Small Town Girl?
99 posts
Just a college student from a small town in New Hampshire
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life-of-lizbet · 7 years ago
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life-of-lizbet · 7 years ago
High Tide 2018
Some highlights: Donuts (Krispy Kreme and panic donuts) Firsties (they’re the best) Fun points Team bonding Grass Frisbee culture Space buns
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life-of-lizbet · 7 years ago
back to square one
Update- the oven is still broken. My mom ordered a part off amazon, hoping that would solve our problem. After it arrived a few days early (she claimed it wasn’t supposed to arrive until 11/24-29), she installed it after she got out of work. Well, that didn’t work. At least we have a turkey roaster? Aye caramba. So tomorrow morning we will cook cinnamon rolls in the roaster, then cook the turkey in said roaster. We also still have to make mashed taters and god knows what else. Apparently my grandmother wants sweet potatoes? So hopefully things go as planned tomorrow and hopefully 🤞🏼 we will be eating our Thanksgiving meal next door at my grandparents by no later than 12:30pm. (My grandfather is one of those that eats breakfast at 6:30/7am, lunch at noon, and dinner at 5pm- although I think he calls dinner “supper.”) A few years ago we had thanksgiving at my grandparents house and we didn’t end up eating until well after 1pm, and my poor grandfather was neither pleased nor impressed, and quite hungry. So we’re aiming for a noontime Thanksgiving dinner. In other news, I am nearly all caught up on This Is Us and I have all the feels right now. Too many feels. I just have last nights episode, and then I’m all caught up. 😳
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life-of-lizbet · 7 years ago
no drama to be found...
Minus the cat. Boston slapped me today, rather aggressively. Oh well. But other than the cat slapping me, today was rather uneventful and oddly drama-free. Hm. Strange. I mean minus the oven being broken. My mom ordered the part to fix it, but in the meantime she bought a giant roaster* that will cook anything up to the size of a large turkey. So I guess that’s a win in the short term? Today my mom cooked an egg custard pie in the roaster and it came out well. Go figure. Tomorrow we will attempt rolls and a pie- we’ll determine which pie to cook tomorrow morning. *Apologies if roaster autocorrects to toaster- they are not the same and I’m probably referring to a roaster 😂
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life-of-lizbet · 7 years ago
jingle bells in October???
You heard me right- jingle bells in October? What the hell??? This all started back on Friday morning. My mom and I were up at 6am to get to the fair. Around 645 we were getting breakfast, and my brother had just left for school. A white pickup truck goes by the house, heading into town honking to the tune of jingle bells... ya know, "jingle bells, jungle bells, jungle all the way..." but a speedier version. My mom and I were just confused as hell. The next day, I'm in the kitchen and around 730 in the morning the same thing happens again. And I'm thinking who the hell is honking jungle bells at our house?! Once, a fluke. Or maybe they were just being funny. Twice? The hell is wrong with people? And just a few minutes ago, a couple of minutes before 11pm, as I'm laying in bed, I hear (presumably the same) pickup truck honking past our house AGAIN! I just don't get it!! Who the hell is it?? Now y'all have to understand, I live on a busy road where the speed limit is 55mph and everyone that passes my house knows I live there. (That's what you get for taking the school bus all throughout elementary, middle, and high school, I guess.) So the question remains... who the hell drives a white pickup truck past our house at all hours of the day honking jingle bells??? ***Fun fact- as I was writing that last bit, the truck just went by AGAIN, yet AGAIN! honking to the tune of jingle bells! I could tell that time they were heading out of town. So in the timespan of less than 10 minutes they passed my house heading into town, and then heading out of town. WHO DONE IT????*** To be continued....
