there is, he’s not seeking one. Jack is gay and has known that from when he was fifteen years old. He’d dated a few girls before then but he’d only really done it to impress others, rather than dating them because he had genuine feelings for them.
When he got out of school he had a few short relationships but none of them really lasted longer than a month. Jack had fun with them and it’s not that he didn’t like them, he just didn’t see a future for himself with those guys.
His only brother—Ryan—died at the age of 20 in an Auror accident. Jack misses his brother like hell and would do anything to get him back, but he knows that there’s nothing he can do. Sometimes, you might see Jack staring into space with a vacant yet tearful look in his eye, and you’ll know that he’s thinking about Ryan.
His Dad is Theodore Nott and his Mum is Daphne Greengrass. Daphne divorced Theodore to be with Lee Jordan—an unlikely couple, but one filled with more love than Theodore&Daphne ever were—and so for the majority of his life, Jack has lived in a ‘broken’ family.
He doesn’t really mind, to be honest, as his parents have been separated since he was two years old. He gets along with them both equally and lived with his Dad and brother when he was younger. He also gets along quite well with Lee, and it is Lee who has contributed to Jack’s playful, humourous personality. Jack’s brother, Ryan, never really liked Lee—Jack could always tell it was because Ryan wished their parents were still together—but Jack didn’t really feel hostile feelings towards Lee after he’d known him for a month or two.
Because of Ryan, some of his friendships have been affected, with people finding it awkward talking to him, never knowing what to talk about and worrying that they’ll say something insensitive. Some people—such as Lucy Weasley—downright avoid him as he looks similar to his brother and Jack respects the fact that, for some, being reminded of Ryan hurts too much.
Currently in a relationship with: Jack is currently single and he doesn’t mind that fact at all.
Other pertinent information: He currently lives in a room at the Leaky Cauldron, not seeing the point in buying his own flat until he knows what would be a convenient place to live.
Para sample - at least a paragraph showing us what a sample RP would look like:
Jack looked down at the music sheet he was writing on, seeing crossed out lines and sighing. For some reason, the lyrics just wouldn’t fit right; every time he scribbled something down he ended up violently crossing it out, convinced that it didn’t work.
He put his quill down for a moment, deciding to get some fresh air. Perhaps he’d go and get an ice cream at Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlour. Maybe he’d browse through the bookshops. Whatever it was, he needed to get up and about. He’d write the song later.
Your character’s password - only applicable to canon characters: n/a
General password - this changes occasionally, and is required by all characters, canon or not: Georgia peach
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elodie georgiana beaumont // izzie

Elodie Georgiana Beaumont | Emma Stone | 21 | December 15th
House at hogwarts: Slytherin
Why s/he was in that house: It was definitely not her blood heritage that got her into Slytherin -- she’s a muggle-born. She was almost put in Ravenclaw, but her cunning and ambition got her into Slytherin, as well as her determination to be something.
Current occupation - includes what s/he is training for, if not already in the workforce: She’s a budding artist, making pictures for a living. She commissions her art to both various Wizarding and muggle magazines, books, etc. However, that’s not enough for her to get by without her parents’ help (even if her parents are rich, she refuses to take handouts from them) so she waitresses in a bar on the side.
Personality: She likes snow, coffee, tea, drawing, and playing the violin. Snow was always beautiful to her, drawing is both her way of escape and a career, and she pretty much lives on coffee and tea. It’s what keeps her awake. Playing the violin is also calms her down.
She dislikes overly peppy people, fakes, perverts, and frivolous, girly things. Overly peppy people are just annoying to her, fakes piss her off, especially since she herself has a blunt, tell-it-like-is attitude, she had a run-in with a group of boys at Hogwarts in the past, and she’s not the type to dress up all fancily.
She used to be a fairly nice girl when she was younger, but as she grew older, that nice attitude started to gradually go away, being replaced with a blunt, not-so-nice one. She’s not necessarily mean, she’s just blunt. She’s built a wall around herself so that she doesn’t get hurt again and she doesn’t trust easily. But when she trusts someone, he/she have her complete loyalty. When it comes down to it, she'll always be there for people close to her and won't hesitate to back them up and protect them. She’s very sarcastic, with most of her remarks of that nature. She's opinionated, sharp tongued and not afraid to say what she wants -- she's bold in that respect. She’ll easily tell people off or say what she thinks of them, and her sharp tongue has gotten her in trouble more than a few times.
