lifegoodfood · 5 years
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lifegoodfood · 5 years
Identify the cause of stress and take care of yourself.
Identify symptoms Burnout has become a serious problem of our time. Millions of people think with horror about Sunday evening, and feel sick on the way to work on Monday morning. And when they imagine how long they have to endure until Friday, they get worse. All this is characteristic of burnout - a state of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion.
You have no strength whatsoever, a feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, irritation is growing. And in the end, it begins to seem that there are no more internal resources at all. Naturally, there can be no question of any productivity in this state.
If you have a mentally or emotionally intense work and you do not consciously approach your decisions and habits, burnout is almost guaranteed.
According to the definition of the International Classification of Diseases: the “occupational syndrome” of WHO’s emotional burnout, “burnout is a syndrome recognized as a result of chronic stress in the workplace that has not been successfully overcome.” It extends to other aspects of life and manifests itself as follows:
You feel exhausted, you have no strength whatsoever. You may experience trouble sleeping, as well as flu-like symptoms. It’s hard for you to concentrate. It seems that the brain shuts off and plunges into fog, which can last up to several hours. You are annoyed and unhappy. And too often criticize yourself. You get tired of too bright light and lots of noise. Supermarkets and similar places begin to put pressure on you. You are no longer happy with what you used to love. And there is nothing you can do about it. Find out more 😔 What is burnout at work and how to deal with it Determine the reason Psychologists distinguish between Coping with Stress and Types of Burnout: Explanatory Power of Different Coping Strategies three subtypes of burnout: caused by overload, lack of development and indifference. Each of them needs its own approach.
Overload. This subtype is common among those who fanatically work to the end, despite being tired. Most often, these people try to cope with burnout by letting out steam and complaining about bosses or the organization of work. However, this does not help, but only increases stress. Lack of development. It occurs in people who do not have the opportunity to reveal their potential at work. To cope with stress, they distance themselves from work, and this causes despondency and cynical attitude to tasks. Indifference. This burnout subtype occurs when a person gives up in response to constant stress or lack of reward. He feels that he is not in control of the situation, and begins to feel indifference. As a result, he lacks the motivation to overcome obstacles on the way to the goal, even if he wants to achieve it. Any burnout is like a leaking pipe from which it drips for months or even years. However, at some point, it will burst and water will flood everything around. Therefore, it is important to notice the symptoms in time and choose the right "treatment".
Take note 👇 30 tips to help recover from burnout Protect yourself from stress If at work you feel overwhelmed, put self-care first. Remember that the brain needs to rest in order to effectively do what you require of it.
Restore physical and emotional strength. To do this, establish a dream, eat well, move more and communicate with people. Try to meditate and keep notes in the diary, be more outdoors. Just remember that rest and relaxation alleviate the condition, but do not eliminate the problem. If you have a huge amount of work every day, they will not save. Try to reduce the number of responsibilities. Talk about overwork with superiors. Automate or delegate part of tasks. Track what exactly you are wasting time on, after which you are left completely exhausted. Then think about how to do less such tasks or communicate with people who cause stress and a bad mood. Change your approach. Stop convincing yourself that you can do everything if you linger or make more efforts. Once you feel too tired, switch to something else to recharge. If burnout is caused by your lack of development opportunities, find something to help you unfold.
Talk to your supervisor. Perhaps you need creative tasks, more responsibility, or a position in another department. If your job has no such chances, find some kind of hobby. And start doing it in your free time. Think about what you would like. Maybe play a musical instrument, draw, write or engage in some unusual sport. Let it be that which fills you with joy, and your life with meaning. Do not neglect your hobbies. When you find something that energizes, make it a constant part of life. If burnout is caused by cooling to work, this is especially important.
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lifegoodfood · 5 years
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lifegoodfood · 5 years
10 reasons to take a cat from a shelter
So, you decided to get a cat at home. You wanted the usual way of life to change towards a little chaos. So that fur mice and bows on the ropes settled in the house, and the degree of love in the atmosphere immediately jumped to several dozen divisions.
This begs the question - where do cats get it? Can be bought at the Bird Market or from breeders. You can ask friends: kittens are often given in good hands. There is another great solution - take purr from a cat's shelter.
The reasons why it is worth doing this can be divided into moral and practical.
1. You save a life The expression "+1 in karma" here fits perfectly. Almost all cats in the shelter need a second chance. They were abandoned or lost, starved and frozen, mistreated, they simply wanted to put some to sleep (for example, when the owners moved to another country). You can help at least one cat by giving him a new life in a loving family.
2. You set a great example of charity The problem of a homeless beast is very acute in society, especially in the city. Statistics say that around the world annually about 6 million animals fall into temporary custody. Taking a mustachioed pet from the shelter and telling about your positive experience (including through social networks), you encourage other people to do the same. So, to reduce this colossal figure.
3. You will receive a grateful and devoted friend Animal behavior experts confirm that cats in the shelter suffer from their no man's life, especially if they have previously had experience living with people.
Like children in orphanages, ponytails patiently wait for them to be taken home. And if this happens - there are no borders of gratitude, devotion to your person refutes the conventional wisdom about feline arrogance and coldness. This is indicated by everyone who “adopted” such pets.
4. You can choose a cat of the desired age and color Each shelter contains cats of different ages. Therefore, if you need a baby to see how it will grow and change, play with it and try to educate at its discretion, there is someone to choose from. You can take a teenager, whose character is already a little settled. Or a completely adult animal, if the cat is needed as a companion.
The same goes for looks. Tricolor girls that bring happiness, striped “sprats”, black and white “monochromes”, mushrooms or smoky - there are any colors and combinations to your taste.