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life-of-lizbet · 7 years ago
we got lost
Truth be told, that wasn't our plan today. My mom and I went to the Hannaford in Ossipee instead of going into town. (We didn't want to deal with people we knew. Also one of my moms coworkers messaged her saying that the debit system was down- complete and utter disaster.) So we ventured over there instead. We went to Job Lot first, and didn't find what we were looking for, so we went to Hannaford to get a few things we needed. We got crescent rolls for an apple recipe I made (wicked good, but sooo much sugar and butter!), milk, butter, and some other assorted crap. My mom decided to take a right out of the parking lot instead of a left, to avoid having to drive through the intersection. (You avoid it on holiday weekends/during the summer because everyone was heading up north today to view the fall foliage.) About a mile down Rt. 16 we turned right onto 153, which would eventually take us to 28. I asked my mom where one of our coworkers lived, and she said "past the old courthouse," so naturally we took a detour to find out where she actually lives. My mom then took a sharp left at the 3-way intersection towards Tiffany's house. Less than a half mile down the road, we passed the house of one of my classmates from high school. We kept driving and driving, and my mom had mentioned that she thought that Tiffany's house number was in the 200's or 300's. Eventually we come up to those house numbers, but we don't see what we're looking for. "I'm looking for Gretchen's license plate!" my mom said (that's Tiffany's mom). Little did I realize that she actually meant that she was looking for Gretchen's vanity license plate that said "GRETCHEN." 🤦🏻‍♀️ We passed a house with people putting up a sign that said "SPOOKY" something or other- I think house? It might have been hayride. Anyways, we were in the middle of nowhere Ossipee, and my mom assumed that we would end up in another town- I thought maybe Wakefield, but she said Wolfeboro. I was like how is that even possible? We keep driving, and pass a barn that had a sign on the side saying "THE BARN," a road that looked like a development "with no outlet," according to my mom, and a farm with a wicked view of the mountains in the distance. We keep driving and driving, and we must have driven 5 miles by this point, maybe more. Eventually we see train tracks, and the train tracks cross the road. My mom said "oh that's pretty," and she stopped, on the train tracks, so we could take a couple of pictures of the fall foliage and the train tracks. (No one was behind us- in fact we saw no one else on the road the whole time we drove down that road, and there was no train in sight.) Just after the train tracks, the road veered to the left, and it dumped us onto a busy road. (Right before we turned onto the busy road my mom noticed that someone had dumped a mattress onto the side of the road. Can't tell ya why it was there.) I assumed it had dumped us further down 16. My mom had no CLUE where we were. (We had poor cell service and didn't bring our GPS for our grocery store adventure.) So my mom turned left, and started driving along. And on and on we went. We passed a place called "OSSIPEE AGGREGATES," and my mom said "I've only ever heard of these places," because she'd never actually seen them. (She also had no clue that No View Farm was down that road we took our detour.) So we're going and going and I have no idea where we are, she had no idea where we are, and we're just cruising along at 55mph. Eventually we see a building that says "BARON'S MAJOR APPLIANCES," and I IMMEDIATELY know where we are- we're on 16. The thing is, we never drive this stretch of 16. If we're driving home on 16N we always shot off onto 109, and if we're driving on 16S we always turn onto 28. The only reason we'd drive between 109 and 28 on 16 is if we needed to go somewhere between there, like Baron's. So we cruise another mile or so, turn onto 153 (again), and actually make the correct turn at the 3-way intersection to go home. I told Tiffany this later, after I had sent her the snapchats of our lost adventure. She said that she lived just after the house with the Spooky-whatever. Figures. tl;dr- Detour because we wanted to see where our coworker Tiffany lives. Got lost. Basically drove in a giant loop around part of Ossipee before figuring out where the road dumped us out. Saw a mattress on the side of the road and stopped on the railroad tracks to take a photo of the train crossing signal and then fall foliage.
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life-of-lizbet · 7 years ago
water tower??
Frisbee team bonding was wonderful- so many of the new players showed up and it was grand. We went to the water tower party- I'd never been, so I thought why not? Well we got there a bit early, and I decided to peace out after maybe 30 minutes. Anticlimactic, but as I was walking down the Delles hill, many people were heading to the party. Figures. I also danced on a table for the first time. Whata time.
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life-of-lizbet · 7 years ago
what's worse????