She was never an upbeat child to begin with, and it’s only gotten worse over the years. She’s kind of a pessimist, but prefers to call herself a realist, and has a cynical attitude towards life. She doesn’t really believe in love or that she’ll find her “special someone” and she’s somewhat fine with that. She has a dry wit. She’s fairly responsible when she wants to be. She’s guarded and secretive.
She’s very independent and stands on her own two feet. She doesn't like to rely on others or get help. If offered help, she’ll begrudgingly relent if she feels she does need it. If not, then she’ll brush the offer away. She’s stubborn and decisive; it’s hard to make her change her mind once she’s decided on something. She doesn’t let people push her around and she does what she wants, not what anyone else does. Unless it’s for work or something, of course. She puts up a tough front and she's becoming pretty good at masking her emotions, but there are times where her shield will slip, revealing the vulnerable girl underneath.
Bio: An only child born to a rich couple living in London, Elodie could have anything she could ever want, materialistically. However, her parents weren't around a lot and when they were, only a fraction of that time was spent with Elodie. And when her mom and dad were together, they argued a lot, and somewhere in the house, there were always slamming doors and yelling and cars leaving. So Elodie learned to keep to herself and not talk at a young age.
Getting her letter to Hogwarts was quite a shock, though she accepted it. Now was her chance to be something interesting -- a witch with spells and magic! Her parents were perfectly fine with it, since it would Elodie out of their hair for a year. Elodie spent most of her holidays at Hogwarts; the environment at home would only be filled with tension.
While blood prejudice was frowned upon with the defeat of Voldemort and all, there was still some lingering in the students, especially with those whose parents still valued blood purity. Once the secret was out that Elodie was a muggle-born in Slytherin, she got mocked and bullied for it, especially by Nora LeBlanc and her friends. She used to just ignore and not say anything back, just accepting the bullying, and she often cried herself to sleep. Her parents didn’t care about her and now she was an outcast at her new school. But at during the middle of her third year, she had enough of it. She snapped back to Hunter Zabini, called him a rather nasty name, and stalked off. The mocking and name-calling continued, but she was always ready to stand up for herself. The bullying still hurt, though.
Elodie wasn’t a total loner, though, she had a group of friends she could rely on, including Marina Davis, a fellow Slytherin, and Nikhil Corner. She found James Potter extremely annoying and I guess I’ll fill out canon relationships when we get there. She was able to focus on her grades since she wasn’t the most social in the Slytherin Common Room and got O’s and E’s. She’s had two boyfriends, one which ended up in a messy break-up and one which attempted to assault her. She stupefied him and ran away. She’s rather jaded in love now because of her two previous relationships and seeing her parents’ relationship.
Currently in a relationship with: No one.
Other pertinent information: Ever since she was 15, she charmed her hair between blonde and red when she felt like it. She still does, up to now, and she’s rather attached to her changing hair color. And her middle name comes from the character in Pride and Prejudice.
Para sample - at least a paragraph showing us what a sample RP would look like: Elodie walked into her apartment after a night with her friends, slipping her coat off and throwing it onto the couch. Marina claimed she needed the socializing, with her cynical attitude. And she had to admit, it was fun, but in her opinion she was perfectly fine being the way she was. She flipped on to the lights and started looking for her sketchbook; she was always leaving it lying around somewhere. Her lips quirked into a small smile when she finally found it on the countertop in her kitchen, her pencil on top of it. She took both items, made a cup of tea, and flopped down on the couch. Tonight, she’d just draw because she wanted to, not because she had any deadlines to make. Maybe that night out did do her some good (but not enough).