5. You will choose an animal that suits your personality The shelter staff knows everything about their pets. Depending on your wishes, you will be advised a kitten playful or restrained, sociable or independent. Without hiding, they will talk about all the features of the character of the future family member, addictions and habits (including harmful ones, so that later there are no surprises).
6. Cats from shelters raised These beauties and beauties are accustomed to walking in a tray, they know a place for sharpening claws, they scratch walls, coatings and surfaces much less often and do not so impudently require food as spoiled home ones. In general, the "shelter" shkodnichat much less, do not encroach on the whole space and know how to be delicate.
7. Former orphans get along better with other animals and are easier to socialize. Due to the forced compact living, such cats develop skills of coping skills “in a team” and with people more quickly. They are most often friendly and non-aggressive. But if so, you will be informed about this. As well as about how this or that pet is resistant to stress. This is all especially important if there are children or other animals in the house.
8. Often purebred cats Strange as it may seem, they are no less than simple when they are abandoned when the owners leave or if someone from the house is allergic to wool.
So in the shelter it’s absolutely realistic to take a purebred cat, which you would spend a small fortune on if you decided to buy it from the breeders.
9. You save on veterinary examination and vaccinations One of the most significant advantages. All pets in shelters are examined by veterinarians and are usually vaccinated. They do all the tests, so if you have a veterinary diagnosis, you will be informed about this. Such information is extremely significant, because there are, for example, viral diseases in which a cat can only be the only one in the house.
10. Adult animals are sterilized Another huge plus. You no longer have to worry about the reproductive status of your pet, because it was done for you. Thus removing the heavy load from future owners. What is the experience associated with surgical operations and postoperative care, no one needs to explain.
Volunteers say: the best thing that can happen to a cat in a shelter is a meeting with her man. Unfortunately, the idea of ​​taking such animals is not yet popular in our society. But perhaps the listed 10 reasons will prompt someone to take this step. And the world will become richer by at least one happy “tail”
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lifegoodfood · 5 years
One of the popular near-medical misconceptions is: food allergy is the prerogative of mostly infants. They are most often covered with a rash from citrus fruits, itchy from chocolate and they vomit from broccoli. With age, allergy symptoms often alleviate, and allergy sufferers seem to get smaller. But it only seems.
According to Food allergy statistics, there are about the same number of allergies among adults as among babies.
The truth is that food allergies can develop at any age. Including those that you have eaten for years without any problems and may even have considered your favorite dishes.
Why this happens, science does not yet know. Just the immune system at some point goes crazy and begins to attack the food eaten, considering it deadly. Nothing, they’ve already eaten them. But the owner of such an organism is obviously unwell.
The insidiousness of food allergy is that it is unpredictable: it occurs at any time and manifests itself in different ways. With equal success, it can affect the skin, mucous membranes, digestive tract, respiratory system and even the heart - depending on where exactly the immune system decided to isolate more antibodies and histamines.
Uncertainties are added by the fact that the first allergic reaction to the product may differ from the second, and the second from the third. The body is trying different ways to deal with the product, the “toxin,” and this is confusing.
Sometimes an allergy is obvious. They ate peanuts and fell into a choking cough, for example. Here both the product and the reaction to it are obvious. But often food allergies can be suspected for much less obvious symptoms.
6 unusual signs of a food allergy Pay attention to the following symptoms. If you can connect them with the use of any products, perhaps it is about the food allergy that is manifested in you.
1. Your skin sometimes itches Itching can have dozens of causes - from inappropriate, skin-irritating clothes to diabetes or liver disease. But itchy spots, which sometimes appear on the arms, legs, joints, or around the lips, can also be a sign of an immune reaction to certain foods.
2. From time to time, you notice weakness and a slow heartbeat. Food Allergens can Food Allergy Intolerances cause a decrease in blood pressure. This can be seen by indirect signs: mild weakness and a slowed heartbeat. Observe similar symptoms after another treat - think about their origin.
3. Immediately after eating, itching in your mouth or a mild, dry cough Food allergies also sometimes cause itching in the mouth or sore throat. Often this reaction is provoked by vegetables and fruits, which contain proteins similar to pollen.
In most cases, such an allergic cough disappears a few minutes after using the allergen product. Therefore, people do not pay attention to him, considering it an accident.
4. Something is stopping you from swallowing. Chest tightness, difficulty swallowing may be manifestations of the eosinophilic esophagitis Eosinophilic Esophagitis. This is the name of the condition in which the immune system sends a large number of white blood cells (eosinophils) to the esophagus in response to its perceived danger. This causes an inflammatory reaction and swelling, and it becomes harder for food pieces to go from mouth to stomach.
5. Sometimes after a meal you urgently need to use the toilet In this case, it is not necessary to talk about allergies. This can be caused by poisoning or intolerance to any food, such as lactose. But if toilet shoots immediately after breakfast, lunch or dinner become regular, it makes sense to seriously think about the reasons for such a reaction.
6. You itch during training Physical activity allergy is one of the strangest, but also common types of food allergies. She looks like this.
The immune system, even after detecting an allergen product in the stomach, remains calm. But exactly until you go to the gym. As soon as the body temperature rises, an allergic reaction begins: itching, coughing, watery eyes, dizziness and so on.
If these symptoms appear during training, remember what exactly you ate shortly before them. And keep the discovered products in mind. At the very least, try not to consume them before going to the gym.
What to do if you suspect a food allergy First of all, do not dismiss suspicions. Once again, food allergy is an unpredictable thing. And if in the last three times it manifested itself, let us suppose, as just a mild cough, then in the fourth it may well give you anaphylactic shock.
If possible, exclude from the diet those foods that seem dangerous to you. If this relieves you of unusual symptoms, most likely you have discovered your personal allergens. Go to the therapist or go to the allergist right away.
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lifegoodfood · 5 years
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