So let's play a game- let's call it "Lizbet had a long day and by 230pm she couldn't focus to amount to beans." Okay, maybe it's a long name, but it's essentially how my day went, and then some. I went to my professors office hours for a few minutes, had class from 11-1215pm, then I had lunch with a couple of friends. Soon after I had an appointment, then I had class from 240-355pm. My brain was pretty much fried by the time my second class began. Then I had choir rehearsal from 415-545pm. Normally, I'd go back to my room to change and grab my clothes for practice, but I was working the field hockey game from 630-830-ish. So I grabbed dinner and biked to the athletic fields, and recorded/broadcasted the first half of the field hockey game. Now it's about 745pm, give or take. I made my way inside the press box and chatted with my boss for awhile. As the second half of the game got underway, the ultimate frisbee team began practicing, probably around 8pm, which was after the soccer game wrapped up. Let's be real here- I was neither excited nor thrilled about having practice from 8-10pm, especially after the non-stop day of had up until that point. So I got talking to my boss, and when she saw the team practicing and warming up, she said "So you guys are practicing tonight?" And I responded something along the lines of "well they are but, ughhh, I just really don't want to. Well, it's not that I want to, but it's been a long day and my brain is fried." She then replied with "well, you could take the camera equipment back to my office after we're done up here, and then 'get lost' on your way back," alluding to the fact that I could walk past the frisbee team, drop off the camera equipment in the gym, and essentially be free to walk back to my room. And my GOD, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't had that run through my mind. Oops. I simply had to take her up on that. So the game wrapped up soon after 830pm, and by 840pm the other student worker and I were walking back to the gym- she had the tripod, I had the camera bag. (I'd also like to point out that I was on my bike, so I wasn't super discreet, especially when one of my friends said "aren't you going to practice now?" rather loud-ish as I biked, more quickly now, down the hill towards the gym. I was like "shhhhh," and she got the point. Close call. Then I dropped off the camera bag and boarded my bike and took off towards the apartment. I was free and clear until I passed (and made eye contact with- oops) one of my teammates who was walking to practice. She was late, for whatever reason, and we crossed paths. Thank god I was trying to quickly scurry away on my bike but still, OOPS. Oh well. So, given my very biased story about my day- what's worse? A) Skipping practice that was originally supposed to be 630-830, but instead was 8-10 because of the soccer game? (I would have missed practice to begin with if it hadn't been pushed back to that ridiculous time slot.) Or B) My boss enabling me to skip practice, by suggesting that I take the camera bag back to her office, passing the frisbee team along the way, and essentially "getting lost?" (To be fair, I was honestly thinking about taking the camera equipment back to her office and skipping practice anyways. Oops.) In the end, I promise I'm not a terrible human. (I must note that yes, I am actually the president of the frisbee team. Not the captain, but I'm still in charge of some aspects of the team. I'm sure I'll hate myself for this another time, but I needed a couple of hours back at the apartment to recharge my brain after this day.
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life-of-lizbet · 7 years ago
A fitting end to summer- A Beatles Tribute Band (Studio Two) played tonight in Cate Park. The place was PACKED! People danced, people sang, and of course some people screamed. It was a beautiful way to end a shortened summer in Wolfeboro, especially with some Maine blueberry ice cream 🍦
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life-of-lizbet · 7 years ago
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Question- This was left at work for me. My mom sent me this photo when she got to work today. So, who the heck left this???
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life-of-lizbet · 7 years ago
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Seriously, though- could this town possibly be any more beautiful in late August? Probably not. Tonight I was in the kitchen and I stopped for a moment- I heard Canadian geese flying overhead, traveling south for the summer. 1- Cate Park Band bandstand in a late August sunset, all geared up and ready to go for the last Wednesday concert of the summer. People were wearing shorts, others parkas. Welcome to late August, folks. 2- The path between Fernald Crossing and the Bridge Falls Path. Gorgeous late summer afternoon with a health breeze called for a bike ride into town and back. People galore on the path, on bikes and walking with their dogs. 3- The colors tonight were phenomenal. The sky glowed bright orange, and that was sandwiched between the pale orangey-yellow glow and grayish purple clouds that seemed to touch the mountains in the distance. At Kingswood Golf Course, where I spent the better half of my time during middle school and high school, and every summer in between.
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life-of-lizbet · 7 years ago
a quick recap
Saturday- I worked 1-9 pm. Rather uneventful, but still busy nonetheless. Nothing too important to blog about regarding work. I went to the car in the morning to grab the tomatoes and cucumber from the car- we had stopped off the side of the road at someone's little veggie stand. I wanted some tomato with my breakfast, so I went out to the car and to my surprise, there was a skunk in our trap. We've been trying like hell to catch a porcupine or woodchuck because they've been eating our garden. Good grief. So my mom opens the trap, and eventually the little buggar walks out and skurries away, leaving no smelly trace behind, thank god. Sunday- I worked 6-1 pm and came home to see two deer frolicking in our back field. It was wicked cute.
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life-of-lizbet · 7 years ago
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Two days ago we caught a cat in the trap- today, we caught a skunk. We've been TRYING to catch a porcupine and a woodchuck, because they've been eating the vegetables from our garden. You can see how well that's going.