Your character’s password - only applicable to canon characters: N/A
General password - this changes occasionally, and is required by all characters, canon or not: georgia peach
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Application for Louis Weasley
Louis William Weasley | Niall Horan | 19 years | 12th July House at hogwarts: Gryffindor
Why s/he was in that house: Most probably because he’s like any other Weasley. He’s brave and noble, and stands up for the people he loves though he may not show it often. Current occupation - includes what s/he is training for, if not already in the workforce: He is just completing his internship in the Magical Law Enforcement Squad in the Ministry of Magic and is still deliberating whether to be employed there or try somewhere else.
Personality – at least three likes and three dislikes, at least three good traits and three bad traits, attitudes towards life, et al.:
Louis likes music and has a passion for listening to it. He likes Quidditch and was a talented Chaser during his time in Hogwarts. But he didn’t want to pursue it as a career. He also likes to relax and spend time with his friends.
He hates liars and is an honest person himself. He’s scared of love and dislikes the idea of it. He couldn’t even imagine spending his whole life with one girl until he discovered his feelings for Lucy. He dislikes people who compare him to his parents or his aunts/uncles or his cousins, but he loves his family anyway.
Louis is smart and quick-witted. He knows how to react during situations and can keep his calm even in bad times. He is considered to be brave and bold because of his knack of standing up for what he believes in. He would do anything to prove that he is correct in an argument.
He is too confident in his abilities and talents, and that has been a disadvantage for him his whole life. Many people would even call him arrogant.
Because of his belief in honesty – though at times very admiring – he tends to be insensitive. But he genuinely has a good heart. He could be pessimistic in his attitude towards life, but actually he is just realistic. He sees things the way they are, good or bad. He doesn’t understand why people would lie to save someone from getting hurt. He truly believes that ‘truth hurts’. Otherwise, he loves pranks and jokes, and has even pulled a few tricks with his cousin during Hogwarts.
Bio - relationships with family and friends, school history, past romantic relationships:
As said before, he loves his family. He adores and is adored by his mother though he’d never admit it. He shares a good and understanding relationship with his father, but he sometimes thinks that he expects too much from him. He loves both his sisters, but is closer with Dominique. He gets along pretty well with all his cousins especially Roxanne, James, Fred, Albus and Molly. He respects and admires his aunts and uncles and also his grandparents but used to hold a grudge against them when he was younger for the legacy they left him.
He is very friendly and outgoing, and was quite popular during his time in Hogwarts. He never takes his relationships seriously and is usually the one to break them off. He’s never been short of friends or girlfriends though.
As he grows older, he finds that he feels much more than just cousinly love for Lucy. He starts to realize that he loves her, but he’s scared to admit it. Nobody knows it, and he hides it very well. That’s why he never cares about any of his girlfriends because he knows that he feels for someone else.
Currently in a relationship with: N/A
Other pertinent information: He’s secretly in love with his bitch of a cousin, Lucy. ;)
Para sample - at least a paragraph showing us what a sample RP would look like:
Louis got up from his table and glanced around the room. He saw the newest employee, a pretty girl with lush, brown hair who was technically one of his bosses now, staring at him. He smirked and sent her a wink.
She giggled and looked down, pretending to be busy with her work.
He shook his head involuntarily. It surprised him sometimes how easy it was to get girls nowadays.
He packed up his things and rode down the elevator of the Ministry of Magic, but not before seeing the seductive smirk aimed at him from his newest boss.
He left the Ministry through the fireplace and appeared on the streets of London, being fully aware that someone was coming after him.
He paused, and turned around to see the girl with brown hair trying to catch up with him. He gave her an amused glance, as she came up to him panting slightly and said, “Hey. Louis, isn’t it?”
He extended his hand, and gave her a melting smile. “Yeah. Louis Weasley. Nice to meet you, Ms – ?”
“I’m Maria Flin,” she returned his smile and shook his hand, “It’s great to finally meet the famous Louis Weasley.”
“It’s my pleasure.”
“It’s been a long day at work,” she said pointedly.
“Yeah. How would you like to go and grab a drink?”
“I’d love that,” she said, flashing another seductive smile and Louis knew he was going to get lucky that night.
He grinned, but his thoughts wandered to another girl with blonde hair and beautiful eyes, who would never be as easy to get.
Your character’s password - only applicable to canon characters: boy of the family
General password - this changes occasionally, and is required by all characters, canon or not: georgia peach
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