
Good advice from Franc during his Saturday session about the other elements of the project. Started taping my catalog together!
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Cut all my pages and mitered the corners!
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Fun with folding! Lots of help from Barbara with the bone folder to score each sheet of the catalog in the center and on the flap.
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My scaled down trial catalog is about a quarter the size of the real thing! This way, I can see how the colors look on the nice matte paper (printed on printers 8 and 10), and I can see the overall flow.
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Fun times making a scaled-down catalog on the bedroom floor while watching the snowfall!
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(Some of the text isn’t finished being edited, so ignore that). Looking at how my usage of these fragmented strokes of boxes create movement and emphasis on the pages. Still not completely satisfied with the one on the History page...will keep playing around with them!
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I like how these bottle images look together, but I’m not sure how I feel about the placement of the color block. This is after I adjusted it to be a little shorter than the bottles so the spread wouldn’t be too horizontally symmetrical. I think the block does add movement and emphasis, but I don’t want its placement to look arbitrary.
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Here’s a page of some of my favorite ads. I don’t want to distract from the images by adding my color blocks/lines, but we’ll see how it looks next to the others printed.
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The beginnings of my catalog from last week. Now I have 36 pages! I’m striving for a dynamic design both across each spread and throughout the book. I’ll print thumbnails soon to see how the flow is looking.
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I’ve been testing different color schemes but am settling on the very pale yellow at the top along with the small squares at the bottom (for now)
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Design Thoughts:
Since I want the viewers to focus on the design of the water bottles, my graphic element will be rectangles that won’t take away from the images.
I’m trying out muted blue color schemes, but those can change along the way.
I have an idea for laser cutting a simple shape in the cover to make a conceptual reveal of colors with an added playfulness with letters
I’m using Futura PT for the text type and Futura PT Condensed for the display
The design is minimalistic, bold, and dynamic, both within each spread and throughout the catalog
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While writing my essay for the catalog, I am trying to keep the tone conversational, since this information can get very complicated and dense, and my target audience is the general public of young adults.
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