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life-of-lizbet · 7 years ago
the adventures (?) of a 12 hour work day + some quotes
Yikes. 6 am to 6 pm. It's a shift I dread, and it's a shift I haven't had all summer. Until today. First off I couldn't fall asleep last night. I thought that the cars driving by our house kept hitting the rumble strips on the yellow lines. Lo and behold, it was the wicked line of thunder storms rolling through. I finally fell asleep sometime after 11 pm, just shy of 6 hours of sleep by the time my alarm blasted me awake at 5 am for work. For the first third of my shift (6 am to 10 am), I unloaded some pallets and then put up the yogurt, sour cream, and cottage cheese. (My dad doesn't trust anyone else to rotate the products.) I then put up some cereal, rice, and other crap, then helped my dad by filling the eggs. Then 10 am rolled around. One of the cashiers left at 10 am, and two others came in. So in theory, I was supposed to ring on register from 10 am to 2 pm. But, that didn't happen. I was left to float around and wander aimlessly as I waited for the manager in the office to shut down the drawer and set up my drawer. By the time 11 am rolled around, I finally got a drawer. Are people lazy or are they just stupid? Idk. Finally got my lunch from 1-130 pm. Because my lunch was later than many others, there was only one other employee (from the deli) on lunch as well. It was a quiet break which was much needed. Oh yeah, and the 2-8 pm cashier called out sick, and the morning office manager said "and we're not going to replace her." I thought fine, well be that way then. Ugh. That's what I thought when I was told she had called out sick. Turns out, it was actually a good thing that she called out sick- for once, I could hear myself think! She just keeps on talking and her voice is monotone, but mildly piercing? It's just awful. And she doesn't know when to stop talking. Yikes. Thankfully I didn't have to deal with her today at work. Then from approximately 3 pm until 6 pm I was ringing on the express register and bagging. It was relatively quiet at work, meaning that few people are vacationing this week. This most likely means that students have already gone back to school, or families have already taken their vacations. Believe me when I say that they'll all be up this weekend, though. Wish me luck. Quotes from Cate Park Band this evening- "Schortzando, like smoot-zy. I'm not sure if it's a word, but you all know what I mean." -Scott, during a song where he didn't really know what to say "Now stay there!" -Scott, the conductor, yelling at his baton that fell on the ground as he was about to begin conducting that piece "OH YEAH!" -Some lady in the audience who was excited to hear us play In The Mood by Glenn Miller (truth be told, it is one of my favorite Cate Park Band pieces, and I might be biased because of the saxophone feature in it) "I'm glad you did that for us" -Scott, sarcastically, towards one of the trumpet players who led us, rather bluntly, through the roadmap of Colonel Bogey And finally, the best for last (I'm ashamed that I almost forgot that Scott said this!) "It's a slow march, because it's British, and the British like to drink tea while marching" -Scott towards the drummer, who was drumming a bit to fast for the song Colonel Bogey (the quote may have been butchered by me- hey, you try and remember something someone said after you had already worked 12 hours. YIKES!)
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life-of-lizbet · 7 years ago
"Did you go on a hike today?" (Wondering why the cashier at Hannaford would say that, I remember that I'm wearing my Camelback bag.) "No, it was too warm for that today."
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life-of-lizbet · 7 years ago
Blame it on... the eclipse??
They say that the full moon brings out the crazy in people. Or is it that it brings out the crazy people? Who knows. All I know is, the eclipse has brought out the crazy in people today. It was probably the hype surrounding the eclipse that has made people crazy. Who the hell knows. One guy who came through my line today decided to pay for his groceries with his card, even though his total was only about $6 and change. He said he would "save the cash in case of an emergency... like ice cream!" Alrighty, bud. Another dude jokingly said that he needed a few things "in case I get stranded because of the eclipse." It's not a blizzard, dude. Your chances of getting stranded are minimal at best. One of our baggers called out today. I can get away with blaming that one on the eclipse because he calls out frequently, and for foolish reasons. Honestly I think he just didn't want to work so he called out. But I think it sounds better to blame it on the eclipse. LOL
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life-of-lizbet · 7 years ago
I'm just so done. Done with working with people who don't care and don't even do the basics. (Hello, can any one of you three who are just standing there talking come help me? Ugh.) Done with rude customers. (Hey, don't talk to me in a rude tone because some of my coworkers suck. I don't need to hear it from you as well.) Done with the lottery. (For the love of god PLEASE someone, ANYONE, win the Powerball on Wednesday night. I don't care for my coworkers being stupid about the lottery pool or customers putting a $50 bill into the machine when they only want $8 worth of tickets, and expect $42 in change when the machine doesn't give change!) Yikes. It's been a long (or has it been short?) 4-ish weeks back at work. Thankfully, I haven't had any 12 hour work days- oh wait, that's Wednesday when I have to work 6 am until 6 pm. Then I have my second to last concert in the park from 8-9, with the rehearsal at 7. God help me.
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